God of Destruction

Chapter 4052: Fight to the End

Chapter Four Thousand and Fifty Two

"Haha! I didn’t expect that we would lose all of the game and be caught off guard by a junior. It seems that in the endless years we are all too arrogant, forgetting what is dangerous, forgetting What kind of vigilance, now we only have to wait in silence for the Emperor's decision, but the Emperor really has to attack us old guys, and we can't sit still, this is not the world of the Emperor, but the world of our entire royal family!"

"Enough, don't do this ridiculous move. This is indeed the royal family's world, but it is not under our control, but under the control of the emperor. Don't look at the chess pieces we laid in the empire, but Compared with the human emperor, these chess pieces are not worth mentioning. Give up. Now we can’t fight against the human emperor, we can’t destroy the general situation of the human clan, let alone the overall situation of the imperial clan, or not only the imperial family’s luck, the empire The backlash of qi and luck, there will be backlash of humanity and qi, we have already missed the opportunity!"

"Yes, at this time, we can't rashly persuade the emperor to move. At least we can't move. Otherwise, if we don't talk about the loss of luck, the heart will be completely lost. No one will trust us anymore. At that time, even if we can take it. The emperor will not win the hearts of the people, and will be destroyed. Since the emperor wants to let go, we will wait and see the changes. The success or failure will be borne by him alone. We don't need to take the millet from the fire and throw ourselves into a dead end. Land!"

Everyone has greed. When the situation develops to this point, greed can only be suppressed. No matter how unwilling the ancestors of the royal family are, they have no choice, unless they are willing to die and live for endless years. How can they be willing to face death, not to mention that when the ancient gods and demons are returning, when the world is changing, they are not willing to waste their power!

"Let go of the unwillingness in our hearts, let go of everything, and accept this result. In the endless years, we have all endured and waited. It is not bad at this moment. No matter whether the emperor can succeed or not, there is nothing for us. What we pursue is detachment. , Instead of that breath, we are already past the age of passion, we only seek benefits, only detachment!"

These words spoke out the aspirations of the ancestors of the royal family, and expressed their inner thoughts. Transcendence and benefits are more important than everything else, and everything else can be given up. As long as they can be transcended, it is nothing to endure a little humiliation, let alone the emperor. Haven't walked up to them and pointed to the nose to sneer, compared to the ultimate benefit, this thing is not worth mentioning!

The ancestors of the royal family were able to endure it, because they were pursuing interests, but the ancestors of many aristocratic families couldn't bear it. Generally, their own disciples were killed, what did they use to detach themselves, and what energy did they have to practice? Faced with this crazy killing of the Emperor, these ancestors finally couldn’t bear to jump out of the dark. They violated their original vows and took a big shot against the Guards. They wanted to fight for that ray of life for their children. Direct violence threatens the emperor!

If the emperor is not prepared, facing such crazy conflicts, he will naturally be caught off guard, but now the emperor is already different. When he opened the defense of the imperial capital, he was already fully prepared. At the moment those ancestors who violated their oaths took action, the entire imperial capital's great formation was fully aroused, powerful forces came from the void, the humane force was destroyed to the extreme, and the humane dragon energy was directly crushed on these ancestors. , Directly smashed the souls of these ancestors with the unparalleled power of humanity, and directly dealt a fatal blow to the opponent with the mighty power of humanity!

Liwei! The emperor is to use these ancestors to stand up to all forces, declare to them their strong return, and declare that the majesty of the empire cannot be provoked. Even these ancestors standing on the top of the world should face the mighty power of humanity. At this time, it is also powerless to resist, the power of humanity cannot tolerate the slightest provocation, and the dignity of the empire cannot tolerate the slightest provocation!

"Humanity is coming, imprisoned!" With the emperor's deep cry, the void above the imperial capital was surging, and the mighty power of humanity turned into a chain of order, directly imprisoning those ancestors, no matter how hard these ancestors struggle, they cannot Getting rid of the shackles of the force of humanity cannot stop the impact of the force of humanity on their souls and their origin!

"Human Sovereign, do you want to provoke Human Race infighting? Do you want the entire Human Race to be destroyed for your selfishness? You are the sinner of Human Race, and you are not worthy to be the Human King!" When imprisoned by humanity, those old men The ancestor was screaming frantically, trying to use this method to pressure the Emperor, to force the Emperor to give up strangling them, and let the Emperor stop.

It's a pity that these old guys have been silent for too long, and their thoughts are too old. Since the human emperor has already taken action, naturally he will not give up halfway. Just stop it. The dignity of the human emperor is there, and the dignity of the empire is still there? Shocked by a word, this empire could not bear the consequences, and the emperor could not bear the terrible consequences.

"Hmph, ignorance and stupidity. Since you dare to rebel, you must be prepared to die. Don’t think your plan is perfect and remarkable. When you choose to be the enemy of the empire, when you decide to split the empire. , There is only a dead end waiting for you. All of this is for you. Why doesn’t the empire attack other families and other forces, but instead target your families, because you are destroying the empire’s dragon veins secretly, and you have to push the empire towards In the abyss of death, you will drag all the sentient beings of the empire into a terrible disaster. This is the sin karma you deserve!"

Human Sovereign is not a fool. Before he started, he had already figured out how to explain to the sentient beings of the empire, and explain to the many aristocratic families and sects why the killing came. Originally, this was announced after the killing, but now there are In response to the threats of these ancestors, the emperor directly said everything, and directly used these words to attack the morale of the other party and restore the dignity of the empire!

"How the **** is this possible? How could the emperor know that our plan is for the **** of Taipingdao to appear. Zheng us, I said that we should not cooperate with the **** of the Taipingdao. They have never had credibility. Now we are given by these bastards. It's dead!"

auzw.com "Enough, at this time, what is the use of saying these, Taiping Road betrayed us, but there are definitely traitors among us, otherwise the emperor cannot be in our When the incident was about to start, we made a big move because we were too careless and too self-righteous. Now we have no choice. Our ancestors are unreliable. We have to rely on our own strength to break free from this devastating disaster. The younger generation smashes a **** path, do it, the ultimate killer is unlocked, even if it is dead, we will make the emperor pay a heavy price, and the empire will pay a heavy price!"

"But our plan hasn't been completed. I'm afraid it's hard to do anything at this time?" Some people are a little worried. What kind of killer mirror makes him so worried and makes these powerful people so confident?

"There is no choice. Life and death are not in our control. We have no other choice but this path. Don't count on the ancestors anymore. The Emperor has used the mighty power of humanity. No matter how powerful the ancestor is, he can't escape. The imprisonment of humanity cannot fight against humanity. All we can rely on is ourselves!" When he said this, the expression of this powerful family changed, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Don’t try to escape, if anyone dares to escape at this time , That only shows one problem, he is the betrayer among us, no matter what the outcome of this battle, he will bear our anger, we will use life and soul to curse him and the family behind him, I think No one wants to see this happen!"

Threat, this is a naked, naked, and naked threat. Under such a crazy threat, no one dares to act rashly, no one dares to turn around and run away. The life and soul curse of a strong person is already extremely powerful, if it is for all the strong Curse, that is really incomprehensible, unless they can master the world and the power of humanity like the emperor, otherwise they will be cursed and destroyed!

"Blood sacrifices to the sky, the essence of life, the earth veins and dragon energy burst!" With a deep cry, the strong man of the noble family detonated his own essence and blood, and used his own essence and blood to detonate the dragon veins of the empire. I have to say this. The lunatic is really crazy. He even eroded the imperial dragon veins with his own blood secretly, and then directly detonated the imperial dragon veins at this moment!

In an instant, a great earthquake shook, and the entire empire's territory was trembling. A deep dragon roar sounded. The voice was full of tragic and majestic. The imperial dragon veins were severely damaged by the power of these powerful family members, although the entire dragon veins were not affected by them. The power of the empire was destroyed, but the dragon veins of the empire were indeed devastated, and the luck of the entire empire was instantly damaged!

"Crazy, these **** are crazy. The Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth has not yet fully detonated, and the final battle has not yet arrived. They will first fight to the death. Even such crazy methods are used. It seems that the emperor is good, the family Even if they are already determined to fight to the end, there will be no compromise. Their crazy battle will not only hurt themselves, but also the entire human race!"

Some people are sighing, some are uneasy, but no one has stood up to stop the outbreak of this war. It's not that they didn't have such an idea, but that they didn't dare to do it. They couldn't bear the terrible karmic impact. The crazy duel affects not only the sentient beings of the entire imperial capital, but also the sentient beings of the entire empire, and the luck of the human race, and even the luck of humanity. Standing up at this time will only cause endless trouble and cause and effect for yourself. !

At this time, both the empire and the aristocratic family are already crazy, but in comparison, the aristocratic family is weaker than the empire. After all, they do not have the huge background of the empire. The most important thing is that their names are not righteous. Delusion to destroy the empire and want to seize the dignity of the emperor can only say that they value their own strength and underestimate the empire's counterattack. The Emperor of Humanity occupies the position of heaven and earth, taking the upper hand, and the Emperor of Humanity has mastered the general trend of humanity. To be an enemy of the Emperor of Humanity is to be an enemy of humanity. No matter how terrifying methods these powerful people have, as long as they cannot destroy the Emperor of humanity in one fell swoop, They will endure the backlash of humanity. When they secretly calculated the imperial dragon veins, when they damaged the imperial luck, the humane forces were fighting back, and the imperial luck was backlashing. In just a moment, the entire family alliance was devastated. They were all hit by the Emperor's backlash.

I didn’t wait for the Emperor to hurt the killer again. It was just the backlash of humanity’s luck and directly destroyed the people who detonated the imperial dragon veins, so that they didn’t even have the opportunity to resist, and were directly destroyed by the humane force. During the confrontation, the power of the aristocratic family was directly crushed, and they did not even have the slightest ability to counterattack. If they hadn't done a good job of assassin before, I am afraid that their power will not shake the imperial luck at all. Take destruction!

"Hey! Damn, this is the mighty power of humanity. The Sovereign of Humanity is so terrible that it can provoke the power of the Sovereign of Humanity. So many powerful men are obliterated without the opportunity to resist. How could this be possible? With such a terrible power, who can fight against it, who can withstand the backlash of humanity?" When seeing such a result, all the strong human races who watched the battle took a sigh of relief and were all humane Weili was shocked.

Terrible, this power is terrible! If there is no way to fight, no one dares to challenge the dignity of the emperor, no one dares to fight the empire anymore. This humanitarian attack directly scares all careerists and prevents them from having that rebellious heart. At least until they find a solution to the human backlash, no one dared to jump out to make trouble again. It is not called trouble, but self-defeating!

"It's terrible. It's really terrible. It is not a good thing for us that the Emperor has mastered such power. The attack of the Emperor directly shocked the entire empire and stabilized the shaky situation of the empire. , Our vision is only to be frustrated. If the Emperor is in power, who can shake the foundation of the empire, what if the dragon veins are damaged? As long as the Emperor is there, we can still determine the overall situation. We are miscalculated. We really have to underestimate the Emperor. The mighty power of humanity, when this great catastrophe comes, the power of humanity will become extremely terrifying. To be an enemy of the emperor is to be an enemy of the entire humanity. We cannot bear the backlash of humanity!"

At this moment, many ancestors are also shocked, the power of the human emperor is beyond their imagination, so they have to reconsider their own problems, and consider how they and the sects behind them will do under this catastrophe. , How to face the emperor! The simple human emperor is not terrible, and the empire is not terrible. Even if the empire has a powerful army, the sects are not worried, but this humane force makes the major sects have to pay attention to them. They are a member of the human race and must be controlled by others. Dao Weili!


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