God of Destruction

Chapter 4058: Homicide

Chapter 4058: Murder and Murder

"It's over, the minds of these Taipingdao disciples are over. Xing Tian’s blow directly shattered their beliefs and left an indelible mark in their hearts. If they were to attack Xing Tian, ​​it would only be for nothing. The Taipingdao elders finally paid a heavy price for his arrogance. Only a single blow destroyed the faith of so many disciples. Now the Taipingdao is in great trouble, and their plan is about to collapse completely!" , The spies of the major forces couldn’t help sighing. For the disciples of Taipingdao, this was a catastrophe. After this battle, their Taoism was completely broken, even if they were able to fight in this battle. Surviving in the middle of nowhere, there will be no breakthrough, Xingtian’s magical shadow is deeply imprinted on their souls, as long as they can't obliterate this shadow, they will never be able to break through themselves!

"To kill and kill people, Xing Tian is a vicious method. His counterattack is really terrible. If we stand in the position of those disciples who are peaceful, I am afraid it will not be much better than them. They hope that the arrangements of the parents will be able to kill. Kill Xingtian, so their Dao Xin still has a day to recover, otherwise they are really finished, but I don’t know what is thinking in the heart of Taiping Dao Elder now, whether he can still have the arrogant aura before, this time he You really have to kick on the iron plate!"

"This is indeed a piece of iron. To tell the truth, when I saw Xing Tian's terrifying sword, I couldn't help thinking in my heart, Xing Tian really had to be hit hard in the previous Dao catastrophe? Is his avoidance? A conspiracy, is it deliberately to lead those malicious enemies to take the initiative to stand up, and then give these enemies a fatal blow!"

"Don't say, this is really possible. Xing Tian is also a madman, a madman who can do everything. If he does this kind of calculation, it is normal. After all, this madman has the strength and the determination. It is just these **** of peace. Directly hit this iron plate. At this time, even if they want to stop, their arrogant behavior is known to the entire human race and the foreign races. At this time they are going to retreat and will only lose their own skin. It will only cause endless crises. It is necessary to know that there are many enemies of Taipingdao. I don’t know how many people and how many forces are looking forward to an accident in Taipingdao. Once they show weakness, what awaits them will be a terrible disaster. , Maybe they can survive by fighting the foundation, but then they will no longer be as strong as before, they will gradually decline, and even go to destruction!"

"I look forward to seeing this day. After all, these lunatics of Peace Road are a hidden danger to my human race. No one knows what crazy things these lunatics will do in the next moment. With them, we can hardly feel safe. Their madness is unstoppable and unpredictable, otherwise there would not be this terrible battle now!"

"Forget it, don't talk about it anymore. Taipingdao will not just stop like this. Now Xingtian is facing only the insignificant power of Taipingdao. The real killer has not yet appeared. Although the plan of Taipingdao has failed, these disciples' The sacrifice is worth the price. At least their sacrifice made Taiping Dao see that Xing Tian was not injured in the previous tribulations. Even if it was injured, it was a minor injury. It is worthwhile to exchange some ordinary disciples for such information. Although a bit cruel, the war itself is cruel and ruthless. What's more, Taipingdao and Xingtian are already immortal. In order to win the final victory, this sacrifice is worthwhile, but I don’t know how Taipingdao will react next. Can the three-tiered Taipingdao master kill Xingtian, can he achieve what he wants, if he fails again, Taipingdao will be really dangerous!"

Many people are now talking about the situation of Taipingdao. No one thought of such a situation. Xingtian's sudden eruption made all of them see the terrible situation. If even the Taipingdao can't help Xingtian, then Who can deal with Xingtian, is it really necessary to let those ancestors face off against a junior like Xingtian?

Everyone present knows how heavy the efforts of Taipingdao are. Such power is already the ultimate that Taipingdao can do. It is impossible to gather more power. Taipingdao cannot give up everything and go all out. Aiming at Xingtian, after all, they also have many enemies. If they do this, those enemies will wake up with laughter, and will give the Taipingdao a fatal blow at all costs, causing the Taipingdao to suffer more damage and breaking the roots of the Taipingdao!

"What do you think Xingtian will do, will you give these disciples of Taipingdao a chance to leave?" Suddenly someone asked such a sentence, and this sentence made everyone a little embarrassed. They all understood this sentence. The meaning behind the words!

No matter how arrogant or crazy Taipingdao is, they are a member of the human race and an important force of the human race. If the disciples of the peace road are bloodbathed by Xingtian in this battle, it will be a huge for the human race. Loss, but at this time who dared to stand up and speak up with the righteous human race, who dared to stand up to persuade Xing Tian!

No one dares. This sentence is a huge conspiracy, just to calculate everyone’s conspiracy. When everyone thinks clearly, when they turn their heads to look for each other, they find that there is no one at the source of the sound, and in their memory. Among them, there is indeed no one there. All this points to someone calculating them, and someone wants to drag them into this battle!

"Damn, don't let me find who you are, otherwise you will not be able to bear my anger, dare to calculate all of us, even the sect behind us, you are challenging our bottom line, and also challenging our back sect. The bottom line of the door, this thing is endless, unless you can keep hiding in the dark, or you will pay for it one day!"

A vicious voice sounded. For such a calculation, it really touched the bottom line of all forces. Many people's eyes transmitted a terrible murderous intent, but it was a pity that they didn't find the trace of the man who had calculated it, so they could only get sulking!

"You guys, do you think it's possible that those alien races are calculating us? You must know that this is the realm of barbarians. It is normal for them to leave behind a little bit. The most important thing is to be able to conceal all of us silently. , This is absolutely very difficult, at least you have to know everything about the terrain and everything here!"

"It's not that there is no such possibility. The heart of the alien race has never disappeared, and under the current situation, these alien races are even more intolerable. At this time, using the righteousness of the human race to provoke us and cause civil strife. It is a good choice for a foreign race. If we are really fooled and calculated, the entire human race will face a terrible disaster. The lunatic Xingtian has done everything, and he has never been afraid in his heart. !"


"Oh! The overall situation is really dangerous. The Human Race must face such a crisis, and must face the siege of foreign races, but now these **** of Taipingdao still do their own things, and still do not take the overall situation as the most important thing. They have to fight with Xingtian at this time. This lunatic is in a life-and-death duel. Aren’t they digging for the roots of the human race? Are they self-destructing? If the human race falls, they will be able to live in peace. It is possible that they can leave the human race to escape alone!"

"Well, don’t talk about the peace road. This is not something we people can talk about. No matter what the peace road does, we can’t intervene. We can only watch and not talk about all of this today. , We must be careful, and we must return to the sect. This is not a trivial matter. This may be related to the life and death of the entire human race. We may have grievances and hatreds between each other, but in the face of human rights, we must not be cautious!"

This is a very nice statement, but does anyone believe it? I am afraid that those who say this will not believe that benefits are eternal. Human righteousness can only be said. It is really necessary for them to sacrifice themselves to perfect human righteousness. These people present will not do it. All they desire is The sacrifices of others, if they are allowed to sacrifice, it is absolutely impossible. This is the human heart!

Mouth-cannon, these people are just a bunch of mouth-cannons, but they are right, this time it is indeed a conspiracy, and it is indeed a foreign race who counted them, but they are not barbarians. The barbarians do not have this ability, the foreign race is so. To do it, on the one hand, is to provoke the civil strife of the human race, on the other hand, even if it fails, it doesn’t matter. The human race will only count everything on the barbarians. Who will let this be the domain of the barbarians, and there are barbarians who are behind them, This is a good thing.

For the barbarians, those alien races hate them very much, because the barbarians rejected their offer and the request of the alien alliance, so they secretly buried the bane of the barbarians is also a kind of revenge. The vengeance against the barbarians makes the barbarians People face the anger of the human race and make the barbarians pay a heavy price for their stupidity. It is not that they can refuse if they want to refuse. The barbarians are not willing to go to war with the human race, so they have to go to war!

It’s a pity that these alien races didn’t think that it’s not the issue of barbarians fighting the human race, but that the human race frontier army launched a war against them. Their calculations look very good, but the effect they can play is very limited, even It is impossible to inflict harm on the barbarians. When the final battle arrives, no conspiracy and tricks are worth mentioning. In the end, the war will end with strength, or strength. Without strength, no matter how good the calculation is, it will not withstand a blow!

"Come on! Don't let me down again, let me see what else you have in Peace Road. You have been preparing for so long, and you won’t only have this strength. Don’t try to escape. When you act, this war It broke out completely. Both of us are endlessly dying. You can't bear the responsibility of losing the battle, and you can't bear the responsibility of running away!" Seeing that the Taipingdao elders had not taken any new actions, Xing Tian sneered and said to each other. Put pressure on the opponent to continue!

To be honest, at this time Taipingdao elder really had a hint of the idea of ​​ending the war, because he was worried that all this was Xingtian’s conspiracy, and he was stepping into Xingtian’s trap, but when he heard Xingtian’s words , His idea was completely cut off. If Xing Tian didn’t say these words, he still might retreat, but with these words, if he wanted to avoid war, it would be impossible. He couldn’t bear this cause and effect, peace. The Tao cannot bear this cause and effect!

"Okay, if you want to fight, then I will fight with you on Taipingdao. Don't be too arrogant, open the big formation, and the Taiping battle will start!" At this time, the Taipingdao elders did not dare to keep their hands anymore, and directly opened the final Assassin, Taipingdao’s great formation is fully activated. Originally, he didn’t want to activate the power of this great formation at this time, because he wanted to see if other enemies showed up, but now he has no choice, or else Taipingdao’s face It's really lost.

Following the order of the Taipingdao elders, all the disciples of Taipingdao moved, and powerful auras rose to the sky, the towns of Taipingdao were fully activated, and the powerful forces united together to form a giant net. A net of heaven and earth that seals the sky and the earth directly bans the void where Xing Tian is located, directly cutting off the connection between Xing Tian and the outside world!

"What a Taiping battle formation, these lunatics of Taiping Dao are really crazy. Even the town sect has been taken out. No wonder they have prepared for such a long time. No wonder they have to use so many people. It seems that they are iron. The heart wants to kill Xingtian, and they are not only targeting Xingtian, but also the enemy hidden in the dark. Fortunately, no one jumps out. Otherwise, the trouble will be even greater, and the civil turmoil of the human race will be completely detonated, and there is no way. prevent!"

"Yeah, no one thought that Taipingdao would be so crazy, Taiping ancestors would be so crazy, to use the Zhenzong Array for a Xingtian, is it really worth it? Paying such a high price, just to win Xingtian alone , Xing Tian’s interests really make Taipingdao so tempting. It’s incredible, it’s hard to imagine and understand!"

At this time, not only the spies who were fighting for appearances were shocked, but many forces in the entire human race were shocked, and the alien races were also shocked. The most shocked was the barbarian. They never thought that Taipingdao would be so crazy. , Dare to move all the Zhenzong's large formation into their domain, is Taipingdao really not afraid of causing race wars and causing the final decisive battle, and they are not afraid of their barbarians dispatched to leave these Taipingdao disciples in this yellow sand Among them, let them pay a heavy price? If these Taipingdao disciples are strangled, Taipingdao will be greatly injured, and will no longer have the strength to face this terrible catastrophe, let alone escape from the catastrophe!


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