God of Destruction

Chapter 4066: Festival clearance

Chapter 4th and Sixth Chapter Clearance

"King of End, End Road, Xingtian, the lunatic really got out of his own road. The Killing Road is only a part of his own road. Now it’s a big trouble. We want to plunder him. His luck is almost zero. !"

"How is this possible? How could a small younger generation condense such a terrible avenue, how could it be possible to walk out of his own avenue, just less than a hundred years ago, this is impossible, even if he takes back the memory of his previous life, and takes back the previous life. It’s impossible for him to have such great power? What is going on, what happened to him?"

"Everything is possible. We are still too arrogant. We have forgotten the warning left by our distant ancestors. We have forgotten our origin. We have forgotten where our ancestors came from. The endless years have allowed us to walk out of our own. Dadao, freed from the imprisonment of our ancestors’ blood, but are we really detached from our ancestors, detached from the essence of our ancestors? No, we don’t have it, we can’t do it, although we have gained the ancient heritage of this world and merged into ourselves, but Compared with the ancient powerhouses, compared with the Supreme Chaos World, we are still just ants, we are too arrogant, too self-righteous!"

"Yes, we do have a sense of freedom. We can walk out of our own avenues, and Xing Tian can do it too. Any ancient powerhouse who has taken back his memories of his last life can do it, even those who come from the highest chaotic world. Reincarnation powerhouses can also do it, even if they have gone too far, not to mention those chaotic gods and demons. Fortunately, this time there is a **** Taiping in the front, otherwise it is the people who are unlucky to end the road, although it is The three avenues blend together, but they can still end all souls and our lives. At this time, we should give in!"

"What? Do you know what you are talking about? Give in. At this time, you actually said something like this. This is the tribulation of heaven and earth. There is no retreat in the tribulation. A step back is death. It doesn't matter if you want to die. Don’t pull us all up, no matter how strong Xing Tian is, no matter how powerful is the end of the road, he must be able to hurt us. Now that Taiping ancestors take action, we can take this opportunity to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. , Wait until they lose both sides, and then take a big shot to take everything from them directly. Whether it is Xing Tian or Taiping Patriarch, they are all our enemies!"

"Yes, we can't retreat, and you all only noticed Xing Tian, ​​but didn't notice Taiping Patriarch, did not hear his crucial words, Taiping Patriarch, the **** condensed the Avenue of Stars, condensed The star map, but he used it as the essence of the entire Taipingdao disciples. I said that in such a long period of time, how could a Tianjiao evildoer in such a long time fail to grow up in Taipingdao. It is not that they have no ability to grow, but that Taipingdao does not give them. With such an opportunity, every Taipingdao disciple who has practiced the Avenue of Stars is transformed into the nourishment of the star map. The Taipingdao is using the life of his disciples to support the star map and support these crazy bastards. It is no wonder that the peace road is in the endless years. Always provoking disputes, always hunting down the creatures who repair the planetary avenue!"

"Crazy, really crazy, what do they want to do, don't they understand that the disciple is the foundation of a sect, they squeeze the disciple so madly, to ruin the life of the disciple, this is a bit of sacrifice, some The gain is not worth the loss!"

"Huh! What's not worth the loss, for Taiping ancestors, nothing is more important than your own detachment. As long as you can detach yourself, even if you sacrifice the entire Taipingdao, don’t you also hear it? Taipingdao is not only a star map, There is another treasure that corresponds to it. Taiping Dao wants to directly separate the entire sect from this world. They want to use the original treasure to tear the world barriers, surpass this world, and lift the sky to the high chaos world!"

"It's crazy, it's cruel, Taiping Dao is a Taoist school, not a demon sect, but their behavior doesn't have the aura of a Taoist school at all, and they are completely enchanted, even if they really can do it, they have lost their hearts. , Without the trust of all the disciples, there will be no good end to the world of high chaos, and the karma will not dissipate because of this!"

"Hmph, what causal karma, as long as we can transcend this world, we will be able to get rid of the death of this great catastrophe of heaven and earth, you don't think we have to face only the great catastrophe of heaven and earth, we have to face the ancient times The intent of the gods and demons, now our world is completely out of control, the lunatic of Taipingdao and the lunatic of Xingtian have completely shocked all the forces, everything will be beyond our grasp, beyond our constraints, and the world will also Well, the ancient gods and demons will not sit idly by. Next, we will face a more cruel and terrifying test. The real moment of death is coming!"

"Yes, the real moment of death is coming. Instead of calculating the chances and luck of others, it is better to improve your own combat power, so that you can have better protection when this moment of death arrives. The catastrophe has begun, the killing has begun, the purge has begun, the destruction of the world has also begun, everything is heading towards destruction and end!"

"The king of the end, his appearance opened the end of the world, and the whole world will die because of his madness. Our time is running out. I don’t know what you think and what cards you have. If you don’t The power of the Peace Road is equal, without such arrangements, it is impossible to survive this catastrophe. The will of the world will no longer give us the opportunity to develop, and the ancient gods and demons will not give us the opportunity to continue to grow. They will clear the field before the final battle!"

Clearance! Yes, whether it is the will of the world or the ancient gods and demons, if they want to achieve what they want, they must eliminate all hidden dangers, and they must eliminate all threats before their decisive battle. They cannot allow themselves to be defeated when they defeat the enemy. The other ants are picked cheaply, and those ants cannot be used to reap the benefits of the fisherman, so clearing the field is the first element before their decisive battle!

"Clear the field? This is impossible. The ancient gods and demons cannot do it. The world will dare not do it. We are a part of the world. If we are cleansed, the power of the world will will be weakened. It cannot do this unless it is crazy. Up!"

"Nothing is impossible. In your opinion, our death will weaken the power of the world. That is just your wishful thinking. This is correct for the developing world, but today's world is facing destruction. A catastrophe will be the destruction of the world. For the will of the world, destroying our creatures will weaken our own potential and affect our own development, but it also takes back its origin. All of our power comes from the world! "

Yes! All the creatures living in this world have their strength from the world. If they die, their origin will return to the world, which will greatly increase the origin of the world, and make the world will fight against the ancient gods and demons. Occupy the advantage, after all, the will of the world is the ruler of this world. The ancient gods and demons only caught the world's will by surprise, and the reason why the world will fell is not because of how powerful the ancient gods and demons are and how many backhands they have. Horror, but it was fatally hit by Xingtian, so it fell into a disadvantage at this time!


"No matter what choice the world will make, we must not take it lightly and plan for the worst. After all, we cannot afford to lose. This battle is a battle of life and death for us. The result of loss is death. No one wants to face this. In the end, we must make every effort to seize vitality, even if the price is paid no hesitate!"

"There is not much time left for us. Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, and Taiping, a bastard, will not stop or listen to our advice. The only thing we can do is to strengthen ourselves, and this makes us unable to do so. Don’t kill the alien race. Only by destroying the alien race, seizing the fortune of the alien race, and stabilizing the general humanitarian situation, will we be able to gain an advantage in this battle!"

"No, this is impossible. We can't do this. If we go to war with foreign races at this time, it will not be us who will gain the most in the end, but the **** of the royal family. Everything we give will be wedding clothes for them! "

"Huh! When is this, you still have such obsessions and such ridiculous thoughts, how about making wedding dresses for others? What are we looking for? It is detachment and life-saving. If you don’t do this, When the foreign races start first, interrupting the general momentum of the empire and breaking the foundation of the empire, the entire human race will be damaged, and the general humanitarian situation will also be damaged. Without the general humanitarian trend, what can we use to contain the will of the world? Humanity is also an important force in this world!"

To contain the will of the world with humane force, I have to say that these ancestors are really powerful, and they found a way to deal with it all at once, but some people can't think about it. They don't want to see the royal family get the best out of nothing. benefit!

"Well, what we are looking for now is not profit, but life. After all, none of us thought that the **** of Taiping would be so crazy, Xing Tian would be so powerful, and we did not expect that they would start the world's ruin. Life is the most important thing for that little bit of interest. There is a bit of vitality to keep your own life. If you can't even keep your own life, talk about the benefits. Don't be stunned by the ridiculous benefits!"

"Okay, let's make a decision, start to act, and start by attacking the opponent!" In an instant, all the forces of the race made a new decision, gave up the suppression of Xingtian, and transferred the target to the foreign race. In fact, they did not say what they would do to the royal family and the empire after suppressing the alien race, nor did they say the final division of interests.

Tacit understanding! All the ancestors have a tacit understanding and do not talk about this. The fight for the ultimate benefit, the fight for the origin of the world, and even the fight for other benefits are all based on their own ability. It is useless to talk too much. If the foreign enemy does not clean up, talk about it. Most of them are empty talk. The world will and the ancient gods and demons must clear the field, and the major forces of the human race must also clear the field, but the objects they want to clear are different. In this catastrophe, their goals are the same. Choosing a path is crazy.

Will Taiping Patriarchs not understand the consequences of their actions? No, he knew it. He knew it when he took the shot. Once he started, terrible changes would occur in this great calamity, and the major forces of the human race would make crazy choices. The ancestor did not say clearly, but in the hearts of these many ancestors, the Taipingdao has been abandoned by them and has become an abandoned child. If the strangulation of the foreign race is completed, then the next goal is the Taipingdao, which has become other elders. The common enemy of the ancestors, Taipingdao is no longer necessary for them to survive.

Of course, there are also some ancestors who are thinking about Taipingdao. After all, the star map in the hands of Taipingdao has endless temptations for them. If they can capture the star map, they will have a greater grasp of detaching from the world, compared to Xingtian's body. Recognition, the origin of the Dao, the star map is the most direct and helpful, after all, the Dao of Xingtian has its own will!

"Kill!" A low voice sounded in the void, and many human race ancestors immediately exploded with all their power. If they attacked the foreign races like a meteor, these attacks did not care about the foreign army, but went straight. Going away from the center of the alien race will directly destroy the core of the alien race and destroy the ancestors of the alien race.

In the endless years, the major forces of the human race have already mastered the situation of the alien race, and have already locked the many ancestors of the alien race. If you don't make a move, you will do your best to not give the alien ancestors any chance to fight back. It is the sky and the fire, even if you can't kill the opponent, you must directly injure the opponent directly, and don't give the alien ancestors any chance to escape!

"Damn it, human bastards, you are looking for death!" Suddenly, the alien ancestors were outraged by all forces in the human race. They thought that these human ancestors were running to Xingtian and Taiping ancestors. After leaving for the decisive battle, I didn't expect that these bastards' attacks would come to my eyes in an instant. I was caught off guard and plunged into a crisis, and even the entire race civilization fell into a terrible desperation!

Rebel! Many ancestors of alien races also have this idea, but they can’t get out of their lives, and they can’t do anything. For these ancestors, this sneak attack by the human race directly beat them into confusion, making them lose the power to counterattack, at least They can't do it in a short time. Who makes the alien alliance just a mess, without any cohesion!


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