God of Destruction

Chapter 4067: Section counterattack

The fourth thousand and sixty-seventh chapter counterattack

Such terrible results have made many alien ancestors not angry, but the anger is too late, they have fallen into the disadvantage, they have been unable to struggle, facing terrible attacks, they can barely resist, even some ancestors are here Under the surprise attack, he was hit hard, with mental arithmetic and unintentional. No one thought that the major forces of the human race would be so insidious, and no one thought that the many ancestors of the human race would undeclared war and would launch a sneak attack on them, and most importantly, many foreigners The eyes were all attracted by the battle between Xing Tian and Taiping Patriarch, so they were directly caught in such a crisis!

If these alien ancestors are able to choose something, or even give up part of their power, or ethnic civilization, they still have the ability to fight back, but everyone has selfishness in their hearts and is unwilling to give up their own interests. It is precisely because of this idea. , Directly make their situation worse, and directly make their living environment more difficult!

If the alien alliance can abandon some benefits and gather strength together, even if all the forces of the human race are united, it will not be able to destroy their existence or their civilization. It is a pity that they cannot do this, they cannot do it. There is no selfishness at all, let go of their own interests and fight for others. No strong man will sacrifice himself to make wedding dresses for others. The same is true of foreign races. They will not do the good deeds of self-sacrifice!

The clearing of the field has begun, and the decisive battle has begun. This time, the shots of many human forces and the sneak attacks of those ancestors directly broke all the illusions of all creatures, broke the illusions of all forces, and also broke the will of the world, making the whole world once again Sliding in an unknown direction once again increased the pressure on the will of the world, making the world more dangerous!

"The decisive battle has begun. How did the ancestors of the major forces of this human race suddenly make such a decision, what they want to do, and why they made such an amazing change in such a short period of time. The original goal of these **** should be me. That's right, and they transferred to the alien race again in an instant, what are they thinking of!" When he noticed the sudden transformation of the human race's ancestors, Xing Tian couldn't help but cast a shadow on his heart, making him feel There was a faint shock, whether all this was arranged long ago, or did the ancestors of the human race have new ideas. If all this was arranged in advance, it means that I have not been free from the influence of these human ancestors, and have always been under the control of others, and this battle is only a trap set by the opponent, and I am a **** in this trap. It is the bait that attracts the attention of many aliens!

The more you think about it, the greater the pressure on Xing Tian’s heart. If all this is as he guessed, his situation is really dangerous. Even the ancestors of the human race can master the general trend of the world, can promote the general trend, and be able to Think of yourself as a chess piece, this world will be so weak, will it be calculated by yourself? Is everything before you also in the calculation of the world will, and you have not got rid of the calculation of the world will from beginning to end?

Such thoughts flashed in Xing Tian’s mind. Time did not allow him to think about it, because now Xing Tian is still in battle, fighting against Taiping Patriarchs, although Taiping Patriarchs did not really come, But Xing Tian's shot was enough to make Xing Tian feel the threat of death, not to mention Xing Tian also uttered the reality of the opponent's star map!

Withdrawing his mind, Xing Tian once again focused his energy on the battle. At this time, Xing Tian couldn't help but feel a little anxious. Although his road to the end was strong, his spear of ending was terrifying, but the star map in the hands of Taiping Patriarch was equally terrifying, the same. Horror, but Xingtian’s accumulation is far from enough. If you hold on for a long time, Xingtian will eventually suffer. In this case, Xingtian has to think of a way to resolve it, and has to find a way out of the crisis!

At the moment, it seems that I don't need to face the impact of death or face this racial decisive battle. I am being held back by the Taiping ancestors, but is that really the case? Xing Tian didn't think so, and didn't dare to think so. With race wars, everything is possible. Now those human race ancestors have not killed themselves. This does not mean that they will still be like this in the next moment. Caution is the kingly way. Under the circumstances, I cannot be careless, nor can I continue to hold on to it, I must end the battle here quickly, I must change my previous strategy, or the result will be unthinkable!

No matter how well prepared you are in your heart, no matter how good backup means you have made, everything is useless when the racial decisive battle comes, because no one knows what will happen in the next moment, Xing Tian dare not treat himself His life is pinned on others, and he dare not pin his own life on the kindness of others. What's more, there is no kindness at all in the battle of races, amidst this terrible catastrophe. The so-called kindness is nothing but vain. of!

"I can't go on like this anymore. I don't have so much source to consume. The killings that should be done have been completed, and all that should be plundered have been plundered. There is no need to fight to the end with the Taiping ancestors. Although I still have a hole card, this Is it the true power of Taiping Patriarch? Just a star map is enough to threaten my life. If another treasure of the origin of the Avenue of Stars also appears, my fate will be even worse, and the gods and demons cannot resist them. The combined force of a blow!" When thinking about this, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed. After all, his strength is still insufficient. If he has strong strength, he doesn't need to be so cautious, and he doesn't need to be so careful. , Not to mention so many calculations! ]

Get away! In an instant, Xing Tian made such a decision, but even if he left, Xing Tian couldn’t afford to take advantage of the Taiping Patriarch, nor could it be seen that he fled without a fight and lost to the Taiping Patriarch, even if he left. I also have to teach Taiping ancestors a lesson, teach Taipingdao a lesson, let them know how tragic the results of offending themselves are!

"The power of ending is still too little, not enough to end the origin of the star map, nor can it shake the minds of the Taiping ancestors, let alone the life of the Taiping ancestors, but I can't obliterate the origin of the star map, but I can change it. The idea is to use the origin of death to introduce the life imprints left by the disciples of the Taipingdao in the star map, which can lead them to the kingdom of death, which can be used to condense the origin of their own death avenue and make their own death avenue more further!"

Although Xing Tian’s idea is a bit crazy, it is not impossible to realize it. Since the spear of ending confronting himself cannot end the power of the star map and cannot break the murderous intent of the Taiping ancestors, Xing Tian changed his mind to use the Avenue of Death. The origin of the star map is used to take the life imprints left by the Taipingdao disciples in the star map. As long as these life imprints can be sucked away, the power of the star map will inevitably be damaged, and even the origin of the star map can be shaken to make Taiping Patriarchs Lose without a fight!

However, there is only one opportunity like this. If one cannot succeed or succeed once, it will inevitably attract the attention of Taiping ancestors, and his plan will inevitably be shattered, and the lives of Taiping disciples in the star map will also be branded by Taiping. When the ancestors are obliterated, then the entire star map will be flawless, and the dangers you face will be even more terrifying!

auzw.com"The timing, I can't act in a hurry, I must seize the opportunity, there is only one opportunity, not too reluctant!" Xing Tian kept warning himself in his heart, although he felt the star map again and again The life imprints of the many Taipingdao disciples felt the trace of unwillingness, the trace of anger and resentment that they had left behind, but Xing Tian still did not attack with all his strength, did not attract these life imprints, but continued. Obliterate the origin of the star map.

"Damn it, how is this possible, a junior can actually withstand a blow from the star map, that spear of ending can actually withstand the power of the star map, the road of ending is so powerful, this junior really has to step out of his own road, and Completely integrated into oneself, secret, this junior must have an amazing secret, maybe he does not have the avenue of stars inheritance, but this secret is enough to move, if I can seize this secret, maybe I don’t need the avenue of stars, so can I To detach from the world, you can also get rid of the shackles of this world, you can ascend to a world of high chaos, you can seize that ray of life!"

For an instant, Taiping ancestors were constantly thinking. He was really shocked by Xing Tian's performance. It was just a blow, and it made him understand that Xing Tian is no longer the same as the'ant' he had previously known. This'ant' has already Growing up to threaten oneself, threaten the survival of Taipingdao, and the other party has absolutely shocking secrets!

"Maybe this junior is not the reincarnation of a strong man in this world, but an old guy from the supreme chaotic world. Otherwise, he can't explain that he can obtain such an amazing power in a short time. Kill, even if you pay At a high price, we must kill him, take away the secrets from him, and take away his luck!"

Although the ancestor Taiping used a star map before, he still has reservations, but from this moment on, the ancestor Taiping has changed. He doesn't want to make reservations anymore. He wants to attack with all his strength to kill Xingtian and plunder Xingtian. The luck in his body robbed Xingtian of everything, because he saw endless temptation in Xingtian!

When such a change occurred in the Taiping Patriarch's heart, the power of the star map also changed. At this moment, Xing Tian's eyes condensed, and he secretly said: "Opportunity, this is the opportunity I have to wait for!"

"The scepter of death comes out, attracts all souls, the soul returns, life returns, and death takes the lead!" Immediately, Xing Tian shouted, and as his shout fell, the Spear of End instantly dispersed, blocking the front of the Death Scepter. The star map, the powerful source of death instantly enveloped the star map, and inspired the life imprints of those Taipingdao disciples trapped in the star map!

The moment Xing Tian made his move, Taiping Patriarch immediately felt threatened, and said in his heart: "No, it is calculated!"

Just when the Taiping ancestors wanted to stop Xingtian, the Death Avenue in the Scepter of Death had been entwined on the star map. It had already connected the life imprints of those Taipingdao disciples. Under the guidance of the Death Scepter, the many Taipingdao The resentment and anger left by the disciple broke out in an all-round way, and a tremendous force was impacting the heart of Taiping Patriarch and the origin of the star map!

"Damn it, how can there be these remnants in the star map!" When the star map changed, Taiping Patriarch could no longer remain calm, his mind was shocked, not just him, the Patriarch of Taipingdao They were all shocked. None of them thought that there was such a big hidden danger in the star map, and that they would be seen through by a junior like Xing Tian in such a short time, and could use it to shake the origin of the star map. Taiping Patriarch's attack.

"Hey! Crazy! Taiping Dao is really crazy. They really got to be right by Xing Tian. They even used their disciples to sacrifice the Star Atlas, and even Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, used the Avenue of Death to shake the origin of the Star Atlas during the battle. Unfortunately, Xing Tian’s current strength is still too weak, and his death avenue is far from reaching the level of killing avenues. If Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic’s death avenue, is also recognized by the avenue, then it is really possible for him to shake the star map and shake Taiping Lao. The ancestor's mind was even able to severely damage the star map and seize the treasure of the origin of the avenue of stars, and now he is stunning the snake, making Taiping ancestors aware of the hidden dangers of the star map, what a pity!" During the outbreak of Xingtian, the human race The ancestors also immediately noticed the problem and couldn't help sighing!

"This is already very remarkable. Don’t forget that Xing Tian is just a junior, a junior who has practiced for less than a hundred years. With such a short practice time, he can hardly shake the Taiping ancestors and see through the reality of the star map. Being able to counterattack the Taiping ancestors, he has done it to the extreme. We can’t ask for too much, and now the Taiping ancestors can’t be hurt. Race wars need the power of the Taipingdao. Even if it is dead, the Taipingdao should die with On the battlefield of alien races, it is not in the hands of the younger generation Xingtian, but this battle also fully allows us to see the potential of the younger Xingtian!"

"Yes, so terrible potential, so amazing background. This junior is not as simple as we thought. He has big secrets, great luck, and great opportunities. Unfortunately, we can't deal with him now. We can't afford to be humane. The backlash of collapse!"

"Now is not the time for internal fighting. If humanity collapses, all of our forces will suffer terrible impact. This is the cause and effect of the endless years of humanity that we owe, and it is different for the junior Xingtian, even if it is the collapse of humanity, the human race He will not suffer too much impact when he is disillusioned, because the cause and effect on him is too small!"


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