God of Destruction

Chapter 4065: Festival war

The fourth thousand and sixty-fifth chapter war

"Let go, you let me let go at this time. It wasn't you who let me do it before, but now you want me to do it again. You just want to seize my chance of peace, don't think about it, unless you can kill me!" Taiping The ancestor roared frantically, and also directly explained the reason why he dared to make such a move. Everything was agreed by other forces.

"Damn peace, how dare he do this, dare to be so crazy, dare to expose us, he wants to live with us endlessly, this **** bastard, after this time, he must make him look good , Let him know what the fate of being an enemy of all of us is, what about peace, no matter how crazy he is, he is not all of us opponents!"

The ancestors of the major forces yelled frantically. They were all angered by the actions of the Taiping ancestors. The fall of the Taiping ancestors' words directly caused the robbed forces and Xingtian to bear evil results. With the madness of Xingtian, if you live, it will be inevitable. They will retaliate against Xingtian, which is forcing them to live on the opposite side of Xingtian.

"What's so angry, we don't have to be like this, unless you don't want to take the opportunity from Xingtian, otherwise we will be immortal with Xingtian. Now it's no big deal for the **** Taiping to do this, but just advance everything a bit. Let's start the decisive battle ahead of time, there is no need to wait any longer, we will be really in trouble if we wait any longer!"

"Yeah, you can't wait any longer. If you wait any longer, the consequences will be really unimaginable. Xingtian can't control it. The same is true of Taiping Patriarchs, especially the other ancestors of Taipingdao. Once the Taipingdao Patriarchs are crazy If it is, we will no longer be able to control the battle. Since the overall situation is already in chaos, we don’t need to wait any longer!"

"War, since the flames of war are unavoidable, we can't wait any longer. We can only let go of the battle and start a decisive battle. In any case, this first opportunity cannot be lost. If the first opportunity is lost, then the consequences will be really unthinkable. select!"

"Yes, war! Only when war starts can we get back the first opportunity and get what we want!"

What you want! For these ancestors, they only wanted one thing, and that was Xing Tian, ​​the source of Xing Tian’s great avenue. When the killing avenue was completed and the avenue recognized, Xing Tian was free from restraint and transcended heaven and earth. Once Xing Tian was completely integrated with everything , To achieve the true innate gods and demons, all the original causes and effects will disappear!

"When the war begins, the chance of this time cannot be given up. If anyone gives up, then he has given up his vitality. One step back in the great calamity is death. Once the fate of transcendence appears, we can't stop it. Death, Xingtian is just the beginning, we can only give it a go!"

These crazy human race ancestors are all excited about it. For them, this opportunity is not to be missed, because Xing Tian still has a connection with the human race. These human race ancestors can feel the opportunity more than the ancestors of other races. The arrival, but this is a chance, but also a killing and robbery, Xing Tian's certificate is the congenital killing avenue, if you want to rob the Xingtian body, you must face the attack of the killing avenue!

How should the ancestors of the barbarians deal with it? Doing so directly released the restrictions on the ancestors of the alien race. Will this affect the overall situation of the human race? For all this, these greedy ancestors of the human race have long been left behind. All they have in their hearts are benefits, only the huge temptation of Xing Tian. They have not taken action yet, and can only say that they are still taking care of Taiping. Zu, taking into account the crazy counterattack of Taipingdao, after all, Taipingdao is a group of lunatics, and no one knows how fierce these lunatics will react!

Just in case, the major forces of the human race, the ancestors of all parties are doing their best. At this time, the human emperor is extremely angry, because the ancestor of the royal family directly passed over him, the human emperor, and directly took over. The background of the royal family has taken over the imperial luck. This result makes the emperor intolerable. If he does not fight back or stop the madness of his ancestors, it will not take long before the luck of his emperor will be taken away by the opponent. , Will be mastered by those ancestors!

"Asshole, since you don't give me a way to survive, don't blame me for being cruel and wanting to leave room for relaxation with you, but you have to do things absolutely, and you can't blame me! The emperor comes from the roots, the emperor's way suppresses , Qiyun will last forever, condensation! condensation! condensation!" When he sensed the crazy loss of his own fortune and the empire, the emperor directly took out his hole cards and directly used the origin of the emperor, and the power of the emperor was to suppress himself , Suppress the imperial luck, suppress the humanitarian luck!

When the human emperor moved, the entire human race trembled, and the entire humanity trembled. This movement of the human emperor also accelerated the beginning of the catastrophe, stimulating many alien races. When the human emperor took action, not only was the luck of the human race being gathered by him, but also There are other alien races whose luck is also inspired by the human emperor. The human emperor is not only the emperor of the human race, but also the emperor of humanity, and all the foreign races will also be controlled by them.

The emperor did not want to be so eager to reveal his final hole card, but things went back to his expectations, the situation forced the emperor to do so, and the person who forced him was not a foreign race, but the forces of the human race, the ancestor of the royal family, which made people The emperor was very annoyed.

auzw.com "Damn it, why is the luck of our race losing, what is the emperor doing?" Many ancestors of alien races immediately noticed the loss of their own ethnic luck, and even more aware of all this. It was the human emperor's work, and this situation shocked them. If the human emperor could continuously extract the luck of his own race, then what else would they use to fight against the human race and the human emperor!

When the racial luck was shaken, many foreign races did not dare to hesitate, let alone hold back, each of them took out their own assassins, used their own avenues, and used their racial luck to suppress the racial luck. The emperor can easily plunder the racial luck, and when they suppressed their own racial luck, they all stared angrily at the human race, staring at the frontiers of the human race, the catastrophe broke out, and the racial decisive battle was fully ignited. This time Unlike before, although the human emperor ordered the frontier army to attack, it did not provoke the bottom line of the aliens, but now the human emperor has really shaken the foundation of the aliens and stirred their bottom line!

"War! The race war broke out, the whole army was dispatched and killed!" The barbarians who reacted fastest were naturally the barbarians. Originally, because the forces of the human race were fighting against Xingtian, the barbarian army had to be vigilant and acted as the king of barbarians. When the final decision was made, the entire army of barbarians came to the frontier of the human race in an overwhelming manner, to the battlefield of Xingtian and Taipingdao.

To kill, the barbarians must not only launch a racial decisive battle against the human race, but also destroy Xingtian before the full-scale war is ignited, and take the good fortune of Xingtian, as well as the luck of Taipingdao, so this time the barbarians are the whole army. On the attack, many ancestors are advancing, and the barbarians are advancing. They no longer take care of it. They have to fight with all their strength to make the final battle!

"Damn, how could this happen, what does Human Emperor want to do? I dare to ignore our existence and start an all-out war!" For a moment, the ancestors of the various forces of the human race were dumbfounded, and at the last moment they all wanted Take the initiative to attack Xingtian and Taipingdao by surprise, and want to seize Xingtian's chance in one fell swoop, but before they could take any action, the Emperor made such a crazy move, directly igniting the racial decisive battle. Their plans were instantly affected!

"Asshole, how dare the **** royal family do this, how dare the **** king do it? They are not afraid that we will destroy the entire empire and all of them with our backhands? It's hard for them to want to use a small The royal family is the enemy of all our forces, they are too arrogant to take advantage of us!"

With this change of heaven and earth, Xing Tian, ​​who was in the battlefield, was immediately aware of what had happened. When Xing Tian accepted the approval of the Dao, Xing Tian understood that the real crisis of death had arrived, and he became With the fat in the eyes of all forces, the killing will inevitably come again. Perhaps this is the final test of the Self-certified Slaughter Avenue. It comes from the test of human robbery. The ordinary human robbery is nothing, but only this ancestor is dispatched. The human robbery is the most terrible!

"Come on, let me see what power you use to stop me, kill the sky, kill the earth, kill the common people, kill the world!" With Xing Tian's deep cry, the Slaughter Avenue broke out again, and Xing Tian once again confronted Taiping Dao. At this time, Xing Tian no longer made any reservations. As soon as the killing avenue came out, he quickly slaughtered all enemies. The entire killing array was fully detonated. The endless killing destroyed all living beings and cut all vitality. There was no more vitality in the entire land of yellow sands, all vitality was destroyed by Xingtian's killing array, and all vitality was cut off by Killing Avenue!

"Xing Tian, ​​damn you, the stars are falling, Taiping Zhentian!" When Xing Tian once again exploded endless murderous intent, Taiping ancestor was completely angry. At this time, he ignored the confrontation with other human race ancestors and directly exploded his own power. , Directly mobilized the treasure of the great avenue, a star treasure map cut through the void and fell to Xing Tian, ​​and the power of the stars exuded in that Fang treasure map, this is the power of Taiping Patriarch, this is the original treasure of Taiping Patriarch!

"Hey, the Avenue of Stars, Taiping ancestors built the Avenue of Stars, and condensed their own star map!" When the Taiping ancestor shot, Xing Tian immediately felt the breath of the great stars, and felt the peace in the star map Avenue.

"I understand, I finally understand why these **** of Taipingdao are so crazy, they want to seize the Avenue of Stars. The reason why they attacked the Water God of Tongtian River is precisely because of the inheritance of the Avenue of Stars. They chased me and killed me. The deity is only for the Avenue of Stars, and the Avenue of Stars is the foundation of the Taiping Tao. The so-called power of persuasion is nothing but the fur. The Taiping Tao wants to use the Avenue of Stars as its foundation and break the shackles of this world. What a big ambition and crazy. Thoughts!"

In an instant, Xing Tian understood the true purpose of Taipingdao, and also figured out the key to the problem, why Taipingdao hurt himself as a killer instead of choosing to solicit, that is because Taipingdao not only wants to seize the Avenue of Stars from his body. , I want to devour my own gods and demons, I want to use my body, my soul, and everything about myself to temper that star map. Taking people as sacrifices and refining star maps with blood, Taipingdao is crazier and vicious than I thought!

"No, this is not everything in the Peace Road. It is not enough to have only a star map. Although the power of the star map can gather the power of endless stars, it is not enough to break the barriers of the world. There is another star hidden in the Peace Road. The Great Treasure of the Great Dao, a treasure of origin that can break through the barriers of the world, and only in this way can the Taipingdao be able to be unafraid of this catastrophe of heaven and earth, and be able to escape from the realm battlefield world and enter the highest chaos world, Taiping The Tao is still true, and other forces naturally have assassins, not to mention the ancient gods and demons, it seems that all of this has gone to the unknown!"

Yes, at this moment, Xing Tian felt the changes in the world and the world. Taiping Patriarch’s shot, the whole world is changing. His shots are not only guiding the racial decisive battle, but also guiding The changes in the world led to the changes in the world, and the blow of the Taiping Patriarch shook the whole world, the whole world!

"It is ridiculous to want to kill my Xingtian with the power of the stars. Perhaps your blow is not only a blow to me, but also to force out my background. If you want to see, I will let you take a look. What is the power of the gods and demons, I am the king of the end, killing the road, swallowing the road, death, and the spear of the end!" With Xing Tian’s deep cry, the whole world was trembling. The breath of killing and death rushed into Xing Tian's body frantically, the power of the King of End reappeared, the Spear of End appeared in the hands of the King of End of Xingtian clone, and the terrible breath emanated from Xing Tian's body!

"Ancestor Taiping, if you want to fight, I will fight with you. It depends on whether your avenue of stars is powerful or my avenue of ending is powerful. You use the blood of your disciple to sacrifice the stars and want to go against the sky. The spear ends everything for you, the spear of the end kills, and the common people!" With Xingtian's deep cry, the spear of the end flew out of his hand and directly faced the star map that fell from the void!

With a loud bang, the Spear of Ending directly confronted the stars, and the power of Ending directly blocked the power of the stars, blocking the ultimate move of Taiping Patriarch, and all this did not end there. The power of the Spear of Ending Not only was it blocking this terrible blow, it was also obliterating the origin of the stars. The traces of origin on the star map were destroyed and swallowed by the spear of termination, the origin of the many Taiping Dao disciples in the star map. Flowing into the Spear of End!

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