God of Destruction

Chapter 4050: Knot break

Four thousand and fifty chapters break

"Haha! Do you think the words of the ancestors are credible? At this time, let the deep hatred and hatred of the disciples under the sect are not reported, and blindly chase Xingtian, to seize the ethereal avenue of stars, and in the endless years, the sect How many avenues of stars have been captured, but the ancestors have not succeeded yet, and now they want us to take our lives to fight Xingtian to the death, I can’t understand and cannot accept it. It’s hopeful to say, but I really don’t see any hope. !"

hope! Many people in Taipingdao are dissatisfied with their ancestors. In the endless years, Taipingdao has paid an endless price for the Avenue of Stars, but the result has not been rewarded. It just made their accumulation a little more, but It also made the entire Taipingdao a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh of the world's major forces. At this time, they continue to chase Xing Tian, ​​and they all have worries in their hearts. They are all worried about their own safety, for fear that they will also follow in the footsteps of those before!

"Resist, what do we use to resist? If we don’t obey the order, we’re afraid that we will be punished by our ancestors immediately. I think you all feel the domineering ancestor’s orders. Anyone who dares to disobey, there is only one dead end. What can we do under the circumstances, even if we know that it is a dead end, we can only continue, there is still a chance to chase Xingtian, and there is only one dead end if we violate the order!"

"Yeah! We have no choice, but we don't need to disobey the order. We just have to act slowly. You know that there are many people who want to conspiracy against Xingtian at this time. I don't think other sects and other ethnic civilizations will be against Xingtian. This piece of fat turned a blind eye. As long as they take action, we only need to follow behind. Even if it is dangerous, it will be borne by the bastards. It is not a big threat to us, but it requires all of us to work together. Everyone must make an oath!"

When they heard these words, everyone in Taipingdao was silent, thinking about whether it would be beneficial to them and whether it would threaten their lives! After a long time, I finally nodded and said: "Well, we are determined, and we will do this. It is not that we are caring, but the enemy is too strong. We cannot sacrifice our lives in vain. We must live as our ancestors. They uncovered Xingtian’s fictitiousness and wanted to find out the essence of Xingtian for the entire sect, and see the root of Xingtian!

"Yes, that's great! We are not afraid of the enemy and dare not fight the enemy, but for the sake of the whole sect, for the sake of the plan of the ancestors, if we fall, the reaction of the sect is even No matter how fast it is, it takes time to rearrange people to chase Xingtian. Everyone knows Xingtian’s cunning. Once we lose his whereabouts, it’s just a joke to chase him. We are sacrificing ourselves and doing our best for Zongmen. Hard work, I think this is our mission!"

The shameless people of the Peace Road quickly found a good excuse for themselves, a good step, after having such an excuse, their faces no longer had the fear and anxiety before, but a faint smile, so At least the borrowings gave them room for relaxation, so that they no longer have to face death and face danger!

At this time, no matter whether there are spies arranged by the ancestors among the people, no one dares to stand up to oppose. Who dares to oppose, there is only a dead end, don’t look at everyone’s faces with a slight smile, but they are sandwiched between that smile There are endless murderous opportunities. Everyone must swear an oath. This is everyone's life guarantee. Those who dare to resist will kill!

Soon one by one they quickly took the vows. No matter what they thought in their hearts, they had only to obey at this time. When everyone took the big oath, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and their nervous mood relaxed. , And at this time everyone feels extremely tired, too tired. This is not only physical fatigue, but more spiritual fatigue. After all, this is related to your own life and death, so you can't be careless! Don't look at everyone now making heavy oaths, but everyone present will not trust each other. As long as possible, these **** will definitely sell others in exchange for their own interests. This is peace!

For these people in Taipingdao, they only thought of the immediate crisis and did not think about it in the long term. They all forgot the most critical and important question, that is, can this world survive the final catastrophe. In the end, if the world were all destroyed, their little calculations would be wasted, and in the end it would still be a dead end.

With this turmoil of the world, many forces can't bear it, and many foreign races can't wait any longer. If you want to preserve the seeds of civilization in this terrifying calamity of life and death, there is only one choice, and that is to seize the power of humanity. To seize the origin of humanity and compete for the throne of humanity, with this move of the will of heaven and earth, the whole world war has begun! Yes, the final battle is coming soon. The ancestors of Taipingdao thought everything too simple, and the race war broke out!

When the people of Taipingdao were discussing countermeasures, they thought about how to deal with the pressure of their ancestors, while the major foreign races in the north gathered together and were discussing with each other, and they were not discussing the pursuit of Xingtian. To seize Xingtian's chance and luck, it is a race war. When the situation reached this point, they had to break out with all their strength and had to launch a full-scale war!

At this time, the strong of any race do not need to consult with their ancestors. They all have the right to make decisions. This right was already obtained when they participated in the Great War in the North. After all, in the great calamity of the world, Secrets are unpredictable. If you don’t even have the right to autonomy, you can’t make immediate decisions when the opportunity comes, when a crisis arises. If you have to consult with your ancestors, you will only waste your time. This great opportunity.

"Everyone, once this decision falls, we really have no retreat. We can only go one way to the dark and fight a full-scale decisive battle with the human race. This is not a matter of our barbarian family. It is only by relying on our barbarian power to shake It is not the foundation of the human race. A decisive battle requires a full-scale war. All races will work together. You want me barbarians to be the vanguard. This is impossible. We cannot afford the consequences of failure and the full counterattack of the human race. !"

Regarding other races’ suggestions, the barbarians rejected them without hesitation. Before, the barbarian army made a big move, exerting pressure on the human race, as if to fight a full-scale battle with the human race, but at that time they still had a retreat, but now The difference is that the general situation of the day and the earth has undergone such a shocking change, and the nerves of the human race have been too tense. At this time, whoever actively jumps out will become the target of the human race's all-out attack, and will become the real enemy of the human race.

Barbarians are not fools. They are naturally aware of this problem and the dangers of the situation. They will not lose their minds due to the instigation of other aliens. They will attack the Humans fearlessly. Perhaps at this time they will strike the Humans by surprise. The Terran caused heavy casualties, and they were even able to take the northern land, but they would also be hit with full force by the Terran. There are almost all the powers of the human race in the north. If they are destroyed, you can imagine them behind. What a terrifying counterattack will be launched by the power of, what kind of disaster will it bring to the barbarians!


"Friends, you have to understand that the current situation is not the problem of your barbarian family, but the life and death of all our alien races. Is it possible that you will violate the original agreement and be the enemy of all alien races. You have to think clearly. , If you do this, you barbarians will no longer get the help of all our races, you have to face the attacks of the human race alone!

Threats, this is a naked, naked, and naked threat. There is no concealment at all. It directly attacks the barbarians. The delusion will all the foreign races directly crush the barbarians and force them to accept their crazy and ridiculous decision. Let the barbarian army detonate the final battle, complete the final death battle with the human race!

"Huh! Don't threaten me barbarians with this ridiculous thing. We barbarians are not scared. It is impossible to force us to be vanguards. Either all races agree to attack the human race together at a time, or give up on you. Ridiculous decision. If you have to do this, we barbarians are not easy to provoke. If you want to fight, we will fight, we will not be afraid!"

In the face of the threat, the barbarian’s strength did not hesitate, refused, and laughed at each other mercilessly. In the view of the barbarian, the reason why these **** dare to be so crazy is that they want to use their ridiculous general strength to suppress People, and this general trend seems to be useless to the barbarians, after all, the original agreement was only an intention, not an oath!

"Friends, you have to think clearly. There is only one chance. If you really want to go your own way, then we can only make a final ruling. The barbarians will be completely separated from all of our alien races and have nothing to do with them, even if you face it. Death, in the face of destruction, will not receive the slightest help from us. Without our race alliance, relying only on your barbarian's own strength, it is impossible to survive this terrible and terrifying catastrophe!"

Everyone understands how dangerous this final catastrophe is, and the barbarians know it naturally, so no matter how threatened by other alien races, the barbarians are uncompromising, just unwilling to be the first bird, they are not willing to face it. It’s a fatal blow to the human race. I don’t want to prevent disasters for these bastards. Don’t look at these **** now speaking very well, and the conditions are very good. But once the barbarians really have to take a big shot at the human race, they can’t wait for the help of these foreign races. , They would just watch with cold eyes, watching the human army destroy the barbarians. The so-called oaths are empty talk. After all, in the face of race survival, these bastards' oaths are not worth mentioning. They can sacrifice themselves for the survival of the race. Protect the interests of the race!

"Enough, I won’t say any more. You either choose to join us in launching the final battle against the human race, or you leave. I don’t have so much time to do this ridiculous entanglement with you, and you don’t want to use that ridiculous thing. The alliance comes to suppress people, the barbarians will not compromise, will not retreat, even the impact of the human race can be confronted head-on, not to mention your loose and ridiculous alliance, can you really fulfill the agreement? You are just a small That’s all, does it really represent the racial civilization behind you? Are the conditions you are giving now really achievable?"

Without waiting for these people to answer, the strong barbarian waved his hand disdainfully and said, "Well, don’t make that ridiculous promise. At this time, under such circumstances, your so-called promise is not worth mentioning. I really want it. Cooperate with our savages, let your ancestors come forward and use the luck of your entire race to make a vow, or it's just empty talk!"

"Damn barbarians, they are determined to be enemies of all our alien races. This shows that it doesn't give us face. If these **** cannot be persuaded to take the initiative, all the previous plans will fall to nowhere. There will be no barbarians to take the initiative. The power of the human race cannot be fully mobilized, and it is impossible for us to take the lead in this catastrophe!"

Yes, these alien powerhouses are just like the barbarians said. They will not fulfill the agreement at all. They just want to inspire the barbarian army to attack, attract the attention of the human race, and attract the power of the human race to the north, and then they will There is a chance to take advantage of the luck of the human race. As for sending reinforcements to help the barbarians, this is impossible!

"What to do? I really have to give up this great opportunity like this. I am not reconciled, and there is no way to go back and face the tribe!"

"These **** barbarians are not fooled. What can we do, we can only give up. We all underestimated the barbarians’ wisdom. Don’t look at the savages in the past, but they are all just fakes, just for Enchanting us, now they finally reveal their true appearance, these **** are really sinister enough to give us a fatal blow at this most critical moment!"

Fool, it can only be said that it is a big joke to look at a race as a fool. No matter how much the barbarians have done before, there is really no wise person in a race, and no one can see through the world. , This is impossible, and the barbarian powerhouse who can be sent here can't know how to advance and retreat, and don't know the timing. Regardless of whether the barbarians are always provoking the human race, they have always been fighting against the human race, and even attacking the war, but it is impossible for them to start a full-scale war with the human race. They will not be stupid enough to destroy themselves. I won't be so stupid that I will lose my back!

silence! The barbarians and the people of the alien alliance fell into silence. None of them wanted to speak. They were not sure to convince each other, so they could only use silence to express their dissatisfaction and anger.


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