God of Destruction

Chapter 4078: Heartbeat

Chapter Four Thousand and Seventy Eight

I have to admit that this move made the whole world turbulent. When the horn of war was sounded and the racial decisive battle broke out, it directly disrupted the plans of all forces, made everything different, and made everything crazy. The transformation of the war, everything is based on war! All previous plans have become empty talk, and there is no possibility of implementation. Originally, for many big forces, the battlefield must be cleared before the racial decisive battle, but before their clearing action had time to fully unfold, the Emperor directly overturned the table and directly disrupted all their plans, making them uncomfortable. Don't adapt to today's changes!

Chaos? Today’s human race is caught in chaos. When the racial civilization decisive battle started, when the empire issued a crazy decisive battle order, all careerists jumped out frantically. This is the opportunity they have always wanted. Grasp the great opportunity this time, even if you can't overthrow the empire and replace the emperor, you can also become the king of one party, and can crack the soil and seal the king like Moro. This temptation is impossible for any family to resist!

It is precisely because the aristocratic family has incomparable greed and greed for power, they are all exploding with all their strength, and they are all madly gathering strength to tear off a piece of fat from the enemy in this racial decisive battle. , So that your family can have a foothold in this battle, after all, to seal the earth and crack the king also needs a record and a territory!

When the emperor made a fuss, the entire human race became more chaotic, and in such a chaotic situation, it was useless to control the various major sects, whether it was their own disciples or those who had attached to them. Regardless of the wealthy family, they no longer pay attention to the sect's linguistics, and all of them burst out their own ambitions!

Faced with such a chaotic situation, many sects have a headache. Although they have the intention to clean up everything and suppress the chaos, they are powerless. You must know that the whole world is chaotic today. Without the cooperation of the empire, there is no one. The emperor’s righteousness, no matter how aggressive the sect is, he can’t even calm the world. No one cares about their existence, even more people care about their interests, and no one cares about their survival!

In troubled times, this is the result that Human Emperor wants. Only when troubled times come, can I have a chance of victory. Although this opportunity is very elusive, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, Human Emperor will not give up, nor dare to give up. It is death and destruction. At this time, the emperor no longer pays attention to Xingtian, and he has no intention to care about Xingtian, because he understands that when the last trace of Xingtian's body is cut off, the relationship between Human race and Xingtian becomes very dangerous. No race righteousness can use Xingtian's body, even Xingtian's mother is no longer a burden, who let Taipingdao's blow completely cut off Xingtian's bondage!

It’s just that Human Sovereign still didn’t see Xing Tian’s behavior clearly, even if there was no causal involvement in him, but the love between Xing Tian and his mother in this life was not severed, and Xing Tian was not that ruthless person, even if it was the current situation. It is very dangerous. If the Emperor Human can really ask Xingtian’s mother, he will still be able to get Xingtian’s help, but it is a pity that the Emperor, the royal family, and even the ancestors of the various human races regard Xingtian as his own existence, and think Practitioners only care about cause and effect, and have no sentiment. At this time, they have given up the only thing involved in Xing Tian, ​​and never looked for Xing Tian's mother!

Of course, the most important thing is that the major forces no longer have so much time to waste, and there is not so much energy to waste. This is a racial decisive battle, but they don’t have to devote themselves to it, or else the human luck will collapse. For the ancestors of human luck for endless years, it is the disaster of extinction. They will all bear the backlash of human luck. Even when the human luck collapses, the human emperor will not suffer as many backlashes as theirs. After all, Human Sovereign did not get much benefit, what he got was just a title. There was never the truth of Human Sovereign that could not determine the great cause of Human Race!

When the horn of war sounded, Xing Tian's heart also felt the killing aura from between the heavens and the earth, and felt the calamity of the heaven and the earth surging crazily, and the endless calamity tumbling with the sound of the horn, making the whole world change It is extremely dangerous, this is the impact of the great race decisive battle, this is the horror of the great robbery, once you are entangled in the robbery, it is extremely difficult to get out.

In fact, this time is also a great opportunity for Xing Tian. He has a chance to understand the origin of the great catastrophe of heaven and earth, but it is a pity that Xing Tian does not have the time and energy. Even if he has felt the way of the great catastrophe of heaven and earth, Xing Tian only Being able to give up this immediate opportunity, can only give up the great fluctuations of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, and devote his mind to the sacrifice of the source of the treasure.

The City of Chaos, this is not only to protect his subordinates, but also to carry his own chaotic avenue. Xing Tian will not be sloppy. Although time is very urgent for Xing Tian, ​​no matter how urgent it is, he cannot let Xing Tian relax. The requirements for the treasure of one's own origin must not make one's own chaotic avenue defective because of the urgency of time.

Xing Tian has come into contact with a number of treasures like the original treasure of the city, and he has already prepared in his heart. As long as there are enough resources and time, there is no difficulty, but such a treasure is different from the general original treasure. It is the most difficult. Not the city, but the source of the city, the core source that drives the entire source of treasure.

The Heart of the World, Xing Tian decided to use the Heart of the World as the core of his Chaos City, and the Heart of the World in Xing Tian’s hands is the only treasure after the destruction of his original World Avenue. It carries Xing Tian’s original world avenue, and now uses the heart of the world as the core of the city of chaos, which is of great benefit to the city of chaos and has endless potential. After all, no matter how weak the heart of the world is, it is It has endless potential. A heart of the world represents a world. With a world as the core of the Chaos City, the avenue it carries is bound to be powerful!

auzw.com Chaos Avenue is the source of all the avenues. After devouring its own World Avenue and Three Thousand Avenues, Xingtian’s Chaos Avenue has even more amazing potential. If you take the Heart of the World as its origin The core of the treasure, the city of chaos, must also have amazing power, but once you do this, to nurture this treasure, it will also have a great influence on your own practice. Your own chaotic avenue clone is only It will not be able to increase for a long time, all the origins will be swallowed by the treasure of the Primordial City of Chaos, becoming its nourishment and nourishing the power of the City of Chaos!

Time to negotiate is very important to Xing Tian. Although Xing Tian also hopes that his subordinates can be baptized in this catastrophe, but now the world catastrophe has undergone an astonishing change. He will use his subordinates for a little benefit. Being in danger, Xing Tian couldn't deal with such cruelty, so Xing Tian could only let the clone of Chaos first cast the crude embryo of the city of Chaos, so that his subordinates could have a place to stay. As for other problems, he will slowly adjust in the future. !

Xing Tian now does not know where he is in the eyes of the will of the world, whether the will of the world will take his own sword in this catastrophe, and it is impossible for Xing Tian to pin his safety on the will of the world, his own destiny. It must be controlled by himself, so Xing Tian doesn't want to give the world will a chance to make a move first, he has to take the initiative to attack, hit the opponent by surprise, let the world will not have time to care about the existence of the deity, and let the deity have more opportunities!

kill! To do this is naturally to kill! The target of the killing was naturally Taipingdao. Xing Tian also knew something about the actions of the ancestors of the human race. Although Xing Tian did not personally experience it, he knew that the reason why these ancestors of the human race went to the master was just because they were fighting. My own idea, I want to let the emperor suppress myself and let myself give up the grudge against Taipingdao!

People are not for themselves, and the earth will die! Xing Tian also has selfish motives and pursuits. The ancestors of the human race want to sacrifice themselves for their own interests, and sacrifice the emperor and the empire. They have to say that they are too self-righteous. If it weren't for Xingtian now, he could not distract him, Xingtian would give These human forces have a lesson, let them understand what they can't do, let them understand that their bottom line is not to be provocative, and if they dare to provoke themselves, there will only be war and death!

"Slaying the heavens, the land, and the common people. If I use the avenue of slaughter to encircle the whole old nest of the Taipingdao, and use that supreme slaughter to destroy the orthodoxy of the Taipingdao, what will be the result and what will it bring to myself? The good thing is, even if they can’t do their best, as long as they can break through the gates of the Taipingdao, they will inevitably deal a fatal blow to the Taipingdao, and they will inevitably swallow the luck of the Taipingdao. If the Taipingdao can’t even keep their gates, they still have the strength. Are you spared from this catastrophe?"

Crazy, I have to say that Xingtian’s idea is too crazy. No one dares to fight against the old lair of the Peace Road. No one dares to think about killing the mountain gate of the Peace Road. No one dared to have the idea of ​​destroying the Peace Road. With the luck of the human race, having such a thought will inevitably lead to a counterattack from the humane force, and Xing Tian now thinks so and wants to do it!

Backlash! No, for Xing Tian, ​​the humane counterattack did not appear. Xing Tian did not feel the humanity's attack on him. This result made Xing Tian's eyes a glimmer of joy, and it also gave Xing Tian a glimmer of understanding. It seems that the world will I want to kill people with the help of a knife, and I want to have a life-and-death duel with Taipingdao. In this battle, whether you win by yourself or Taipingdao wins, it is a good thing for the will of the world. After all, oneself Taipingdao and Taipingdao are both malignant tumors in the eyes of the will of the world, and they are both hidden dangers that cannot be ignored. If you die with Taipingdao, you will be happiest than the will of the world. In contrast, civilizations of other races will not be like the will of the world. joy!

The heart is not as good as the action. After a decision is made, Xingtian will inevitably put it into action. Time cannot be controlled. There is not much time for Xingtian to waste. You must know that when the horn of war is sounded, everything becomes terrifying, ethnic civilization and ethnic civilization There is also a terrible conflict between them, each is plundering each other's luck, and they all want to strengthen themselves and free themselves!

Humanitarian disputes, life disputes, and great road disputes. This is the current environment. Under this dangerous environment, there are opportunities and crises. For Xing Tian, ​​he wants to accumulate his origins faster than killing. Faster than plundering, the King of Ending clone wants to take advantage of this great catastrophe of heaven and earth. Only by killing, and only in this way, can he accumulate the source needed by Xing Tian at the fastest speed, so that Xing Tian can break free from this world. Bondage!

For many people, there is no way for them to face such a dangerous overall situation. After losing contact with the Supreme Chaos World, those who descended also felt the disaster of extinction, but Xing Tian did not have such worries, because he was in the Supreme The chaotic world has a brand. As long as the brand is still there, Xing Tian can accurately find his way back. This is also the confidence that Xing Tian dares to deal with the death **** and demon. No matter what plots and tricks the death **** and devil have, Xing Tian has the ability to retreat. !

I don’t know if it was the will of the world, or if the secret of heaven was already in chaos. When Xingtian, the king of the end clone, entered the empire and descended on the Taoist temple of Taipingdao, he was not noticed by any enemy, as if it was Xingtian’s path. It was as if Xingtian jade didn't exist at all when I walked. Such a smooth result made Xingtian feel a little uneasy and worried. I don't know what happened.

"Damn, what the **** is going on, why my existence seems to be forgotten, all this so smoothly makes people feel uneasy, whether the will of the world is calculating me, or the peace road is calculating me, they have already grasped After all, Taiping Dao is not an ordinary small sect. It is the top sect that stands on the top of the world. If they can’t even notice my whereabouts, this It's too fake!"

Xing Tian’s worries are also justified. No matter how tense the situation is, no matter how crazy this clan battle is, you must be cautious at this time. No matter which force it is, it is impossible to prevent at all, it is impossible. There is no warning at all for enemies like myself, but I just came to the sect of the peace road smoothly, and the other party did not react at all. This is a little weird to make people scared, under such a weird situation. , If Xing Tian didn't make any preparations, and rushed forward without any precautions, and went directly to war with Taipingdao, it would be extremely stupid!


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