God of Destruction

Chapter 4080: Humanitarian collapse

Chapter 48080 Humanitarian Collapse

"The world is heading for destruction, and our vitality is being lost. As soon as the will of the world is released, if we can't get rid of the world and get rid of the shackles of the body, there is only a dead end waiting for us, and the will of the world will inevitably solve us before confronting the chaos gods and demons. , Now we have to make a choice, whether to continue to preserve the human luck and ensure the humane luck, or just give up and try our best to break free from the shackles of our bodies and get rid of the world's oppression on us!"

For these ancestors, it is nourishment to strengthen their own nourishment, to cultivate the nourishment of the great path, and to let them give up. It is very difficult for any ancestor, because not all ancestors have confidence. Have the confidence to face the will of the world and have the ability to break free from the shackles of the world. You must know that once they fail, they are still a dead end!

When seeing that no one of the many ancestors spoke, and when the scene was a bit embarrassing, some people couldn't help but stand up and say: "Everyone, at this point, we don't have so much time to waste. Xing Tian started working on Taipingdao. This has broken the balance of everything. We have lost our first opportunity. If we waste time anymore, we are ruining ourselves!"

"Okay, don't embarrass everyone. At this time, under such circumstances, it is very difficult for anyone to suddenly make a choice. You can do what you want, and no one will persecute you. But I have to be responsible for my actions, just like Taipingdao, if it weren’t for them to be stupid and crazy, and to provoke themselves to such a crazy enemy Xingtian, they would fall into the current troubles and involve us in this. Are you in a crisis? We have to do everything within our power. There is a Taiping Dao that is enough to make us passive. If someone learns Taiping Dao again and provokes a strong enemy, we should not blame us for being cruel. After all, you can't be because of your greed and ignorance. Tired all of us!"

When these words fall, for the ancestors of all races, for all the major forces of all races, the last touch in their hearts is severed, and everyone no longer has a heart of unity. Everyone is silent. Do your last efforts, prepare for your future, use yourself, and the final heritage of the sect!

At this time, none of the ancestors dared to be careless, and no one dared to be arrogant. At this time, if there are people who want to preserve their strength and do not use the sect’s background, they are ruining themselves. In fact, even if no one comes forward and speaks. What, many people understand in their hearts that all forces have given up human luck and human luck. It just depends on whose hands and feet are fast, who can get out of this human luck first, and who can be less. Withstand some humanitarian backlash!

As for the human emperor, the empire, and the imperial royal family, these people have long been regarded as abandoned by many human race ancestors. It is not important to them what race battles are. The important thing is their own interests, and the important thing is their own safety. With the departure of many ancestors of the human race, the empire's luck is weakening, the human luck is weakening, and the power of humanity is weakening.

As the emperor, as the lord of the empire and the lord of humanity, the emperor felt the crisis for the first time, felt the warning from the humanity, and felt the weakness of the empire’s luck. When such a situation occurred, the emperor naturally understood that it was What's going on, Xing Tian’s action, the human race began, the major forces of the human race, many sects completely abandoned the human race, abandoned the empire, and gave up the humanity. It is precisely because of their abandonment that the empire’s luck is so weak. , Humane luck will be so weak!

Regret it? No, Human Sovereign does not regret it. Even if there is no Xingtian incident, even if he agrees to the suggestions of the ancestors of the human race, the result will still be very dangerous. It is just that these sects and the abandonment of these forces will let themselves bear The pressure has increased a bit, and the terrible situation of the human race comes earlier!

"Hmph, you can give up the human race, give up the human luck, thinking that you can get out of this way, you can get rid of the backlash of human luck, thinking that you can let me, the emperor, bear all the terrible backlashes, don't dream, you are unkind , Don’t blame me for being unrighteous, you can give up everything, and I can do it too. Xingtian, a lunatic, dares to line up and block the gates of the Taiping Road. What else I dare not to do. Human luck, don’t you, humanity luck. I can give up. As a human emperor, I can abandon the emperor of humanity and the lord of humanity, so that the human race is no longer humane orthodox, and the dispute between humans and Tao broke out in advance!"

Crazy, at the moment when he felt the warning of humanity, the emperor made a crazy decision to give up the honor of the emperor. As long as he gave up the emperor, the backlash of the humane force would naturally be small, and now those sects, those The forces have not yet taken the initiative to stand up, and oneself can completely complete the abandonment of the emperor of humanity before them, and take the initiative!

"The avenue is on the road. From today on, on behalf of the empire, I will give up the struggle for humanity, give up the honor of the emperor, and the world will learn from it!" With the emperor's deep cry, a thunder resounded through the world, and the humanity was angry. As an empire The Lord of Humanity, the Lord of Human Sovereign took the initiative to abandon the position of Human Sovereign, and gave up the orthodox of humanity, which means that the power of humanity has been weakened, which means that the battle for the Lord of Humanity has started ahead of schedule, and this time the goal of the alien race It will no longer be the empire, but other powers, because the empire has completely withdrawn from such a contention, allowing itself to escape from this crazy situation and get rid of the immediate crisis.

"Damn, how dare Human Emperor do this? Is he going to betray Human Race and humanity? Does he still have our ancestors in his eyes? He is the sinner of Human Race, humane sinner!" In an instant, many forces acted on it. Furious, no matter the sects of the human race, the noble family, and other forces were shocked. No one thought that the human emperor would do so absolutely, and would make such a crazy decision before them, and directly gave up on people. The emperor has given up the lord of humanity!

"The trouble is big! We all underestimated the determination of the emperor, and we all underestimated his madness under the threat of death. In order to survive, he can sacrifice everything and give up everything, even the emperor of the emperor can give up, no Under the pressure of the lord of humanity and the emperor of humanity, although the empire will suffer the loss of luck, it can escape the siege of foreign races, and our troubles can be great. The retreat of the human emperor directly forced us to On top of the road, the alien race has to be even more crazy!"


"Yeah, this time the trouble is big. I knew it was so long ago. We really shouldn't let the lunatics of Taipingdao. This time the pressure is all on us, because our sects have the ability to fight for the emperor of the emperor. Those foreign races will naturally Looking at us, as the empire is no longer their enemy, the emperor’s retreat has put all the careerists in the forefront. Whoever wants to seize the momentum of humanity and the respect of the emperor must stand up and face the alien race! "

No one thought that the situation would turn out to be like this. Even the will of the world did not expect, nor did the Chaos Gods and Demons. All this was beyond their imagination. In order to survive, the many sects of the Human race chose to retreat. This is especially true for the Emperor, making the situation change again and again, becoming more weird, and making everything more crazy!

The power of humanity has been weakened. Although the will of the world is very happy, there is a more terrifying crisis behind this happiness. Without the pressure of humanity, in what direction will the human race develop, and he can still clear the field satisfactorily. All the creatures in this world are destroyed, their origins are swallowed, their own strength is strengthened, the general trend of this world is mastered, and the final battle with the chaotic gods and demons? Can defeat the Chaos Gods and Demons and obtain all the power of this world?

When he heard the words of the Emperor, Xing Tian was also shocked by this voice. Although Xing Tian knew that before he acted, he would make the situation even crazier if he did it, but Xing Tian did not expect it to be this. Look like! After taking a deep breath, Xing Tian sighed: "Man is not for himself, and the heavens are destroyed! For your own benefit, for your own survival, anything can happen, even the emperor can do such a move, but Nothing is impossible!"

Yes! Even the emperor can abandon everything. What else is impossible. Although interests are important, one's own life is even more important. For the good of the human race, you must sacrifice yourself and everything you own. The emperor cannot do it, and the empire cannot do it. Then, he was unwilling to be a **** in the hands of those human ancestors, unwilling to be a substitute for them!

In fact, if Xing Tian is replaced by the emperor of man, when the situation deteriorates to this point, Xing Tian will make the same decision. It is true that a dead fellow will not die a poor way. No one in the spiritual world will sacrifice himself for others, although ethnic interests It’s very important, but at what point, even the other ancestors of the human race became betrayed. As the human emperor, how could he not react at all after receiving the warning from the human race. As for saving the overall situation, this is not something that one person can do. , And as soon as the hearts of the people are scattered, the human luck will inevitably collapse. Whoever lets most of today’s human luck be plundered by the sect, the human emperor and the empire simply do not have enough luck. In this case, the human emperor Naturally, we must put ourselves first and make such a concession!

collapsed! When the words of the human emperor fell, Xing Tian understood that the overall situation of the human race was completely collapsed. Once the human emperor retired, the human race was no longer protected by humanity, and the human race completely lost its position as the lord of humanity. Now it is just the beginning. After a while, the luck originally blessed on the human race will dissipate. Without the good luck, the entire human race will inevitably collapse and become a piece of sand. It is hard to say how much power the empire can master and how much territory it can have. , After all, there are too many careerists, and those border guards are afraid that one by one will get rid of the control of the empire and become an independent kingdom!

Soon Xing Tian's thoughts changed, and he snorted disdainfully: "Huh, it's nothing to do with me. The most important thing for me right now is to deal with Taipingdao. Everything else can be put down, and even the human race is When luck collapses and people's hearts are scattered, so what? Under the great calamity of heaven and earth, all beings will have to overcome the calamity. If they can't even pass this level, they can talk about detachment. If they collapse earlier, there may be a glimmer of life. After all, the human race today It's already decayed, and it's time to shatter and rebuild!"

The human race in the realm battlefield world is still true, isn't it the same in the human race in the highest chaos world? With such an experience, Xing Tian's heart also has a hint of the supreme chaotic world. Under the catastrophe, everything is possible. If when the crisis comes, when the race is in a decisive battle, will the high-level human race directly abandon the chaos? Those people on the margins?

This is for sure! Xing Tian knew in his heart that once the situation deteriorated to such an extent, the high-level human race would inevitably give up everything on the periphery, protect their own interests, and ensure that the core power of the human race in the supreme chaotic world would not be lost. As for other human races, neither life nor death is left to them. In my heart, if Xing Tian stood at the top of the human race, he would make the same choice!

"Haha! This experience is also a great opportunity for me. It allows me to thoroughly see the racial civilization and everything. Don't put hope on the top of the human race, because for those who are superior. , I’m just an ant, and the sect I’m currently in is also an ant. The ant has no right to speak or survive. If you want to survive, you can only rely on yourself, and all external forces are unreliable! "

power! Only his own power is the most reliable. When seeing such a change and seeing this ridiculous collapse of the human race, Xing Tian once again felt the importance of his own power and must ensure that his subordinates are not affected by this. The impact of the storm is not subject to the persecution of this storm. No matter how great the chance this shocking change may have, this time is not the time to fight for the chance, but to ensure your own safety. Only by surviving can you have hope. If you lose your life Now, the so-called chance is just a joke, even in Xing Tian's eyes, this chance might be a trap of the will of the world!

For today’s world will, there is nothing that can’t be done. In order to survive, to be detached, to get rid of the shackles and restrictions of the chaos gods and demons, the world will can sacrifice everything or destroy everything. This is reality, reality It's so cruel and ruthless. If you can't fit all of this, and can't face it, what awaits you is bound to be destruction, death, this is the general trend of the world, this is the overall situation of the world!

Time, now Xing Tian once again feels the urgency of time and the oppression of the general trend of the world. If he can’t hurry up, maybe he will be involved in this terrible storm, and will be swallowed by the will of the world, too. In the desperate situation of death, under such a bad situation, anything can happen!


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