God of Destruction

Chapter 4057: Benefit of tongue

Remember [..] in one second!

Chapter 4056

It doesn’t matter, is it really okay? No, this is impossible. They are now in the yellow sand and have entered the scope of Xingtian's killing array. If they can't quickly withdraw, once Xingtian's killing array is fully opened, they will also be trapped. In desperate situation, Xing Tian would not let them go without mercy, even if they had no intention of killing Xing Tian, ​​but who made them too self-righteous, too deep, they are responsible for their actions!

Feeling the movement of the Taipingdao, Xing Tian suddenly stood up, his eyes were like electric shots at the elders of the Taipingdao who were besieging him, although they said that the Taipingdao would use a crowd of people tactics, and ordinary disciples would use those ordinary disciples to test the reality of Xingtian. However, as the elder who presides over the overall situation, he cannot hide behind his disciples. Once Taipingdao launches an attack, he, the elder who presides over the overall situation, must also show up. He must also confront Xing Tian, ​​with the power of the Taipingdao, or else Even if he could finally use the human sea to grind the death penalty, the face of Taipingdao would disappear. The name of his greed for life and fear of death would spread throughout the world, which would make all the disciples despise!

"Here, you are here finally. I thought you were timid and afraid of things. You need to gather all the power of the Peace Road here before you dare to attack me. It seems that I still underestimated you. You are still a little bit timid. Courage, just with this little strength, you think you can kill my Xingtian. You are not selfish in doing so, or are you trying to kill these disciples?" Without waiting for the answer from the Taipingdao elder, the king of Xingtian's end was cloned again. Continue to say: "That's right, this is the style of your Taipingdao. If there are any dangerous disciples, it is nothing to die some disciples. As long as you can survive, it is enough!"

"Shut up, Xingtian, you don’t want to play with your tongue. No matter what you say today, you can’t change your mortal fate. Don’t try to provoke me. I won’t fall for it. If you think you can provoke me, you can break it. It’s really naive and ridiculous to kill me in Taipingdao. I don’t need to do this, otherwise it will only make me laugh at your ignorance and stupidity!” Enraged by Xingtian’s words, but the elder of Taipingdao I still understand the importance of things, knowing that I can't care about Xingtian at this time, or the result will be unthinkable. Once the disciples really can be suspicious, so that they dare not charge forward, all the arrangements they have made will be changed. Because of flowing water, it will be completely destroyed, and it will no longer be possible to kill Xingtian!

"Hahaha! It's ridiculous, do you think you can scare me with the siege of the third and outer layers here? It's just that I don't understand what you plan to do, the inner third floor is full of strength The weak and weak disciples, the outer three layers are all the backbone disciples. Is it true that ordinary disciples really have no way to survive in your Taipingdao, they should be used as cannon fodder, charge for the Taipingdao at any time, and become your abandoned children at any time?" , Xing Tian shook his head gently, with a look of disdain on his face, and when his words fell, the disciples of Taipingdao were shaken!

"Xing Tian, ​​don’t continue to play with your tongue. You don’t want to try to escape. Today, you can’t leave here alive. This is your place of burial. If I really want to ignore the safety of my disciples, my elder will not Take the initiative and face you as a **** head-on, so your provocative divorce is useless. Even a disciple with a little brain will not believe your ridiculous words. You want to shake the morale of my Taipingdao disciples. I can say that you are too naive and too self-righteous!"

"Oh! Really? I don't think so. If you really have to cherish your disciples, you won't have such a siege, and I don't believe that you don't know the purpose of waiting here. From beginning to end, I Xingtiandu I never thought about running away, and I didn’t even bother to run away. This is the place where we both live and die. Unless one party completely collapses, otherwise the battle will not end. If you don’t even have this vision, you can only say you. This elder is not qualified!" When he said this, Xing Tian sneered disdainfully, looked at Elder Taipingdao with contempt, and wanted to see how he explained it!

"Huh! Playing tricks, this is your ability. I thought you Xingtian had something great. It turned out to be just a joke. If you have the ability, you can give it a go. I would like to see what you can kill. Wear my Taipingdao's great formation!" Taipingdao elder sneered in response to Xing Tian with a disdainful smile. There was no slight fluctuation on his face, as if he was really unselfish. He really didn't think about using these ordinary disciples as cannon fodder. Everything is like that. natural!

"Hahaha! What a peace elder, a good eloquence, you only want to know what traps I have been waiting here, in secret, you use these ordinary disciples to charge, but only for Test out the power of my trap, and then wait for them to consume the power of my trap, and then use the outer three-tier disciples to swarm me, and directly use the sea of ​​people to kill me. If you can directly admit it, I will look at you high. Because you have courage, but unfortunately you don't even have the courage to admit it. This shows that you are just a villain, a despicable villain!" When he said this, Xing Tian sneered again.

Although the verbal confrontation between Xing Tian and Taipingdao elders was very neat, it was annoying to those outside observers. What they want to see is not the confrontation above the words, they want to see the real battle. , Only in the battle of life and death can we see the strength of both sides, and can truly understand what Xingtian's trump card is!

"These two bastards, what are they going to do? It's impossible for them to use their mouths to kill each other. If they have such power, it will be fine. You don't have to do anything, just spray each other!"

"Okay, don’t worry. This is just the beginning. Soon the peace elders can’t hold on anymore. No matter how much he hides it, it’s useless. No matter how stupid the ordinary disciples are, they’ll think about everything clearly. If it drags on for a long time , These ordinary disciples might really have to be moved by Xing Tian, ​​and they would really shake their beliefs. At that time, Taipingdao’s plan would go bankrupt! The Taipingdao elders would not let such a situation happen even if they were a little bit wise, so he had to deal with Xing Tian started a war, and in any case, he could not shake the faith of his disciples, because that was a consequence he could not afford. Wait, the war will begin soon!"

auzw.com Yes, the war will begin soon. The Taipingdao elders really dare not hold on, because he has a guilty conscience. He is afraid that his lies will be exposed. He is afraid that the Taipingdao disciples will be exposed. Xing Tian's heart was shaken, so no matter what Xing Tian chooses, he must go to war, and he must fight before Xing Tian's disciples!

Villain! Being accused by the lunatic Xingtian as a villain in front of all his disciples is a great shame to the Taipingdao elders, and not only the Taipingdao people are here, there are also spies from various forces, although these spies Hidden body depth, but can't hide the feelings of Taipingdao elders. Such shame makes Taipingdao elders intolerable. Although he is eager to stimulate Xingtian's trump card from his words, it seems that he underestimated the lunatic Xingtian. Since he couldn't get cheap words, the elders of Taiping Road had only one choice, to go to war, go to war immediately!

"Enough, Xing Tian, ​​since you have to make a profit of your tongue, then I will teach you a lesson and kill me!" The Taipingdao elder gave an order, and the Taipingdao disciples immediately launched an assault, and those Taipingdao disciples directly ignored everything. The ground launched an attack on Xing Tian, ​​and the flood-like attack instantly submerged Xing Tian, ​​and Xing Tian was directly covered by that huge attack!

"Hmph, how good your tongue is, you are still vulnerable in the face of absolute strength, this world is not based on your tongue, but on strength. Without strength, you want to be arrogant in front of this elder. It's really lifeless!" Seeing that Xingtian was flooded by the attack, a trace of disdain flashed across the face of Taipingdao Elder. He was not only demonstrating to Xingtian, but also to those forces in the dark, warning the other party not to make trouble, otherwise they were. Can't bear the anger of peace!

"Asshole, this **** **** of Taipingdao, how dare he threaten us, he is truly invincible for Taipingdao, no one is their opponent, no one dares to fight against them?" Many people have been beaten by Taipingdao elders. Threats are angered, but no matter how angry they are, it is useless, because these spies are not afraid to fire at Taipingdao. They are not opponents of Taipingdao and cannot bear the anger of Taipingdao, so they can only vent their anger. That's it!

"Okay, is it useful to say this? We are not the opponents of Peace Road, nor can we bear the anger of Peace Road. This is a fact. Let alone us, even Zongmen elders must think twice before facing the madman of Peace Road. , Do not dare to act rashly, as long as Taipingdao does not attack us first, we can only endure it. This is the respect of the strong. Without strength, we can only swallow our lives, or we will only lose our lives in vain. , But Taipingdao elders were happy too early. This war has just begun. Xingtian is not so easy to be beheaded. If even this small battle Xingtian could not resist, he would not be so arrogant to wait for Taipingdao. Siege, look, soon these **** will suffer!"

Just when these words fell, a terrifying murderous aura burst out, Xing Tian's killing intention was masterpiece, the sword of killing turned into a stream of light and swept everything directly, and the sky full of attacks was under this blow. Directly fell apart, it is exactly that sentence, in the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy and tricks are vulnerable, and the number of people is not worth mentioning!

When he broke all the attacks with one blow, Xing Tian sneered disdainfully: "Huh! This is your peaceful way. Is this your proud Yiyi? If you only have this strength, I can only say you. They are killing themselves. Their attack can't even break my defenses. Talking about killing me Xingtian is really ridiculous, really ignorant, come on, show your true skills of peace, don't let this Ants come to die, the more they come, they will only become the nourishment of my killing avenue. Although I am not afraid of such killings, I also despise the shamelessness of your Taipingdao, the ruthlessness of your Taipingdao, and the vicious dedication of your disciples. In the face of absolute power, the number of people is only imaginary!"

"Damn it, how could Xingtian, a lunatic, be so powerful? Didn't he get hit hard during the catastrophe? How could he still display such terrifying combat power? How could his avenue of killing be so powerful? It's impossible. !" Seeing Xing Tian’s blow, seeing the deaths of ordinary disciples of Taipingdao, and seeing that after death became the nourishment of the killing avenue, the face of Taipingdao elders became extremely dignified. He really underestimated Xingtian and Xingtian. They were not as badly injured as they thought, perhaps Xingtian’s escape was just a conspiracy, a conspiracy to deceive them!

In an instant, Taipingdao elders regarded all this as Xingtian's conspiracy, and wanted to put all the responsibility on Xingtian, as if it was not him who caused all this, but Xingtian, a lunatic, and Xingtian would bear all responsibilities for this.

With a single sword, the sweep of Slaughter Avenue emptied everything around Xingtian, making the disciples of Taipingdao fear them. They had not really seen Xingtian's horror before, but now they finally saw it, but it was This blow completely defeated their faith, made their confidence hit, and made them fear!

At this time, these Taipingdao disciples can still stand and maintain the battlefield. This is already very rare. Of course, this is not how firm their will is and how loyal to Taipingdao, but they dare not run away. , Because they can't bear the anger of Taipingdao, once they run away, they are dead. Taipingdao will not be merciful to disciples who are afraid of fighting!

There is still a ray of life left, and escape is ten deaths, so under the cruel oppression of the martial arts, these disciples of Taipingdao are afraid of Xingtian’s terrible combat power, although they are afraid, but they dare not escape, and they They can’t escape. You must know that there are still Taipingdao disciples outside. If they turn around and escape, they don’t need to return to the sect. The Taipingdao disciples behind them will directly kill them and behead them, so no matter what How dangerous and terrifying the situation is, these peaceful disciples can only brace themselves and continue to stand on the spot, waiting for orders from their parents!

It's a pity that no matter how strong these disciples are, their bodies have betrayed themselves, and there is still a trace of fear and anxiety on each of them. Even some people's bodies are trembling, for fear that Xingtian will target them in the next moment. !


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