God of Destruction

Chapter 4053: Humanitarian Backlash

Chapter 4053 Humanitarian Backlash

"Ha! Ha! Ha! This is the power of humanity, this is the power of the emperor, I still underestimate the power of the emperor, and the power of humanity, as the emperor, as long as I master the power of humanity, who Can match me, how about the sect, how about the ancestors, still vulnerable to the mighty force of humanity, the power of humanity is unstoppable, I am the sky, I am the earth!" The emperor was greatly encouraged, the whole person became different, and there was no fear in his heart. In his opinion, as long as the humane force was added, as long as he was the human emperor, there would be no rival among the human race!

mad! At this time, endless madness was born in the human emperor’s heart, and the humane force was added. The huge power made his mind a little unconscious, causing him to gradually lose his mind, and just when he was about to be completely affected by the humane force, a light of inspiration From the depths of the soul lit up, Human Sovereign woke up instantly, and at this moment he shuddered. As Human Sovereign, he knew how crazy and dangerous his actions were just now. If he can’t wake up, It will inevitably be eroded by the enormous humane force, and will become a puppet who loses oneself, and will only indulge in the humane power, then there is really only a dead end.

Backlash! This is the backlash of humanity. Although the emperor took the initiative to quell the civil strife, he took the initiative to fight against the family, which caused a counterattack from the family and damaged the imperial dragon veins. However, this karma is not entirely in the family, and the emperor has to bear it. It was this point of causal backlash that caused the emperor’s mind to be shocked, and the emperor almost lost control!

"Hey, the power of humanity is terrible. Even a little bit of backlash will make you lose yourself in the power. If the war is more terrifying, I am afraid that I will also follow the footsteps of those strong in the family. The soul is dead, the power of humanity is far beyond my control. If it is not a last resort, it is better not to use the power of humanity!"

The human emperor’s idea is good, but will all this be controlled by him? This is a catastrophe of heaven and earth, and the final decisive battle is about to begin. The human emperor does not want to use humane power. Is this possible? Is this reality? No, it’s impossible. Human Sovereign can’t do this. Moreover, now that the imperial dragon veins are damaged and the imperial luck is damaged, under this situation, the alien race will not react at all, and the alien race will not take the opportunity to greatly affect the human race Shot, launch the final attack? And the major forces within the human race would turn a blind eye to such an opportunity and let the human emperor stabilize the overall situation and restore the damaged dragon veins?

The situation in the empire today is so dangerous. The Emperor knows how ridiculous his thoughts are. He also understands that this time he has crushed the family's rebellion with humane force, but this can only be suppressed for a while. There will still be aristocratic families with rebellious intentions. Many sects will still exert pressure on the empire. Even if the human race is facing a life and death crisis, these aristocratic families and sects will not give up. Benefits allow them to ignore everything. Ignore the survival of the human race!

For those ancestors, they don’t care about the outcome of the human race. They only care about one point, their own interests, and their detachment from this world. Other than that, they don’t take care of anything, just like the peace road, in order to achieve their goals directly. Selling those aristocratic families is the reality. The reality is so cruel and ruthless. In front of the road of transcendence, any matter can be abandoned, any creature can abandon it, and the road can walk alone. This is the true portrayal of the many ancestors.

Although the royal family occupies the righteousness of the human race, those ancestors really care about the life and death of the royal family, really care about the existence of the empire? No, they don’t care. The reason why they maintain the royal family is because they need manpower and someone to help them find the resources they need, and help them gather huge luck. Without these, they don’t care about the life and death of these people. Even if these people have blood relationship with them, they can be discarded for the ancestors.

The endless years of practice are not worth mentioning to the ancestors for blood and future generations. It is not as important as my own practice. For endless years, every imperial movement bears the responsibility of the human race, but For those ancestors, they only care about themselves. Of course, if there is no conflict with themselves, the ancestors are still willing to help their descendants.

It may be an exaggeration to say that all ancestors are selfish and don’t put future generations in their eyes or in their hearts. This may be an exaggeration, but most ancestors are like this. There are very few ancestors who really care about their descendants. No one dared to gamble, the emperor did not dare to do it, nor did other ethnic civilizations dare, those ancestors who still had races were not too many. Of course, they cared about the survival of races, and they didn’t seem to have some ethics in their hearts. Luck is also for your own sake, after all, racial luck is still very important.

"How many ancestors of the human race are worthy of trust. They are willing to fight for the human race and are willing to truly stand on the position of the human race in this final battle?" The human emperor was thinking, and soon he shook again. I shook my head, I don’t know, I don’t know, this is the answer of the human emperor. Even if the human emperor controls the fortune of the empire, he does not understand the inner thoughts of those high-ranking ancestors. I don’t know how many ancestors in the entire human race are willing Fight for the human race, die for the human race!

You can’t wait any longer. The **** of Taipingdao cannot be trusted and they are not worthy of trust. They can sacrifice their own people, not to mention the agreement with the empire. For the **** of Taipingdao, they only have benefits in their eyes. If they really have to wait for them to achieve their goals, the consequences will only become more uncontrollable, and they will be more unscrupulous.

Taking a deep breath, there was a crazy look in the eyes of the emperor! At this moment, he made a crazy decision, not to sit still, how much power Human Race has trustworthy, how much power can be used, this is an unknown number, if you wait for the alien race to fully prepare, then the Human Race really still has The force fights back, can the empire really stop the impact of foreign races? Will the major forces within the human race care about the survival of the empire?

It is an irresponsibility to oneself and a crime to oneself to postpone fate to outsiders and put it in the hands of some untrustworthy people. The emperor does not want others to control his own destiny, his own life and death. As an emperor, as the emperor who controls the general trend of humanity, you should not have the heart to avoid war. Since this life and death duel is inevitable, you should take the initiative to attack, take the initiative, and turn passive into active, no matter what the final result is. , At least he has the initiative!

auzw.com War! Yes, at this moment, the emperor decided to launch a war, he decided to crack the soil and close the border directly, and directly seal the border important towns to those border important generals, let them take the initiative to attack, let them directly challenge the alien race, break this ridiculous confrontation, and let everything Early outbreaks caught everyone off guard and made everyone follow the pace of the empire.

Crazy, this decision is crazy, but the human emperor has no choice, because he has no time to waste, and the empire can’t afford to wait. The great upheaval in the north is enough to illustrate the danger of the situation and prove that the major forces of the human race are unreliable. In the end, the empire can only rely on the army, and only those iron-blooded masters, and only they are the hope of the empire!

As long as the border battle is together, the eyes of all forces will focus on the border and the race duel. This is also the time when the human emperor gathers power. With the border war as a buffer, the human emperor can gather before the final life and death duel. Stronger strength, more complete preparation, will not let yourself even lose the strength to resist!

Discuss with the minister? No, Human Sovereign would not do this. At this critical moment, for Human Sovereign only to be arbitrary, there is not much time to waste. For Human Sovereign, every minute and every second is very important. Waste, when the decision is made, the emperor, regardless of the cleansing of the family is not over, immediately writes the edict, so that the guardian border guard will launch an attack on the foreign race, and all rights are delegated to the border, they no longer need to The Empire reported that their only goal was to launch an attack against the alien race, and not to give the alien race time to prepare. For the generals at the border, the emperor also issued an edict. As long as they have the ability to take the alien domain, they can crack the soil and seal the borders. Like Moreau to be king!

Crazy, the emperor is so crazy! When receiving the order from the Emperor of Humanity, even many generals at the border were shocked. They did not expect that the Emperor of Humanity would issue such an order to attack the alien race before the empire was settled down. , Even at all costs, because the order they received was not from the empire, but from the emperor personally, and directly passed the empire’s military and directly delivered to their hands. It can be said that from this moment, the border generals have no more With consideration, no worries, how can they not be shocked by such a result.

Refuse? No, there is no borderline that will reject the emperor’s decree. Although this is a bit crazy and unbelievable, this is the result they desire. With this decree, they can attack with all their strength and ignore the empire. In the internal struggle, they are not fighting for the empire, nor for the human race, but fighting for their own future. Under such circumstances, the empire’s frontier army exerts power beyond imagination. .

The war begins! Following the emperor’s decree, as everyone turned their attention to the crazy killings of the imperial capital, the border of the empire also ushered in a terrible war, but this war had little to do with the north, and the emperor did not order Mo Luo, the king of the north, took the initiative to attack, because the north is too chaotic. At this time, letting Moro attack will not only gain nothing, on the contrary, it will cause heavy losses, and will even attract a combination of foreign races, directly crippling the northern army!

Although there are many human forces in the north, they are all other forces. They are not under the command of the emperor, and they are not controlled by the emperor. They will not obey the orders of the emperor, and they will not listen to Moro. These people exist, look. It appears to be reinforcements to the north, but the actual existence affects the strength of the northern army, so that Moreau dare not easily mobilize the army. He has to be distracted and separate efforts to guard against these bastards. It can be said that their existence is restraining the northern army. the power of.

"Damn it, how is this possible? How could the Human Sovereign give such crazy orders to the border generals at this time?" Although the Human Sovereign deliberately concealed his actions and deliberately concealed the situation at the border, all the major forces of the human race had There were spies, and when the frontier army moved, they immediately attracted the attention of these spies. Soon they knew the emperor's decree. When the spies knew, the forces behind them naturally knew the changes in this border immediately!

crazy! In their opinion, Human Sovereign is really crazy. At this time, under such circumstances, he took the initiative to attack. He hadn't stabilized himself, he wanted to kill the foreign race, and gave the border generals such a crazy promise. Once the border is lost, the frontier army will suffer heavy losses, and the entire empire will be completely plunged into desperation. The empire will no longer be able to suppress the power of the family, and is unable to gather more troops. In their view, the emperor is humane. Power has given temptation and has lost his reason!

"Human Sovereign is indeed a bit crazy to do this. Some don't know what to say. If he is willing to fight steadily, those aristocratic alliances will not be able to make waves. After all, the Human Sovereign has the righteousness and the general trend, but now the Human Sovereign has made a crazy decision. , Before he had a firm foothold, he rashly ordered the frontier army to attack. Once the border went wrong, the entire empire was about to collapse, and his throne would also fall. The life and death of the empire and his emperor Zhiwei is closely connected!"

"Perhaps we should take action, because let those families who intend to attack the throne of the emperor take action. Although the decisive attack of the emperor has brought a huge impact to the family this time, the emperor has only hit a small part of it. The power of the aristocratic family, there are more aristocratic families in the empire. I think as long as the opportunity is given, no aristocratic family will refuse. You must know that the human emperor has cleaned a part of the family. No matter how strong the reason is, this will be Arousing dissatisfaction and uneasiness in the aristocratic family, if given the opportunity, they will never give up, after all, the Emperor's sword has been placed on their necks!"

"No, we can't act rashly. The Emperor's Ling Yu is indeed crazy, but who knows if this is a trap. After all, this is too abnormal. Unless the Emperor is stupid, otherwise he won't make such a decision. , And the Emperor is stupid? So now we should wait and see the changes, no matter what plots and tricks the Emperor has, it will be exposed!” There are still people who are concerned about the Emperor, after all, the Emperor has scared a lot of the **** methods of the family. People, let them have a trace of fear in their hearts!


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