God of Destruction

Chapter 4076: Section warning

Chapter 4th and 76th Warning

Regarding Xing Tian's answer, the death **** and demon did not really relax, and he also did not believe in Xing Tian! After a while, the death **** and demon nodded and said: "I hope so. I don't want to see that we will become enemies in the end. That is not good for you and me. Although my remnant soul is indeed not your opponent, but Even if I die, as the Chaos God and Demon, I will make you pay a heavy price. This is my warning and my advice to you!"

Speaking of this, the death **** and demon waved his hand, a light flashed across, and a light gate appeared in the city of death. Many materials from the Chaos period appeared in front of Xing Tian, ​​and most of these materials are invisible to the world. , This is the background of a chaotic **** and demon, which Xing Tian can't compare, a chaotic **** and demon, you never know what he has!

Seeing the treasures in front of him, Xing Tian's eyes condensed. Xing Tian hadn't been to the City of Death before, nor had he never contacted the remnants of the death gods and demons, but Xing Tian had never felt these treasures in the City of Death. But now they appeared in front of oneself, it can be seen that the death gods and demons are indeed not as simple as they thought before!

"Fortunately, I didn’t rush to do it, I didn’t fight directly with the death gods and demon, otherwise things would be very troublesome. The background of an ancient chaos **** and demon is too powerful, and it is not something that a younger generation like me can understand. Being an enemy may not be a good thing, but we can’t believe them too much. After all, our position will always be different and the road we have chosen will be different. It’s just that we owe this favor today, and we will inevitably repay it in the future. This is better than taking the city of death directly, and forging an endless vengeance with the gods of death and all the chaotic gods behind him!"

Although there were a lot of emotions in his heart, Xing Tian still looked as usual, nodded gently and said, "Thank you so much. Today’s love will be rewarded in the future. I also hope that the death **** and devil, you can do as said, don’t fight. My idea!"

Xing Tian is still wary of the death **** and demon, and he still has to warn him at this time, so as not to leave him with hidden dangers in the future, let himself be calculated by the other party, and also to protect his own safety!

For Xingtian’s distrust, the Death God and Demon was not surprised, but smiled indifferently: "Mutual, each other! As long as Xingtian does not destroy our plan, then I will not be your enemy. Although our goal is one No, but the enemies are the same. Don’t put your energy on those ants. Although they all have good strength, that’s all. They can never get on the stage. There is only one real enemy, that is World will, it is more terrifying than you think!"

Ants! In the eyes of death gods, whether human races or foreign races, those many ancestors are just ants. In this world, they still have good combat power because they came from this world and are protected by this world. , But in the supreme chaotic world, they are not worth mentioning. Putting their energy on them is a bit unwise in the eyes of the death god!

"Thank you for reminding me, I don’t want to be entangled with them, but I can’t help the matter. These lunatics have already focused on me. I have to be restrained by them. I don’t know if this is the will of the world. Do it!" At this point, Xing Tian sighed, shook his head slightly, and said, "Although your calculations are good and your plan is feasible, I also want to advise you not to underestimate the creatures in this world. Power, no matter how small, can cause terrible damage at critical moments, not to mention their strength is not weak, and your plan cannot be kept forever. The will of the world will not let your plan succeed, it will definitely do it. You have to be prepared for a crazy counterattack in advance. If necessary, you can ask me for help. I will definitely help you. After all, the enemy's enemy is a friend!"

At this point, Xing Tian did not do any other actions, but with a thought to remove all cover, his body instantly turned into a stream of light and disappeared in front of the death **** and demon, leaving the land of the north, leaving the depths of the earth. !

Seeing Xingtian's disappearance, the death **** demon shook his head gently, and sighed deeply in his heart. He understood the intention of Xingtian's last sentence. Although it was a promise, this promise was also a warning. With conspiracy calculations, he will have one more mortal enemy, and Xing Tian will choose to stand on the side of the will of the world.

"Xing Tian, ​​what a Xing Tian, ​​a powerful method, but whether the original treasure of the Time God and Demon is in your hands? Have you got the inheritance of the Time Dao?" For the Death God and Demon, the heart still has something to Xing Tian. Doubt, because Xingtian’s methods are amazing. If Xingtian didn’t expose his avatar on the Avenue of Stars, no one would know that he had such a back hand. How could such a method prevent the death **** from doubting Xingtian’s gains in the secret world? !

After a while, the death **** and demon shook his head and sighed: "Forget it, this has nothing to do with me. Even if it is a headache, it is also a time **** and demon. After all, it is his original treasure. If Xing Tian really got the time **** and demon's The original treasure will eventually be exposed, and it will inevitably be watched by the time **** and demon. I hope he really didn't get it, otherwise this matter is really a bit troublesome!"

For the death **** and demon, Xingtian is a hidden danger, a big trouble that can cause a big crisis at any time, but there is no way to take Xingtian, but for Xingtian, death and demon have always been vigilant and reserved, don’t look at him. He has a lot of secrets, but he still has great reservations about Xingtian, and Xingtian is still a threat to him!


"You can't delay any longer. You must speed up. If you don't master the nodes of this world quickly, you will definitely fall into a passive position. Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, must have been hitting my death city before, just hearing what I said. After talking about it, I changed my mind, but I can't put my life and the success or failure of the plan on Xing Tian's reason, I must take the initiative!" When he said this, the eyes of the death **** demon showed a faint unwillingness.

After endless years of calculations and efforts, there were still accidents in the end, and the situation was still beyond the original plan. This was also a blow to the death gods and demons. He left his remnant soul. Originally, he wanted to master the general trend and take the initiative. Still very passive, the whole world seems to be under my own control, but in fact I am afraid of being exposed to the attention of the world will, even Xing Tian can find himself, will the world will not be found, why is the world will a little bit? There is no action, it is calculating something secretly, is it introducing itself into this dispute?

"People are not as good as the sky. No matter how much preparation and calculations were made at the beginning, they will still face an awkward situation in the end. Under such a situation, the world can really be accurately pulled into the reservation. Is it true that you can directly enter the highest chaotic world?" At this time, the death **** and demon couldn't help but have some worries in their hearts.

After a light sigh, the **** of death muttered to himself: "Oh, I don't want to, now I can only take a step and look at it. I don't know what Xingtian this lunatic wants to do. He really has to sacrifice another source. Zhibao, what did he want to do when he did this? If he really only wanted to protect the souls, he should have the City of Thunder Punishment in his hands. There was no need to waste energy and time at all. If he didn't protect the souls, what did he do? The Primordial Treasure made him consume so much energy and time?"

After a while, the Death God and Demon sighed again: "It will not be the origin and treasure of the Avenue of Stars. The treasures I provide are all chaotic things. Based on the origin of Xingtian Avenue of Stars, these treasures should be used to sacrifice the origin. Supreme Treasure, it took too long and it was a bit unsuitable, and Xing Tian didn’t react at all when he saw those treasures, as if he didn’t care that these resources were not suitable for his own avenues. If he was just for plunder, there would be no such thing. Necessary, he can't commit himself at this time, under this situation, to add another life and death enemy to himself, that is not the work of a wise man, but what is he doing?"

There is a vague feeling in the heart of the death **** and demon. If you don’t understand Xingtian’s true purpose, it will be very detrimental to your plan. Xingtian’s true purpose is likely to affect the fundamentals of this world, and it will affect the world. direction.

Xing Tian didn’t know the worries and unwillingness of the Death God and Demon at this moment. For Xing Tian, ​​he was originally just to rob the Death God and Demon’s original treasure, but he did not expect to have such an amazing gain. Not only did he know many secrets, but also from death. The gods and demons have obtained so many chaotic treasures. For ordinary people, even if they obtain these treasures, it takes a huge amount of energy and time to smelt, but it does not have that much influence on Xing Tian, ​​because Xing Tian has a chaos. Qinglian clone, there is a small chaotic world. These chaotic treasures can be easily integrated into the chaotic world and become the nourishment of the chaotic world. They can also sacrifice a chaotic city according to Xing Tian's heart to protect their men!

"The biggest problem has been solved. As long as the Chaos Qinglian clone creates the City of Chaos, he will never have any worries. You can really let go of your hands and feet, and you don't need to worry about it. You can let go of everything and compete with Taipingdao. Next, although the death **** and demon said it is reasonable, but the death **** and demon and I stood in a different position, saw different things, and pursued even more differently!" At this point, Xing Tian's killing intent rose again. Responding to this world disaster!

The person who should be robbed, Xingtian, as the person who ought to be robbed, when his intent to kill is in his heart, this world catastrophe will follow, and as the master of the world, the will of the world also feels that it comes from Xingtian’s heart. The killing intent of Xingtian, the murderous intent full of the power of ending, made the world will also be alarmed by Xing Tian's crazy killing intent. If Xing Tian goes mad, it will have a huge impact on the entire world, and even set off a terrifying blood. The rainy wind makes the world go in a more terrifying direction!

The will of the world also wants to stop all this, and it wants to block Xingtian, but unfortunately it can’t. Now the will of the world is not only an enemy of Xingtian, but also the threat of the chaos **** and demon. Compared with the chaos **** and devil, Xingtian’s The threat is not worth mentioning. Bi Jing Xing Tian only has an impact on the Great Tribulation of the World, and has endless killing intent on Taiping Dao, while the Chaos God and Demon will swallow the entire world and target the creatures of the entire world, even it. The master of the world, in contrast, the power of the will of the world is naturally used to guard against the sneak attack of the chaotic gods and demons, instead of dispersing most of the power and energy on a person like Xingtian who is not a threat!

When Xingtian's killing intent was great, the major forces of the Human Race had already found the Emperor and the Emperor. They wanted to use the most direct method to directly force the Emperor and the Emperor. As for the Taipingdao, under the oppression of many forces, I had to compromise and had to put aside the pursuit of Xingtian for the time being! Of course, it was just a joke to say that it was a chase. Now that Taipingdao’s face has long been trampled under Xing Tian’s feet, it has become the laughing stock of all the major forces in the world. At this time, many human forces have come forward to'persuade', Taiping Dao naturally took the opportunity to find himself a step down. As for hatred, this is impossible to resolve. As long as Taiping Dao regains its vitality, he will inevitably have another life and death confrontation with Xing Tian, ​​because Xing Tian has their treasure.

Many ancestors of the human race gathered in the imperial city to exert pressure on the royal family and the human emperor. Unfortunately, no matter how strong these ancestors are, they cannot suppress the human emperor, or even those ancestors of the royal family, because their demands are too great. Crazy, the emperor would not agree, and the ancestors of the royal family did not dare to agree. They all saw Xingtian’s madness. No one wanted to take the scapegoat for the Taiping Road or prevent disasters. As for the ridiculous human righteousness, fundamentally. No one cares!

Facing the rejection of the human emperor and the royal family, the major forces were extremely annoyed, but they also had nothing to do with each other. When the human emperor no longer cares about the life and death of the empire, he will no longer take the luck of the human race seriously. , Then the major forces really have nothing to do with each other. Even if the Human Sovereign is pushed too quickly, the Human Sovereign can pull them to death together and give them a fatal blow. After all, the Human Sovereign is the supreme humanity, the lord of humanity, and the humanity. The major forces have a certain influence!

The emperor did not cooperate with the royal family, and Xing Tian could not be found. The situation is going to be out of control. If the hidden danger of Xing Tian cannot be solved before the final battle with the alien race, Xing Tian cannot be let go. The hatred of Taipingdao will be very dangerous to their human ancestors, but they can't do anything about Xingtian!


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