God of Destruction

Chapter 4062: Massacre

Remember [..] in one second!

The fourth thousand and sixty second chapter Slaughter

As for the barbarians’ tribal leaders’ thoughts, the barbarian kings are very clear. Not only the tribal leaders, but even the generals in the royal court are unwilling to see everything in front of them, unwilling to shrink from the human race. But the barbarian king had to suppress their thoughts, had to restrict their actions, and all this was for the survival of the race!

For the survival of the race, the barbarian king can bear the terrible pressure alone, and can take all the notoriety on him. No one knows his pain, no one knows how terrible pressure he is under. Everything is done for the survival of the race. After all, the barbarians are no better than the human races, they don't have so many resources, and they don't have so much luck!

Despite the fact that the barbarians are always attacking the north, the king of barbarians understands in his heart that it is impossible to take advantage of the human race by relying on the strength of his own race. The reason why the barbarian cavalry keeps launching wars is that Covering up their own shortcomings, if they don't keep attacking the north, once the human race has eased, the barbarians' end will come. When the ancestors can't take action, no one can save them.

Barbarians don't want to dissolve the vows of their ancestors, don't want to be protected by their ancestors? No, they thought very much in their hearts, but the barbarian king understood that once the oath was gone, the barbarian's situation would be more dangerous than it is now, so among the barbarians, only the barbarian king did not want to see the oath broken On that day, I don’t want to face more terrible danger!

It's a pity that everything cannot be controlled by the king of barbarians. No matter how much time is delayed by the king of barbarians, the final battle will still come, and the barbarians don't want to break the promise of the ancestors, but the emperor does not take this into consideration. Started a battle and launched an attack on the surrounding alien races, forcing the many alien races to fight and go to destruction!

Feeling the change of racial luck, the barbarian king’s mood is extremely heavy. The racial luck is losing little by little. Although the loss is not fast, the racial luck is constantly dissipating. Unfortunately, there is no supply of air luck. All this is caused by the war between Xingtian and Taipingdao. It is their madness that affected the barbarians' air luck!

hate! The king of barbarians hated the lunatics of Xingtian and Taipingdao incomparably, but he couldn't help but swallow his anger. If the king of barbarians had not been determined, he would have lost his mind under this pressure. Has long been eroded by the atmosphere of the Great Tribulation, lost reason, and became the first cannon fodder in the Great Tribulation, bringing the entire barbarian into destruction!

Just as the barbarian king sighed, Xing Tian condensed endless evil spirits, and the killing array became even more terrifying. The sword intent of the three ways of killing of heaven, earth and man appeared, which represents Xingtian’s killing avenue. When the three swordsmanship appeared, all the inspirations that enveloped the massacre were killed and feared.

"Damn, this is the killer of the Killing Array. The lunatic Xingtian has gathered the origins of the three killings of heaven, earth and humans, and use this as the original source of the Killing Array. Now we are in a big trouble, and we will give me full defense. This terrible blow!" The elder of Taipingdao really panicked when he saw the appearance of the three sword intents, he really felt death!

Just when this voice fell, Xingtian’s killing array was once again activated, the three sword intents of heaven, earth and man began to merge, and the terrifying aura swept in all directions frantically, endless killing intent permeating and impacting In everyone’s minds, those disciples of Taiping Dao have the protection of the Zhenzong Great Formation, and will not be affected by this killing for a while, but the spies of other forces in the Great Formation do not have such good luck. They directly Corroded by the killing intent, one by one lost their minds and turned into slaves to the killing, rushing madly towards the Taipingdao Zhenzong Array, and these people are all stupid people who scold Xingtian. Those few are not right. The spies of Xing Tian's evil words did not receive much impact. Although their situation was not ideal, they did not lose their minds. This is Tianda's luck, and they also understand that this is Xingtian's mercy!

Yes, at this moment, Xing Tian still gave these people a chance to control the erosion of the killing intent, so that they could barely survive in the massacre. As for what will happen next, can they keep themselves The life of these spies depends on whether these spies are strong enough, because when the final assassin broke out, Xing Tian couldn't take care of the lives of these people, and Xing Tian would not ruin his plan just because he was soft-hearted for a while.

"Slaying the common people, killing the world! Killing! Killing! Killing!" With Xingtian's deep cry, the power of the Killing Array broke out. The Sword of Killing, the original treasure that carried Xingtian Killing Avenue, was instantly integrated into the killing. In the formation, the power of the fusion of the three sword intents of the people on the day was consistent, and the entire killing formation was shrouded in a **** sword sea for a moment.

The slaughter began, and the endless blood swords madly impacted the defense of Taipingdao, assaulting their Zhenzong array, and at this moment, those slaughtered slaves also rushed to the Taiping Dao’s Zhenzong array and burst out. His biggest attack, burning his own soul and blood, must slaughter the Taipingdao disciples in the town's great formation frantically!

"Damn, the lunatic Xingtian did something so terribly, he also involved these outsiders, and used the lives of these people to attack our defense!" When faced with the slaughter slaves who did not fear death and broke out frantically, The pressure on the Taipingdao has increased a lot, and the faces of many of the Taipingdao disciples showed a trace of fear and horror. The reality in front of them is too shocking for the soul. This is something that many Taipingdao disciples have never encountered before. .

Time, now Taiping Road lacks time to ease. Although reinforcements are coming north, they need time, and Xingtian seems to have noticed something. If they are not given this time, the rain of swords is madly obliterated. The origin of the Zhenzong Great Array, although before the war, Taipingdao elders made comprehensive preparations, but now his preparations are still insufficient. Under such crazy consumption, the origin of the Zhenzong Great Array is almost exhausted. If it were not for the support of huge disciples, this Zhenzong formation had been destroyed by Xingtian's killing formation. Xingtian's killing formation had directly swallowed an earth dragon vein, and the endless evil spirit, and the Zhenzong of Taipingdao Dazhen did not make such a supplement.


"Take it to death, stop struggling, you can't escape the fate of killing, you can't struggle with death, death comes, and everything ends!" Feeling the approach of danger, Xing Tian didn't want to waste time any more, and mobilized his own death road. Let the Avenue of Death be integrated into the killing array, and must condense a trace of ending power to directly end everyone on the Taipingdao!

"The power of ending, Xing Tian, ​​the lunatic finally used the power of ending. He really mastered the avenue of ending. He walked out of his own avenue. Those lunatics on the peaceful road were really wrong. Xingtian practiced the avenue of killing and death. , Is the end of the great road, to be an enemy of such a lunatic, that is self-defeating, maybe this is the person who should be robbed, he is the creature that ends this era, the terminator of this world!"

"It's over, those Taipingdao disciples are completely over. As soon as the power of ending comes out, the incomplete Zhenzong array is a joke. They will be killed by the power of ending if they don’t wait for reinforcements to appear. , To kill the common people, to condense the perfect killing avenue is really powerful and terrifying, such a power makes people feel terrified!"

Reaping, when the power of the end condenses, the sword of slaughter that carries the essence of the avenue of slaughter becomes a weapon to harvest the enemy. The disciples of the Taiping Dao fell in pieces, and the incomplete Zhenzong array finally could not resist. The power of living and killing was completely broken, and the defense of the Zhenzong Great Formation was lost. This Taipingdao disciple is the key point of Xingtian Killing Avenue. It is continuously harvested and turned into the origin of Xingtian Killing Avenue, enhancing Xingtian’s vs. Killing Avenue. Insights!

Bloody, the world is now covered by a rich **** color, that is the breath of killing, that is the breath of death, facing the crazy harvest of Xing Tian, ​​Taipingdao is planted, completely planted, then Taipingdao elder Fear! If you can't find a solution, if you can't stop Xingtian's madness, it won't be long before all Taipingdao disciples will fall into this yellow sand!

"Stop, Xing Tian, ​​you stop me, do you know what you are doing? You don’t have the righteousness of the human race in your eyes. You slaughter my Taipingdao disciples so madly, you are doing bad luck with the human race. Injury, the luck of the entire human race will surely be impaired. Do you want to be an enemy of the entire human race?" At this time, the Taipingdao elders had to use the human righteousness to oppress people, and use this human righteousness to force Xingtian to give up against them. Slaughter!

Xing Tian snorted disdainfully: "Hmph, at this time you think of the righteousness of the human race. Why didn't you think about it when you chased me madly before, and now you want to use the righteousness of the human race to suppress me. It's ridiculous. You can ignore it. The righteousness of the human race, I can do it with Xingtian. If you want to kill me, you have to bear my anger. No one can stop me. It’s useless if anyone comes today. You are dead. I will use your blood to build me. The supreme mighty force, die for me!"

"Too arrogant, the junior Xing Tian is too arrogant, dare to ignore the righteousness of the human race, Taipingdao is arrogant because they have that kind of confidence and strength, but Xingtian is so arrogant but a bit too much, if you let him be like this again Going crazy, the whole human luck will be compromised, maybe we should stop him!"

"Hmph, stop, what are we doing to stop you, do you think that lunatic is joking? When the Taipingdao chased and killed Xingtian, we turned a blind eye. Now when the disciples of Taipingdao are in desperate situation, we have to use human righteousness to suppress Xingtian. What do you want to do, do you want to force Xingtian to directly turn away from the human race? Do you want to directly cut off the power of the human race?"

"That’s right. Before, we allowed Taipingdao to chase Xingtian. Now we are blind to this killing. Taipingdao asked for everything. They have no strength but they have to provoke right and wrong. This is the cause and effect they must bear. , We can’t stop it, or the overall situation of the entire human race will collapse. After all, this time the fault lies in Taipingdao, not in Xingtian. Don’t use the righteousness of the human race to say things, it is all imaginary, and it will not care about a lunatic like Xingtian !"

"You all make sense, but have you ever thought about it. Once Xing Tian slaughtered all Taipingdao disciples, how would Taiping Patriarch react? Once he goes crazy, the entire human race is in danger of splitting. You must know about Taipingdao. However, there is a human luck in our body, and we can't ignore this, or the result will be unimaginable!"

Silence, the entire human race's senior management was silent for a moment. They didn't know what to do now, should they come forward to stop Xing Tian, ​​but could they do it again? Will Xingtian give them this face? If it is not stopped, once Taiping Dao goes mad to split the human race, it will be a heavy blow to all their forces, and it will also ruin the luck of the human race!

difficult! difficult! difficult! At this time, everyone felt extremely difficult. They knew that this would be the result. The lunatics of Taipingdao should be stopped before Xingtian, but now it's too late. All this has happened.

Time waits for no one, Xing Tian will not give these people too much time to consider. The madness of the killing array erupts, and every moment there are peaceful disciples falling. If these human race powerhouses consider too long, wait for them to make When the decision was made, many disciples of Taipingdao had been wiped out, and they were beyond salvation. Then they would be really embarrassed!

But at this time, if you come out to stop it, you will definitely be hated by the lunatic Xingtian. No one wants to provoke such a big enemy to himself. Don’t look at these people each mouthing a junior, but none of them are afraid of the lunatic Xingtian, who Without fear of Xingtian's terrifying power of ending, no one is willing to sacrifice their own interests for Taipingdao!

"Let Taiping ancestors take action, let the emperor take action. This is what they have to face. Only when both of them come forward can they calm Xingtian's anger. Otherwise, this matter will never end. We can't waste this little thing. Too much time, not because of this thing to ruin the overall situation, we must know that the current situation is very unfavorable for us! The world is sliding into the unknown abyss, we need to gather all our strength to end this catastrophe, and face that A more terrifying crisis. Before this, everything can be put down, and must be put down. No matter what deep hatred, no race’s survival is more important!"


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