God of Destruction

Chapter 4061: Jie Zhanlong

Remember [..] in one second!

Chapter Four Thousand Sixty One

When the Taipingdao was once again dispatched, when the foundation was activated, the expressions of the elders of the Taipingdao who were in the northern desperate situation changed. Although they were covered by the massacre, the core of the Taipingdao still received the information from the sect. Knowing the decision of the sect, and knowing that the entire sect was at all costs for this battle, the expressions of these elders became extremely dignified. Time, they need time, and Xingtian needs to be dragged here. Before the reinforcements arrived, they were killed by the lunatic Xingtian, and the Zongmen’s efforts would be wasted, and they would be peaceful sinners!

When the expression of the Taipingdao elders changed, Xing Tian also immediately noticed, and his soul warned, as if a catastrophe was coming, as if danger was about to happen, which made Xing Tian's heart vigilant and faced such things as Taipingdao. The enemy, Xing Tian dare not be careless. The warning in his heart means that new dangers are coming, or the enemy has a killer. This Zhenzong array is not their last power, they have even more terrifying power! For Xing Tian, ​​no matter what the situation is, he must be cautious at this time, and he must not be careless or let the enemy turn over!

"Can't wait any longer, or else a new crisis will arise. It's time to close the net. No matter what these peaceful **** have, they must use the power of the lore to kill the heavens, the land, and the common people. There is nothing in the world to kill, kill! Kill! Kill!" When Xingtian’s last killer fell, the killing array broke out, the earth trembled, and the earth dragon veins deep under the yellow sand were directly beheaded by Xingtian, although this dragon vein It has been eroded by the evil spirit, but Xing Tian's slaying of the dragon veins, the whole earth is turbulent, the earth dragon turned over, and the endless evil energy erupted from the depths of the earth. This is the evil energy hidden in the endless years, this time it has fully erupted!

"No, be careful! Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, is killing the dragon veins!" When the earth trembled, the elders of Taiping Dao immediately noticed the changes in the dragon veins, and immediately felt the scream of the dragon veins. Xingtian's killing avenue directly slaughtered this earth dragon vein. , Directly detonated the evil spirit contained in the dragon veins of the earth, making this evil spirit go straight into the sky!

Suddenly, the evil spirit rushed into the sky, and the entire void was enveloped by the terrifying evil spirit. If it weren't for the Xingtian Killing Array, if it weren't for the Zhenzong Array of Taipingdao, I'm afraid that the evil aura had already shocked the surrounding areas and had broken through the clouds. Under the guidance of Xingtian’s killing array, that boundless evil spirit turned into the nourishment of the killing array, nourishing the origin of the killing array, and enhancing Xingtian’s perception of the killing avenue. If you don’t experience killing, you can’t realize the true meaning of the killing avenue. After slaughtering this earth dragon vein, Xing Tian could feel that his avenue of slaughter had increased by one point, and his own strength had become stronger.

"How dare this lunatic do this, how dare to slaughter an earth dragon vein, he is not afraid of karma backlash, he is not afraid of heaven and earth backlash, he is not afraid of the barbarian going mad and making trouble for him? You know this is a dragon vein that can affect barbarians. Luck!"

Yes, this is a dragon vein, a dragon vein that is also corroded by the death origin of the death gods and demon. Although this dragon vein is not as powerful as the dragon veins under the city of death, it is also a dragon vein anyway, one related to the rest of the barbaric spirit. Dragon veins, this dragon vein was beheaded, one can imagine how angry and unwilling barbarians are!

"So what, do the savages dare to take action at this time? They dare to forcibly break into the Xingtian killing array, and the Taipingdao Zhenzong array. As long as the savages dare to attack, they will immediately suffer two major arrays. Unless their ancestors attack, otherwise this will be insoluble, unless one of Xingtian and Taipingdao falls, otherwise it will be difficult!"

"Yes, the situation of the barbarians is very difficult in this situation. It is impossible to expect them to take action. They are not fools, and they will not do it for this earth dragon vein that has been eroded by evil spirits, a dragon vein that has been cut off and Xing Tianwei. Enemy! Look, the barbarian will absolutely ignore all this, at least in the present, as long as the battle is not over, the barbarian will pretend to be deaf!"

When the dragon veins were cut, the barbarian's internal chaos became a mess. When the dragon veins were cut, the barbarian’s luck was instantly cut off. When the barbarian king noticed the problem, everything had happened, and the dragon veins were completely Cut off, there is no vitality, Xing Tian's killing avenue really ended all things, and even the dragon veins were directly destroyed.

"Damn, I knew that the battle between Taipingdao and Xingtian was just a dagger. Their purpose was to weaken the luck of my barbarians. Now the battle has just started to cut off one of our earth dragon veins. If you let these **** continue , Our luck will be weakened more severely, let’s do it, we can’t let them run wild in our turf, otherwise it will only show other people the jokes, we must know that those **** other races have been looking forward to it. Unfortunately for us!"

The barbarian king said with a cold snort, "Shoot, how do you do it, take you as Xingtian’s killing array, is the Taiping Dao’s Zhenzong array displayed? If this is really their conspiracy, we will shoot at this time. They have to pay a heavy price for their tricks. You said how many of us can fill these two large formations and pile up these bastards. Ten thousand, twenty thousand or one hundred thousand, one million, don’t want ordinary soldiers to come. Said that none of the participants in the war should be weaker than the disciples of Taipingdao!"


The king of barbarians is right. With the barbarian family, they really don’t have so many warriors to fill this big hole. Once they intervene in this battle, what awaits them will be a great injury. If this is really a trap, no In this way, they can't make a move, even if this is not a trap, they can't make a move even more, it will only make this battle even bigger!

"Let them fight, I would like to see how far Taipingdao and Xingtian can be beaten. Together with Xingtian's killing avenue, those **** on Taipingdao have the Zhenzong Dazhen to rely on, and those other sect disciples who are trapped in the killing. What will happen? As long as these people die, the sect behind them will definitely be dissatisfied. If they all endure under such circumstances, it shows that everything is indeed a conspiracy. We can see through the sinister intentions of the human race. If it is not, then human civil strife will also break out!"

"Wang, if this is not a conspiracy, then how do we face the reinforcements of Taipingdao, do we block them or let them pass!" This sentence is the crux of the problem, if the battle between Xingtian and Taipingdao is not Conspiracy, whether they should stop the reinforcements of Taipingdao, or let them pass, this is really a big problem for the barbarians.

The barbarian king shook his head lightly and sighed: "We cannot allow the disciples of Taipingdao to enter our territory for the time being. No matter whether this is a conspiracy or not, they cannot be allowed to enter. This is our bottom line, a bottom line that cannot be challenged, Taipingdao Sending so many disciples, and even using their background, is enough to show that their Zhenzong Array cannot fight against Xingtian’s Killing Array. If this were not a conspiracy, those disciples of Taipingdao would be dead and souls, so many disciples. To die in the north, the entire Taiping Dao must be greatly injured, and the human race will also be completely internally struck. This is a great thing for us!"

"Wang, things look like this on the surface, but do we really have to be able to see this happen? Will those **** of the human race make us what we want? You know they have many ancestors. Once these old guys intervene, this I am afraid that the battle will end. After all, no one dares to fight against racial justice, or else it is self-absolute racial civilization!"

"No, it won't be like this. There are too many forces in the human race. Xingtian is too crazy, and the Taipingdao is the same. The most important thing is that the Taipingdao has too many enemies. In those endless years, Taipingdao has offended too many people. Many forces are unwilling to see the growth of Taipingdao. They all look forward to Taipingdao's vitality under Xingtian's attack. Wait, I believe everything will come to fruition soon. Conspiracy will be clear at a glance!"

When he said this, a sharp light flashed in the eyes of the barbarian king. His heart was already about to move around, and he could hardly bear to give orders to attack the human race, but this thought was instantly suppressed by him. The king of barbarians is not a fool. He understands that the reason why he has such a reaction is the influence of the aura of catastrophe. If he really obeys this idea, he will be a sinner of barbarians, and he will treat barbarians. Bring in destruction!

"The aura of the Great Tribulation is getting stronger and stronger, and the influence on my mind is getting bigger and bigger. This time, the successive accidents of the earth and dragon veins have already taken a huge impact on my mind. If this situation continues, it won’t take long. , I can hardly suppress this magical thought. At that time, the entire barbarian race will face terrible dangers, but the ancestors cannot stop all of this. This is the backlash of race luck, as the king of a clan The test that must be faced, as the king of barbarians, I have to face such backlashes, what kind of situation is the human emperor of the human race, the whole humanity and luck, how terrible is the pressure on him , How did he persevere, the successive changes in the human race, could it be that the human emperor could not suppress his own magical thoughts, and was affected by the aura of the catastrophe to make the wrong decision?" When the barbarian king thought about this I couldn't help but sighed secretly. I can't tell other people about all this, otherwise the entire barbarian will be affected, and I can only take it all by myself!

As the king of a clan, this is his responsibility, not just barbarians, but also the kings of other races. Human emperor is no exception, but Human emperor is different from these alien races because Human emperor is human. The emperor of civilization, he is the emperor of humanity, the emperor of the empire. The pressure on the emperor is not as great as that of a foreign race, and the impact is not much, but the emperor cannot be the same as a foreign king. Completely in your own hands.

If the human emperor can control the human race to the same level as the king of the alien race, the pressure of the human emperor is indeed terrifying at this time. Unfortunately, since the birth of the human empire, no emperor has completely controlled the entire human race in his own hands. As a result, the luck of the human race has never been completely condensed in the hands of the emperor, but dispersed among the major forces. Because of this, the pressure on the emperor should be much less. When Dao uses the sect's heritage, the powerhouses of other top forces will be so angry, because this will affect their luck.

"Slaying the sky, killing the land, killing the common people, now Xing Tian has cut the dragon veins of the earth and completed the feat of killing the earth, and then said that he will kill the common people. If he really wants to divide his life and death with the Taiping Dao, under this killing array, Taiping Dao will face a devastating blow. I hope that Xingtian will not let me down. Don’t let us barbarians down. Only in this way can we barbarians have a chance to survive this terrible catastrophe. Seize a vitality!" At this point, the barbarian king sighed slightly, and a trace of distress flashed across his face. Everything was insufficient strength. If the barbarian has enough strength, why be so careful, no matter Whether it's Xingtian or Taipingdao, just hang it directly!

"Wang, I'm afraid that all this is just a conspiracy. Then we will only waste our time and lose luck. The loss of luck will be a heavy blow to the entire barbarian race. We are different from the human race. , There is not so much luck that can be damaged, and there are not so many territories that can be destroyed. Under this battle, that area has completely lost its vitality and is no longer suitable for the survival of creatures. This will greatly increase the burden on our race! "

"I know and understand what you said, but now we are weak and we cannot act rashly. We must be cautious in everything. Even if we suffer some losses, we cannot risk the life and death of the entire race. But if you fail, the entire racial civilization will face an extinction. Don’t expect other racial civilizations to lend a hand. It’s a good thing that they don’t fall into trouble. All we can rely on is ourselves, so every decision is extremely important to us! Knowing that you are all unwilling, feel that this is hitting our barbarians in the face, but who made our strength weak, in order to survive, we only have patience, this is a world where the strong is respected, without strong strength, we can only endure , I don’t want you to take the entire race civilization into the abyss of death on impulse, and make everyone pay a heavy price for your impulse! We don’t have so many people to sacrifice, and there is not so much blood to shed, so I hope Don’t make blood and sacrifices for everyone, and don’t harm those who follow us, or you will be sinners of the race!"


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