God of Destruction

Chapter 4081: Persecution

Chapter 4083: Persecution

"Let’s start, don’t go to everything in the unexpected world. No matter what happens in this world, you can’t affect your plan. You can’t let yourself give up on your plan. The killing begins. Everything will start from this peaceful way. No one can stop me. , And there is no power that can influence my decision to kill, kill, kill!" With a low muttering voice, Xing Tian got rid of the influence of changes in the outside world, and no longer cared about the decision of the emperor, or the changes of the human race. Humanitarian changes, even changes in heaven and earth!

"The murderous spirit rushed into the sky, the killing avenue was condensed, killing the world!" A firm voice sounded, and the killing avenue broke out. At this moment, Xing Tian directly launched its own biggest attack and directly caused the killing avenue to descend into the world, regardless of the will of the world. What calculations, no matter what the foundation of Taiping Road, Xing Tian did not hesitate to explode his strongest attack, Slaughter Avenue directly rushed to the mountain gate of Taiping Road like a tide, impacting the defense formation of Taiping Road!

"Quickly, please ancestors, or our defense formation will inevitably be broken!" When the power of the killing formation broke out, the Taipingdao defense formation was shaken, and those Taipingdao disciples were afraid and killed. The power made them feel the breath of death, making them lose their minds one by one, one by one, a little panic. After all, this is the first time someone has hit the gate of Taipingdao and attacked the dojo of Taipingdao, and Xingtian’s shot was a stance of breaking the world. , With an unstoppable momentum, making it difficult for the minds of those Taipingdao disciples to bear the terrible impact!

"Asshole, how dare this **** Xingtian do this?" The ancestors of Taipingdao were furious. Originally, in their opinion, Xingtian killing Shangshanmen was just a pose and a scene to let people know his determination. But when Xingtian's attack broke out, these Taipingdao ancestors were really dumbfounded, and they were really angry!

What do you want to slap? Xing Tian was slapping the Taipingdao in the face, and he did not leave any face to the other party. Moreover, Xing Tian's move was to pay with all his strength, so he directly mobilized the power of the Taipingdao's external veins, triggered the general trend of the world, and directly shook the defenses of the Taipingdao. The foundation of the great formation directly caused the entire Taipingdao dojo to tremble.

"Not killing Xingtian is not enough to deter Xiao Xiaozhi. Only by killing this lunatic can I save my peace of mind!"

"Kill, how to kill? Now this lunatic's killing avenue is so terrible, and the killing array he has laid is even above the earth dragon veins. If you want to kill him, you must break the killing array, and doing so will inevitably hurt The dragon veins of the earth is equivalent to abolishing the luck of our Taiping Taoist temple. Is it worth paying such a big price for such a lunatic? We must know that this time we are not fighting qi, but to transcend the world. At this time, we fight against the lunatic Xingtian Suffering both losses will only benefit others, and what stands behind this lunatic is the will of the world. It is not so much that the lunatic Xingtian is against us, it is the will of the world that is embarrassing us and wants to borrow from the lunatic Xingtian. Hands to destroy us!"

"Could it be that just because of the will of the world, we let the lunatic Xingtian let go, let this **** who has never died with us, we must know that he has a star map that we finally made in his hand? There is no star map, we What to lock in the supreme chaotic world and what to break through the world, we have no choice!"

Although Xingtian’s move made the whole Taipingdao angry, there were still different voices within the Taipingdao. If the Taiping ancestors killed Xingtian or even severely injured Xingtian, no one would stand up against it, but the last time The series of calculations of Taipingdao not only did not destroy Xingtian, on the contrary, it gave Xingtian a huge benefit. Now it is to provoke this madman to the door and directly use the killing array to block the gate of Taipingdao. In this case, All people can't help but have other thoughts in their hearts, they can't help but retreat, there is a trace of fear and anxiety, and this trace of anxiety makes them choose to compromise!

"How can you not have a choice? Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, has half our blood of peace. As long as we can let go of our hatred and hostility, we can naturally resolve it, but you are always self-righteous, always arrogant, and don't treat others. In my eyes, it is clear that Xing Tian can be our help, but because of your disdain, because of your arrogance, the other party has been forced to the opposite side of us, and it has also caused all these terrible consequences!"

"Enough, I don't want to hear the words of giving up. We have no blood connection with Xingtian. We only have hatred with him, only killing. Unless one side falls, otherwise there will only be endless fighting, who If you dare to say anything to give up, don’t blame me for waiting for the ruthlessness of my subordinates. Only by taking the Avenue of Stars from Xing Tian can we see the hope of transcendence. Only by sacrificing Xing Tian’s avatar of the Avenue of Stars can we truly perfect the Tao of Peace. The Avenue of Stars, we can truly master the law of detachment, so this time we have no choice. We used to take the initiative to attack. Now we are at our door. Nothing can make us retreat. Xingtian can’t work, and the world’s will can’t work. This is the test we must face to escape!"

Facing those disciples who were arguing, the ancestors of Taiping Road finally stood up to speak, and finally stood up to preside over the overall situation. Faced with such a situation, they could not help but not pay attention to it, be cautious, or it would be really unthinkable. Power made them truly feel what death is, what is killing, and let them understand the terrible way of killing!

When someone is forced to the gate of the mountain, only those who are really scared will compromise, and only those with dissatisfaction will choose to compromise. If it's not the time, if it's not the first battle before Taipingdao's vitality, if it is not Xingtian exposed The secret of Taipingdao, I am afraid that these ancestors of Taipingdao will come to a purge again, which will make those who want to compromise disappear. For them, no matter how crazy Xingtian is, they are just enemies, endless enemies.

war! This is Taipingdao’s decision. There is no compromise for them, only war, and they also understand that once the war begins, the killing will inevitably fall on the disciples under the sect, and more disciples will fall in this battle. But for those peaceful ancestors, it’s no big deal. War is deadly. It’s inevitable. And only with war, and only killing Xingtian, can they get everything they want. .


The world will use Xing Tian to strike at Taiping Dao and then the power of humanity. Taiping Dao can only counterattack with all its strength in the face of such a situation. Also in Taiping Dao’s eyes, if Xing Tian has been evading and hiding in the dark, they want to take Xing Tian from his body. The Avenue of Stars is unrealistic because they don’t have so much energy to chase Xingtian all the time. Now it’s different. Xingtian shuts the door himself. If you don’t seize the opportunity this time, you’ll be too sorry for yourself and sorry for dying. Same door!

There is only one chance. If it fails again this time, Taipingdao will really be dead, and there is really no chance to achieve what they want. For this, these ancestors of the Taipingdao are very clear about this, so although they are faced with asking for help, many Taipingdao elders The ancestor is still as stable as an old dog, unmoved by it, still watching the battle quietly, observing the impact of Xingtian’s killing array on his own sect array, and understanding the true power of Xingtian bit by bit. Prepare for the next fatal blow!

Faced with such a situation, the atmosphere of the Taipingdao was tense. Most of the disciples in the school were at a loss and did not understand why they were hit by an enemy like Xing Tian. However, their ancestors did not react at all, as if they did not care about the mountain gate. The enemy is blocked, he doesn't care about the worries of the disciples in the door, or even the life and death of the sect!

For most sects, the first reaction of being hit at the mountain gate is to beat the opponent, but Taipingdao’s reaction made many human ancestors frightened, which indirectly made them understand one thing, Taipingdao really has to do it Having made the craziest choice, they really have to give up everything in this world, otherwise it is impossible to face such an impact and remain calm.

Xing Tian’s heart also became heavier for the Taipingdao move. The enemy was crazier and more sinister than he thought. Even if he hit the mountain gate and blocked the Taipingdao gate, the ancestors of the Taipingdao But he didn’t move at all. All this shows the madness of the Taipingdao, the insidiousness of the Taipingdao, as long as one reveals a flaw, as long as his killing array is seen through by the opponent, the killing will surely come, and the many ancestors of the Taipingdao will definitely do it. The fatal blow.

Face can be given up. For today's Taipingdao, they have nothing to fear and do not take care of. They only have benefits in their eyes. The more so, the more terrifying the Taipingdao, and the greater the price they have to pay. !

"It seems that it is impossible to lure Taipingdao forward. They are going to consume time and energy with me, and they have to use the same method to directly drag me to death, even if my killing array is connected to the earth and dragon veins. , But it is still not as good as Peace Road in terms of confrontation. After all, this is the other side’s site. Peace Road has a huge background. The longer the time, the more disadvantaged and dangerous it is for me. Once the Peace Road is walking outside The return of the ancestors, when the inside meets the outside, I must die forever!"

In an instant, Xing Tian saw through the intention of Taiping Dao, and faced with such tortoise tactics, Xing Tian could not find a solution. No matter how hard Xing Tian persecuted, Taiping Dao could not be defended, which made Xing Tian possess the ability to reach the sky. When it was displayed, Xing Tian's powerful killing avenue could not be used, and he could not achieve his goal.

"Time is good for Taipingdao. If I drag on like this, it won't be long before I will be dragged down. As long as the time is long, no matter if it is Taipingdao or other human forces, it will be siege. It can't be dragged on any longer. Since Taipingdao can bear it, I will give up everything and give them a fatal blow! See if this earth dragon vein is cut and the power of the earth vein is swallowed, how they will react, killing the sky and killing the earth , Kill the common people, everything in the world is incapable of killing, there is nothing that I can't kill in the avenue of killing, the same is true of the earth dragon veins, people can't kill, I can still cut the earth dragon veins!"

vicious! At this moment, Xing Tian gave birth to the earth dragon vein that cut the Taiping Dao sect, and the opponent’s great luck in the sect. If the earth vein is cut, there is not enough heaven and earth vitality, it is still as stable as an old dog to see if the Taiping Dao is still Ignore my own attacks. If the other party can endure even such provocations, I have no choice but to retreat. No matter how crazy I am, there is still only one person, and I still can’t have a head-on with the whole peace path. Life and death duel!

"Kill the sky, kill the earth, kill the common people, cut the dragon and cut off the veins, and kill me!" With a loud shout, the power of the killing array instantly changed, and the power that originally madly impacted on the Taipingdao mountain gate instantly turned into a terrifying force. The sword of killing directly slashed the dragon veins on the earth, and the dragon veins that nurture the vitality of the earth. Killed a thousand enemies and damaged 800. This sword slashed not only the vitality of the Taipingdao, but also the dragon veins. The origin of the killing array that Xing Tian himself laid.

When Xing Tian’s sword fell, the entire formation was trembling. Although the earth’s dragon veins were authentically nourished, when faced with Xing Tian’s killing avenue with the power of ending, the origin of the tunnels could not resist Xing Tian’s crazy one. Hit, this earth dragon vein was directly terminated by the power of Slaughter Avenue, the aura of this earth instantly became thin, and the foundation of Taiping Dao was shaken!

"Assholes of the Taiping Road, if you start a war immediately, then come out for a fight. If you keep hiding, see if I dare to cut off the earth dragon veins around the Taiping Dao mountain gate one by one, without the nourishment of the earth dragon veins. Your dojo will completely collapse and become a dead place. Come on, let us have a life and death duel to understand each other's grievances!"

When a sword cut an earth dragon vein, Xing Tian frantically yelled at the gate of the Taiping Road, and under Xing Tian’s roar, another terrifying force of killing was condensing, and Xing Tian continued to gather his strength, ready to go again. With one hand, one earth dragon vein was cut off, causing the entire Taipingdao to fall into turmoil, making the disciples of Taipingdao even more uneasy, and also causing the many ancestors of Taipingdao to frown. They wanted to delay watching. It was impossible. Xing Tian saw through the dangers and used this extreme method to deal with them, to force them to come out for a battle, or else they would be cut off along with the dragon veins, and Taipingdao would inevitably fall into a terrible situation. In the crisis, without the vitality of heaven and earth, what do they use to cultivate, then what to train their disciples!


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