God of Destruction

Chapter 4077: Horn of War

Chapter 4007: Horn of War

"Haha! Human emperor, empire, in the eyes of these sects, they are just pawns that can be used. What kind of human righteousness is useful to them can be used, and if it is not useful, abandon one side. At this time, I am forced to be peaceful. It’s ridiculous that Dao takes responsibility. To put it nicely, it’s a sacrifice for the righteousness of the human race. It doesn’t sound like it’s for the dead ghost, the empire, or the emperor, I’m not regarded as the same thing by them. This time the ancestors finally saw it. In view of the current situation, what ethnic righteousness, what imperial luck, what interests are vulnerable to absolute power, everything is power first! If it hadn’t been for the right choice before, let the border go to war. I'm afraid that there is no chance to resist, or even a chance to refuse. The righteousness of a race will crush me, the king of humanity, the lord of humanity, and the king of humanity. What is commendable!" Due to external pressure, Human Sovereign has become extremely angry now, and his mood has also changed accordingly. If Human Sovereign had been a little crazy before, but now he has crazier thoughts and even more crazy decisions in his heart!

Since the ancestors of the many sects of the Human race talked about the righteousness of the human race, they could not sit back and wait for death. They could use the righteousness of the human race. As the lord of humanity, as the emperor of the emperor, they can naturally do the same. The reason why these ancestors There is still time to come to the imperial capital and put pressure on the emperor himself. That's because the environment is not dangerous enough, the pressure facing the human race is not strong enough, and the pressure on the sect is not strong enough, so I will add one more to them. Put the fire, so that they no longer have the energy to care about other things!

war! All-out war, this is the decision of the Emperor. Only to launch an all-out war, only to let the entire human race complete the final race against the alien race. Under this terrible pressure, the human race ancestors have no energy to do things, let alone Energy and time to oppress the human emperor, although it is dangerous to do so, the entire empire will be destroyed if you are not careful, but this is the only opportunity for the human emperor to resist, and only in this way can the human emperor get rid of the pressure within the human race!

"Unfortunately, there is not enough time to comprehend the power of humanity, to understand the humanity, and there is no way to cultivate more power. Now the empire is shaky. This time the rejection means that the empire has officially broken with the sect, and it also means the human race. Splitting, the empire will inevitably face such an impact. I am afraid that the family will no longer be able to bear it. They will jump out to fight for the emperor’s position, fight for the empire’s luck, and seize the empire. If so, then I will give them this opportunity to let them control All their ambitions exploded, exposing all their hidden powers, and the war began!" When the emperor's words fell, the whole person became extremely radical, and there was a scary rise in his body. Killing intent, this is a humane murderous intent, and the emperor must have the last fight!

When the human emperor’s mind moved, the whole humanity was also turbulent. In order not to give the ancestors more time or the opportunity to continue to put pressure on them, the emperor did not hesitate and directly used his greatest power, which is also the human race. The strongest right, the horn of war sounded. When the emperor sounded the horn of war, everyone in the entire human race felt the killing intent from humanity, felt the atmosphere of war from the race, when the horn of war sounded , It is also the start of the race decisive battle, together with the horns of the war, no one, no force can stop all of this!

"Damn it! How dare he do this? How dare he sound the horn of war without going through the courts, without discussing it, and start the race decisive battle in an all-round way. What does he want to do? Does he still have our sects in his eyes? "When the horn of war sounded, many ancestors of the various human races were angry, and they were all shocked by the madness of the human emperor.

"We still underestimated the determination of the emperor, and underestimated his viciousness. As soon as the horn of war sounded, the entire human race will enter a decisive battle. The full-scale racial decisive battle will begin. There is no force to stop it. He wants to use it. The war came to reject our suggestion. He wanted to pull us all into the water, so that we would never retreat!"

"This bastard, we shouldn't give him time, give him a chance, if we can be a bit more ruthless, and directly lift him off the throne, there won't be such a situation, and now we are completely passive. In, the righteousness of race can no longer be a reason to oppress the emperor, because he holds the righteousness of the entire human race and the power of humanity!"

"Crazy, crazy, this time the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth made everyone crazy, Taiping Dao, Taiyi Dao, too, now the emperor is crazy, the entire empire is crazy, the horn of war sounded, In the racial decisive battle, unless we can give up the human body, otherwise we can only participate in this racial war. This is the method of the human emperor!"

"Well, at this point, we don’t need to waste our energy on the emperor, nor do we need to pay attention to the luck of the human race, and the luck of the Taipingdao. We first seek self-protection, at least to preserve our vitality. , Can’t let the emperor’s conspiracy succeed, can’t let him control our destiny, otherwise we will never have a chance to turn over again, this time we will completely break with the emperor, break with the entire empire, we have no retreat, everyone Strike with all strength, with the greatest ability, in the shortest time to end this racial decisive battle, and seize human luck!"

"Yes, now we have no choice. As long as we can capture more humane luck and gather the luck of all of us, we can completely suppress the emperor, suppress the empire, and control everything. Without our support, the emperor is just a display. , Even if he masters the power of humanity, it is impossible to fight us, we are the root of the human race!"

Crazy, I have to say that today's sect is extremely crazy, extremely arrogant, has placed himself in the supreme position, not even the emperor, of course, this is indeed the case, if all the sects can unite Together, they can suppress the emperor and the empire together. They can indeed control everything about the human race, but there are also struggles between the sects. They can never work together, after all, they also have grievances and hatred!

"Impossible, we can't do this. I don't know what you think. You can't do it with just one point. Even if we persuade Taipingdao now, but they didn't put our suggestion away. In their hearts, it can be seen from their performance that they have their own plans. After the emperor and the emperor refused, they did not have any hesitation or anger, and left the imperial capital without letting everything go. In the heart, so we can't work together!"


In fact, it is not just Taipingdao, but the many ancestors present can not work together. They also have grievances, and they also have their own ideas. It is just a delusion to unite all the sects, which is impossible to achieve!

"Okay, stop arguing. It's no use. Can more arguing solve the current problem? If you can argue about a solution to the problem, all of us will agree, but everyone can't argue with it. In that case , Then we will step back and make sure that the human race’s luck is not lost. At least we can’t let the emperor succeed and let the empire succeed on a big talk, or it will be more difficult for us to contain the emperor in the future. We will fully support the war. If the Emperor fails, then he must pay for his decision, and the empire must pay for their actions!"

At what price? Although they don’t understand, everyone knows that once the emperor fails, once the empire is defeated, the price is naturally the death of the emperor, and the empire is naturally destroyed. A new emperor will naturally be born and a new empire will appear. Full support, that is just a joke. Their sects do not pull the hind legs of the empire very well. It is really a big joke to count on them to fully support the human emperor and support the empire to fight against foreign races. A lie that will be believed!

When the war horn of the human race sounded, the last hope in the hearts of the alien race was completely shattered. Although they had already thought of the racial decisive battle when they made a full-scale attack in the empire, they did not expect this day to come so quickly and so quickly. Not yet fully prepared, but now the full-scale war has begun, the horn of war has sounded, and the races are endless, there is no way out. Everyone must face a terrible life and death duel!

"Crazy, the human race is really crazy. Before their internal fighting has subsided, they dared to sound the horn of war, and dared to trigger a racial decisive battle in an all-round way. What are they going to do? Could it be that they have a trump card that we don't know? Or is everything just to confuse us, to let us put our guard down?"

"No, it's impossible. The Human Race is not crazy enough to pay such a high price. The last battle of the Taiping Dao Sutra was already severely damaged and lost luck. This is an indisputable fact. Unless the Taiping Dao is crazy, otherwise They won’t do this. There is only one explanation. The Human Race is so eager to launch a racial decisive battle to use external pressure to ease internal struggles, divert attention from internal wars, and let all forces target us in order to stabilize their overall situation. !"

"It makes sense, but is it really feasible for the human race to do this? Whether it is Xingtian or Taipingdao, they will really let go of each other's grievances as the emperor wants. This is not easy. No matter which side, they will not Easily compromised, not to mention that Taipingdao has lost a powerful treasure of origin, a vital treasure of origin!"

"Everyone, now we don’t need to care about the situation of the human race. We need to pay attention to our own problems. The racial decisive battle has begun and is irreversible. When the horn of war sounds, this is an endless situation, and neither of us can resist the attacks of the human race. We are not opponents of the human race. If we want to win this racial decisive battle and defeat the human race, we must unite and join all our strengths to fight the human race. Otherwise, we will only be defeated by the human race and eventually be defeated. Terran swept!"

Unity! This is just a joke for the alien alliance, who believes, who is a fool! The human races have disputes, grievances, and they can't unite forever. What's more, this alien alliance, expecting them to unite and cooperate is even more unrealistic. For any alien race, they have their own selfish hearts and will not take their own Life and death rest on others!

"Unity, how to unite, now that group of barbarian **** don't take us seriously, and they don't cooperate with us. The barbarians still do this. Other civilizations can be imagined, even if they have reached a verbal agreement. But when the danger comes, who will give up for others, who is willing to sacrifice their own interests to help other ethnic civilizations? No, everyone has selfishness in their hearts and their own ideas. The so-called unity will never appear. We should not pursue unity. That is unrealistic, and it is also a false statement. Instead of wasting energy here, it is better to improve your own strength as much as possible!"

Unity is indeed impossible for alien races, but letting everyone fight on their own will ultimately lead to destruction, and everyone can’t accept this result, so the problem arises. The alien alliance is arguing with each other over this issue, who Everyone wants to persuade each other, everyone wants to master the overall situation, wants to take the initiative, because only by mastering the initiative can they stand in a favorable position and be able to get the greatest benefits from the racial civilization behind them. help!

If the argument is allowed to continue, there will be no result even if it is arguing for hundreds of years, because no one can persuade the other party, and everyone has their own calculations in their hearts. In this case, how can they be persuaded by the other party? As for the so-called It’s even more a joke. Even if everyone works together, it is impossible to preserve all racial civilizations in this racial decisive battle. Some racial civilizations will be destroyed by the human race, and there will inevitably be racial civilization. It must be sacrificed, and no racial civilization is willing to pay for its own civilization and help others at the cost of its own civilization.

At this time, under such circumstances, the more small alien civilizations, the more feared and uneasy they are. They are most afraid of the so-called unity, because unity means that their small ethnic civilizations will If they lose the initiative, they will be oppressed by those big ethnic civilizations, they will be treated as cannon fodder, and they will not see any vitality at all. So their small civilizations are naturally determined to fight on their own, and there is another in their hearts. Crazy thoughts, once defeated, you can still take refuge in the human race to protect yourself, but once the unity is completely cut off, the civilization of other races will not give you a chance to surrender to the human race!


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