God of Destruction

Chapter 4054: Chaos

Remember [..] in one second!

Chapter Four Thousand and Fifty-Fourth Chaos

"Watch the changes! It's easy to say, but should we really be able to do this? No matter what plots and tricks the Emperor has, we have to explain to the next one and the family that cooperates. We must know that this time the Emperor is bloodbathed. Most of the aristocratic families in the imperial capital, and they are all top-notch families, but we did not react at all. Now that the border gate has undergone such a shocking change, the soldiers at the border gate are all confused by the emperor. How do you make those aristocratic families think, they will Ignore this immediate interest? Our cooperation with the family is based on interest. If we don’t give enough benefits, they will naturally part ways with us. Without the power of the family, it’s impossible for us sects to end up personally to win the emperor’s Bit?"

"What's wrong with going down in person? It's not that we don't have no disciples. Those noble families are unwilling to cooperate. We can give up. We can let disciples go on top. The emperor is not a Chinese cabbage. The aristocratic family has to give up, and some people will come up and make up for their departure. What do we care about? The current situation is not the family's decision, but we are the masters. Only then can we have the initiative and the general trend!"

"It's blunt. Will the disciples under your sect listen to your orders? Don't you think that your disciples are really obedient. Don't say that you don't know the situation of the sect. Now all the disciples cannot be said to be suspicious. Doubt about our intentions, you don’t know what the Taipingdao is, and we are not much better than the Taipingdao! The throne of the emperor, who doesn’t want to get it, but you have to be able to get it. If you can’t get it, it will only be a dead end. , The disciples under the sect will not even understand this, if they are so stupid, they will not live until now, the sect has already disappeared!"

"Okay, stop arguing. The current situation is very unfavorable for us. No one thought that the catastrophe would be triggered so early, and no one thought that Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, had such a terrifying power, if it weren't for the peaceful **** gang. We have attracted Xingtian’s energy, I’m afraid that our situation will be worse. Now even the emperor has jumped out to fight frantically. We really have lost control of the general situation. Even the will of heaven and earth did not expect that all this would come so suddenly. But one thing I think is possible. With so many sects, it is impossible that no one can ignore the emperor’s position. You can go back and do a statistics to see if there are any disciples willing to stand up for the emperor’s position. , A showdown with the empire! Of course, we cannot completely put everything on these disciples. Don’t forget that although the aristocratic families in the imperial capital were caught off guard by the imperial assault, they did not really die. In the imperial capital, a family that has passed on for countless years can't be without any preparation. Before they rebel, they must make the worst plan!"

How great is the temptation of the human emperor's status, it is an unstoppable temptation for any family, but now the emperor is too crazy, making those families fear not to act rashly, but for those disciples of the sect, they really have the same Like the aristocratic family, they did not dare to attack the empire, did not dare to fight for the status of the emperor, and did not dare to stand up against the emperor?

No, the entire human clan has countless sects. Naturally, some people will not be intimidated by the human emperor, and will not retreat because the human emperor purges the imperial family family, especially those families that have been purged. They will definitely not destroy the entire army. They have the opportunity, they will definitely stand up, as long as they are willing to stand up, the Emperor will have to face the crusades of these aristocratic families and not be distracted!

"Everyone, I have a big question, what if we take the human emperor, what if we destroy the empire, can we preserve the vitality of the human race, and can let people not disappear from the human race? If we can't do it, take it After the Emperor of Humanity, destroying the empire, they only make wedding dresses for others. The alien race will not appreciate us. On the contrary, they will destroy us at all costs. In my opinion, we should not treat the Emperor of Humanity at this time. We should sit on the sidelines. If the emperor doesn’t support anything, we even have to help him so that he can kill all the alien races and destroy the luck of the alien races. If all the alien races are destroyed, the luck of the whole world will be condensed in our human race. On top of that, we also worry about lack of air luck, supported by a huge amount of air luck, and worried about ancient gods and demons. We naturally have enough power to break free from the shackles of the world and transcend the world!"

Mess! With one word, the entire human race is chaotic. Among the major forces of the human race, there are different ideas and different choices. It is almost impossible to achieve their goals. No matter how these forces negotiate, there is no No one can convince the other party with any result, because they all have their own calculations and are unwilling to give the other party the initiative. As for the general trend of the human race, not many people care about it. They are all madly competing for benefits!

Unable to persuade the other party, and without any results in the negotiation, the many forces of the human race quickly broke up, and all of them were controlled by the human emperor, even in this dispute, the human emperor’s men He also played a disgraceful role, but the actions of the sect forces also caused the emperor's anxiety, making the emperor have to look at the sect once again!

The power of rebellion will not be extinct. As long as the tribulation of heaven and earth is not over, as long as the empire does not regain its strength in its heyday, and there is not enough power to suppress the world, the power of rebellion will not disappear, and the many sects will not disappear easily. Give up the crazy thoughts in your heart, and will not easily let go of the empire, let go of the emperor, this is the temptation of profit, this is the chaos of the human race!

Zongmen will always be a hidden danger to the empire, but unfortunately the empire has nothing to do. Even if the power of the imperial family is not an opponent of the sect, if it were not for the sect, the empire would have been destroyed! Although the emperor knows the actions of the sect, but there is no way to use the other party, as long as the sect does not reveal flaws, the empire can only let the sect be so arrogant, the emperor does not dare to act rashly, after all, the sect is not a family, no matter how powerful The aristocratic family does not have the background of the sect. Behind the first sect is the shadow of the supreme chaotic world, and all have powers unimaginable by the empire. If they are not a last resort, the emperor dare not attack them!

auzw.com Although the empire has a strong army, it is also incapable of facing the sect. The power of the sect is beyond the empire’s ability, unless the empire ignores its own luck and goes under the pressure of collapse. Destroying the sect, otherwise the empire will not be able to do anything about it at any time, even in its heyday, the empire will not start the war lightly, and the extinction of the sect will make the entire human sect angry and make them completely erupt. This is the bottom line of the sect. Like an empire, there can be no rebellion, or else there can only be war!

The chaos of the human race has gradually affected Xingtian. The chaos of the human race has caused the entire world to be in turmoil. Even if the king of the end of the clone of Xingtian wants to find a safe place to retreat and recover, there is no way, because he is focusing on himself. There were too many people in Xing Tian, ​​and Xing Tian had to be cautious and had to continue to hide. However, facing the crazy pursuit of Taipingdao, Xing Tian was under extremely heavy pressure. Xing Tian also wanted to turn around and teach Taipingdao a lesson, but his own situation was not Allowed, Xing Tian could not plunge himself into a crisis for the sake of temporary anger. You must know that Xing Tian has too many enemies. The interests of Xing Tian make many forces tempted. Xing Tian has to guard against this and dare not let himself. In a crisis!

"What secrets are hidden in the Avenue of Stars? It is worth the madness of Taiping Dao. What did the ancestors of Taiping Dao do? What is their way of detachment? What is the power behind Taiping Dao? It is the sect of the Supreme Chaos World. The next hand?" The King of Ending clone was thinking, trying to find answers to questions and solutions from the origin of Taipingdao, but the battlefield world has endless years, and the origin of Taipingdao has long been buried. During those endless years, Xing Tian would not gain anything for a while and would not find the other side. Perhaps other sects knew the origin of Taiping Dao, but Xing Tian did not dare to contact, even if it was his own sect. Xing Tian didn't dare to contact the descendants, after all, the times were different, and no one knew what these sects had planned, whether they would care about the power of the sects.

If the connection between the battlefield world and the supreme chaotic world is still there, Xing Tian dared to contact each other, and now he has lost the connection with the supreme chaos world, the thoughts of those former sect forces have also changed, and the gentleman does not stand under the dangerous wall. , At this time, Xing Tian would not be stupid enough to put his life on the other side.

"You can't procrastinate for such a long time. Although your injuries are not serious, the longer you prolong the time, the more detrimental you will be. The lunatics of peace can't be underestimated. Once these chaos complete their encirclement, then I'm really dangerous. Now that the emperor's madness has touched the bottom line of the sect, those ancestors will also be tempted to make a big move!"

For Xing Tian, ​​the vows made by many ancestors at the time were not unbreakable. Human Sovereign’s big action has already brought that vow to the brink of collapse. As long as the aliens fight back with all their strength, they will have the final fight with the human race. In the decisive battle, the strength of the ancestors of each family will be liberated, not to mention that when the emperor was purging the family, some of the family ancestors had broken the precepts, but their bad luck was backlashed by human luck and humane luck. It ended in a dead end!

Just when the King of Ending clone was embarrassed, suddenly the world trembled again, and there was a great earthquake. An inexplicable force fell from the void into this battlefield world. The origin of the world was attracted and cast into the endless void. The vitality of the world has been weakened a lot at this moment, as if the whole world was about to enter annihilation!

"Damn it, this is the means of the ancient gods and demons. It is devouring the origin of the world. If the will of heaven and earth cannot cut off this plunder, it will not take long for the origin of the entire world to be plundered, and the loss of origin will make the disaster of heaven and earth come faster. , Will bring the whole world to destruction! What do those **** ancient gods and demons want to do, so madly disregarding the life and death of a world creature? This cause and effect can really be carried by them, and they can really fear the impact of causality?"

Xing Tian frowned, worrying about the shocking changes that had occurred again. This is truly a wave of unrest. The situation has changed drastically again and again, and the power of ancient gods and demons has begun to penetrate the world. Among them, it has threatened the safety of all creatures and the safety of the entire world. These ancient gods and demons have not even revealed a trace. Such a method has far exceeded everyone’s imagination. If someone still wants to follow the original To face the ancient gods and demons with the impression in the secret world, it can only be said that this is self-defeating. The methods of the ancient gods and demons are far more vulnerable than everyone knows!

"The lunatics of Taiping Road are pursuing the Avenue of Stars, while the ancient gods and demons are inducing the origin of the world and plundering the origin of the world. This world is really going to be destroyed. I can't hesitate anymore. If I blindly avoid it, I will only let my own The situation is getting more and more dangerous, and the time left for myself is running out. Even at the risk of my life, I must fight back. I cannot let Taipingdao continue to be so arrogant or give other sect forces more illusions. !"

Without this earth-shattering drastic change, the King of Ending clone would not make an immediate decision, but now the situation has forced Xingtian to do so, the deity is still there, even if the clone is dead, it is not a big deal, and if it can’t be done Qing Taipingdao’s true thoughts, do not understand what they want to do to seize the Avenue of Stars, this is always a threat, even if the King of End clone is dead, at least to clarify this problem, instinctively make Xing Tian feel that this is the weakness of Taipingdao!

war! In an instant, Xing Tian’s fighting spirit was ignited again, and the power of the King of End was revived. For Xing Tian, ​​killing was easy. However, since there is a big battle, he must beat Taipingdao’s chase, Xingtian will naturally do a good job. Comprehensive preparations, or no action, as soon as the action is taken, all the chasing soldiers of the Peace Road must be left behind, and their blood will be used to warn all enemies, warn the forces that are about to move, and let them know that they are not easy to provoke.

"Slaying the heavens, the ground, and the common people! It seems that my avenue of killing has not scared these bastards. The previous Battle of the City of Death had too many variables, and my calculations failed. All the enemies were killed, and this time, these **** of Taiping Road will make up for it. I want them to know what the King of End is. There is only one result of being an enemy of me, and that is death. No one can escape!"


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