God of Destruction

Chapter 4069: Causal and decisive

The fourth thousand and sixty-ninth chapter, cause and decisive

Time, indeed, there is not much time left for the ancestors of the various human races. Before they had made a choice, Xing Tian had already taken action. Just as some people were worried, Xing Tian was also cruel and did not want to give peace. , When the Avenue of Death draws the power of the star map, Xing Tian, ​​the king of the end clone, reappears, this time Xing Tian has no reservations, and the power of the end points directly to the core of the star map and is directly obliterated. The mark of Taiping Patriarch in the star map!

And just as the power of the end hit the mark of the Taiping Patriarch, a terrifying star originated from the void. It was the power of the deity. In order to be able to severely damage the Taiping Dao and frighten all powerful enemies, it can Give yourself more time to make the final preparations, Xing Tian no longer makes reservations, the deity shot directly, directly mobilizing the power of Zhou Tian's stars directly from the void to grab the star map that is out of control, directly from Taiping Lao The ancestor took this treasure!

"Junior is looking for death, you also want to seize my original treasure!" When he felt that the brand he left in the star map was ended, Taiping Patriarch was even more angry. He is not a fool, and he naturally understands what Xing Tian wants to do. , If the star map is really lost, you can never get it back, because this time Xing Tian exposed his own avenue of stars, the pure and powerful origin of the stars shocked the ancestors of Taiping and made the whole world stronger Those who are shocked!

"Crazy, really crazy, Xing Nao has to have assassins, no wonder he dared to die like that, because he has enough cards, he has such a powerful clone, and the avenue of stars is incomparably pure, even peaceful. The origin of the ancestor’s stars is not as pure as Xing Tian’s clone. When did this lunatic sacrifice and refine such a clone? Could it be said that this was the descendant of Xing Tian’s first life. Xingtian practiced in the last life was not the way of killing Is it the Avenue of Stars?" Many ancestors of the barbarian felt timid when they felt the origin of the powerful stars in the void.

"You have seen it all. I said that Xing Tian is not easy. We all underestimated him. The avatar of Star Avenue finally shot. This time you all understand why Tai Ping Dao chased Xing Tian to death because of Xing Tian, ​​the star. Dao clone, such a pure origin of the Avenue of Stars, shows how amazing the inheritance of the Avenue of Stars of Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, is that even his own disciples can sacrifice. There is nothing in Taipingdao that cannot be sacrificed. For such a powerful inheritance, they can give everything! "Speaking of this, the human race ancestor couldn't help but sighed, and his heart became even heavier. Everything was too late. If everyone before took action, it might change the situation, but now everything is too late. Xing Tian has already taken action!

Stop Xingtian from taking the star map? No, this is no longer possible, because the star map has now been refined by Xingtian’s Avenue of Stars. When the power of ending obliterates the mark of Taiping Patriarch, everything is a foregone conclusion. Taipingdao’s calculations have failed, Taiping Lao The ancestor also paid a heavy price, and the treasure of the star map that had been sacrificed for endless years was taken away!

"Hahaha! Taiping Road, all this is just the beginning, the war between us has just begun!" When seeing the deity taking the star map with the help of the power of the stars, the King of Ending clone did not hesitate anymore, and did not It is necessary to continue the war. Although this war did not last long, Xing Tian's heart is really tired. You must know that if this battle is a little worse, Xing Tian will pay a heavy price, and even his own road to the end will collapse. Fortunately, everything is going well!

"The spear of the end comes out, tears through the void, and escapes!" When seeing the star map disappear into the void, Xingtian’s clone of the King of Ending directly condenses the spear of end, the terrifying treasure of the End Road, directly penetrating the void. , Disappeared without a trace directly from this land of yellow sand, not giving the enemy any chance to lock himself in, and not allowing the enemy to have a chance to plot himself!

"Leave it! The Tower of Stars is shocked!" When the star map was crushed by Xing Tian, ​​and when Xing Tian, ​​the King of the End, was about to flee, Taiping Dao couldn't stand it anymore, and there was another Avenue of Stars. The Primordial Treasure appeared, blasting directly into the void channel that Xing Tian had torn apart, trying to block Xing Tian's departure, and wanting to leave Xing Tian, ​​the king of the end clone!

"Killing the heavens, the earth, and the common people, everything is impossible to kill!" Xing Tian did not hesitate in the face of the deadly blow of the Taiping Road. The killing avenue broke out in an all-round way, regardless of the consumption of his body and the weakness of his own spirit. Erupting out all of its own potential at once, Slaughter Avenue is like a blood dragon crashing directly into the tower of stars coming from the void!

Xing Tian is really crazy to fight against the original treasure of the Star Tower with his own Dao origin. It is necessary to know that such a confrontation will cause serious damage to his own Dao. After all, this attacking day did not activate the sword of killing. Now the sword of killing is still integrated. In the Spear of End, it is tearing the void and stabilizing the void passage, so Xing Tian can only use his own avenue to resist this fatal blow!

"Crazy! This is completely crazy. Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, ignores the potential of his avenue, confronts Taipingdao head-on, and forcibly takes over the bombardment of the Star Tower, and Taipingdao directly uses another background to expose more. Is it worth paying such a big price just for a little bit of grievances and hatred?” Many ancestors of the foreign race sighed secretly and shook their heads slightly, feeling unworthy of Xing Tian’s madness of peace. , But all this happened!

"Damn, these two lunatics want to fight and don't do anything on my barbarian territory. If this terrible power bursts out, all the creatures in that area will be destroyed, and there will be a Jedi. Quickly shoot. Stop all this!" When feeling the terrible power fluctuations, many ancestors of the barbarian roared at it, with endless anger and killing intent in their hearts.

If the aftermath of this blow hits the ground, the entire barbarian will be severely damaged. You must know that it is the original treasure of the Avenue of Stars. This blow has condensed the power of one galaxy and has an extremely terrifying destruction!

Rays of light rose from all over the barbarians, transformed into beams of light, and rose up into the sky, and then merged into a light curtain above the void, covering the entire barbaric territory to stop Xingtian and Taipingdao from fighting. The terrible impact caused!

"Damn it, how could this happen! Get out of the barbarian's choppy!" When seeing the barbarians' ancestors take action, many ancestors in the Taiping Road were also angry. If the barbarian's resistance is allowed to succeed, Taipingdao can no longer stop Xing Tian from leaving, let alone lock Xing Tian, ​​the star map treasure will really be lost, and endless years of accumulation will make wedding dresses for others!

auzw.com" Don’t resolve the conflicts of your human race in my barbaric territory, you want to fight, you go to your own domain, don’t try to take this opportunity to destroy my barbaric luck, Otherwise, death will be waiting for you, and I barbarians are not easy to provoke!" Facing the crazy peace road, the barbarian ancestors did not fear at all, and went straight up!

When the situation has reached this point, the barbarians are not allowed to give in. If they are frightened by the Taipingdao, stop and let the ancestors of the Taipingdao fight on their own territory, the luck of the entire barbarians will inevitably be vented. , The barbarians were really hopeless at that time, so no matter what kind of surprises will happen next, the barbarian ancestors must be tough, not give way to peace in this confrontation, not let people think of themselves Of weakness.

If you retreat at this time, maybe you don’t have to wait for the human race to launch a life-death duel against the barbarians, other alien races will find the barbarians first, give the barbarian civilization a fatal blow, swallow the luck of the barbarian civilization, and strengthen themselves Luck!

"Damn it, it's still not calculated that there will be such an ending. When it's over, the human race is really going to split. It doesn't matter if these lunatics in Taipingdao want to die by themselves, but don't pull us together. They do this to make the whole human race Our luck is completely divided, and our trouble is big!” When feeling the fluctuations in the void and the changes in human luck, the ancestors of the royal family were angry. At this moment, they felt the changes in human luck and felt a little bit. The luck is dissipating!

break! The attack of Taipingdao directly broke Xingtian with the human race, and it also caused more human forces to think about the human race that they shouldn't have, and retreat from the human race. In this case, the Taipingdao is the same. Unscrupulously, once a racial decisive battle breaks out, Taipingdao will be even more fearless to take care of it, and no force is willing to see such a situation come out!

The luck of the human race is scattered and split, and it is the madness of the Taipingdao that caused all this. If the human race is destroyed in this catastrophe, the Taipingdao will have endless karma, and all the disciples of the Taipingdao will suffer. The backlash of humane luck!

Taipingdao can target Xingtian so madly, and can repeatedly and again pull down his face to smash Xingtian. This has exceeded the bottom line, broke the bottom line of the human race, and also broke the bottom line of humanity. If this battle is in normal times, it’s not a big deal. There are not too many forces that would care about it, but now it’s a decisive battle between races. Taipingdao is for selfishness, disregarding the righteousness of the human race and the great fortune of humanity. Killer, and again and again, this seriously disturbs the rest of the race, making all the elites and the Tianjiao worry about their lives!

When the void passage dissipated in the void, a faint blood line appeared in the sight of many ancestors, and this result made them breathe a sigh of relief, Xingtian was injured, and was injured by the terrible blow of Taipingdao , This result is finally to let everyone breathe a sigh of relief, otherwise Xingtian’s crazy counterattack will be waiting for the human race, the power of Taipingdao will be more terrible, and the power of the human race will be weakened more. Human pressure will be even more terrifying!

"Fortunately, the lunatic Xing Tian was finally injured. He was severely injured by the attack of Taiping Dao. I was unable to attack Taiping Dao within a short period of time. It will finally give us time to eliminate all the damage caused by the war. Influence!" A human race ancestor said with a light sigh, but there was no joy on his face, it was still very solemn!

"Eliminate the influence? How to eliminate it? The madness of Taiping Dao has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. This time they can suppress Xingtian at all costs regardless of the righteousness of the human race. This has seriously affected the stability and unity of the human race. No one will believe us anymore. The door, the casual cultivator will not believe it, the empire will not believe it, even our own disciples will have worries in the hearts of our own disciples. The Taiping Road opened a bad head and brought us endless trouble, and the bigger trouble was Xingtian. This lunatic, Xing Tian is enough to give us headaches, and now there is another clone, a clone with the same strength as the deity, or even a cross. Do you think this will be a good thing? Even Xing Tianben respects the injury, but his Will the clone react at all?"

"Let’s talk to Xingtian, use the righteousness of the human race, let the emperor come forward, and even let his mother come forward, for the righteousness of the human race, for the survival of the human race, we need to have a good talk with Xingtian, anyway The blood of the human race is flowing on him, and he can't hold back the human race at this time, and can't affect the human race's great cause!"

"Huh! It's simple, talk? What do we talk about? You can use Xingtian's mother, but can you find her? And do you think Xingtian will care about the great cause of the human race after this battle? If there is no such final blow , We still have a chance to talk with Xing Tian, ​​and we may change Xing Tian’s thoughts, but now it’s too late. That blow completely cut off Xing Tian’s connection with the human race, and completely freed Xing Tian from the shackles of humanity. Get out of the restrictions of the human race!"

"No, this is impossible. No matter how powerful the strike of Taipingdao is, it is impossible to cut off the connection between Xingtian and the human race. You are talking nonsense. If Taipingdao had such power, it would have soared into the sky long ago and would have broken free long ago. The world is bound by the world! No one has the power to sever the racial cause and effect in others!"

"Ignorance! Nothing is impossible, because that blow was the source of the other half of Xing Tian's own blood, another ancestor of Taiping Dao, and his blow directly destroyed the cause and effect of Xing Tian. There is no longer any connection between Xing Tian and the Human race, because his body has already been transformed, and the Taiping Dao controls a part of the human luck. Under the bombardment of this luck, what do you think is impossible? Yes, these madmen of Peace Road are sinners of my human race!"

"How can this happen? What exactly is Taipingdao thinking? Didn't they think about the consequences of doing this? Didn't they plan for the worst? How dare to be so unscrupulous!" Someone couldn't help but lose his voice to Taipingdao. Dissatisfaction is at its extreme!


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