God of Destruction

Chapter 4060: Anger

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Chapter Four Thousand Sixtieth Anger

The Taipingdao ancestors didn't want to make a move, didn't they want a devastating blow to Xingtian? No, he thought, he really wanted to, but he couldn't do this, the rules restricted his actions, and the ancestors of the Taipingdao didn't dare, because there are too many enemies in the Taipingdao, and it is easy for the enemy to seize the opportunity by himself. , The most important thing is that the life and death of these disciples is not worth mentioning for the Taipingdao patriarchs, and now Xingtian has not been forced into desperation, Xingtian still has a killer, and the Spear of Ending did not break out for a while, the Taipingdao ancestors must have As far as it is concerned, we must be afraid of this lore that will end the treasure.

"Wrong, did I really think wrong? There is really no Avenue of Stars in Xing Tian's body. What he taught to the Water God of Tongtian River is only the fragments of the inheritance of stars, only the inheritance of Shui De Xingjun. He really walked on the Avenue of Killing, if This time the price is a bit high, but now it’s too late to stop, the hatred has already been formed, and it’s already endless. Even if it pays a high price, it will end his life and destroy him. Let him have the opportunity to threaten me to wait!" When seeing Xing Tian’s performance, the ancestors of Taipingdao all had a trace of regret in their hearts. If this battle fails, Taipingdao will shrink its strength, and it will no longer be able to be in the human race. In the midst of stirring up the situation, they can no longer fight against other top sects, and even face the pressure of the empire, because they have failed. If they succeeded, everything would be completely different!

"Yes, at this point, we have no choice. We can't do it. The vows are still affecting us, binding us, and even the rules of heaven and earth are suppressing us, but the other powers of the sect are not restricted. It is time We have used our background, and we don’t know how long the incomplete Zhenzong Array can last. If Xing Tian escapes this time, our entire Taiping Road will have no peace. That is a lunatic, a lunatic who doesn’t care about anything!"

"Yes, it's time for us to use our heritage. No matter what direction this war will lead, we must do this. If our attack leads to a final battle, that is our destiny. We have no choice!"

"Everyone can think clearly. If we make a move this time, there will be no room for recovery. Our Taipingdao will be at odds with all the forces of the race, and there will be no retreat. We can only go one way to the dark. To be honest, it is here. Now I don’t have the confidence to complete the ship of stars. Without this treasure of stars, we cannot pass through the barriers of the world, and the time left for us is running out. I can feel the majesty of the sky and the world moving. Leaving the original trajectory and heading in an unknown direction, those ancient gods and demons are completing their plans, and we are heading towards destruction!"

"At this time, I still have to think about what to do so much. Let's do it. We can't bear it anymore. Otherwise, we will really become a turtle and make those **** laugh to death!"

"Yes, I can't bear it anymore. The more this time we have to take the initiative, and create opportunities if we don't have a chance. We must detach from the world before the conspiracy of the ancient gods and devils is completed. I can feel the conspiracy of the ancient gods and devils. Calculations are not generally terrible. They are not only mobilizing our world. Although my avenue of stars is not complete, they can still feel the changes of the stars. Perhaps we are just for our own detachment, and the ancient gods and demons have already Crazy enough to detach the entire world, and even several worlds, directly into the highest chaos world!"

"Hey, crazy, how is this possible? How can one world be detached? Could it be that the wisdom of the world's will is not naturally caused, but the means of ancient gods and demons. If this is the case, then this world is really terrifying? , The ancient gods and demons are also too terrible. Such things can be accomplished. We have an unimaginable gap with them!"

"Well, what the ancient gods and demons want to do has nothing to do with us. What we want now is to detach ourselves. If the avenue of stars is perfect, we can build the ship of stars, which can make the entire sect detach, even if we enter In the Supreme Chaos World, there are also certain advantages, others are too far away for us!"

These ancestors of the Taipingdao finally made a crazier decision. They brought up the foundation of the Taipingdao. Another terrifying force appeared in front of all the forces, and these people rushed directly to the north and toward the barbarians. In the realm, it is obvious that Taipingdao is going to make a full effort to win Xingtian at all costs to shock the Quartet!

"Background, Taipingdao is really crazy. At this time, they have used the sect’s background. Do they really want to pass it? They don’t want to protect themselves in the final battle. At this time, they have to work hard for a little The Xingtian of Xingtian will give up all the details?" All the major forces in the human race are unaware of the sudden change of Taiping Dao, and there is endless anger in their doubts, because these foundations are the vital power of the human race. In order to target the final battle, Taipingdao has used them where they shouldn’t be used. They have been used on a “ant” like Xingtian. Doing so will break everyone’s agreement. How can we not let all parties involved? The forces are angry, but what about the anger, they can't change the decision of Taipingdao, the power is in the hands of Taipingdao, it is not what they can influence!

"Taipingdao is too presumptuous. This simply doesn't put me in the eye. At this time, I use the background and start to stun the snake. What he wants to do, can it be said that they really want to completely break with us? The little Xing Tian gave up the endless years of waiting. The Taipingdao will be crazy for the foreign race, and we have to accept all this passively!"

This time, the Taiping Dao provokes the anger of the people and offends all the top forces of the human race. Because their selfishness has ruined everyone's plans and cut everyone's thoughts. This is an enemy of everyone, and it is taking everyone. The life and death of joking.

The Taipingdao shot again, and the emperor was shocked. Although the emperor knew that all the major sects had a huge background, the background of the Taipingdao shot was too terrifying, and even the Taipingdao had such a The background, what is the background of the royal family? If this background cannot be mastered by myself, it would be too dangerous for my emperor!

auzw.com"Maybe I should have a showdown with my ancestors. It’s time to talk about everything. Either support me with all my strength or go on separate ways. The ancestor is the ancestor and the royal family is the royal family. , The empire is an empire, and luck is completely cut away!” At this time, under the pressure of the outside world, the emperor also made a crazier decision. It was not that he had any bad thoughts, but the environment forced the emperor. If you don't do this, you have to confront your ancestors head-on, or else there is only a dead end waiting for the emperor!

The emperor does not want to let his ancestors and the royal family who do not obey their orders enjoy the imperial luck for nothing without paying a little price. This is impossible! If in normal times, these people are so cheap in the empire, it’s not a big deal, but now it’s a catastrophe, and a decisive battle between races is coming. If they still look like this, it would be a dead end for the empire and destruction for the human race. For the sake of his own safety, the Emperor cannot let them be so cheap!

I have to say that when the foundation of Taipingdao was fully revealed, it shocked the entire world and caused a huge impact on all forces. Everything was changing. Even the emperor had to showdown against the royal family and his ancestors. It can be seen that this has a great impact!

For Xing Tian, ​​he didn’t know about the changes in Taiping Dao, but even if Xing Tian knew it, he wouldn’t do anything. How about Taiping Dao fighting against him when he did his best. When his killing array started, everything was a foregone conclusion. , No one can change all of this, let alone the mere background, even if the ancestors show up, the clone of Xingtian’s End King is not afraid.

At this time, the savages were worried. For them, the sudden attack made them very uncomfortable and unacceptable!

"What Human Race is going to do, Taipingdao suddenly undergoes such a big change, is there a conspiracy in this, if those disciples of Taipingdao appeared in our domain before, it is to kill Xingtian, but now they Let's try our best to do what is going to do, is it worth it for a small punishment day?"

"Perhaps this was a conspiracy from the very beginning, a conspiracy against us barbarians. If it was just Xingtiandu Daojiao, it would be nothing, but after the Daojiao Xingtian was suddenly strangled by the Taipingdao. It is impossible to say, and there is no movement from other forces, allowing the Taipingdao to go crazy, which is even more suspicious. Now that the Taipingdao is fully revealed, if there is no conspiracy, it is not against us, I am afraid that no one will believe it. A mere Xing Nai is worthy of them. It really can make Taipingdao so crazy, I don't believe it!"

"Yeah, if you believe in the nonsense of the Taipingdao, it would be too stupid. This time we can't bear it anymore. We have withdrawn from the tribes before, but the human **** still haven't stopped. They are still telling us. Now that the Taiping Road is full of its heritage, under this situation, we still tolerate, and it will only make the other party more effective. It will even more oppress our survival and force us to resist, otherwise our power will be affected by them. Eat it bit by bit!"

"War! Now we have no choice. The **** of the Taiping Road will either not enter our territory, but only in the territory of the northern peoples. Then we have nothing to say. If they force their way into our territory, we have to die. Fight, don’t think that if the human race has ignited the flames of war from all sides, it can make us retreat, and we barbarians will fight to the end!"

I have to say that when the foundation of Taiping Dao was fully revealed, it finally provoked the bottom line of the barbarians, making those barbarians go crazy for it, and let the barbarians start directly with the human race. The madness of Taiping Dao made the world even more crazy. Let everything become more dangerous, the current situation will be out of control with their madness. If the barbarian war ignites again, the final battle between the human race and the foreign race will inevitably come, and the shackles on many ancestors will be completely eliminated!

Once all the ancestors have released the vows, they can make any moves. The creatures in this world will face the disaster of extinction. Whether it is a human race or a foreign race, they will suffer great damage, even annihilation. The possibility of annihilation of the clan, after all, the ancestors' methods are too terrifying, which ordinary people cannot resist, their liberation is a disaster for all living beings!

"The trouble for the savages is big. They think they don’t take the initiative to challenge the bottom line of the human race, and the human race will be able to let them go, and they can get by. Going down the barbarians really have to lose their war instincts, they are really a dead end, leaving our alien alliance, without our protection, barbarians are just a piece of meat on the lips of the human race, vulnerable to the edge of the human race!"

"Everyone, I know everyone hates the barbarians' betrayal, but we can't watch the barbarians fall. If the barbarians are calculated to die by the human race and collapsed in this battle, the pressure on us will be even greater. , We must prevent all of this from happening, even if we pay a heavy price, we can’t let the conspiracy of the people succeed!"

"Why, why do we help the savages and bastards, they have thought about our good, I disagree, in short, we will not send troops to help the savages, even if the savages are completely destroyed by the human race, we will not mobilize One soldier and one soldier, the barbarians asked for all this, and they have to bear the cause and effect!"

One person stood up to oppose, and soon more foreigners opposed it. For these foreigners, this alliance is a game of loose sand. It is impossible for them to sacrifice their strength to help the barbarians. It doesn’t work, no matter whether it’s good or bad, they will not agree with these alien races. They are determined to look at the jokes of the barbarians, how they are destroyed by the human race, and how they end up in genocide. Only in this way will there be more foreign races uniting to one's side, and will be able to increase the voice of one's own ethnic civilization!

Of course, these **** did not think that once things were out of control, how much impact they would have on themselves, and how much pressure would be on their alien alliance, but in the face of their interests, they still chose their interests instead of sacrificing themselves. It's not a waste of your own power to help unrelated **** such as barbarians. This result makes some knowledgeable alien powerhouses very helpless, and this result makes them inevitably worried!


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