God of Destruction

Chapter 4049: Turbulence

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Chapter Four Thousand and Forty-Nine

When he noticed the change in the true form of the gods and demons, Xing Tian's brows were frowned. For many people, this might be a good thing, but Xing Tian's mood is extremely heavy. If everything is as he thought, the origin of his original practice. The avenue is still hidden in the blood, so there are too many avenues in the true body of this **** and demon. The most important thing is that when I absorbed the origin of this world, did I also leave a trace of the origin in the blood. , The transformation of his own body is not as strong as imagined, and it has not really eliminated all the hidden dangers of himself, and he still has big troubles, big cause and effect!

When thinking of this, Xing Tian couldn't help but shudder. This is really terrible. If so, he must plan for the worst and must re-arrangements so as to avoid a crisis, he will be caught off guard and caught In the crisis of death, it becomes a shield for the will of heaven and earth, and even those ancient gods and demons!

People are not for themselves, and the earth will die! Xing Tian will not drag his life and death into the unknown, and trust the kindness of others. There is no kindness in the spiritual world. The will of heaven and earth is so crazy that he wants to use himself to prevent disasters, and he will count himself at all costs. The same is true for the inheritance left by those ancient gods and demons, but he has got a lot of such inheritance!

"It seems that my trouble is big. This time it will take more time to clean up everything. Regardless of whether this guess is true or not, I must meditate and solve my own big troubles. Before I can solve my own troubles, absolutely No more fighting can be drawn, everything outside must be handled by the clone, hoping that the clone can solve the many causes and effects!"

At this time, Xing Tian had to make such a decision and had to give up his previous thoughts. The deity had to settle down and settle his own problems. For Xing Tian today, there is nothing more important than his own big trouble!

When Xing Tian made a decision, the King of End of the clone also immediately received the idea of ​​the deity. Although there is no deity, without the help of the inner world, the pressure of the clone is great, but the current situation can only be like this. Fortunately, the will of heaven and earth is affected. After suffering a heavy injury, he couldn't distinguish the spirit to target himself for a while. The biggest enemy at the moment is the many forces, whether it is Human Race, other races, or even ancient gods and demons. These forces are Xing Tian's face.

"It's not easy for someone to touch the brand we left behind. Our plan must start ahead of schedule, otherwise it will be noticed by the will of heaven and earth. At that time, our trouble will be big. Let's take action and try our best. We must complete our plan. , No one can stop our return!" The ancient gods and demons in the endless time and space were shouting, they all felt the changes from the world, and felt that the brand of their stay in the world had changed.

"Time and space city recall!" The time and space **** demon uttered a cry, recalling his original treasure, but what awaits him is nothingness. No matter how he mobilizes the origin of his own avenue, the time and space city just doesn't respond, as if there is nothing in the whole world. After this original treasure, the back hand that he left in the city of time and space was completely eliminated!

"Damn, what the **** is going on, what happened in that world, why can't I sense my original treasure, the will of the world has completely sealed my original treasure, is it fully aware of our plan? "The time and space gods are screaming frantically. This result makes him unacceptable. He has laid out endless years, but at the final critical moment, he can't sense the original treasure. This is a great trouble. Once he loses the original treasure If you want to return, you need to pay a greater price, which will greatly hinder your recovery and have an endless impact on yourself facing the ultimate catastrophe!

This kind of thing not only happened to the time and space gods and demons, but the time and space gods and demons were one of the most powerful ones, and in the final catastrophe of the ancient times, the time and space gods and demons ended their enemies and captured the opponent's. The origin of the space avenue integrates time and space avenue into one, integrates into itself, and sacrifices the original treasure of the city of time and space. It can be said that he stood on top of all gods and demons in ancient times, but now he is in great trouble. Up.

"We all underestimated the power of the will of heaven and earth and the changes in the world. We did not expect that the world had its own will and wisdom. With wisdom, everything changed naturally. It has been completely wiped out, not only that, but now it is erasing our grasp of that world, we must eradicate the last mark!"

"Yeah! The trouble is big. The world has wisdom. Naturally, it is unwilling to see itself heading for destruction, unwilling to accept the calculations we left behind, and even less willing to let our plan succeed. Then it will go to destruction. Wisdom is unacceptable, take action, don't pay attention to the existence of the source of the treasure, we try our best to attract the power of the world, summon the ultimate power, provoke the star array, open the long river of time and space with the power of the large array, let us return! "

"Is it a bit too early? It's just that a world has changed. If we do this, we will only start to provoke the enemy's vigilance. Once there are accidents, our plan will be completely shattered. You must know that the stars are moving. , Our overall plan will be completely exposed to the enemy's sight. No one wants to see us return to the highest chaotic world, let alone condense our territory based on those battlefield worlds!"

"We are all clear about what you have said. In this situation, do you think we still have a choice? A change in the world will cause a series of reactions. We cannot watch the situation out of control unless someone is willing to pay. A bigger price, give up all previous calculations, or else you can only plan ahead."

"Yes, now we have no choice. One world has problems, and other worlds will also change. What's more, if we don't take action at this time, we will only give the enemy more time to prepare. Now the final world catastrophe is coming, the highest The top civilizations in the chaotic world don’t care about changes in remote places at all, because they have to face their own enemies. This is our only chance. Otherwise, once someone breaks out of the battlefield and enters the highest chaotic world, we There will be no chance again, act, give up all the original treasures, and fully mobilize the star array, we will return to the highest chaotic world!"


"Return!" Many ancient gods and demons were crying, and they all became extremely crazy. For them, returning to the highest chaotic world was the only goal. In order to achieve this goal, they could sacrifice everything, even the original treasure. No exception.

When many ancient gods and demons reached a consensus, the battlefield world was trembling, and many stars became weird, as if an invisible gravitational force was pulling the world away from its original trajectory and heading in an unknown direction. The world changes slowly, but now it is crazy, even the creatures in the battlefield world can feel this change!

Angry! Many world wills are angry. When the ancient gods and demons launch such a crazy move, the world will no longer be angry and will be sorry for its own responsibility. Whether it is the wisdom of the many worlds or not, they will be offended by this action, because at this time the world will has already Can't control your own world, everything is out of its control, let the world slide into the unknown!

"The ancient gods and demons, these **** really left behind in my world. They originally wanted to use the lunatic Xingtian to prevent disasters, but unfortunately they escaped by this madman, but I didn't expect the ancient gods and demons to launch at this time. Attack, this is a big trouble!" The world where Xing Tian is located, the will of the day is furious, but there is no way to resolve the crisis, because it has been hit hard before, and at this time it is impossible to stop the world from moving and stop the ancient gods and demons. Crazy!

The world is being drawn bit by bit by the power of the ancient gods and demons, sliding towards an unpredictable abyss. This is a catastrophe for anyone. When the will of the sun and the earth cannot stop all this, it can only pin its hopes. Among the many creatures in this world, we can only hope that the strong men of the world can take action to prevent this disaster from coming!

In an instant, the strong of all forces were warned by the will of heaven and earth, and the words of the will of heaven and earth came into the minds of all the strong: "Disaster is coming, stop the recovery of ancient gods and demons, find out the ancient gods The devil’s conspiracy and tactics prevent the world from sliding into the endless abyss. This is a battle to destroy the world and requires everyone's power!"

War of Destruction! The will of heaven and earth is alarmist. In fact, things are not as terrifying as it says. In order to achieve its goal, the will of heaven and earth can only do so. It has to use the information it owns to be asymmetry with the information of many powerful people. This advantage is to entice the major forces. Act to find out the hidden dangers remaining in this world and stop the conspiracy of ancient gods and demons.

It’s a pity that Heaven and Earth’s will to look at the strong men of the major forces in this world, they don’t have the idea of ​​living and dying with the world. Before the catastrophe came, these **** wanted to leave this world. To get rid of the threat of this great calamity, they don’t care about whether this world is alive or dead, or the lives of other creatures. Even the life and death of their disciples is not worth mentioning to the superior ancestors. Can be abandoned at any time.

"Damn, I knew this world was sliding into the abyss. Now the back hand left by the ancient gods and demons finally appeared. Even the will of heaven and earth could not be resisted. Now the trouble is really big. No matter what, I must attack with all my strength. Escape before this world slips into the endless abyss, or it will be unimaginable, even if the ancient gods and demons have no plans to destroy the world, the will of heaven and earth will not live in peace with the ancient gods and demons. A life and death duel will inevitably be in this world. When an outbreak occurs, then the whole world will fall into a terrible crisis, and all the vitality will become an ant-like existence!"

"We can't drag on any longer, and order all the disciples under the sect to mobilize, find Xing Tian, ​​find the disappeared innate creatures, and take the Avenue of Stars back anyway. This is our only vitality and the only vitality of the sect. , Only the Avenue of Stars can guide us out of this world!” The ancestors of Taipingdao gave up the hunt for enemies, but did everything in their power to find Xing Tian’s whereabouts, to find the unknowable innate creatures, everything is In order to capture the Avenue of Stars.

With the strength of Taiping Dao, although the time is short, they acted indifferently. Naturally, it is easy to find the place where the disciple fell. Naturally, they can also see the traces left by the punishment and see Taiping. Dao disciple's bones, you can see the traces of battle produced by the internal fighting, and you can also see the traces of the enemy's sneak attack!

The ancestors of Taipingdao wouldn’t just give up easily, let go of those **** who tried to deal with the peace, but the situation now forces them to let go. After all, the situation today is too dangerous. To survive, you can only get away from this world. Therefore, retaliation is not as important as one's own safety. Under such circumstances, the ancestors of Taipingdao naturally have to make a trade-off!

When the ancestors of the Taipingdao gave an order, the hearts of many powerful Taipingdao in the north could not help being cast a shadow. They were not fools, although they did not fight Xingtian head-on, but Xingtian was terrible in the end. With a spear, the terrifying power of ending was torn apart. Such terrible power is not something that people like them can resist. At this time, they are chasing Xingtian. Isn’t that self-defeating? Ming is to let everyone die!

"You have all received orders from the ancestors. We are now in crisis. We must know that none of us can withstand Xingtian's attack. We must listen to our ancestors to chase Xingtian and capture the unknown. There is only a dead end in the Star Avenue inheritance, and the so-called Star Inheritance does not necessarily exist. After all, Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, does not show the power of the Star Avenue, but killing, death, swallowing, and even the final terrifying end. Avenue!"

"Yes! There is no way to see the Avenue of Stars in Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, and the words of Tongtian River Water God are not credible. If Xing Tian has the ultimate Avenue of Stars, how could he not practice? He can integrate the three avenues of killing, death, and devouring. The power of it will certainly be able to integrate the Avenue of Stars, and the Avenue of Stars is very inclusive."

"Understand this, can we resist? Now the ancestors are crazy, and the world has changed drastically. I don't believe you will not hear the warning message of the will of heaven and earth. Under this situation, you think we still Do you have a choice? Regardless of whether Xing Tian has the Avenue of Stars or not, we must do our best!"


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