God of Destruction

Chapter 4082: Festival Killing Coming

The fourth thousand and eighty-second chapters are coming

"Ancestor, an earth dragon vein has been cut off by a lunatic Xingtian. If we don’t stop it, this madman will continue. If we let him cut all earth dragon veins, our dojo will be completely abolished, and there will be no more. vitality!"

At this moment, the people of Taipingdao couldn't bear it, and couldn't help asking for help from their ancestors, trying to persuade their ancestors to take action, to teach the **** Xing Tian a lesson, and to make the lunatic give up this crazy move.

Many ancestors of Taipingdao said disapprovingly: "Slash! Let him slash, I also want to see how crazy this lunatic can be, dare to destroy all the dragon veins of the earth, let this hole of heaven and blessing be completely shattered, if he really can Dare to do this, I really want to see what this lunatic uses to resist the backlash of the tunnel, and also want to see how other sects react!"

For my own dojo, this is the reaction of the Taipingdao ancestors, and even for these Taipingdao ancestors, I want to explore the reality of Xingtian, the reaction of other sects, and even want to see it. Take a look at the reaction of this world, and see if the will of the world allows Xing Tian to be so presumptuous, allowing Xing Tian to wreak havoc on this world!

Of course, there is still a crazy idea in the hearts of these ancestors of Taiping Dao, that is to cut off the cause and effect of themselves and the world. If their dojos are really destroyed by the will of the world with the help of Xingtian's hands, the original shackles entangled on them will be They will be cut off, and their connection with this world will be cut off, just as they cut off the shackles of the human race on Xing Tian before!

As for the destruction of the dojo and the destruction of the earth, what impact will it have on this world, what kind of impact the entire human race will face, and what changes will happen to the situation of this world, none of this is in the consideration of the Taipingdao ancestors, they There is only oneself and only detachment in their hearts. As long as they can detach themselves, they think it is worthwhile to pay no matter how great the price is.

"What are the **** of Taipingdao thinking, what are they going to do, do they really care about the destruction of their own dojo? Or they really have to give up everything, they really have built the supreme source of treasure that crosses the void, and can break free from the shackles of this world If this is the case, they are afraid that they really have not taken care of it. If this is the case, it can also make sense why they would desperately pursue and kill my deity and seize the inheritance of the Avenue of Stars. Everything is just for transcendence!" When he reacted a little, Xing Tian's heart couldn't help but heaved, and he was also thinking about how to deal with all this.

Time is passing, but Taipingdao just didn’t react at all. It didn’t care about Xingtian’s blocking the door, or the severing of the dragon veins under the Tao, as if everything had nothing to do with them. Such strange changes not only shocked Xingtian, It also shocked the will of the world, shocked the many forces of the human race, and they were all shocked by the madness of Taipingdao!

The arrow has to be sent on the string. This is the situation of Xingtian today. No matter what Taipingdao has, no matter how weird the situation is. Now Xingtian has taken action and has no way of retreating. He kills the Taipingdao mountain gate by himself and uses the killing array to shake Taipingdao. This is the same situation as the fire and energy. To give up at this time will not only weaken your own momentum, but also let other forces see your own weakness and see your own weaknesses, which will make you face even more terrible. Crisis!

"Kill! No matter what kind of calculations there are in Taiping Road, I will break them all with one force. In the face of absolute power, any conspiracy and tricks are vulnerable. No matter what plan you have, I will not back down because of this. , Kill the earth, kill the common people, everything in the world, there is nothing to kill, there is no such thing in this world that I would not dare to kill, what about the dragon veins of the earth, what is the luck of the world, I will kill them all! The killing comes, the blood slaughters the common people, kill! "He's cruel, Xing Tian once again swung out a sword of killing, and another earth dragon vein was beheaded by Xing Tian. Although the power of the earth came back, Xing Tian didn't care, because Xing Tian also got it in the backlash. For the great benefit, the Slaughter Avenue went further.

"Crazy, Xing Tian is really crazy, he is really not afraid of the backlash of the earth, not afraid of the karma of the world, and the peace road is crazy, they can really ignore the destruction of their own dojo? What are they trying to do, and in what direction are they going to take everything? When seeing such a situation, the minds of many human ancestors were trembling. They all felt that a great crisis was coming to them, and they felt that this world was really going to the unknown, everything was so unproductive, everything It's all so weird!

"Damn it, since the lunatic Xingtian was born, we have not had a good day. This lunatic stirred up the situation, shattered the world, and let everything go to the unknown. I knew that. Even if I paid a high price, I would He is destroyed. If we know that these two parties are so crazy and unreasonable, we shouldn’t be involved in the fight between them. Now we are not humans inside and outside, and we are hated by the **** of both sides, no matter which one of them gains power. , Is a great threat to us, and will become our biggest hidden danger, so that we are always in danger of being calculated by them!"

Mess! The whole world is a bastard. The emperor gave up the honor of humanity, which greatly damaged the luck of the race, and made the master of the Tao dissipate from the human race. Now Xing Tian, ​​the madman and the Taipingdao showdown, has this weird scene again. , Everything is so incredible, everything is so strange and unpredictable, everything is beyond everyone's imagination and grasp!

auzw.com"Forbearance! I see how long you can endure, and see if you really have nothing to do, cut it for me!" Xing Tian once again faced the change of peaceful road or unresponsiveness When he shot, the power of the killing array continued to slash the earth dragon veins frantically. This time Xing Tian did not show mercy or caring about it. One after another earth dragon veins were cut off by Xing Tian frantically. The earth was trembling, and the tunnel was trembling. , The world is trembling, the destruction of the earth and dragon veins has greatly affected the entire world, the world is in turmoil, and the world will is shocked by Xingtian's madness. All this is really not the result it wants!

For the will of the world, I want to use Xingtian's hand to weaken the human race and weaken all resistance in this world, instead of letting Xingtian, a lunatic, destroy one earth dragon vein after another unscrupulously, and destroy the heaven and the blessings condensed by the air transport between the heavens and the earth. Xing Tian, ​​the lunatic continued, and did not wait for the humanity and luck to be weakened much, and the earth was first harmed by this madness!

The will of the world does not understand what happened to the Taipingdao, how could he allow Xing Tian to provoke his dignity so unscrupulously, not caring about the destruction of his own dojo, can it be said that Taipingdao has seen through his plan and his own weakness, no matter what No matter how powerful you are, no matter how powerful you are in this world, but if this world is damaged, the will of the world will inevitably be weakened, and it will inevitably lead to destruction due to the destruction of the world!

"Damn it, if the ants of Taipingdao really know everything, they are taking this opportunity to use the hand of Xingtian, a lunatic, to weaken the power of the world, so that they can break free from the **** of the world and allow them to transcend the world. Get rid of the great catastrophe of the world!" In an instant, the world's will was shocked. He was calculating the Taipingdao, calculating the penalty days, calculating the entire human race and all the creatures in the world, but the Taipingdao was also calculating his own world master!

"Could it be that everything before is just a calculation of the peace road, the loss of the star map is only part of their calculations, they are about to use this as an excuse to start a war and make the world lose control, if so, it is really terrible Now, the calculations of these **** are also terrifying, and they have unknowingly played everyone in their hands!"

The will of the world is still too overestimating the power of the Peace Road. It is not that the Peace Road is calculating everything, but the situation has forced the Peace Road to do so. It is the general trend that pushes the Peace Road to this point bit by bit and makes them have to do it. Out of this crazy choice, if there is a choice, they are not willing to take their own lives to do such crazy adventures. You must know that behind all this is a great danger. If you are not careful, the consequences will be unimaginable. Will be destroyed!

This is the collision of the will of humanity and the will of the world. In the great calamity of heaven and earth, the will of the world cannot determine everything in the world. Wisdom creatures never sit back and wait for death. When danger comes, they will make all kinds of changes at all costs. To fight for that gleam of life, no matter how strong the world's will is, and wanting to impose one's will on the world's creatures, this is just a joke, a huge joke, it will never be realized!

"We can’t let these lunatics like Taipingdao go on like this, or else we don’t wait for us to complete the plan, the whole world will be shattered, and the ancestors of Taiping will be notified. Everything, take back the luck of the Taipingdao to the human race!" The destruction of the heaven and the blessed land is a huge trauma to the human race. It will make the human luck that was originally collapsed by the madness of the human emperor even more ruined, and never turn back. Opportunity!

Taipingdao will agree, will it compromise? Will Xingtian give them a chance to save everything? No, when everything changed, everything was too late. It was the ancestors of the human race who were too arrogant and self-righteous, and now everything is not in their control, no matter how hard they try to save everything , It’s too late. Today’s Xingtian has completely let go of all the considerations in his happiness, giving up everything in his heart, and integrating himself with the killing avenue. At this time, Xingtian is the **** of killing, the king of ending everything, even the ending The power of the Great Dao has not yet appeared from Xing Tian, ​​but the blessing of the Great Slaughter Dao is enough to allow Xing Tian to complete the crazy idea in his heart and use killing to destroy everything.

"Okay, what a peace road, since you are going to be a tortoise with head shrunk, I will complete you, connect the ground veins, and kill the explosion!" Crazy, Xing Tian is really crazy, after provoking the peace road to no avail, in time Under the constant flow of time, he finally couldn't bear it, and was unwilling to do such a ridiculous confrontation with Taipingdao, but wanted to fix the world with one blow.

Detonate the killing array, and burst out the most terrifying force of the killing avenue, the most terrifying power. When this force comes, the terrible killing avenue once again appears in this world, the avenue descends, killing the sky, killing the land, Killing the common people, this complete and complete avenue of slaughter has returned to the world, with the help of Xing Tian's hand, with the help of the power of the slaughter array, it once again walks in front of all living beings!

Avenue descends? When the killing array blew up, the ancestors in the Taiping Road finally changed their expressions. They never had the same peace as before. Their faces showed endless shock and fear. The killing road came down. This is not an illusion. , But the reality. When the Slaughter Avenue came, the entire Taipingdao dojo was enveloped by the power of the Slaughter Avenue. The Zongmen’s defensive array was vulnerable to the power of the Slaughter Avenue, and collapsed when touched. In the dojo.

"Kill, kill, kill!" When the Slaughter Avenue came, when the Slaughter Avenue enveloped the Taipingdao, the disciples of the Taipingdao felt the erosion of the Slaughter Avenue, and their minds were full of endless killing. , Those weak-willed people immediately turned into killing puppets, frantically launching attacks on the people around them. Although there were not many people who turned into killing puppets, their actions immediately disturbed the whole Taipingdao disciples.

At this time, the power of the Taipingdao's instigation is no longer effective. The power of killing directly eliminates the influence of the instigation. Even the ancestors of the Taipingdao are unable to prevent such a situation from happening unless they can block Xingtian's attack and block the killing array. The terrible mighty force produced by the explosion! You must know that at this time they are no longer facing the ordinary killing power, but the original power of the killing avenue. Such power is very dangerous!

"Damn, how dare he be so presumptuous, Xingtian, this **** is going to do things absolutely!" When seeing this change, the many ancestors of Taipingdao hated Xingtian with gritted teeth, but they are not holding Xingtian now. One way, I can only watch everything happen, who makes them too self-righteous, their calculations are too deep, and they always want to pay the smallest price and get the greatest gain, forgetting how terrifying the risks are. Now It was when they paid a heavy price. For the strong in the Taiping Road, although the killing avenue came and the source of killing also caused a certain impact on them, they could ensure that their minds were not shaken, but the disciples under the sect did not. The strength of this directly caused the turmoil of the entire sect, and made Taipingdao plunge into this terrible disaster!

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