God of Destruction

Chapter 4072: Death God

The fourth thousand and seventy-second chapter of death

found it! When Xing Tian mobilized all his power to search for the Death God and Demon, although the remnant soul of the Death God and Demon was hidden, it was still found. After all, the world has undergone essential changes. Even if the Death God and Demon intentionally hide, they cannot escape. The eyes of a hearted person can't completely conceal their own breath, and can't avoid the attention of all creatures!

"Okay, very good, really a cunning bastard, the most dangerous place is also the safest place. Darkness under the lamp is the easiest to be ignored. No one thought that the death **** and demon would return to the original place and return. In the barbaric territory, he returned to the place where he was born. At this time, no one would have thought that the death **** and demon would be so bold!" When he received the news of the death **** and demon, Xing Tian’s eyes flashed a light, and he was also The boldness of the death demon was shocked.

Today’s northern land can be said to be perilous. The barbarians can’t bear it anymore. The whole north is like a gunpowder barrel, which explodes as long as there is a little spark, but the death **** dare to make such a decision and dare to return to his birth. The land, back to the place where the human race and the barbarians fought, if his whereabouts are detected by both sides, I am afraid that death is bound to be waiting for him, and he will be double attacked by the human race and the barbarians. After all, no one wants to watch To the existence of death gods!

"No, the death **** is definitely not just to hide his whereabouts, nor is it because the war between the human race and the barbarians is about to start, and the endless death gas for him to absorb, risking such a big Danger, there must be hidden secrets in that place, and there must be secrets that others don't know. Otherwise, the death gods and demons will not be so crazy, but what secret is this that deserves the death gods and demons so much attention and so desperate?"

For a moment, Xing Tian's brows furrowed, and he was a little distracted by this result. The realm battlefield is a big chess game, and all the creatures in this battlefield world are chess pieces on the chessboard, and who is the player holding the chess? ? World will? Ancient gods and demons?

"Oh! It seems that only by taking down the Death God and Demon can we know the secrets of this, and then we can truly understand the ultimate secret of this realm battlefield world. I knew that there was such a secret in the Death God and Demon, so we should not let him go. , Even if it is to pay a great price, he must be taken down when he is weakest!" At this time, Xing Tian couldn't help but feel a trace of regret in his heart, but all this has passed, and he regrets it. It's no use, but fortunately, there is still a chance to recover!

It is not difficult for ordinary people to enter the north, and it is also true for the various forces, but it is completely different for Xingtian, because the king of the north has friendship with Xingtian. After Xingtian disappears, he focuses on the king of the north. There are many people, and they all think that Xing Tian will not give up Moro, and will definitely go to see Moro again. This is an opportunity, a chance to contact Xing Tian!

Regardless of the fact that the major forces of the human race put their hope on the human emperor and the royal family, they still left a way for themselves, or secretly monitored the king of the north, Moro, who wanted to get from Moro. Finding Xingtian's whereabouts on his body, not finding Xingtian for one day, and failing to reach an agreement with Xingtian for one day, it is a great threat to the major forces of the human race!

"The deity can't move. The star map needs to be refined and melted quickly, otherwise it will wait until Taiping Dao arranges everything, even if the deity has the power to cover its breath, it will be found by Taiping Dao, after all. The power of the sect is not as simple as imagined. Even if the Taiping ancestor’s brand is washed away, if the Taiping Dao is cruel, he can still lock the position of the star map. There is not much time left for the deity. Only me is the end. Only the king clone can act cheaply!"

After taking a deep breath, Xingtian’s King of Ending avatar shook his head slightly. The situation was more dangerous than he thought. Before he could fully use the power under his hands, before he fully understood the true power of the major forces. , Xing Tian still has a trace of fantasy, but now this fantasy is disillusioned. The major forces of the Human Race are not as simple as they thought. Within the Human Race, their strength is extremely powerful, intertwined, and shocking. No wonder Human Emperor I can't help them!

"It's not a good thing to directly kill the Taipingdao and directly challenge the Taipingdao. If you really have to kill the Taipingdao at this time, it will only be self-defeating. The Taipingdao has already done everything correctly and is waiting for yourself to be arrested. However, the many forces of the human race are fully deployed in such a short period of time. What are they going to do and what do they want to do? Could it be said that they want to directly face the empire and the human emperor, directly overhead the empire, overhead the human emperor, and directly take over the humane force ?"

When thinking of this, Xing Tian shook his head slightly. This is impossible. The major forces of the human race will not make such a move at this time, even if they are crazy, unless they really want to break with humanity, break with the emperor, or even It is a break with the entire empire. There are lunatics in Taipingdao that have already plunged the entire human race into a passive situation. If the emperor makes the entire royal family and the entire empire go crazy for it, I am afraid that the human race will collapse. Come faster!

"Forget it, don't think about it so much. The most important thing is to take down the Death God and Demon first. As long as you take the Death God and Demon, you can get more information from the Death God and Demon's mouth and know this way. The ultimate secret of the world is nothing compared to the collapse of the human race. After all, there is no contact between myself and the human race! Keeping your strength is the most important thing, but you can’t let your hard-to-train subordinates just like that. Sacrifice for nothing in this weird world!"

auzw.com Yes, weird! In Xing Tian's eyes, the current battlefield world in the realm has become extremely weird and terrifying, everything is developing in an unknown direction, everything is out of the original trajectory, Xing Tian naturally must be careful at this time!

"Unfortunately, the strength is still inadequate. If you have enough strength, you can attack Taipingdao, and you can teach Taipingdao a lesson. If you are not worried about your strength being damaged and worrying that those people will be exposed, this is the best time to deal with it. The chance of Taipingdao is also the best chance to severely damage Taipingdao, and now I can only give it up in vain! However, it is not an easy task to take down the Death God and Demon silently, no matter how much Death God and Demon remain. Strength, if you don’t alarm any forces to take down the death gods and demons, you must make comprehensive preparations and conceal the secrets. In such a big environment, to achieve this, you must pay a huge price. does it worth?"

For an instant, Xing Tian had a faint worry in his heart. Now he has run out of cards in his hand, and has no more background. It is not a good thing for him to consume the huge source. After all, again, again And the three places appeared in the enemy’s sight, repeatedly erupting the power of ending, stimulating the road of ending, and they would inevitably give the enemy a chance to understand themselves. Once their own strength is understood by the enemy, then this clone of oneself will be dangerous. Now, even the deity will fall into a more terrifying crisis, fall into the calculations of those many enemies, and die!

Thinking of his own safety, Xing Tian's heart moved again: "How are the descendants of the supreme chaotic world? Are they still alive? What are the attitudes of the reincarnated old guys towards the changes in this world? Such amazing changes. , These old guys shouldn’t be able to sit still. If the world is allowed to develop frantically, let alone detachment, all of them will die in this world and become the nourishment of this world. A little bit of life!"

At the beginning, there were too many people in the battlefield world of this realm. Now they seem to be quiet, as if they don’t exist, and none of them make any new movements. This makes Xing Tian a little weird. What is it? Power made them make such a choice, allowing them to converge themselves and hide them in this world!

It’s not that those who descended from the Supreme Chaos World didn’t want to make big moves, but they couldn’t, didn’t dare, and didn’t have such a powerful force. The world today is no longer the world when Xingtian just arrived. Too much has happened in this world. There are too many changes. No matter which power is, they are shocked and surprised at the changes in this world. When they want to resist, when they want to break free, everything is too late. This The world of Fang has exceeded their imagination. They are already ants in this world. There is no way to shake the power of the world and the overall situation of the world. As for the foundation of the sect in this world, it has long since disappeared, and there is nothing. Loyalty can resist the obliteration of time and the temptation of interest!

The major sects in the Supreme Chaos World thought they could master the situation of the battlefield world. In fact, they all overestimated their abilities and underestimated the ambitions of their disciples who were forced to stay in the realm battlefield world and lost. , In a word, the means of the major sects of the Supreme Chaos World to stay in this realm battlefield world have failed! When they were able to get in touch with the Supreme Chaos World, the sects of the battlefield world had still converged, and now they have no regard for them. Now there are not many people who have descended in the battlefield world of this realm. Has completely fallen into this world, turned into the nutrients of this world, the real thing is that the body is dead, the death is complete, and there is no possibility of resurrection!

"Why are you here? How can you enter my kingdom of God world silently? Xing Tian, ​​what did you do in my kingdom of God world?" When you see Xing Tian appear silently In front of my own eyes, the remnant soul of the death **** was shocked and frightened. At this time, Xing Tian came to the door, and the death **** and monster felt threatened!

"Why did I come? I came as soon as I wanted to. There are some things I want to find answers from you, death god, don’t hide it anymore, tell me, why are you coming here for what is hidden here, ancient times What exactly the gods and demons are going to do in this world, don’t say you don’t know, I won’t believe it, and don’t force me to take action, it’s not good for you!"

He avoided the sight of everyone, returned to the north quietly, and was able to sneak into the kingdom of death, the king of the end, Xingtian’s methods are amazing, bringing endless to the death. At this time, Xing Tian did not rush to solve the death **** and demon and seize the city of death, but wanted to get the information he wanted to know from the death **** and demon!

Faced with Xingtian’s threats, the death **** demon was not afraid at all, and said disapprovingly: "Xingtian, you leave me, this is not something you can come here, you don’t want to threaten me, I’m just a little remnant soul, Life or death is no big deal. It’s useless to threaten me. On the contrary, if someone knows that you are in the north, I think all forces will kill you. The secrets in you are luck. Even chance, it's worth fighting by any force. If you are wise, leave quickly, and I will assume that nothing has happened!"

"Hahaha! What a death beast, what a sharp mouth, do you think I will be afraid? Do you think I will do nothing before I came here? You should move me to see if you are still Can you get in touch with the outside world and don’t try to challenge my patience. My patience is limited. Tell me the secrets here and tell me what you ancient gods and demons want to do?” When this is said, Xingtian’s killing intent It began to boil, and a terrible murderous aura was impacting the soul of the death **** and demon!

"Asshole, how is this possible? You have silently sealed off my kingdom of God, blocked my original treasure, and cut off my contact with the foreign affairs office. How is this possible?" After hearing Xing Tian's words, he died The expression of the gods and demons changed drastically, because now he really couldn't feel the atmosphere of the outside world, and the land he was on had been imprisoned by Xing Tian!

Xing Tian snorted disdainfully, "Nothing is impossible, or that sentence, don’t challenge my patience, I don’t have so much time to entangle you, waste time, waste words, life and death are only in your mind. In between, don’t think I don’t know what you are going to do. Now even if you want to blew yourself up, you can’t do it. You are the death **** and demon who has mastered the origin of the death avenue, and I also practiced the death avenue and mastered the origin of the death avenue. The power of the kingdom of God doesn’t have any pressure on me! Let’s talk about it, what is the secret here that makes you risk your life and come back again. How did you connect with the other ancient gods and demons? The reason why this world is so. Sliding down in an unknown direction so quickly, what role did you play in this, doing those shameful things?"


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