God of Destruction

Chapter 4068: Causality

The fourth thousand and sixty-eighth chapter of cause and effect

"Who would have thought that the cause and effect of this junior is so small, what the emperor is doing, what the lunatics of the peace road are doing, so that this junior can have most of his own cause and effect, and the connection with the human race is so weak, if we I don't know his origin, but this junior has great cause and effect, but now it has been washed away!"

"Oh! Who could have thought that this would be the case? If it weren't for this battle, if it wasn't for Xingtian's death battle with Taiping, we're afraid we wouldn't be able to feel the fluctuations of luck in him, nor the relationship between him and the human race. The causal connection between them will be so indifferent. Perhaps Xing Tian had made a comprehensive preparation at the beginning, and has washed away the causality from his body bit by bit!"

"It is indeed possible. If Xing Tian didn't prepare well in advance, how could he be able to get rid of the influence of humanity and luck on him, how could he be able to cut off all the causality on his body, now the causality left in his body is not enough to affect himself, This time we really underestimated him. He was not as simple as we thought before. He was able to wash away the cause and effect after retrieving the memories of the past life and getting back the background of the past life. It seems a little weird and a little unbelievable. If it is said that this time is thousands of years, it is still possible, but Xingtian's time is pitifully small, which has to make us vigilant!"

"Fellow Daoist is worried that Xing Tian has already taken back the memories of his previous life when he was born, and even the ancient gods and demons directly seized the house?"

"I don’t rule out the possibility, otherwise it’s really hard to explain what we see now. A small child-like existence can wash away all the cause and effect. Even if he has the ability to reach the sky, he can’t do it. The cause and effect are different. Among other things, it is not easy to understand, and it is not something you can avoid if you want to avoid it. Xing Tian must have a big secret, a big secret that is earth-shattering. If it were not for this battle, who would have thought that he would have broken away from the race. Bondage, if I’m not mistaken, Xing Tian is no longer in the human body. He has already achieved the body of the gods and demons, and his origin has been transformed into the power of the gods and demons. He can do this. Gave up his identity."

"The true body of the **** and demon is nothing shocking. When he can be recognized by the Dao Dao, we should understand that his body is extraordinary, but we did not expect that there will be so little cause and effect in him. A little humanity cause and effect is only his birth, his mother. If he cuts this off, he will really be unable to limit it. Humanity or Human Race has nothing to do with him, and he must be allowed to complete all this. This world can no longer restrain him!"

"Perhaps we should use the power of the **** Taiping to restrain the lunatic Xingtian, to thoroughly explore his background, see what he hides, and see where his origin comes from? If we don’t understand the truth of the lunatic Xingtian Circumstances, this is the biggest hidden danger for us. We don’t know what this madman will do next moment?"

"Yes, it is true that we must fully explore the truth and falsity. Under the catastrophe, we can’t help being soft-hearted. Even if it is to recite a little cause and effect, it is not a big deal to recite a little karma. If we don’t understand Xingtian’s reality, we must be careful everywhere. I can’t do my best, because we don’t know if he is a friend or an enemy. What is his attitude toward the entire human race! Don’t mention the empire, and don’t mention the source of his other half in the Taipingdao. He can cut off so much cause and effect, which shows that this lunatic is early I have already given up the blood of the other half, and have already cut off that point of cause and effect. Speaking of all this, I must blame Taipingdao for being too crazy. If it were not for their disregard for family affection, things would not have reached this point, and Xingtian, a lunatic would not. It's so easy to cut off the cause and effect of the other half of the blood!"

"Hmph, even a disciple of his own can calculate and sacrifice, and can be used to sacrifice the source of the most precious sect. They can't do anything. The birth of the lunatic Xing Tian is also a calculation, but in the end, Taiping Dao is not complete. It’s just that they got everything they wanted, but their plan was seen through, but when they were about to destroy everything, they discovered that Xing Tian was not an ant, but a piece of iron, which made them suffer a lot! From now on Xing Tian’s performance The combat power that comes out, unless the **** Taiping really arrives, otherwise it will not be able to punish the sky, and it will even ruin the treasure of the star map!"

"Oh! How can you have such an idea, even if Taiping despise Xingtian, it is impossible for him to take away such a treasure as Xingtu, although it seems that Xingtian has succeeded in calculation and hurt the vitality of Xingtian, but it is endless. I don’t believe that this **** Taiping will have no assassin and let the enemy take the star map from him?”

"Avenue of Stars! I suspect that Xing Tian really has the Avenue of Stars, which is beyond the Avenue of Stars controlled by Taiping Road, and even Xing Tian himself has practiced the Avenue of Stars. Otherwise, he would not be able to see through the secrets of the star map at a glance, and spot stars at a glance. The shortcomings of the map directly severely damaged the origin of the star map and caught the **** by Taiping by surprise!"

"No! This is impossible. If Xing Tian has the inheritance of the Avenue of Stars, it may be possible and true, but it is completely impossible to say that Xing Tian has mastered the Avenue of Stars and built the Avenue of Planets. He does not have so much time. Even if he had cultivated the Dao of Stars in his previous life, he has the foundation, it is impossible to cultivate the origin of the powerful stars in such a short time, and the power displayed by Xing Tianyi has no breath of the Dao of Stars at all, it is completely killing, death, Swallowing also has the power of the end of the three ways, so I don't think he can master the Avenue of Stars!"

"Yes, it is impossible in terms of time. No one can have such a great energy, and no one can master so many great powers in such a short time. Taoists may think too much. Take Xing Tian too much!"

"Haha! I want to think of him weaker, but I can make me think this is true. You all think it's impossible. It's all because time doesn't allow. Xing Tian doesn't have so much time and energy. But if Xing Tian is really like this What will happen with too much time and energy? Do you still think it is impossible? Will you deny all this?"

"No, he doesn't have that kind of time and energy. No matter how strong his background is, he cannot have such ability. No matter how strong the background is, the accumulation of horror, but the energy is limited. It is impossible to let a person Do it all!"

auzw.com"Alas! You are still too arrogant and too self-righteous! There is nothing impossible in this world. Before that, you thought that Xingtian could get rid of the racial bondage, and you could think of the ancient times. Can you think of the terrible will of the world with that terrible means of the gods and demons? No, you can’t think of it, and you dare not imagine it, and now all this has happened! What seems impossible to you doesn’t mean it won’t happen. It won’t happen, and the same is true for Xing Tian. If Xing Tian, ​​a madman, recovers the memories of his previous life and condenses his clone, then everything makes sense. The clone exists enough to allow Xing Tian to have enough time and energy. Coming to repair the Avenue of the Planets, I even suspect that Xing Tian, ​​the bastard, had practiced the Avenue of the Stars, the Avenue of Killing, the Avenue of Death, and the Avenue of Swallowing in his previous life. In the end, he wanted to merge the avenues, but ended in failure. In this life, others will fly into the sky. Only then will he have the strength he is now, because he has truly integrated the origin of the Dao!"

"Hey!" For an instant, the ancestors of all races took a sigh of relief. They were all shocked by this astonishing remark. Their expressions became extremely solemn. All of this is really possible, and they have such a background. , Can explain why Xing Tian can have such an amazing combat power in such a short time, with such a power against the sky!

"Damn! If this is true, then Xingtian's clone is there, and he can't find his clone. We can't help this lunatic. All the plans of Taipingdao will be shattered, and they will even make Xingtian wedding dresses, endless The accumulation of years will become the nourishment for the lunatic cultivation of Xingtian. We must promptly inform Taiping Patriarch and make him vigilant. We must not be succeeded by Xingtian’s conspiracy, otherwise the trouble will be even greater and we will be even more dangerous!"

"Wait! Do you think there will be gains if we inform Taipingdao now? You think the **** of Taiping will believe it. He won't believe it. Everyone in Taipingdao will not believe it, because they are too confident and self-righteous. , They didn’t treat Xing Tian as the same thing. We would only make them think that we people were making peace with the idea. The idea of ​​making the star map would only divide the heart of the Taiping ancestors. Let Taiping Road be wary of us!"

"Is it possible that we will not do anything, just wait and see, watching Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic's conspiracy succeed, watching him swallow the accumulation of endless years of peace, and watching him take away the star map, if That's right, then what are we talking about!"

"Stop, what shall we use to stop it? Don’t forget that now we have been at war with the alien race, and we can’t separate our strength. If we have to reluctantly stop all of this, we will only harm ourselves. If you are willing to sacrifice yourself for others, you are willing to be peaceful. Sacrifice your own interests, then I have nothing to say, you can do it yourself!"

Sacrifice yourself to fulfill the peace path? How is this possible? There is no such unselfish person in the human race, and no such "stupid" person. No one can do such a stupid thing, but let them do nothing, and watch all this happen. Not reconciled, after all, they don't want to see juniors like Xing Tian standing on their heads, calculating all of them.

Yes, Xing Tian calculated all of them. In their hearts, Xing Tian teased all their forces from the beginning, so that they would always be led by the nose like a fool. If they could see through it earlier Xing Tian, ​​things will not be as they are now, and everyone will not be as powerless as they are now!

"Dear friends, things may not be as dangerous as imagined, and Xing Tian is not impossible to restrain. He can cut off the cause and effect of Human Race, but he still has a trace of contact with Human Race. We may not be able to use Xing Tian, ​​but Human Emperor can. After all, Xing Tian's original body has the blood of the human royal family. If the human emperor makes a move, he can completely use the power of humanity to give Xing Tian a fatal blow, break Xing Tian's crazy calculations, and make their conspiracy ruined!"

"Haha! This is a good idea, but do you think Human Emperor would agree? Do you think Human Emperor would be willing to provoke Xingtian, a madman, with that terrible humanitarian backlash? And what do you think would happen to Xingtian's hidden clone? If you don’t do it, will you just watch the human emperor make a move without a counterattack? Impossible, Xingtian is not so stupid, and human emperor is not so stupid. At this time, under this situation, you will go to Xingtian. A lunatic has great cause and effect!"

"Yes, Human Sovereign does not do this, but we can force him to do so. He is Human Sovereign, the Human Sovereign, and he must sacrifice for the Human Sovereign. If all our forces put pressure on the Human Sovereign, he cannot agree. Unless he is crazy!"

"Huh! Saying that you are still so arrogant, so self-righteous, or looking down on sentient beings from above, Human Sovereign is not something you can handle if you want to. If Human Sovereign is not crazy, he won't take action against foreign races, no Will choose to take the initiative to attack, will not divide the kings, and will not put pressure on the royal family, and fight for rights with the royal ancestors! No one is willing to carry a great cause and effect, the human emperor will not do this, if he really does. Now, he will be the first to exterminate himself from the royal family, and he will be more likely to fall into Xingtian's calculations, let Xingtian cut off the last cause and effect, and completely cut off everything from the human race!"

For Xingtian, the ancestors of the human race have a headache, because the more they understand the power of Xingtian, the more they know Xingtian’s calculations, the heavier the pressure in their hearts, and the more they will feel at a loss. If all this is in In Xing Tian’s calculations, at this time, under such circumstances, it is really possible to be calculated by Xing Tian to force the emperor to make a move. It really allows Xing Tian to cut off his own final cause and effect. With this trace of cause and effect, Xing Tian will still be restrained. Also, without this trace of cause and effect, Xing Tian will be even more crazy, more unscrupulous, more unscrupulous, and the consequences will be even more uncontrollable!

"Time, we don’t have so much time to consider. Time waits for no one. Especially now, we can’t help but plan for the worst and have to make choices. After all, we don’t have much time left. If all this is true In Xing Tian’s calculations, this lunatic will soon attack Taiping Dao and seize the star map from the Taiping ancestors. Once all this happens, we will never have a chance to stop it!"


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