God of Destruction

Chapter 4063: Contest for rights

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Chapter 4th and 63rd Chapter Fighting for Rights

Xing Tian was obviously given up by these human forces. For them, Xing Tian is just a junior, a lucky junior. As for reincarnation, no ancestors can see it. In their eyes, reincarnation is failure and future. Severance, there is no need to destroy the Taipingdao for such a person and impair the luck of the family.

When many forces made decisions, the Emperor of People and the ancestors of Taipingdao were notified. Although the ancestors of Taipingdao were angry that these forces did not discuss with them before making the decision, this was indeed a way to resolve the crisis. The emperor is extremely angry. This is not to judge the last bit of love between himself and Xingtian. If he takes action at this time, the Empire and Xingtian are really enemies, and there is no room for relaxation. This is something he cannot accept. of.

"Huh! I want to use my empire to prevent disasters, and I want the emperor to prevent disasters for you. This is impossible. What if the luck of the human race is damaged? How did my empire get the luck of the entire human race, I How has this human emperor ever received a huge amount of luck? At this time you think of me, the emperor, what did you do before, it’s impossible, I won’t do that!"

Rejection, when this time came, Human Sovereign did not hesitate, and directly rejected the suggestions of the ancestors of the major powers. For Human Sovereign, even if it was torn his face, it was not a big deal. In any case, his situation was very dangerous. , With Xingtian, he still has a ray of life, if there is no Xingtian, he will not even have the last ray of life.

"Old ancestor, I think we should have a good talk. There are some things we should talk about. Otherwise, it will be very detrimental to you, to me, and to the empire, even to the entire human race. Very unfavorable!" After the Emperor refused, he directly faced his ancestors, without so much nonsense, and straightforwardly said his thoughts!

"Oh! What do you want to do? What do you want to discuss with us? Haven't you already made your own decisions? What use are we old guys?" For the emperor, these royal ancestors don’t have the slightest respect. In the eyes of the human emperor, the emperor is still just a chess piece, still just an ant, even as the emperor of the emperor!

"Haha! It seems that the ancestors are very dissatisfied with me, the emperor, and it happens that I am dissatisfied with you, and I am dissatisfied with the imperial family now. You occupy most of the empire’s luck, but you have not made any contribution to the empire. And most of the disciples of the royal family are the same. Under this situation, how do you let me be the emperor, the most important thing is that you control the background of the royal family, the background of the empire, this is what you want to do, you have to empty me. Is the Emperor Human? I ask you to hand over the background of the royal family and the empire. This is my bottom line and cannot be provoked!" At this time, the Emperor has nothing to hide, and directly stated his own requirements!

"Human Sovereign, do you know what you are talking about? Do you know what you are doing?" In an instant, the expression of the royal ancestor became extremely dignified, and a powerful aura pressed against the Human Sovereign to give others The emperor dismissed his horse and gave him a lesson!

Human Sovereign sneered disdainfully: "Haha! Patriarch, I naturally know what I'm talking about and what I'm doing. You can't hold me back. I'm Human Sovereign, Human Sovereign, Humanity Lord, your aura It’s useless to me. It’s the same sentence. You need to surrender your background. This is the order of the emperor of mine, and there is no discussion. As for the luck that you occupy will also be recovered, the same is true for the luck that the royal family has invaded. Contributions, don’t be separated from the luck of the empire, you can watch the destruction of the empire, you can treat my emperor as an abandoned son, but I don’t want to be used by you and become a **** in your hands. I am the emperor, and I am The lord of the empire, the lord of humanity, the emperor of the human race, and the dignity of the emperor cannot be challenged!"

"Okay, what a human emperor, it seems that your wings are hard, and you want to compete with us old guys for benefits. Do you have the ability and ability? Don’t think that you can do whatever you want with the emperor’s position. It's a long way off, the royal family's heritage will not be given to you. It is not yours. It is accumulated by us old guys. Go back!"

Regarding his ancestor’s statement, the human emperor is even more angry. Although the royal family’s background has a contribution from the ancestor, it is more drawn from the empire. It is simply heaven to dismiss himself with just such a sentence. The big joke, you are the master of the empire and the lord of the royal family. It is your right to take back the wealth of the royal family!

"My ancestor, I don’t want to see such a result. I hope you can think about it. If you have to hold on to the royal heritage and don’t surrender the power of the empire, then I can only take it by myself. Don’t blame me for not being affectionate and giving you no face. I am the emperor and the master of all this. You are the people of the past and should not be involved in royal affairs and empire affairs. This is not you. Should be involved!" When he said this, the emperor exuded a faint anger, and there was also a hint of crazy break. This time, the emperor did not talk at will, but wanted to be true. If he is old The ancestor is ignorant of current affairs, and the Emperor himself is not easy to bully. The Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth has broken out. If he does not have enough strength, there is only one dead end, so the Emperor will not shrink back, nor can he shrink back!

Arrogance, in the eyes of the ancestor, the human emperor is too arrogant, he is simply hitting his own face, but when he sees the crazy look on the human emperor’s face, the ancestor can't help but feel palpitations, as if he feels threatened. What the Emperor Human really said was not to talk about it, but to regain his rights, even at all costs, even if it was royal civil turmoil!

"Damn junior, how dare he do this? It's really arrogant and too arrogant, but now he can only stabilize him, and can't let him make dangerous decisions under madness, otherwise the entire royal family will be in turmoil and match. The overall situation coming down is very unfavorable. This **** really chose a good time and forced me to compromise!"

When thinking of this, the ancestors of the royal family took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Human Emperor, this is not a trivial matter, nor can I decide by myself. I need time to discuss with other elders, and I will treat you. I decided to tell them that as for the outcome, I dare not make any guarantees. You should withdraw first. I will send someone to notify you if I decide!"

auzw.com At this point, the royal ancestor waved his hand to let the emperor leave. He didn’t want to say more. At this time, the royal ancestor’s heart was extremely angry. The junior was threatened. This is a great shame. Fortunately, there is no one else in front of him. Otherwise, I would really lose my face, and I would be really ashamed!

"Ancestor, it’s not that I have to force you, but time is not waiting for others. I don’t have so much time to wait. One day, I only give you one day to consider. If you don’t have results, I have to take it myself. At that time, neither of us’s faces looked good, I hope everything goes well, and I don’t want to see the emergence of internal fighting!" At this point, Human Sovereign did not stay anymore, turned and left directly, his face was torn. , The emperor has nothing to hide.

Seeing the emperor's departed back, the eyes of the royal ancestor fired, and he was warned by a junior. This is really arrogant. What about the human emperor, can the human emperor ignore his ancestor and ignore the rules?

No matter how anger or irritation is in the heart, this is not a trivial matter. It is related to the interests of all the ancestors. Soon the whole people were awakened by the royal family and the elders were awakened from their practice. When they learned of the Emperor's When the decision was made, these ancestors were all angry at it. This was to seize power, the emperor wanted to seize their power, and the imperial luck!

"No, I don’t agree. This is the foundation accumulated by all of us bit by bit. How could it be handed over to the Human Emperor? The empire’s background is even more impossible to let go. Now the Human Emperor is so arrogant, so I don’t know the number of days, and I don’t know how to advance or retreat. Putting all the power in his hands, it will make the entire royal family and even the entire empire collapse, I refuse!"

"Yes, we absolutely cannot agree. This is not just a matter of dignity, but more about the safety of the royal family, the safety of the empire, and the safety of the human race. We cannot ignore the safety of the human race because of the requirements of the human race and tell him we refuse. What means does he have at his disposal, I would like to see what means he uses to deprive us of luck and benefit!"

Human righteousness, are these there? The reason why they use the righteousness of the human race to say things is only for their own benefit and luck! But they can't directly say it. That would be too shameful. They can only use the righteousness of the human race to say things. In essence, there will be no change. After all, they are too selfish and reluctant to bear their own interests!

"Well, is it useful to say these? You don't think that just refusing to save everything, the name of the human emperor is not as simple as a title, if the human emperor dares to say that, he must have the power of self-confidence, otherwise how dare Showdown with us at this time, you despise the Emperor so much, and you will only suffer in the end!"

"Alarmism, he is just a junior, what power threatens us, ridiculous, do you think we are all furnishings, do you think that our endless years of work are all in vain? If he doesn't make a move, he said that he will inevitably accept our punishment once he makes a move. No matter how strong the human emperor’s position is, it also needs its own strength, and does that junior have such power? As long as we give an order, who else in the empire will stand on his side? The empire is still under our control. To dismiss him is just a word!"

"The endless years have made you forget what it is to be cautious and make you arrogant. This is a catastrophe that can happen in any situation. We cannot despise the Emperor, or the consequences will be very serious!"

"Enough, what do you mean? You are cultivating other people's ambitions and destroying your own prestige! What is the emperor's fear? Anyway, we can't compromise. We can't afford to lose that person. If we let others know We can't even control our own juniors. What are the consequences? Is the so-called cooperation possible? So anyway, we must suppress the Emperor!"

Many ancestors in the royal family also have different thoughts. They all have their own ideas. No one can persuade each other, but for many ancestors, they are still unwilling to compromise, because they can't shame and they don't want to ask a junior. compromise. The minority obeyed the majority, and finally the royal ancestors decided to reject the suggestion of the Emperor!

"What an ancestor, I am worthless in their eyes. You forced me to do all this. To blame, you are too domineering, holding all resources and not letting go. Now is the time for you to pay the price! "Speaking of this, the human emperor's eyes revealed endless madness, and he has to do something crazier.

"In the name of the emperor, in the name of the empire, I lift all rights of the imperial family, and the empire's luck will return!" Deprived of luck, with the order of the emperor, the luck of the entire empire was shaken, and the imperial family occupied All the luck was taken back, completely attributed to the emperor himself. In an instant, the emperor's luck soared, and the entire royal family fell into chaos!

"Damn it, how could this happen, how could my luck disappear, what happened in the empire? Who broke our luck?" Exclamation, screaming, those who noticed the loss of their own luck and stood still. They were panicked, and without luck, their practice was affected, and even their souls were shocked.

"Human Sovereign, what a human Sovereign, I really dare to do this kind of destiny, what he wants to do, what he wants to do, he is not afraid of being hated by all the royals?" Some smart royals immediately wanted to understand that only the Human Sovereign could To do it, the emperor is to beat the royal family of them, and to withdraw the rights that fall by the side of the royal family. This is to fight for rights with the ancestors!

Between the human emperor and the ancestor, they must make a choice. The human emperor is forcing all the royal family to make a choice. If they choose the ancestor, they will break the relationship with the human emperor, and then enjoy the imperial luck and luck. It’s impossible for themselves. Human Sovereign will not give them such an opportunity again, and will not let them enjoy the benefits in vain and pay the same thing. But the difference between the Human Sovereign and the ancestor is too big, and many people have to be cautious. Although luck is good, can the emperor fight against the ancestors? If you fail to fight against the emperor, you are seeking death by yourself. Under such circumstances, many imperial families look down on the emperor and don’t think the emperor is capable of overthrowing the ancestor’s rule. I don’t think that the emperor can win, and no one wants to stand with the loser. Therefore, almost all the people of the royal family take refuge in the ancestors and cry to the ancestors. The rest are people who belong to the family of the emperor. No matter how they choose, they will be labeled with the emperor, so they have only one way to go, and they can only rely on the emperor!


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