God of Destruction

Chapter 4059: Jiezhenzong Dazhen

Remember [..] in one second!

Chapter 4th and Fifty-ninth

Crazy, in the eyes of these people, Taipingdao is too crazy, but in the hearts of Taipingdao people, it is inevitable, because this is their pursuit and their hope of detachment. For them, they must win Xingtian anyway. To take down the possible legacy of the Avenue of Stars, to perfect the plan of the Taipingdao, to transcend the world into the highest chaos world, to get rid of this terrible world and earth catastrophe, this is the temptation that everyone cannot refuse, at least in the entire Taipingdao. Ninety percent of the disciples believe this statement, and less than 10% of the disciples have doubts in their hearts, and they are all elderly people who have experienced countless trials and hardships, but they dare not speak, because the Peace Road is not what outsiders see. That way, Taipingdao is extremely dangerous and terrifying!

Together with the Zhenzong Great Formation, the entire world is shaking, and this void is trembling. Although this is not a complete Zhenzong Great Formation, it is also a Zhenzong Great Formation, with unmatched strength, and is trapped in the Great Formation. Xing Tian in the formation was not horrified by this terrible appearance, nor was he frightened by the madness of Taiping Dao. On the contrary, a faint smile flashed across Xing Tian’s face. All this was exactly what Xing Tian wanted to see. The result, the madness of Taipingdao is exactly the result Xingtian expects!

No one saw the flash of smile on Xing Tian’s face, no one could see Xing Tian’s situation through the power of Taipingdao Zhenzong’s Great Array, because Taipingdao’s Zhenzong’s Great Array was too strong, not at all. What the spies could see through, for such a shocking change, all the spies sighed involuntarily, and they were all lost for the shock. Their purpose was to spy on the void of Xingtian and Taipingdao, but Taipingdao As soon as the town sect came out, their expectations were frustrated.

"Damn Taipingdao, this time we really got to lose. With the power of this big formation, we can't see the situation in the formation. We don't know the situation of Xingtian and Taipingdao. Taipingdao is going to harm me. Good thing! This time Xing Tian is afraid to be planted. With ten thousand enemies, it can be realized on the battlefield, but it is impossible to achieve here. Xing Tian’s arrogance will finally ruin his own life and also ruin the human race. Qi Luck! The fall of a Tianjiao enchanting evildoer has a great impact on the human luck. After this battle, the humanity will inevitably be shaken, and the entire human race will also fall into crisis!"

At this time, most people are not optimistic about Xing Tian, ​​and do not think that Xing Tian has the ability to retreat from the Taiping Road, the town sect. Don’t look at Xing Tian’s astonishing strength before, the spear of ending is sharp, but now Xing Tian’s face It’s not just one person, but a small part of the power of the entire Taipingdao. It is facing the siege of tens of thousands of people. What is ultimately required is that Xing Tian is trapped in the opposing party’s town formation. In these many unfavorable circumstances Next, how many people believe that Xing Tian has the power to retreat!

"What a Taiping battle formation, is this your last killer? Forget it, let me use the killing formation to fight with you for life and death, and take a look at your Taiping Dao Zhenzong formation is powerful, or my Xingtian killing avenue Terrible, killing the sky, killing the sky, killing the earth, killing the common people, everything in heaven and earth cannot be killed, kill! Kill! Kill!" When Xingtian's roar fell, a series of terrible murderous auras appeared from the void, and the arrogance appeared, momentarily. The entire land of yellow sand was shrouded in between, shrouded the world, the killing avenue came, directly enveloping all the people of Taipingdao, and enveloping a part of the spies from all forces!

"Damn it, this is Xingtian's assassin. He was able to hide from us and set up such a terrifying killing array. How did he do it? Has his killing avenue really achieved such a terrifying degree?" Dang Seeing the massacre array covering all the disciples of Taipingdao, the elders of Taipingdao were terrified. At this moment, he really felt the breath of death!

"Be fooled, we are still calculated. This madman is crazier and more sinister than we thought. He really took a terrible road on the avenue of killing, killing the heavens, the land, and the common people. The power is really so terrible! Break through, we can’t fight this madman. The Zhenzong formation is not complete, and it is difficult to resist this madman’s killing formation! "I want to compare Xingtian’s killing avenue, Taiping Dao’s Zhenzong formation. Insufficient!

"No, we can't retreat. Now we are trapped in Xingtian's massacre array. Once we retreat, it will be even worse. I don't believe that Zhenzong's mass array can't fight against Xingtian alone. No matter how perfect the killing avenue is, we cannot be perfect. There must be a chance to break the envelope of this killing. No matter how strong Xing Tian is, there is only one. It takes time, and we consume him!" As the elder presiding over the overall situation, he immediately objected, because in his opinion, breaking through at this time is self-defeating. They are not really without a chance to turn over. As he said, no matter how strong Xing Tian is, it is only one person, and there are tens of thousands of them, even if they use a sea of ​​people, they can fill in the death penalty. Defects can cost enough death penalty days!

The people on Taiping Road are not in danger yet, because they have a large array of townsmen and can withstand the erosion of the Killing Avenue, but the other spies are not so lucky. They have to face the killing array of Xingtian. Directly exposed to the massacre, everyone was facing the threat of death, and everyone looked terrified!

"How can the **** be like this? How could Xingtian, a lunatic, set up such a terrible killing array? We are not his enemies. What does he want to do, why are we trapped together!" Those people were screaming frantically , Wanted to attract Xing Tian's attention, wanted Xing Tian to let them make a living and escape from this desperate situation.

It’s a pity that Xingtian doesn’t care about the life and death of these people. Whether they are malicious or not, as long as they step into the scope of the killing array, they are among Xingtian’s strangulation, and it is impossible for Xingtian to let go of the killings for them. The strength of the formation would only give Taipingdao a chance to fight back. Xing Tian was not stupid enough to put himself in danger for the lives and deaths of such a few people!

"Friend Xingtian, we have no malice against you. We are just here to watch the battle. Please let go of the big formation and give us a way!" Begging. At this time, these spies didn't dare to pay attention to face and directly pleaded with Xingtian. , To fight for the last ray of life for himself, hoping that Xing Tian can let them make a living.


And at this moment, the elder of Taipingdao suddenly said: "Xingtian, this is the war between us that has nothing to do with others. You don’t need to kill the innocents. What if you let them live? The whole world is an enemy!"

If the Taipingdao elders did not speak, these people still had a chance to live, and his opening directly killed these people's vitality, and it was even more impossible for Xing Tian to let them go. The Taipingdao elders clearly wanted to use these people as a breakthrough point. Use these people to make Xingtian’s killing array loopholes, so that they can break out of the formation, and even fight against Xingtian. Of course, if Xingtian doesn’t release these people, he will naturally offend the sect behind him, and it will also Arouse the hatred of these people and fight Xingtian desperately!

Xing Tian snorted disdainfully: "Huh! Do you think I am a fool? I will give you a chance to break the formation. Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking, but you want to take the opportunity to break my killing formation. , Don’t dream, there is a causal cycle in the great calamity of your body, heaven and earth, if they don’t pretend to break into our battlefield, they will naturally have no worries about life, why other people have not been killed by me Sleepy, only them, just because they are too arrogant, so this is a causal cycle, even if they die in my killing array, they are their fate!"

"Damn Xingtian, how dare he say that, how dare he ignore us, this **** can't die!" The spies who are in desperation are yelling at Xingtian, because Xingtian wants to kill them, how can they be Not angry. For them, they have never thought that this is cause and effect, it is their own responsibility, and they put all the responsibility on Xingtian.

"Enough, don’t go crazy anymore, are you not responsible for yourself, if it’s not for our arrogance, we think we know our strength and want to know more information, we won’t fall into the current situation, all this is our own I found it, but if you want to complain, you should not complain about Xingtian, but against the **** of Taipingdao. Without his words, we still have a chance to live. With his words, Xingtian wouldn't dare to be generous. If you risk your own life, you will not ruin your life because of our life and death. Taipingdao is the most hateful, and he is our worst enemy. If you want to scold it, you should scold Taipingdao instead of Xingtian!"

Even so, it’s Xingtian who controls their destiny. These people can’t listen to these words. For them, Xingtian didn’t let them make a living. This is Tianda’s fault, so everything is Xingtian’s fault. They It is Xing Tian who hates it.

People can’t help themselves in the catastrophe. These people are really unsaved at this time. They have been deeply eroded by the catastrophe of heaven and earth, and they have gradually lost their reason. It is impossible to expect them to wake up and see the essence of things. When he saw that he couldn't persuade, the person who spoke could not help but sighed and shook his head without saying anything. Instead, he distanced himself from these ignorant people so as not to be encumbered by these dazed bastards!

In Xingtian’s killing array, he was not scolding them, but he was scolding Xingtian. This is not what he wanted to die. Even if Xingtian had the ability to let them live, he wouldn’t be able to hear their anger. Let go of these people, it can be said that from the moment these ignorant people speak out against Xingtian, their fate is doomed, and death is their destination, and death is gone, and there is no longer any chance of life, even reincarnation. None, will be directly obliterated. This is a mortal person, all luck is gone, no matter how crazy there is, there is only a dead end!

"It's miserable! How could these people end up so terribly if they were too hard? If they were a little sensible and a little more cautious, how could they fall into such a desperate situation? We must know that these people are not peaceful disciples. There is no need to be so desperate. Zongmen did not give us death orders. They didn’t know how to be cautious. In such a battle, a little carelessness would ruin their lives. Xing Tian let go and let them live. Is this possible? Even our suzerain would not be able to do it. Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic dared to shake the Taiping Dao hard, is naturally not afraid of everything. Our sects do not necessarily threaten the Taiping Dao. !"

"Yeah, they tried too hard. They didn't have to take risks at all, but they had to try. This is not what it means to find death by themselves. At this time, I think of Xingtian again. It is ridiculous to want people to let them live. Now they are rejected. Later, they scolded Xingtian, why they didn't want to think about what they were doing. If they weren't too greedy, how could they end up like this!"

"Dangerous calamity is perilous, and caution is the way to save your life. There is no need not to be too desperate, not too greedy, or they will only follow in the footsteps of these people. At this time, they really have to die of their own lives, even if Xing Tian finally has the ability. Let them go, they will not stop, these people are really too ignorant, too stupid, they don't leave a way for themselves at all!"

"Speaking of it, the **** of the savages escape fast and shrink fast, or they will end up worse. Faced with lunatics like Taipingdao and Xingtian, they have nothing to do with them, killing the sky, the land, and the common people. There is nothing in the world to kill, Xingtian has no taboos, and he doesn’t care about the death of any creatures. He really has stepped into the consummation of the killing avenue. It is really unwise to provoke such a lunatic, and Taipingdao is too arrogant. This time it will inevitably pay a heavy price. If all of their disciples die here, the vitality of the whole Taipingdao will be greatly injured, and there will be no more power to fight back, and even in this catastrophe, they will be destroyed. Take the sect. It’s a bad luck to gamble!"

"Oh! Who knows what Taipingdao is thinking, who knows what they are calculating, maybe they don't care about the life and death of these disciples, maybe they have already dealt with this strategy, otherwise such a big movement, the old Taipingdao It is impossible for the ancestors not to know, and it is impossible to let this situation go so crazy, our vision is still too low, and many things are not clear!"

If you want to see through this world and see through this great calamity, let alone these people, even the ancestors of the various sects can’t see through everything, and can’t see through the general trend of the world. If they really can see through everything, then there is no need to pursue What opportunity can be directly detached!


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