God of Destruction

Chapter 4048: Festival decision

The Fourth Thousand and Forty-Eighth Chapter Decision

When Xingtian’s clone King of Ending got away, his face quickly turned pale. Although his plan was successful, the price he paid was a bit high. The attack of the Spear of Ending caused Xingtian’s origin to consume a huge amount. With one blow, Xing Tian felt that his avenue was trembling a little. After all, the time for him to condense and end the avenue was too short, and he did not consolidate the foundation. In this crazy battle, he broke out that fatal blow with all his strength, which had a great impact on him.

"I still underestimated the power of the will of heaven and earth, and underestimated the terrible Daojie, even if the deity has led most of the power away, but Daojie still has a terrifying lethality, and the backlash of the heavens and the earth still hurts under one blow. Origin!" When it comes to this, Xingtian’s clone of End King can’t help sighing lightly. The enemy is more terrifying than he thought. This time he can escape smoothly. This is the function of chance and luck. Without luck, I was afraid that I would really have to fall under the will of heaven and earth, and I would really die. This time the crisis once again made Xing Tian vigilant.

The Clone’s injury is still minor. For the deity, Xing Tian’s troubles can be great. After getting out of trouble, when he found a safe place, Xing Tian looked at himself and was shocked. Now his body is already full of holes. , If it hadn't been for his own gods and demons who had gone through tempering again and again before, I'm afraid it had collapsed, and now it was on the verge of collapse.

Although I was reunited with the origin of the avenue at the critical moment at the last juncture, the origin of the avenue has huge damage, and this time the damage is hidden deeply. If you don’t look at yourself carefully, you won’t know the reunion. How dangerous the origin of the Dao is, I don’t know how terrible the hidden dangers of my condensed Dao are. If you continue to practice in this way, the deity will really have to completely embark on a dead end, a path of no return, and never reach the peak again.

"What a will of heaven and earth, even if I was caught off guard in the end, it still left me with such a terrible hidden danger. It seems that the origin of my reunion avenue can't be kept, and I must reconsolidate the avenue. Otherwise, this avenue of time and space is my dead end, this avenue will never reach the end, and will not reach the peak."

Why Xing Tian has such emotion, because in the time and space avenue condensed by Xing Tian, ​​a terrible origin of the great calamity of heaven and earth was secretly left behind by the will of heaven and earth, and the power of this origin is hidden in the aura of Taoism, hidden in the world In the power, it is impossible to clear it. If your own time-space avenue does not grow, this hidden danger is not a big threat, but as your practice strengthens, you will step on a dead end step by step, once again blocking the will of heaven and earth. disaster!

"Is the Great Dao of Defiance really so dangerous? Every step has to face such terrible tests. It was like this before, and this time the deity is the same. The origin of the Great Dao of Time and Space is also damaged. Under such circumstances, I will again What avenue origin should be gathered, how can we quickly get rid of the entanglement of this world, and get out of this world!"

Since experiencing this catastrophe, Xing Tian's sense of urgency has become heavier. It seems that there is a voice in his soul urging him to leave this world quickly, as if this world will have more A terrible crisis emerged. If this world can maintain normal contact with the Supreme Chaos World, Xing Tian can still collude with the Zongmen to understand the situation and ask for countermeasures, but now Xing Tian can only make his own choices and face all this by himself.

"Spiritual warning, this is not a trivial matter. It seems that this world really has a big problem. Perhaps this problem will affect the whole world. Although the chance is good, it is not worth the chance compared with my own life. It is mentioned that although it did not condense the Chaos Avenue and did not achieve what we wanted, and the Time and Space Avenue had a big hidden danger and had to give up, but fortunately, the King of the End of the clone has a big killer, which is a great fortune in misfortune. If you want to be fast To break away from this world, the previous arrangements must also be abandoned, and new arrangements must be made. However, my inner world has completely collapsed, and the new chaotic world cannot contain living creatures at all, so the road I want to condense must be able to contain it. The world avenue of life."

The world avenue, the complete world avenue, Xingtian doesn’t have to think about it, because there is no time, and there is no huge resources. You must know that the tree of the world has been combined with its two source treasures, condensing the chaotic Qinglian, the new chaotic apex spirit. Root, this chaotic green lotus is not only the spiritual root, but also the body of the avatar, and it is the treasure of origin. It can be said that the chaotic blue lotus is one of the three.

"It seems that only the avenue of stars can be repaired, and with the help of the power of the stars to quickly restore strength, you can also quickly get out of the crisis, and get out of this crisis-ridden world. When it comes to potential, the avenue of stars is not bad. The Avenue of Stars, condensing the world of stars, can recover, not to mention, it can also guarantee everyone's safety!"

When talking about this, Xing Tian couldn't help but shook his head lightly. He spent countless thoughts on cultivating the strongest chaotic avenue, but he didn’t expect that he would eventually abandon the avenue of time and space and could only walk on the avenue of stars. Loss, no matter who is facing such a big loss, it is difficult to accept, no matter how firm Xing Tian's will is, it is no exception.

"Release all hidden dangers, and use the power of the world left over from the Avenue of Time and Space and the sword of your own world as nourishment to nourish the Avenue of Stars, so that the Avenue of Stars can directly transform, transcend the original limitations, and directly condense the original world. The avenue of time and space and the origin of the world nourish the avenue of stars, and the chance of success will be great. Although the cost of doing so is a bit high, but now I can’t care about so much. If there is no self-protection power, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

Regardless of whether the King of the End of the Clone used the Great Way of Ending to tear the deity’s information from the will of heaven and earth, Xing Tian still did not dare to take it lightly, still did not dare to be sloppy, everything must be considered in the worst direction. It's a catastrophe, and even a little carelessness will kill one's life, so being cautious is the best choice.

"Oh! The Avenue of Stars is not going to be smooth sailing. The **** Taiping Road came for this Avenue of Stars. It seems that the God of the Tongtian River was only used by the Avenue of Stars because of his inheritance of the Avenue of Stars. This is really a cause and effect. It’s hard to see that the **** of Taipingdao are so anxious to seize the Avenue of Stars. It seems that they have lost confidence in this world. They want to use the power of Avenue of Stars to break through the void and break away from the shackles of this world. They know a lot!"

auzw.com was devouring the souls of Taipingdao disciples. Xing Tian also knew why the other party found him. Because of the Avenue of Stars, he attracted the attention of Taipingdao when he built the Avenue of Planets before. It is inevitable that there will be the promotion of the will of heaven and earth, and this time I once again condense the Avenue of Stars, I am afraid that it will continue to attract the attention of Taipingdao!

"No, at this time, we can no longer cause trouble, and can no longer attract the attention of the will of heaven and earth. It is not advisable to condense the source of the avenue with the origin of stars above the void. It seems that I can only use my own origin of the avenue of stars to complete this avenue. Evolve, condense the Godhead of the Avenue of Stars, and condense the Origin World. Fortunately, I have practiced the Avenue of Stars more than once, so I have plenty of experience!"

Opening up the original world is not insignificant for Xing Tian. Although Xing Tian cannot fully mobilize the affairs of the stars due to external pressure this time, he can only rely on his own strength to complete the evolution of this road, but Xing Tian still has confidence in himself. However, Xing Tian didn’t dare to take the slightest carelessness this time. The true body of the **** and demon was on the verge of collapse. Perhaps this time was his last chance. If he could not condense the origin of the great path, he could recover the damage of the **** and demon’s body. The body is really going to be destroyed!

A **** and demon body is not so easy to condense, and it is damaged again and again, especially Xing Tian constantly transforms the origin of the Dao, and the damage to the **** and demon body is unparalleled, precisely because of seeing the **** of the deity. The damage to the Demon Body was so severe that Xing Tian didn't dare to be careless. He had to be cautious, even if he wanted to condense the origin of the Avenue of Stars and condense the godhead of the Avenue of Stars, Xing Tian would have to calculate carefully for fear of accidents.

In other people, even if it is the transformation of the original source, there will be no surprises, but in his own body, Xing Tian dare not think like this, because he walks the way against the sky and is not treated by the world. It will lead to disasters, bring endless troubles to your practice, hinder your practice, and fail your plan!

"The damage to the true body is too serious. It is impossible to condense the origin of the great avenue and condense the original world to nourish the true body of the gods and demons. The true body of the gods and demons cannot withstand the huge source of impact. It seems that I can only continue to practice. The avenue of chaos body of the primordial body uses acupoints to condense the origin, buffering the original impact of the avenue of stars, so as to alleviate the impact of the real body of the gods and demons, but every acupuncture orifice condenses is no longer the three thousand avenues, and It is the world of stars, the origin of stars!"

When thinking of this, Xing Tian couldn't help but shook his head. Although this kind of practice can prevent himself from collapsing, but doing so also disperses the origin of the Avenue of Stars, and consumes more origin. After all, every acupuncture hole must contain the Avenue of Stars. And it’s a different avenue of stars. Doing this is the same as in my own practice in the past. Carrying the avenue of stars with oneself, condensing the real body of the stars, and integrating the stars of the week into one body, although doing so will give you endless potential, but you need to do so. The accumulation of is also amazing, and all the accumulation of his own deity has been exhausted, so once this decision is made, it means that the speed of the deity’s practice will slow down, and this big environment makes Xing Tian want to get out of this quickly Fang world!

"Oh! I knew it would happen. Even if I escaped the calculation of the will of heaven and earth, I still can't practice smoothly. As long as I don't give up the way against the sky, I will face such pressure. Now I still have nothing else. Choose, unless I am willing to give up this **** and devil body and reconsolidate a new **** and devil road body, but this also takes time, so it is better to make such a choice!"

For Xing Tian, ​​the general situation forced him to have only this way out. He could only bite the bullet and continue his avenue of stars, opening acupuncture points to condense the small worlds of stars. Time waits for no one, and there is not much time left for Xingtian. Xing Tian thought over and over again, this would only waste his precious time and only plunge himself into a greater crisis!

With a heartbeat, Xing Tian immediately acted, using the origin of the Avenue of Time and Space and the origin of the world as nutrients to open up the world of Avenue of Stars and condense the origin of Avenue of Stars. For Xing Tian, ​​the first choice is not to condense the godhead of Avenue of Stars and open up the origin world of Avenue of Stars. , But to open up the world of acupuncture holes, open the acupuncture holes of the gods and demons one by one, condense the origin of the avenue of stars, and repair the real body of the gods and demons with the origin of the avenue of stars, otherwise the combat power of this deity will be completely abolished, short The power of self-protection will be lost within time.

If it is in a safe environment, Xing Tian naturally chooses to condense the original world first, but now it is a catastrophe of heaven and earth. In the calamity, everything can happen. Crisis will occur at any time. Naturally, Xing Tian cannot even protect himself. No, so the most important thing is to repair the real body of the gods and demons to restore their own combat power. As for the original world, wait for the real body of the gods and demons to recover before opening up, and as long as the real body of the gods and demons is restored, the power of the cave world is the nourishment. , It is easy to condense the original world, condense into the godhead of the avenue of stars, complete the complete transformation of its own avenue!

For Xing Tian, ​​there is no difficulty in opening his own acupuncture points. It is just that he is familiar with the road. Soon under Xingtian's guidance, each acupuncture orifice is opened, and a trace of star origin is integrated into it. Under Xingtian's control, he is The acupuncture orifices were quickly opened, the physical power of the **** and demon body was opened little by little, and the flesh was transformed again, the light of stars shining on the **** and demon body of Xingtian, when all the acupuncture points in the body were opened, that one by one The small world of stars is quickly connected together, and a huge net of stars is condensed in Xingtian's real body of gods and demons, and when this big net is formed, an accident happened!

Without waiting for Xing Tian to take the initiative to awaken the origin of the stars in his acupuncture orifices, under the influence of instinct, the small worlds of stars nurtured in the acupuncture orifices took the initiative to transform, condense their respective attributes, and let Xing Tian's body Directly interact with the stars, as if all of this is Xingtian's instinct, and it all originated in the blood of Xingtian's true body!

"How could this happen? Could it be that the Avenue of Stars I practiced did not completely disappear in the transformations as I thought, and it is still hidden in my own blood, otherwise there would not be such an abnormal change, Let the flesh directly transform!"


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