God of Destruction

Chapter 4051: Change every day

Chapter Four Thousand and Fifty One

Disappeared, this is the ending of the alien alliance! When the barbarians stood up to resist their ridiculous decision, everything has changed. The so-called alliance is just a piece of sand. Once it touches their own interests, all ethnic civilizations will have fierce confrontations. If the current Like the barbarians, in fact, even if the barbarians agree this time, this alliance cannot last, because everyone is afraid that their ethnic civilization will become the next barbarian, so this alliance is destined to fall apart!

"Let’s break up, our so-called alliance is just a dish of sand. No one will be willing to sacrifice their own interests, let alone racial civilization. Do it yourself!" Soon someone stood up and left directly. It seems that there is no need for such an alliance anymore, and staying for a long time will only waste your time and put yourself in danger. You must know that the major forces of the human race are still watching them, and no one dares to save the next moment of the human race. Will it be the first to attack.

Regardless of the human race fighting for interests and internal fighting, in the face of the survival of ethnic civilization, no one knows whether they will let go of all disputes, unite and cooperate, and destroy their vanguards of alien races first. If such a thing really happens. Circumstances, then oneself is in danger, no one wants to put oneself in danger.

When one person stands up and one person takes the initiative to leave, the hearts of the people will soon dissipate. Once the hearts of the people are scattered, everyone is naturally unwilling to continue wasting time and wasting tongue. Moreover, talking too much at this time will only offend people, and nothing is clear. Before, no one wanted to do this. Everyone was not a fool. They all understood the danger of the Great Tribulation. One more enemy would be more dangerous!

The aliens saw the crisis, and the Humans naturally saw the crisis, but the Humans are not much better than the alien alliances. The Humans are also scattered sand, and they have their own calculations. The existence of the human emperor is only a name, and it is impossible to gather the power of the entire human race. Under such circumstances, the human race's situation is not ideal, even more dangerous than the alien race!

You must first settle in the human race. This is the current situation of the human race, but it is difficult for the human emperor to achieve this. After all, the human emperor does not even have the power of the royal family in the hands, let alone the internal struggles of the human race. Under the circumstances, if the Human Sovereign wants to reverse the overall situation, it will inevitably need to rely on external forces and want to rely on its own strength to train. This is not feasible. Without waiting for the Human Sovereign to train manpower, the entire Human Race will collapse. Facing death myself.

"Xing Tian! It seems that we still need to win over the lunatic Xing Tian, ​​and use his power to stabilize the situation and reverse the dangerous situation in front of us!" The Emperor had to think of Xing Tian, ​​especially the power displayed by Xing Tian in this battle. It horrified the emperor, the final blow of the King of End had tore even the punishment of heaven and earth, and the will of heaven and earth was hit hard, showing the horror of this blow.

If you can win over the lunatic Xingtian, even the ancestor of the royal family is what counts. Under the road to the end, who is not afraid, who dares to let the lunatic Xingtian go? No one, no one has the courage. Everyone has seen the horror of Ending the Great Avenue, and all the powerful people have felt the horror of the Spear of End. This is Xingtian's killer.

"There has to be a choice. Compared with the internal struggles of the human race, Xing Tian is still acceptable, and now he has no choice. Time can't help but decide on his own!" When he thought of this, the emperor couldn't help but sighed. Knowing that the situation will change so quickly, Xing Tian should have been able to win in when he was in the imperial capital!

However, Xingtian was not drawn to Xingtian at a time. At this time Xingtian was in trouble and he was very vigilant. With Xingtian's mind, he would not let people find his whereabouts. Therefore, the Emperor did not arrange for the first time to contact Xingtian. At this time To contact Xing Tian would only ruin his own major affairs and make Xing Tian think that this was a conspiracy. After all, the emperor did not give Xing Tian a good impression.

"You have to clean up the empire's family first. For these **** who dare to conspire to rebel, they must not be allowed to arrogantly continue. They think they are very powerful and can hide everything, but they don't know that in the face of interest, nothing is. It’s impossible. Many people will betray their teammates for the benefit. This time it’s not just the **** who betrayed these ignorant and stupid families, but even some people inside themselves betrayed. This is really a big deal. It's a farce, they can really kill the empire by cutting off the dragon veins. It's ridiculous. If the empire really falls down so easily, there won't be everything that it is today. In the endless years, the empire has gathered a huge heritage, even if I The emperor did not fully grasp the power of the royal family, but it is not something these worlds can challenge. Now it is time to use them to kill these **** before wooing Xingtian, so that the rebels will be warned and let them. Know the seriousness of the matter!"

People are not for themselves, and the earth will die! In the face of interests, they can betray everything. The secretly rebellious family never thought that the betrayal would come so quickly. The reason why Taipingdao would betray them is very simple. In order to reduce the empire’s counterattack, in order to prevent the empire from targeting the Taipingdao, no It was a major event that broke the Taipingdao. After all, the Taipingdao's full attack has shaken the bottom line of too many people. If the empire strikes at them at this time, even if the Taipingdao has a strong foundation, it will have to pay a heavy price, let alone chase it. Kill Xingtian, go after the disappeared innate creatures, and look for the emptiness and misty avenue of stars!

The aristocratic family is a malignant tumor for the empire. At this time, if you don’t hurt them anymore, when a full-scale decisive battle arrives, there will be no chance again. At that time, the empire cannot be distracted from the hidden dangers inside, so the empire must launch a full-scale offensive against foreign race Completed a great cleansing of the family before and used their blood to deter all secretly rebellious enemies!

The Emperor is sighing, and the major forces of the human race are also sighing. No one thought that the situation would change so quickly. He did not expect that the will of heaven and earth would directly make such a crazy move. This was originally only in the speculation of many ancestors. The matter was directly exposed to everyone's sight, making the situation of the whole world out of control, making all the arrangements they made into nothingness!

Not all forces are as crazy as Taipingdao. Not everyone has the crazy fantasy of Taipingdao. Taipingdao attacked with all its strength, chasing Xingtian at all costs, and chasing after the disappeared innate creatures. Such an undisguised move is also It shocked the entire human race. Everyone was shocked by the madness of Taipingdao, and shocked by this amazing change!

What does Taipingdao want to do? They are really just chasing Xingtian, just chasing the innate creatures that are like a flash of light. There really are no other conspiracies hidden in this. You must know that this is not the way that Taipingdao has always dealt with things. What is hidden in the innate creatures. Secret, is Taipingdao worthy of such a big fight?


No one knows, because everyone who knows the truth is dead. Although the forces want to figure out the cause, they can only compromise when they see the madness of the peace road. No one wants to provoke peace in this terrible catastrophe. The lunatics of Tao, not to mention, under their investigation, they also knew that Taipingdao had also paid a heavy price. Many disciples died, and the cause of all this was related to their dead disciples, which made these forces have to compromise.

Under the crazy actions of Taipingdao, a storm is slowly forming within the human race. The major forces are accumulating strength and are waiting for the day when the decisive battle arrives. The rebellious families also feel the crisis and have to do their best. In action, at this time they had no hope of Taipingdao. They had already found a way out, and were preparing to launch an attack. They were caught off guard to strike the empire, and directly dealt a fatal blow to the empire, a preemptive strike!

The idea is good, but these aristocratic families did not start their actions, and the Emperor of Humanity went over everything. Whether it was the important ministers of the Empire or the elders of the royal family, everyone was concealed by the Emperor of Humanity. Dispatched directly, directly attacked the major families in the dark, directly launched a devastating blow to them, and when the Imperial Guard was dispatched, the defense of the entire imperial capital was fully opened, directly sealing the entire imperial capital and cutting off The family's retreat!

Suddenly, the killing sound shook the sky, and the entire imperial capital was shrouded in blood, and a terrible killing was staged in the dark night. The blood flowed into a river and the murderous aura rushed into the sky. All the forces in the entire imperial capital were awakened by the killing. All creatures are afraid of it. Although some people want to know what happened, they can only endure it because they understand in their hearts that they can't act rashly at this time, otherwise they will bring innocent disasters to themselves and bring destruction to their own families!

"Damn, what does the Emperor want to do? The Guards attacked in an all-round way. Isn't he going to bloodbath the family before the decisive battle with the foreign race?" Many forces in the imperial capital are uneasy. Now the Emperor is taking a big shot against the family. It means that when the aristocratic family is destroyed, the human emperor's next target is their forces, these forces that are outside the empire?

Worry, fear, these are the true feelings of those forces. For ordinary people, such killings are just shock and fear, but they all understand that as long as they don’t go out, everything will end after daybreak, because this is between the superiors. The fight will not involve their existence like ants, and will not let them suffer the blow of death.

The sky has changed, and when the Emperor of Humanity initiated this purge, the sky has changed! The ancestors of the royal family were also shocked by this terrible killing. They never thought that the human emperor would pass them directly, without even saying hello, directly attacking the family, directly attacking the killer, and even not even the important officials of the empire. Understand why this is?

"What a man, what a younger generation, it seems that he has his own plan, he no longer cares about us old guys, if we don't know when to retreat, I am afraid that the next target of the man king is us old guys. !" The many elders of the royal family all had a gloomy face, and all of them looked extremely solemn. This killing was also a huge impact for them, making them deeply understand that the emperor was above the throne. terrible!

"Human Sovereign, he is already a real Man Sovereign. He already knows the choice. It seems that our plan will be affected by it. It is impossible for us to take advantage of the power of the empire and the luck and heritage of the empire. The emperor will never give us such an opportunity again, and will not give us such a right again. The emperor will take back all rights and control the world alone!"

Why did the empire fall so quickly? On the one hand, the empire has left too much trouble in the endless years, but this is not the point. The most important thing is the ancestors of the royal family. Furthermore, they frantically squeezed the potential of the empire and swallowed the luck of the empire. It was their madness that caused the current state of the empire to be ruined. Now the emperor is inaccurate and bears no more, and is not willing to let these ancestors Suck blood on the empire!

The human emperor wants to transform, and the entire empire must complete the transformation. Now the human emperor’s target is the family, those families who want to rebel, and when the empire has completed this cleansing, the next goal will be the ancestors of the royal family. It is the entire royal family. After all, in the endless years of the royal family, there are too many garbage sucking blood on the empire. They are also hidden dangers for the rise of the empire, and they must be cleaned up. Either do not do it. Once you do it, the emperor will continue. There is no retreat, we must do our best!

"We underestimated the Emperor of Humanity, and miscalculated the Emperor of Humanity’s determination. We did it for ourselves and for the catastrophe, but the Emperor of Humanity was also thinking of ourselves. This time we need to make a new choice. Launch an action to suppress his madness, or abandon our previous plan and let the emperor go all out? This is not a trivial matter, we all need to make a decision together!"

"It's too late, everything is too late. If the Sovereign does not make a move, we still have a chance and can suppress him. Now everything is too late. The Sovereign has mastered the general trend. Even if we make a move, we can't suppress him. The emperor, at this time, the human emperor has received the blessing of human luck and the help of the whole humanity. To confront the human emperor is to confront the entire humanity. Even if we are also a member of the royal family, we cannot resist the pressure from the humanity. !"

The pressure of humanity is terrifying. Ordinary people don’t know, and ordinary practitioners don’t know. For these patriarchs, it’s very clear. When the power of humanity is fully opened, let alone them, even heaven and earth. The will has to retreat, and the power of humanity will affect the entire world!


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