God of Destruction

Chapter 4070: Karma

Chapter Four Thousand and Seventh

"You really think that the bloodline is that Xingtian was seriously injured, that is the last trace of human blood in Xingtian's body. If this trace of blood is not a close relative, it is impossible to deprive it, even if Xingtian completed the physical body. Transformation, completed the exchange of blood, and condensed the real body of the gods and demons, but this trace of blood will still exist in his heart, because that is his essence, but now the lunatic of Taipingdao cut off this last blood. That's the last contact between Human Race and Xing Tian. The severance of this bloodline means that Xing Tian has broken free from all shackles, and it means that he has never cared about it anymore!"

Without waiting for everyone to speak, this human race ancestor said in a deep voice: "Don't use his mother to talk about things, and don't try to use her to threaten Xingtian. It is impossible. No one can threaten Xingtian. And all this It is the group of lunatics on the Taiping Road. They are all their arrogance, their self-righteousness, and their selfishness!"

Anger, endless anger burns in the heart of this human race ancestor, he has endless hatred of Taipingdao in his heart, because the ignorance and arrogance of Taipingdao make people fall into a real desperate situation! Yes, it is a desperate situation. No matter how powerful the human background is, no matter how terrifying the power of the major sects, when the bottom line of the human race is broken, when the human heart disperses, everything will be transformed into nothingness, and the human race will never turn back. Chance, this catastrophe will bury the entire human race!

"No, we still have a chance. Xing Tian has the other half of his blood. As long as we can say that moving emperor, as long as we can tell his mother to come forward, we still have a chance. No matter how difficult it is, we have to try. This is the last of our human race. Opportunity!"

"Forget it, don't hold that ridiculous idea anymore. This idea is impossible to achieve. Human Sovereign will not do it. Although the destruction of Human Race is also a disaster for him, he will not stand up at this time. Yes, because he doesn’t want to die too early, he doesn’t want to carry the heavy burden, the terrible karma on his back, and he won’t fend off the peace road! When the disaster comes, we will fly separately, and now all our plans are shattered. Now, whether you can survive this catastrophe depends on your ability. I don’t know what Taipingdao thinks, but they dare to do it, I’m afraid they have already prepared for the worst!"

When the disaster comes, we fly separately. This is not wrong at all. At this time, the ancestors of all races are beginning to think about retreat, and they are unwilling to pin all their strengths and hopes on the human race and on the general trend of humanity. After the attack of the Taipingdao, the general trend of humanity was completely cut off, and the human heart was scattered, and no matter how great the luck was, all this was the conspiracy of the Taipingdao, or the calculation of the will of the world, or the ancient **** No one can explain the calculations of the devil, perhaps only Taipingdao understands it in his heart, perhaps at this time only Taipingdao really understands the general trend!

The Emperor is not a fool, and he will not have a great cause and effect with Xing Tian at this time. Humanity will be overthrown. Although the Emperor will be backlashed, he is not caused by him. Even if there is a backlash, it will not be caused by the Emperor himself. To bear it, but from Taipingdao. At this time, if the human emperor comes forward, the result will be different. All cause and effect will fall on the human emperor. How can such a stupid decision appear on the human emperor, no matter who it is, it is impossible to accept Such a requirement, although the great cause of the human race is important, compared with one's own life and self-interest, all these are nothing, and the emperor knows how to choose!

"Friends of Daoists are a bit exaggerated. The situation is far from what you said, and what calculations will be made on Taiping Road. They have made such a big disturbance and paid such a high price, but they get nothing. If Some people think that they still have calculations and preparations for this result. This is an exaggeration of their ability to be peaceful!"

Some people think it’s possible, while others think it’s impossible. On the issue of Taipingdao and Xingtian, the various forces of the Human race have different views, but one thing is certain. They all feel the threat and feel that it comes from The strong malice in the world, the battle between Taipingdao and Xingtian shocked not only the major races, but also the will of the world. This battle accelerated the progress of the world catastrophe and made the world slide in a more terrifying direction.

"Do you have any thoughts, I don’t want to make too many comments, but for the sake of everyone wanting to know a game, I will say one more thing. This time is not as simple as you think, nor is it what we all previously thought. The plan is so simple, there is a huge danger behind this catastrophe, and now the battle of Taipingdao and Xingtian has pushed open this terrible door, you and I know how powerful the background of Taipingdao is, if they say they What is shown is all the background information. No one present will believe that they must have the background information. But what is the background information, do you know? As for Xingtian, you have seen it, and it is even more unparalleled, able to hide the clone. Now, if it's not for the star map of the Taiping Dao that makes his heart move, do you think it is possible to discover this secret of Xing Tian, ​​is it possible to know that he still has such a powerful clone?"

Without waiting for everyone to answer, this human race ancestor continued: "Impossible, if the temptation of the star map is not too great, how could Xing Tian expose the existence of this clone? How could we know his greatest secret! Give up! Well, now the overall situation of the human race is set, the collapse is inevitable, we must plan for the worst, after all, we are not alone, we have countless disciples behind us, we can’t ignore their lives and we can’t help but find one for them. Life!"

Giving up is easier said than done. It is really necessary to give up the huge luck of the human race. It is difficult for everyone to make this decision, even if the current situation is very dangerous, but they are still reluctant to give up because there is still in their hearts. With a glimmer of expectation, they still have great expectations for the Human Sovereign, waiting for the Human Sovereign to kill the Quartet aliens, and to lead the Humans to the top of humanity. At that time, they will receive huge benefits under the fortune of the Humans!

"How to give up, how do you tell us to give up, even if we can agree, our disciples will not give up under the temptation of such big interests. The current situation is no longer within our grasp. What plans does Taipingdao have? Clearly, there is one thing, they have to pay for this, they have to be responsible for their actions!"

"Yes, we must let Taipingdao give us an explanation. Otherwise, we should not blame us for being cruel. We have never finished this matter with Taipingdao. If they dare to challenge everyone's bottom line, they must pay the due price. Selfishness destroys everyone's interests. This is something we can't bear. Without a satisfactory explanation, there is no need for Taipingdao to survive!"

Interests move people's hearts, and in the face of absolute interests, these human race ancestors are also crazy about it! Seeing the performance of these people, the ancestor of the human race could not help but shook his head slightly. Facing such a situation is not something he can shake. If he speaks more, not only will it be of no benefit, but on the contrary, he In the midst of a crisis, these people didn't take a shot at Taipingdao, instead they would kill themselves first. After all, they were on the opposite side of everyone.


"Never mind! Good words are hard to persuade the **** ghost. They are now deeply confused by the immediate interests, and they have been affected by the atmosphere of the heaven and earth. I can no longer stimulate them, otherwise I will be drawn into this terrible During the killing, take a step back. Even if you pay a certain price, you can’t just sit back and wait. It’s time to use the final knowledge, or else there’s really no chance!"

The background, for every sect, has a great background, and this background is less than unavoidable, it will not be used. Now the situation in this world has reached the worst point, and this human ancestor can no longer keep it. !

"Hey! Daoist Fellow Taiyi went there, why are you gone for a while!" When the ancestors of the human race recovered, the ancestors of the human race who had spoken before were gone. They have left and do not want to continue. Stay and discuss the ridiculous thing with them!

"Don't worry about him, he doesn't want to cooperate with us anymore, he doesn't want to maintain the great cause of the human race, the mere Taiyi Dao, but only he is the ancestor of the Taoist race, which does not have much effect on the human race as a whole. It is good to leave, we don't have to Let's divide our luck with him. He is timid and fearful, but we are not afraid. Danger is also an opportunity. If we can reverse the situation this time, we can naturally reap huge luck. There is no need to care too much for the sake of a mere departure!"

Taiyi Dao is really nothing in the entire human race, nor does it have amazing strength. It is this way that the departure of Taiyi ancestors did not arouse the anger of many human ancestors. To them, the departure of Taiyi ancestors was also Good thing, lest he let his "ridiculous" remarks ruin the atmosphere within the human race and destroy everyone's good deeds. If the environment is not too dangerous, these human race ancestors will teach Taiyi Dao a lesson and let him know that this human race cannot help him. Such a betrayal!

betray! In the eyes of these ancestors of the human race, as long as they are not standing with them, it is a betrayal of the human race. They are the representatives of the human race. They can represent the righteousness of the human race. As for the human emperor, the empire, and even other small and medium forces, it is not worth it. Just to mention, the Taiyi Dao also exists like an ant, which is not worth mentioning!

Turn things around! What did the ancestors of the human race use to turn things around, to force the emperor to agree to their proposal, and to force the emperor to bear this huge karma? Or persuade Taipingdao to stop them going crazy and challenge everyone's bottom line? As for Xing Tian, ​​they can't even find a trace now. Xing Tian will not let these people find their whereabouts and plunge themselves into a crisis. Xing Tian will not think that these people will not be greedy or hostile to them!

"Human Sovereign, we only have to win the Man Sovereign, and only when the Human Sovereign comes forward and with the help of the humane force can it be completed. However, the Human Sovereign is not so easy to persuade, and the emperor is not so easy to deal with. If we want to get their consent, we have to It is not a small price to pay, so before persuading the emperor, we must make Taipingdao pay, so as to put pressure on the emperor and the royal family to force them to agree, otherwise we will take responsibility for the Taipingdao!"

Peace Road! When the Taipingdao was mentioned, everyone’s faces showed endless anger. All the ancestors of the Taipingdao were dissatisfied with the Taipingdao, but it is not easy to conquer the Taipingdao hole pattern. Taipingdao is also a group of lunatics. Dealing with Xing Tian, ​​they made such a big noise, one can imagine how crazy they are, where they put the righteousness of the human race, for them to use the righteousness of the human race to exert pressure, that is of no use!

"Peace Road is not easy to persuade, especially now, these **** are completely crazy. Losing the star map makes them crazy. At this time, they have to bear the price of persuading the emperor and the emperor. I am afraid that it will not work. So they would really part ways with us and break directly with the human race. Although I don’t agree with the remarks made by fellow Taiyi, there is one point that he said makes sense. Taipingdao is afraid that we have to plan for the worst. Beware!"

For everyone, Taipingdao is also a hard bone. Taipingdao is no worse than Xingtian, a lunatic. This time Xingtian succeeded because Taipingdao was too arrogant and self-righteous. He underestimated Xingtian and did not guard against Xingtian. There is a avatar of Star Avenue, and he was caught off guard. If Taipingdao did his best, Xingtian would not be worth mentioning, but now it is different. After taking the star map of Taipingdao, Xingtian’s strength has also increased astonishingly. The power of the way of ending also left everyone's heart lingering. Xing Tian may use the power of ending to obliterate the mark of Taiping ancestors, and also to obliterate their mark!

trouble! What a big trouble! Before making a choice, everyone still has expectations, but now when facing everything, everyone feels great resistance, from all aspects of resistance, peace is a huge trouble, no one wants to come forward, no one Think about it, because no one wants to forge feuds with Taipingdao, but if you don’t take Taipingdao, everything before that is just false talk and cannot be realized at all, unless they are willing to bear the huge price, but they have to cut meat from these people. , This is also more difficult than climbing to the sky, and equally unrealistic, so the situation on the court instantly becomes awkward!

How to do? How can we solve this problem, and how can we make others stand up and take this responsibility? This is the thought in the hearts of all the ancestors present. They don’t want to take responsibility for themselves. They all want other people and other sects to stand up and preside over the overall situation, to offend peace, but no one has stood up and no one is willing to take on all of this. There is also this awkward situation in front of you!


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