God of Destruction

Chapter 4071: Festival crisis

Chapter 4007: Crisis

When the human forces were in a dilemma, Xing Tian also fell into a dilemma. Although Xing Tian deterred all powerful enemies under World War I, it also exposed his own strength and aroused the vigilance of all forces. What worries about is his own problem. Under the last blow of Taipingdao, Xing Tian did cut off the cause and effect on his body, and cut off the last trace of cause and effect with this world’s human race. This cut of cause and effect made Xing Tian’s heart confused. There is a shadow!

For Xing Tian, ​​when he reshaped his body, he knew that he was still involved in the blood of the human race. It was the cause and effect of this world, but now his clone has only suffered the blow of the Taipingdao and completely cut off the cause and effect. , This makes Xing Tian unbelievable, and Xing Tian can’t believe it. You must know that he has not only the blood of the paternal line, but also the blood of the maternal line, but now it is only the blood of the Taiping Taoist ancestors. Completely cut off, how can this prevent Xing Tian from shocking? If there is no calculation or conspiracy, Xing Tian would not believe it!

How to do? How to face this crisis! Yes, for Xingtian, this is a crisis, a terrible crisis, more dangerous and terrifying than facing the attack of Taipingdao, because in Xingtian's view, there is a black hand behind all this. , I am the **** in the opponent's hand, the object of the opponent's calculation.

Who can use Xingtian as a pawn? Family? No, they don't have such strength, let alone such ability! The empire can't do it. The first thing for the emperor and the empire to deal with is not outsiders like Xing Tian, ​​but a family that seriously affects the safety of the empire! Zongmen, this is possible, but it is unlikely. After all, there is no harmony between the sects. There are also struggles between them. At this time, calculating the penalty days and calculating the peace will do more harm than good. The wise do not do it, but there is only one. A little bit possible! The greatest possibility is the will of the world, after all, only the will of the world can control everything so easily, and only the will of the world can affect everyone silently! Of course, another possibility is not ruled out that is the ancient gods and demons, those ancient gods and demons who seem to have lost control of this world, in fact, their mastery of this world has never been interrupted!

Using yourself as a pawn, playing such a big game is just to kill yourself, a person who is against the sky, just to completely turn yourself and the human race, or to make yourself and the peace road immortal? What is the purpose of the other party, and what good is it for him? Xing Tian wanted to figure out all this very much, but it was a pity that he had too little information, and time was so tight, he didn't have the time and energy to investigate carefully.

"Oh! Perhaps this is the most terrifying part of the other party. I can control everything freely and let myself or the peace road. Even the major forces of the human race cannot carefully explore the secrets, let alone pursue it. The black hand hidden in the darkness, this time he cut off my cause and effect and my blood with the peace of mind. What happened to my mother? Is she safe?” At this time, Xing Tian was not only worried about his safety, I am even more worried about the safety of my mother in this life, regardless of whether the cause and effect in his body have been cut off, but Xing Tian cannot abandon the affection in his heart!

"Since the chaos in the north, the entire Heaven and Earth Tribulation has undergone drastic changes. The entire world has moved into the unknown, everything has deviated from its original trajectory, ancient gods and demons, various relics, and many secret worlds. , There is a terrible impetus behind all this, which makes this world slip into the unknown step by step, and plunges the entire world into a terrible crisis!” When thinking of this, Xing Tian sighed lightly, with a hint of faintness in his heart. Lost and unwilling!

My plan should also be adjusted, and the previous calculations should be over. If you wait like this, I’m afraid that it won’t take long for your subordinates to suffer heavy losses. Together with the racial decisive battle, all creatures will be drawn here. In the terrifying and cruel vortex, no one can escape this catastrophe, the lowest level creatures will be destroyed in the first time when the field is cleared!

For today's Xing Tian, ​​these of his own subordinates cannot afford to lose. If they were to be lost in this battlefield world with no future, then he would have wasted this background, and Xing Tian could not afford such a loss. , Regardless of the fact that there are sects behind him in the supreme chaotic world, he can also gather forces, but those forces are not entirely his own, nor are they completely dictated by himself. Xing Tian does not expect such power because he does not know. Whenever they will betray themselves, they will leave themselves, and the subordinates that they have cultivated step by step from the wild world will not have such problems, and they are worthy of their trust. Such power can be reversed at critical moments. situation!

"I can't wait any longer, it's time to wake up the world clone. Regardless of whether the clone has completed the final transformation, I must gather people and let them return. I can't lose myself in this meaningless battle!" He took a deep breath. With a sigh of relief, Xing Tian's gaze became dignified. It is not easy to wake up the clone. You must know that your current world clone has undergone a qualitative change, and it is no longer the original origin of the pure world road!

Chaos, now the clone of Xing Tian has evolved into chaos, the highest road of chaos, and the tree of the world has already turned into the nourishment of the chaotic green lotus. All the resources of the clone have been transformed into the nourishment of chaos, nourishing the growth of the clone, and strengthening the origin of chaos. .

"Wake up, my chaotic avenue, our chaotic Qinglian avatar, let me see what kind of world my chaotic avenue has evolved!" With Xing Tian's low drink, he fell asleep in the body of the **** and demon. The clone in Zhong began to recover. Although the time has passed not long ago, Xing Tian's clone has undergone a qualitative change. When the clone woke up, Xing Tian felt the breath of the clone, and felt the origin of the clone's Chaos Dao, and it was dark. The chaotic world of Xingtian appeared in Xingtian’s induction. This is the chaotic world evolved from his clone and the evolution of his own chaotic avenue. In this gloomy chaotic world, there is a first-grade green lotus, which is Xingtian’s chaotic green The lotus clone, on which three thousand avenues are condensed, and the world avenue is condensed. These avenues merge together to form a powerful chaotic avenue!

"Hey!" Seeing this result, Xing Tian couldn't help but gasped and was shocked. Xing Tian was shocked by all this. For Xing Tian, ​​he was not shocked by the chaotic world, but by this chaotic green. Lian Clone was shocked, such a huge source, did not promote the growth of this Chaos Dao Clone's cultivation base, it is still only a first-grade Qinglian!


potential! Unlimited potential. Although the avatar of Chaos Qinglian did not grow, Xing Tian was shocked and delighted. This means that his avatar has endless potential. If this avatar grows up, he will be able to shake everything. power! Unfortunately, it takes time, and it takes a long time to grow, but what I lack is time!

Originally, Xing Tian still had a glimmer of hope in his heart. He could use the power of this clone to speed up the escape from this realm and battlefield world, but now Xing Tian can only give up this idea. Chaos Qinglian clone is impossible for a long time. To provide strength for oneself, the nourishment absorbed by the clone is not enough to support the transformation of oneself, and there can be consumed by the deity again!

"Death God and Demon! Maybe I can only deal with you!" Killing intent, at this moment Xing Tian had another murderous intention, not against the Taipingdao, nor the alien race, but to the remnant soul of the escaped Death Demon, to him The city of death in his hand is the treasure of origin that has a heart to snatch. If Xing Tian is allowed to re-sacrifice a city for living beings to survive, it will take a long time and energy, but if the city of death in the hands of the **** of death is captured The difference is different. It only needs to consume a little source to transform it, which can greatly shorten his own time, and Xing Tian now lacks time most!

The death **** and demon, not only Xingtian wanted to take him, but the alien race also wanted to take him, but the human race also did not find a trace of the death **** and demon. His whereabouts have disappeared without a trace, as if it had never been It’s like not appearing in this world, it’s as if you have left this realm of battlefield world, and now the situation is so tense. If you go to war to chase the death **** and demon, you will only gain more than the loss, so the death **** and devil will not have too many people. To care, what really cares, only a few small forces are going to chase and kill, they can't be on the stage at all, and can't shake the overall situation!

"Find the Death God and Demon, and fully pursue the trace of the Death God and Demon!" This is the first time Xing Tian has issued a decree to those who are hidden in this world, and it is also the first time Xing Tian has mobilized his own power. Some people will be aware of the existence of this power, but Xing Tian can't take care of that much now. Who will let this time run out!

With Xing Tian’s order, all the forces hidden in the world were fully activated. Everyone immediately tried their best to follow the traces of the death gods and demon, even if they gave up their practice, they would not hesitate to do so, even if someone gave up. No one was able to resist Xing Tian's Ling Yu when he got the chance, and they were all trying their best to accomplish it with the greatest ability!

Fortunately, the human race is now in turmoil, no matter which force is gathering power, although these people are acting, they have not attracted too many people’s attention, so that the power that Xing Tian holds has not been exposed to the many forces. Noting their existence, perhaps only the will of the world, after all, these people live in this world!

For these subordinates of Xing Tian, ​​many of them have doubts in their hearts. They do not understand why their master made such a decision at this time to track down the whereabouts of the death **** and demon, instead of attacking the Taiping Dao. One lesson, after all, Taipingdao had made crazy moves before, and he was already immortal with Xingtian! The doubt in the heart turned to doubt, but the Tuangan people stood up and questioned, and if it were replaced by other forces, there would be no such result!

After he moved, Xing Tian understood that there was not much time left for him. Over time, when the world will reacted, his own power would inevitably be exposed to the sight of the world will, and their origins were also It will be completely exposed, and then the will of the world will surely understand its origin. Once the will of the world understands everything, the greatest crisis of Xingtian will appear!

"The war has begun, and the killing has begun! If I still need patience before everything breaks out, but now I don’t need it anymore, the shackles on the clone of the King of End can be removed, and all the creatures that kill the peace road can be released, regardless of Who he is, no matter what his status!" If the last bloodline in Xing Tian's body, that point of cause and effect has not dissipated, Xing Tian still has to take care of Taipingdao, after all, his other half's blood is derived from Taipingdao. , But now Xingtian does not have such consideration.

If Xing Tian didn’t feel the crisis, and if his other clone had not had an accident, Xing Tian wouldn’t need to be so crazy. Once his clone of the King of End had started the killing, he would never be able to stop it, and he would be with the human race. It really broke, and there was no possibility of relaxation anymore, and now Xing Tian had to do this, because Xing Tian needed power, and killing is the easiest way to complete the accumulation of power, and his identity as the King of End can quickly grow!

Now that Xingtian’s deity has been exposed to everyone, it can no longer be used as a killer. As for the star map, it is not easy to digest it. After all, the star map is not the ultimate treasure of Xingtian’s own sacrifices. If you want to be perfect Integrating with one's own avenue and carrying his own avenue of stars requires Xing Tian's time and energy to refine and even recast!

The change of the avatar of Chaos Qinglian and the evolution of Chaos Dao have brought a powerful impact to Xing Tian, ​​but also a change in Xing Tian’s thoughts. Dao practice is not static, and what suits you is the best, and what talent? It is suitable for me, only I understand in my heart that the same chaotic avenue, the people who practice is different, the resources of practice are different, the environment is different, and the avenue from which you practice is also different. It is like the chaos avenue of your own chaotic green lotus clone. Combining the three thousand avenues and condensing the three thousand avenues into one, this kind of chaotic avenue has brought great benefits, giving one's own chaotic Qinglian clone with endless potential, and now the deity’s star avenue should naturally be like this. Can not leave hidden dangers and defects to oneself. Although the star map is good, it still has defects. It is not the original treasure in Xingtian ideals. However, with it, Xingtian can save Xingtian’s accumulation in the original source, and Xingtian can save yourself precious time!


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