God of Destruction

Chapter 4064: Festival Avenue Approval

Fourth thousand and sixty-fourth chapter road recognition

During the infighting of the royal family, when no emperor came forward, the ancestors of Taiping Dao had to face Xingtian by himself, and only suffered the impact of Xingtian alone. Without the emperor, he lost the righteousness of the human race and wanted to use humanity. Qing Xing Tian is not righteous. Under this circumstance, it is conceivable that the Taiping Dao ancestors hated the emperor and the royal family. The same is true for the ancestors of other forces. Under this situation, the royal family and the human emperor have become The object of hatred by all forces.

If it weren’t for Xingtian’s madness to attract everyone’s attention and unable to take care of others, the royal family and the human emperor would have to face the common pressure of all major forces, and the entire empire would set off a terrible storm. As far as the forces are concerned, it is still possible to make a little trouble for the empire and royal family today.

Xing Tian sneered disdainfully and said: "Stop, if you let me stop, do I have to stop? Who do you think you are? Since you have provoked a battle, you have to accept the consequences of the battle. Don't let me stop if anyone comes today. No one can give in, no one can change my mind, no one can give up this killing! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill the common people!"

After Xing Tian uttered a deep drink, the killing continued, and the Taipingdao disciples continued to be killed. Xing Tian's murderous aura became stronger and his killing intent was more serious. After just a few breaths, the Taipingdao disciples who were trapped by Xing Tian died. , An endless cloud of killing aura surged in, and all the vitality of the Taiping Dao turned into nourishment to nourish Xing Tian. Under this huge killing, a blood meteor came from the void. It was Tao fruit, Xing Tian The Tao fruit from the practice of Slaughter Avenue is the Tao’s recognition of Xingtian!

For a moment, the meteor fell on Xing Tian’s head, and a **** mark appeared on Xing Tian’s head, flashing endless killings. When this fruit fell into himself, Xing Tian felt his own changes and the avenue of killing. The change of the avenue and the avenue are in line with the avenue, and they are accepting the power of the avenue. Yes, Xingtian is the recognition of the killing avenue and completes the final transformation. Only when the avenue is recognized can the power of the avenue and the power of the law be truly mastered. !

"Impossible, this is impossible. How can a junior boy be recognized by the Dao? With the recognition of the Dao, this is a qualitative transformation. It is the first step to step out of the path of detachment. How can it be obtained by a junior? I must see Wrong!" When Xingtian was recognized by the Slaughter Avenue, all the ancestors in the whole were shocked, because this was not a general change, but a qualitative transformation, a transformation from ordinary creatures to gods and demons. Then the Houtian Gods and Demons are the real innate Gods and Demons, the innate Gods and Demons who control the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, while Xingtian controls the Great Way of Slaughter, the Great Way of Slaughter!

"Slaying the heavens, the earth, and the common people. The heavens and the earth are all incapable of killing. I finally understand why this madman would not stop facing the Taipingdao ancestors, because he saw the hope of the innate gods and demons, so he desperately Killing in order to get the Dao Ke, and now this lunatic finally did it and got the approval of the Slaughter Dao, he is the Slaughter God and Demon, the son of the Dao!"

The ancestors who saw through the nature of Xingtian's transformation all lost their voices. This is what many of them desire to get, but they did not get such a chance, and this chance fell on Xingtian, a lunatic, and it was not ordinary. The recognition of, but the real source recognition, with the addition of Slaughter Dao, Xing Tian is the Slaughter God and Demon, is the Innate God and Demon!

"Seize this opportunity, this opportunity is obtained by this lunatic killing my Taipingdao disciples, no one can plunder my Taipingdao resources, this **** **** it!" The Taipingdao ancestor was yelling frantically, but what a pity he did. The roar was useless, and they couldn't stop all of this. Moreover, his words completely exposed his inner thoughts. In his eyes, the disciples of the peaceful path were only his own resources, and they were not waiting for life.

Transcendence, opportunity is right in front of him, Taipingdao ancestors no longer cover up, and a huge palm fell from the void with a move of his mind, directly across the space and grabbed Xing Tian, ​​who is in the process of transformation, to take down Xing Tian directly. , The Taipingdao ancestor ignored the existence of other people and the existence of the barbarian ancestor with his shot. He had only Xing Tian in his eyes.

Taking down Xing Tian and taking the opportunity of Xing Tian, ​​this is the only thought in the mind of the Taipingdao ancestors. Before that, he forgot everything. For the Taipingdao ancestors, other things are not important. The chance of detachment is For all of himself, he can pay all the price for all of this, can ignore all the rules, as long as he can succeed, any threat will not be put in his heart!

"Damn it, the old ancestor Taiping, who eats fruit alone, dares to swallow everything in front of us. He simply doesn't take us people seriously. This is an opportunity to devour detachment. No matter what, we can't let this bastard. The conspiracy succeeds, or we will miss the opportunity to stop this bastard!"

When the opportunity appeared, the ancestors of all races couldn't bear it. There is nothing comparable to Yue Pei. If Xing Tian's opportunity can be obtained, everyone has the possibility of transcendence. Under such circumstances, how can anyone want to see The benefits are enjoyed exclusively by the Taiping ancestors. At this time, they naturally have to interfere to prevent the worst situation from happening!

The ancestors of the human race are tempted. Will the ancestors of the alien race not be tempted? They would like to see Xingtian be taken by the ancestor Taiping, and they would like to see the **** of the human race fighting in their own territory, watching the benefits be taken away , And I got nothing!

In such a situation, the alien races are also tempted, but the barbarians do not move at all, so other aliens have to give up. After all, the barbarians do not move. If they take action, they will only ruin the general situation, and even waste their strength. !

"Damn barbarians, what are they trying to do? Could it be that they have surrendered to the human race, or how could they allow the human **** to lie on their own territory without any reaction? This is a bit too abnormal. , We must figure out that we can’t be deceived by these **** and calculated by them!"

auzw.com "Yeah! All this is too weird. With the barbaric temperament, there will be no such reaction. This abnormal change must be caused by unreliable people. We must be careful. Be cautious, lest one accidentally be fooled by the savages!"

"According to me, we should not compromise and should not be patient with barbarians. When they reject our kindness, we should take the initiative and teach them a lesson. Then there will be no such situation. If the barbarians are in the control of our alien alliance, how can we make these **** so arrogant!"

"Huh! Do you have the ability to master barbarians? Do you think that barbarians are dead? Do you think their ancestors are good birds, do you let us lie? Don’t say that ridiculous thing, for our foreign race Saying that there is no ability to interfere in all of this. If you have to do it reluctantly, it will only harm others and you will lose your own strength in vain. You must know that the Terran is crazy, their army has launched an attack on us, and the Terran army is attacking so frantically. , We can see their determination, whether this is the common decision of the human race, the emperor’s own decision, the empire’s own decision, this is a great crisis for us!"

"Yes! Although Xing Tian's interests are tempting, it is nothing to us. Don't be lost by the temptation in front of us. Xing Tian is not a fool. Since he dared to do this, he must have reasons for self-sustainment. I can wait without fear of interference from various forces. Even the barbarian can endure the existence of the master, and can wait. What can we outsiders do? Wait, I would like to see Xingtian, a lunatic, and What kind of assassin? Is his spear of ending really able to end the life of an ancestor? If he can do this, we must be careful. Now to find out the strength of the lunatic Xingtian is better than any future preparations. Much better!"

The Spear of End, against the Taiping ancestors who suddenly shot, against the greedy ancestors of the human race, Xing Tian will do this, launch his own biggest attack, and use the spear of the end that has disappeared, he is the king of the end Does his name really have that strength? If he can do it, the world will change, it will become crazier and scarier! ,

"Ancestor Taiping, you want to kill me too, ridiculous, I don't know why you have been chasing me, but today you can't stop my Xingtian, and no one can stop me, killing the world and slaughtering the common people. Kill! Kill! Kill!" With Xing Tian’s cry, Xing Tian’s killing intent erupted, endless murderous aura came from the void, and a bright light fell from the void. That was the arrival of the origin of the killing avenue, completing his own killing avenue. Later, after Xing Tian was approved by the Dao, he was no longer a mortal body. At this time, he was the Dao of Slaughter. He represented Dao of Slaughter and was the son of the Dao!

When Xing Tian broke out again, the power of the violent killing avenue swept everything frantically. Those disciples of Taipingdao could no longer resist the power of killing, and were swept away by Xingtian. The power of Taiping ancestors was also in front of the killing avenue. After being blocked, the Slaughter Avenue descended, and even Taiping Patriarchs could not stop or break through, the power of the Avenue was unparalleled!

"Junior, you **** it!" Taiping Patriarch was completely angered by Xing Tian. He did not expect that he had already taken action to stop him. Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, made a crazy decision to wipe out the Taipingdao disciples and kill them all. Without leaving a trace of face for himself and Taipingdao, Xing Tian was hitting him in the face, Taipingdao's face!

"Taiping, stop, when do you want to make trouble, don't you think you are not embarrassed enough, stop it, don't challenge the bottom line of the human race, and don't break the original agreement, you should understand the consequences of doing this? Serious?" Finally some ancestors could not help but speak to stop the Taiping ancestors and prevent him from the life and death duel with Xing Tian, ​​because they felt Xing Tian’s madness, felt Xing Tian’s inattention, and they really had to fight decisively, and the whole world would fall into In the terrible war, and they are not ready yet, at this time, under such circumstances, the war will be out of control, and the barbarians and foreign races will get cheap!

"Stop it, how do you let me stop? This **** junior dare to slaughter my Taipingdao disciple. Since he didn't put my Taipingdao disciple in his eyes, he had to pay for it. The price, the blood, the blood, the blood, this is the cause and effect!" Taiping ancestor yelled fiercely, with endless anger in his heart. This is not only for Xingtian, but also for the other ancestors of the human race. You must know that these **** were interested before. Indulge yourself, but now when benefits appear, these **** actually want to stop themselves, and fight with themselves for the great opportunity of Xingtian, a lunatic! ,

"Taiping, you should understand the seriousness of the matter. This is not the time when you are willful. No matter how crazy you are, no matter how overbearing you are, you cannot be an enemy of all the human forces, nor can you monopolize all the benefits. There is no good result if you eat alone. Think twice before you act, and don't bury yourself endless troubles on the impulse, and put yourself and the peace road into a desperate situation!"

Threat, this is a naked, naked, and naked threat, and it is threatening the Taiping Patriarch and the entire Taipingdao. It can be seen that other human forces have reached the brink of outbreak and can no longer bear it. In the face of absolute interests, they are all I can’t help but want to end, to seize this great opportunity from Xingtian. If everyone can find a way to escape from Xingtian, a lunatic, this is something that no one can bear and no one can keep calm. After all, this is everyone who has always been The pursuit! ,

At this time, many forces have long forgotten that this is not the territory of the human race, but the territory of the savages. To them, they did not regard the savages as the same thing. They did not care about the existence of the savages at all. The only thought in his mind is Xingtian, only the great roads of Xingtian, and only the opportunities of Xingtian.

"Taiping, let go. This is not something you can decide alone, nor can you swallow it alone. This belongs to all races. This is the common interest of our human race. You cannot be left alone and your family of peace. Duan, you have to do this, you will only suffer in the end, you alone cannot resist all external forces!"

"These **** bastards, it is clear that they are trying to sabotage my peace road, and it is clear that they are trying to compete with my peace road for opportunities, they are trying to fight my peace road forever, they really can be so easy to provoke my peace road, The more you want to stop, the more I will not compromise on Taipingdao. If you want to fight, you will fight. I will never be afraid of war!"


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