God of Destruction

Chapter 4083: Karma

Chapter 4083 Karma

Karma cycle is unhappy! Taipingdao should also pay its due price. It is time for them to repay all the mistakes they made at the beginning. Under the shadow of Killing Avenue, the people of Taipingdao are even more distracted. No matter how hard the ancestors of Taipingdao work hard, it is difficult to subdue their disciples. It’s hard to get their approval because the Taiping Dao sect was broken at this time, and the confidence of all the disciples was broken as a result, and their Dao Xin also completely collapsed. It can be said that this attacking heaven destroyed the Taiping Dao. a generation!

If the ancestors of Taipingdao didn’t have much calculation and didn’t pursue everything for the greatest gain, they would take the initiative when Xingtian took the initiative and interrupt Xingtian’s attack, then all of this would not happen. It can only be said that they are too greedy, and now is the time for them to pay for their greed!

"How could this happen, this is not the result we want!" When seeing the disciple who lost the Taoxin, watching the appearance of the disciples who are almost collapsed, many Taipingdao ancestors can't bear it. Shock, although in their eyes these disciples are just ants, but no matter how ants are, these people are the future of Taipingdao. Without these people, the hope of this generation of Taipingdao will be completely shattered, and it will be for the entire Taipingdao. This is the biggest crisis!

Xing Tian would not be merciful to the enemy. Since he did the opposite, he would not have reservations. When the killing array blew up, it also detonated the closely connected earth dragon veins. The severance of the earth dragon veins caused a little impact. It was not weaker than the impact of Slaughter Avenue. When Slaughter Avenue was impacting the heart of Taipingdao disciples, the backlash of the earth soon came. The veins of the earth were cut off, and the earth was trembling. Under this extreme destruction, the earth rolled. , Earth Dragon turned over, causing the entire mountain gate where the Taiping Road was located to suffer a huge impact, and the entire sect began to falter!

"Impossible, how did this lunatic shake our sect and the dojo of Taipingdao!" Feeling the trembling of the earth under my feet and the eruption of the dragon energy of the earth veins, the hearts of many ancestors of the Taipingdao were also confused. , If it is in normal times, even if there is an earth dragon turning over, they can suppress it at will, but they can’t do it now, because the dragon veins of the whole earth have been destroyed by Xingtian’s crazy actions, and the origin of this world has been greatly affected. Impact, for the entire Taipingdao, this is almost an extinction. They are too arrogant and self-righteous, always thinking that everything is under control. Now they finally understand what a big mistake they have committed and understand this. What a crisis caused by one negligence!

"What are you waiting for? If you don't take action to suppress the world, once the earth dragon veins turn over and the earth dragon erupts, the whole dojo will collapse and will be destroyed under this terrible backlash!" An ancestor of Taiping Dao shouted in a deep voice. , Is instructing those Taipingdao disciples who have not been affected to suppress the general situation and prevent the outbreak of the earth dragon veins, so as to be able to tide over the current crisis!

Rays of light appeared quickly, madly targeting the earth dragon veins. At this moment, whether it was the Taipingdao ancestors or other Taipingdao powerhouses, they all took action to suppress this terrible earth dragon. To prevent it from turning over, we must know that this time they are facing not the ordinary earth dragon turning over, but a magic dragon with endless resentment and endless negative power. It can be said that when Xingtian cut the earth dragon veins, the earth dragon veins contained The grievances gathered together madly, forming an unprecedented earth dragon. Once this earth dragon appeared, no matter how strong the foundation of the Peace Road, it could not guarantee the safety of the Peace Road and was unable to prevent this terrible crisis. Coming!

regret! At this moment, those Taipingdao ancestors have endless regrets in their hearts. They knew that such a panic would happen, and knew that Xingtian this lunatic was so mad, they shouldn’t jump out and be enemies of Xingtian’s lunatic. At this time, the lunatic Xing Tian will be divided into victory and defeat, and now it's alright, their arrogance and ignorance finally attracted a backlash from heaven and earth!

The vitality of heaven and earth is leaking, and the aura in the dojo is dissipating. When the dragon veins of the earth are destroyed, the aura in the Taipingdao sect is weakened by more than half, but this is the case. The vitality of the heaven and the earth is still losing, as if only Taipingdao If you can't guarantee your own safety, and can't restore the cut dragon veins, this loss of vitality will not end until the entire Taipingdao is destroyed!

Magic land! When the earth veins are broken, when the earth's evil spirits gather, the Taipingdao dojo is transforming into the magical land. This is not just the earth dragon turning over, but the essential transformation. A trace of magic energy is condensed in the earth, and This devilish energy is condensed from that endless evil spirit. When the vitality of the Taiping Dao is completely lost, it is when the devilish energy is condensed and formed!

"Devil energy, there is a trace of devil energy condensed in the earth, what is going on, is it because of the destruction of the earth veins, or because of the promotion of the will of the world? Or those chaotic gods and demons that are hidden deep?" When it appeared, Xing Tian felt its existence for the first time, and he couldn't help but feel a little uneasy about it. If the devilish energy condenses, does this mean that new mutations will appear, or new crises? This is very dangerous for Xing Tian!

"The will of the world has wisdom, and wants to break free from the shackles of the world, and wants to transform into a wise creature. If the earth also changes and the earth veins are transformed into devil qi due to the condensing of evil energy, is it possible that the authenticity can also condense the wise creature? Or the Demon Lord came to the world. If so, all of this is really terrible. The calculation of the Chaos God and Demon is not as simple as the death God and Demon said!" For Xing Tian, ​​when such a strange change occurs, the first time I thought of the Chaos God and Demon!

Karma, when the devil energy is condensed, Xing Tian feels a trace of karma added. This is not the world will impose on Xing Tian, ​​but from the Dao. His own behavior touches the Dao, and the devil qi appears to let himself. More karma!


Regarding karma, Xing Tian is not unreliable, but now this thread of karma is different from the previous karma that Xing Tian has come into contact with. This thread of karma is extremely pure, if not Xing Tian’s determination, it is here. The moment karma is added to the body, one's mind will be affected by karma, will fall into the abyss of karma, and the soul will be eroded by karma!

"I've been tricked! I'm so cautious, I'm still being calculated, what a chaos **** and demon, what a world will, it's really sinister and vicious, and even setting up such a sinister trap waiting for me, karma is added, it will definitely impact Your own soul will affect your own practice. You want to end my way of practice and the way of detachment! It's a pity that you underestimate my Xingtian, underestimate my way of ending, and destroy me. The power of ending ends all things!" When karma is added, Xing Tian's first reaction is to directly mobilize the power of ending the great avenue, ending this thread of karma and eliminating the enemy's calculations!

This time Xing Tian is indeed miscalculated, but no matter who is calculating this time, Xing Tian will not give up. This is an endless grievance. The path to human beings is even more sinister than murdering parents. If it were not for the King of End of Xing Tian to condense the origin The power of condensing the Great Way of Ending, just this division of karma is enough to drive Xingtian into the land of immortality, and one point of karma is enough to destroy Xingtian's vitality and cut off all the vitality of Xingtian, so this cause and effect are too great!

Clearance! Obviously Xing Tian is also cleaning the opponent, but Xing Tian's strength is too strong to know how to take action. He can only use this conspiracy to get Xing Tian arrested and destroy himself. It is a pity that they still underestimated it. Xing Tian underestimated the power of ending the Great Dao. In front of the ending Great Dao, no matter how pure the karma is, it would not be able to cause deadly harm to Xing Tian. Unless this karma can be further advanced, it can trigger the laws of the Great Dao to come, and can Xing Tianye. The force is great, and the power of the path is gathered, but it is obvious that this karma is not so terrible, so terrifying!

Under the power of ending the avenue, no matter how stubbornly resisting this sub-karma, it’s useless. It’s bit by bit obliterated by Xingtian’s origin of the ending avenue, and then this karma also turns into the nourishment of the ending avenue, nourishing it. With Xingtian’s ending avenue, Xingtian’s ending avenue has increased a bit of strength, and there is a trace of terrible disaster!

Retire! No, Xing Tian will not just retreat because of the presence of karma. No matter how powerful the enemy is, no matter what they are calculating, Xing Tian will not let go at this time. If you give up at this time, the price you have paid will be wasted. , I am not just for revenge, but to destroy the Taoism of Taipingdao disciples, Xing Tianwei has to kill!

"Kill the sky, kill the land, kill the common people, kill the world with blood, kill! Kill! Kill!" Before the people of Taipingdao could react, Xing Tian once again waved the sword of killing in his hand, one after another with the sword of killing. Sweeping wildly around, killing wildly in the Taipingdao dojo, a trail of blood was splashing, and the Taipingdao disciples fell one by one and fell under Xingtian's killing avenue, just a few While breathing, most of the Taipingdao disciples fell down, and they were killed by Xingtian in front of the many ancestors of Taipingdao. For the entire Taipingdao, it was like a rout!

"Asshole, stop me, junior, presumptuous! Give me death!" Seeing that the disciple was forcibly killed by Xing Tian in his own dojo, this was an unacceptable result for the ancestors of Taipingdao. The endless grievances and grievances were beaten by Xing Tian to the gate and slaughtered his disciples. If Xing Tian were to retreat all over his body, Taipingdao’s face would be really lost, and their luck would inevitably fall, and all previous calculations would become nothingness. , Peace Road no longer has the power to deter all powerful enemies!

"Open to me, peace and prosperity will come out!" At this time, the ancestors of the Taiping Road finally no longer endure, and directly opened one of the final foundations of the Taiping Road, the Taiping Dao map, which embodies the original treasure of the Supreme Avenue of the Taiping Road, and also suppresses it. The source of the treasure of Taiping Dao’s air luck, as soon as the Taiping Dao picture comes out, the prosperity of Taiping comes, and a great humane air luck directly falls from the void and directly crushes Xingtian. This is the force of humanity and the ultimate of Taiping Dao. One of the killer features.

In the prosperous age of peace, the Great Dao Treasure Map came out, under the Taiping Dao map, even if the condensing magic dragon was directly crushed, Xing Tian also felt the breath of death. If he was suppressed by the Taiping Dao map, there would definitely be death. Life, the prosperity of peace is not that simple to say, the supreme flourishing age of an imperial dynasty is also the pinnacle of the power of humanity. As soon as the picture of the Taipingdao is shown, Xing Tian finally understands why the Taipingdao can share the human luck , Able to fight the empire!

"What a peaceful road, a peaceful and prosperous age, and a great humanity. Unfortunately, if you really have to stand on the side of humanity and unite the great luck of humanity, then I naturally dare not fight with you, but you have already forgotten it now. The root of its own has already betrayed humanity, and the human race has also lost the mighty power of the lord of humanity. If you want to suppress my Xingtian with a small road map, you are a little too natural to think about it. Give me the spear of the end, and the end of the road. , The end of everything!"

At this time, Xing Tian did not dare to have any reservations. The power of the King of End was fully deployed, and the origin of the Great Way of End descended. The Spear of End directly hit the Taiping Dao Tu with its endless might, not giving the Taiping Dao Tu a chance to suppress himself. Don't give Taipingdao these ancestors a chance to block them! Yes, at this moment Xing Tian is going to retreat. If there is no Taiping Dao map and no humane power, Xing Tian will stick to it for a while and continue to fight with Taiping Dao, but now Xing Tian does not want to fight anymore, because no matter if this battle he wins If you lose, you will bring endless trouble to yourself, and you will be calculated by the will of the world. The will of the world is to use your own hands to destroy the human luck. If you lose the Taipingdao, the Taipingdao map will inevitably be severely damaged. At that time, the power of humanity is really about to collapse, and there is no possibility of turning over again. After losing the power of humanity, can the power of the tunnel restrain the will of the world and stabilize the current situation without letting the will of the world take advantage?

Regarding the will of the world, Xing Tian dare not be sloppy, dare not let it have the opportunity to swallow the humanity, and dare not let its conspiracy succeed. Therefore, at this time of the battle, Xing Tian can only retreat, or it will only become the will of the world. The thugs will only be calculated to death by the will of the world. If the Taiping Dao diagram is shattered, he will definitely end the humanity and luck, and will inevitably be entangled in cause and effect, and karma will increase. This is not the result Xing Tian wants, nor is Xing Tian willing to watch The result! Previously, the power of ending the avenue could be used to obliterate karma, but for oneself, this is not a good thing. If you do too much, the power of ending the avenue will inevitably be understood by the enemy. This is a great bad thing for Xing Tian!


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