God of Destruction

Chapter 4079: Block the door

The fourth thousand and seventy-ninth chapter blocking the door

Falling into the enemy's calculations and being used as a pawn, this is how Xing Tian feels now, and now he is indeed a pawn. He can use the means of concealing the sky to make Xing Tian come to Taiping Road without any hindrance. Outside the mountain gate, this power is terrible. If all this is really the will of the world, its power is even more terrifying and terrifying than imagined. Once the will of the world is aimed at the individual, for anyone, It is a great disaster!

According to the original plan, Xing Tian would immediately take action after arriving at the Taipingdao mountain gate, launching a frantic revenge on the **** of Taipingdao. However, in this situation, Xing Tian had to be cautious and watched instead. Before making a decision about the situation of Taipingdao, you can't directly confront Taipingdao on the impulse, so that you have no retreat.

Although in Xingtian's eyes this would not be a conspiracy of the Peace Dao, if all this is a conspiracy of the Peace Dao, it is a trap laid by the ancestors of the human race, naturally acting rashly, the consequences will be unthinkable. Dead and soul disappeared, Xing Tian didn't think that the ancestors of the human race would look at the general trend of the human race, and would look at the luck of the human race to show mercy to Xing Tian's men.

For the ancestors of the human race, they only value their own interests. Now the existence of Xingtian has seriously affected their interests. They can’t wait to get rid of Xingtian immediately and eliminate this hidden danger, so that the world can be restored to its original state. On the line, let the situation fall under their control again, but unfortunately they can't do it now, so no matter how small the probability is, Xing Tian dare not gamble with his own wealth and life, he can only be more cautious!

"Weird thing, Taipingdao doesn't want to be prepared, and there are no traps. Could it be that they really have no defense at all? It seems that this game was set by the will of the world. Why did it do this? Let me hit Taipingdao and hit the human race. Luck, strikes at humanity, but what good is this for the will of the world? It is just to suppress the power of humanity, and there is no need to set up such a big picture. It wants to cheat the human race, suppress humanity, or even want to give it to me. Killed by the pit?" After some careful observation, Xing Tian didn't realize the danger of Taiping Dao, but the more so, the heavier Xing Tian's mood became, and he was targeted by the will of the world again. This pair of Xing Tian That's not a good thing!

Do it or not? Do you want to give it a go, or retreat? If you stop at this time, will the world will give itself such an opportunity? After thinking for a moment, Xing Tian shook his head slightly. When he came to the Taipingdao mountain gate, everything was involuntary of him. If he retreats at this time, the will of the world will inevitably take action. It will alarm Taipingdao and expose himself directly. Before the eyes of Taipingdao, his situation will be more passive and more dangerous at that time!

This is the situation of Xingtian today. At this time, Xingtian is advancing and not retreating, because the retreat has already been blocked, and the will of the world has already blocked Xingtian’s retreat. At this time, Xingtian has only one choice. Keep on scalp, have a head-on confrontation with Taipingdao, and act according to the will of the world!

Although I was extremely annoyed, people had to bow their heads under the eaves! When the situation has reached this point, when he has reached this point, Xing Tian has no choice but to continue. Whoever lets himself be calculated by the will of the world for a moment, and even if he can take a step back, he can always retreat. Go down? Since peace with the Peace Road has long been endless, then just stop doing it and go to war directly. No matter what the world will calculate, it will not have much influence on yourself. As long as you act according to your heart, you only need to complete yourself. The goal is enough, the rest can be put down for now!

Not to be missed! I cannot give up revenge because of my fear of the will of the world, or because this is the situation set by the other party. This is not only to vent the anger in my heart, but also to practice my own Dao, it is the accumulation of my own heritage, regardless of the world will. What a terrible conspiracy, as long as you have enough power, any conspiracy will be reduced with a single force. Nothing is more important than improving your own strength. If you even shake your faith, what else to talk about!

Array! After making a decision, Xing Tian immediately took action, and the killing array madly spread under Xing Tian’s movement in front of the mountain gate of Taiping Road. Because of the cover of external force, Xing Tian was even crazier without reservation. Everything went so smoothly. And there is no blocking, even the ancestors of the Peace Road did not even notice it. I have to say that this is a miracle!

Looking at the completed killing array and watching the killing array linking to the veins of this earth, a crazy look flashed in Xing Tian's eyes. When the killing array was connected to the veins, Taiping Dao would break the formation. A heavier price will be paid, and once the massacre is broken, the earth and dragon veins under the Taiping Road will inevitably be damaged, and the loss of the entire Taiping Road will be terrible.

Looking at the great formation in front of him, Xing Tian sighed lightly: "It's a pity that the killing formation cannot cover the entire Taipingdao. Otherwise, it will be a fatal blow to Taipingdao and let the **** of Taipingdao know that they offend me. How tragic was the end of the game!"

It is really crazy to cover the entire Taipingdao with a formation method. Although there are external forces to help cover up the secret, every sect has its own defensive array. If Xingtian really wants to use the formation to cover the entire Taipingdao, If you didn’t wait for the success of your formation, you would be immediately noticed by Taipingdao. The defense formation is not a display. Any external force intrusion will immediately report to the police. Then Xingtian will fall into a real desperate situation, a sect’s defense. The big formation is not easy to confront!

"It's time to give the Taipingdao the final blow, open the door of revenge, and let these **** know how powerful I am Xing Tian, ​​and it is also a good time to take a look at the layout of the will of the world, and take a look at the chaos gods and demons. The will of the world is not directed at me, it must be a calculation for humanity, a calculation for the chaos gods and demons, this time maybe it is really possible to see everything in this world!"

Speaking of this, Xing Tian's face showed a solemn look, and the madness was filled with an extremely heavy solemn color. This time was a big crazy test for Xing Tian. Once he failed, the consequences would be Unimaginable, success is the same, the civil strife of the entire human race will inevitably arise from oneself, and he will become the hostile target of the entire human race!

auzw.com Only when you have paid, you will gain. Xing Tian understands that no matter what the outcome is, this is what he must face. This is the challenge he must face. It is a challenge and an opportunity, and it is also a crisis. And death may only be between that thought, there is only a slight difference!

"The killing is in a big array, the murderous aura rushes into the sky, the blood slaughters all directions, killing the sky, killing the earth, killing the common people, everything in the world, there is no one to kill, kill! Kill! Kill!" With Xing Tian's roar, the whole world was shaken. The entire Taipingdao was shaken, and all the cover on Xing Tian's body disappeared at this moment, and the terrible murderous aura rose to the sky, shaking the entire world!

"Damn it, no, our mountain gate is under attack!" The Taipingdao people reacted immediately. They wanted to stop all of this, but unfortunately everything was too late. When the killing array opened, Taipingdao wanted to stop Xingtian. It was impossible already. The light of Slaughter Avenue had already enveloped the mountain gate of Taiping Road, which was blocked by Xing Tian!

"Asshole, what does the lunatic Xingtian want to do? Does he not know the consequences of doing this? Does he still have the existence of our ancestors in his eyes, and is there a bit of humanity!" Those human ancestors were shouting frantically , Seeing the murderous intent that rushed towards the sky in the direction of Taiping Road, they all immediately knew Xingtian's crazy move after there was no secret to cover up!

"What to do? This madman's move directly touched the bottom line of Taipingdao. Originally, they were endlessly dying. It was with great difficulty that we persuaded Taipingdao to let go of our grievances, but now everything has changed. Taipingdao never ends. There is no retreat, and the mountain gate is blocked. Such a crazy face-slap is no longer enough to describe in words. Both of them must have one of them fall, and it will fall completely. There is no longer any possibility of relaxation. Our plan is shattered. , The power of humanity began to disperse, and even began to collapse, our troubles are getting bigger, and the troubles of the human race are getting bigger!"

"Yes, we are in big trouble, but I want to know why Xing Tian didn't notice at all when he acted, and we didn't notice at all. What is going on? What is hidden behind this? We can’t figure it out. We have to be careful of Xingtian’s revenge, and we should be careful of being blocked at our gate!"

"This is not negligence, but an external force covering up the secret. It is not only that we are calculated, but the Taiping Dao is even more so. Xingtian directly killed the mountain gate. There is only one such power, and that is the will of the world. We are most worried. The problem of ”appeared, and the will of the world finally couldn’t help but jump out to influence the world, and Taipingdao was its first object to be cleaned!"

"Clear the field! You said that the world will use Xingtian's hand to clear the field. Taipingdao is its first goal. But why the world chooses the Taipingdao? Is it just because of the power of the Taipingdao? This is a big fuss. !"

"No, it's not the persuasive power of Peace Road, but the star map. It is the Avenue of Stars of Peace Road that has touched the bottom line of the will of the world. Before they are exposed, the will of the world will not act rashly, but now it is different. The Avenue of Stars, and it is obvious that the Peace Road is to abandon everything in this world and break free from the world, so they are targeted by the will of the world. This time the will of the world is with the hand of Xingtian, no matter who wins the other side. Failure is a good thing for the will of the world!"

"Yes, no matter who wins and who loses, the will of the world will not be affected, but we are different. With this war, the power of peace will completely leave us, and our strength will be weakened. If the will of the world It’s just a matter of focusing on the Taipingdao, but if he is focusing on the entire human race, or even the humanity, it is completely different. We will face a real crisis of life and death. Perhaps this will be a bloodbath, the will of the world. Deliberately want to bloodbath the whole world, take back all the creatures in the whole world, swallow the vitality of all creatures, and the race decisive battle is its opportunity!"

Horrible, fearful! This is the true thoughts in the hearts of many human ancestors. Once things have gotten this step, they will be in great trouble, Xingtian or Taipingdao, it's just a fur, and the door to death has just opened. When the race is in a decisive battle, everyone There is no retreat. At this time, even if you want to stop, it is too late. The horn of war has sounded, and the situation of immortality has been formed. For the human race, there is no retreat, and for the alien race, there is no retreat!

Killing the game is almost mortal! This is the feeling of the ancestors of all races, but they understand in their hearts that they cannot stop or stop, because this has been condensed into the general trend, the general trend is unstoppable, and they can't fight the general trend even if they have the ability to reach the sky, they can only silently To bear all this, to face it all.

"The racial decisive battle is ridiculous. I knew that. What are we fighting for? Is the Lord of Humanity useful? When humanity is shattered, we fight for the Lord of Humanity. What is the use of winning the racial decisive battle? Fleeing death, this is the calculation of the will of the world, this is the general trend of the world, in order to protect itself, the will of the world is also crazy, and it is already at all costs!"

"The will of the world has already been taken. What choice should we make? Should we sacrifice our lives or join forces with Taipingdao to gather the strength of all of us and complete the crazy plan of Taipingdao. I believe that if we work together, we will be able to stay here. There is a way out in this catastrophe. As long as we are guided by the Avenue of Stars, we will definitely be able to break free from the shackles of the world!"

"It's too late, it's too late. Now it's useless no matter how we struggle. The will of the world has been taken. The chaotic gods and demons hidden in the dark will not stand by. Why do you think the world has deviated from its original trajectory? The mastery of the Chaos Gods and Demons, we have now become fish in the net, and we have lost our first opportunity!"

"This day is coming too soon. If it's better later, we will be able to make all preparations. We must blame the emperor for all this, blame the **** of the royal family, if it weren't for their selfishness, if it wasn't for them to go their own way, the situation would be different. How could it suddenly deteriorate to this point? The horn of war was not sounded, and everyone still had a way out. Now there is no way out. We are completely caught in this terrible life and death crisis. The responsibility for all this is the emperor, maybe people. The appearance of the emperor is also the calculation of the will of the world, and we have been played with by the will of the world from beginning to end!"


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