God of Destruction

Chapter 4084: Section selection

Chapter Four thousand and Eighty-Four Selection

With a loud noise of "Boom!", the Spear of End confronted the Taipingdao's Supreme Treasure Taiping Dao map. The powers of the two origins furiously confronted each other, and the two great origins were also obliterating each other. The origin of the other party, this is a battle of life and death. The two major origins and treasures have exploded with full strength, without any reservation. Xing Tian is to end this war quickly, and Taiping Dao wants to quickly destroy Xing Tian. Madman, lest more accidents happen!

"Damn it, how could Xingtian, the lunatic's end spear, be so powerful, and how could his end road be so powerful?" Facing Xingtian's end spear, many ancestors of Taipingdao were shocked, although they had lost it before. Star Atlas, but in their opinion it was just an accident. It was just that they were too careless and gave Xing Tian a chance to take advantage. But this time they used their full strength. The power of Taiping Dao Atlas was fully activated, but they still could not overpower it. Xingtian’s spear of ending did not deal a fatal blow to Xingtian, which made it difficult for them to accept, and made them understand that they were really wrong before, and they were so wrong. Facing such a terrifying enemy, they must have their own side. Keep it, and want to use a little bit of strength to destroy the other party, this is simply a big joke, such a mistake is very dangerous for the entire Taipingdao!

"We have underestimated Xingtian. We have never looked at each other squarely. We always treat each other with our own ideas. This time we finally understand how big a mistake we have made. Such a powerful enemy, but we treat the younger generation. Acting with vision, this is not just asking for death, and being able to fight the Taiping Road map head-on without losing the wind. It can be seen that this bastard's road to the end has already gained a lot of attainments. Time waits for no one. We can't delay it. Since One Taipingdao picture is not enough, so let's have another one. We will use the quantity to kill this bastard, and we cannot let him leave alive!" At this time, the head of the Taipingdao stepped up and spoke out what he thought, too. The thoughts in the minds of all Taipingdao disciples, for Taipingdao, they cannot fail this time, otherwise they will only disappoint the disciples even more, and make them no longer have confidence in the sect!

"Are you crazy? Do you know what you are talking about? The Taiping Road map is our foundation. If you increase it, you want to expose all the power and all the foundation to the enemy's sight. What will happen to you? Have you thought about it!"

The head of Taiping Road nodded cautiously and said: "I have thought about what the consequences will be, but do we still have a choice? Keeping hidden power is really good for our survival in the catastrophe, but Do we really have a choice now? Are you willing to see the lunatic Xing Tian retreat and see the destruction of the sect? Are you willing to see the disappointed eyes of the disciples under the sect, and are willing to see their beliefs shattered? "

"Okay, stop fighting, I know you all have your own ideas. This time, we can't ignore more problems, because this is a catastrophe of heaven and earth, and our battle with Xingtian is not just between us. Things are more related, even this battle, whether we are good or Xing Tian, ​​is just the opponent’s pawn. If the enemy wants to take the opportunity to find out our strength, we must remain calm and plan for the worst. , But we are not unprepared for nothing. The collapse of the sect is not important to us. We have long planned to give up. Before this great catastrophe arrived, we had prepared such a long time ago. Now, with the help of the lunatic Xingtian, we get rid of the influence of the world on us, get rid of the shackles of the sect, and break free from the shackles on us, so I decided to let the lunatic Xingtian continue to explode!"

"What? How can this be done? We have to consider for our disciples. We can't give up the sect, otherwise their minds cannot withstand such an impact. Once the sect is lost, it will be devastating to all the disciples. Hit!" At this moment, the head of the Taiping Road has become a little intolerable, and the whole person has become a little excited, and some can't stand it!

"The disciples under the sect will indeed pay a high price for this, but this is also a test. If they can't even bear this blow, then what qualifications do they have to talk about the future? Even if we can survive this catastrophe, it is exposed. All power, what do we take to break away from the shackles of the world, we cannot lose big because of small things, our goal is clear is to break free from the shackles of the world, completely transfer the entire sect to the highest chaotic world, so that we can have a foothold in the highest chaotic world You don’t need to be bound by them. For this goal, even if you pay some price, it is worth it!"

"Yes, we really can't expose all our background, we can't expose other treasures of origin. This is the bottom line, the bottom line that cannot be touched. After all, we have not reached the end of the mountains and rivers, and there is no time at all costs, let alone as long as we drag Staying in Xingtian, waiting for others to return, naturally you can be caught off guard, you can leave Xingtian completely!"

Hearing these words from the Supreme Elder, Tai Ping Dao Zhang couldn't help but sighed, and said in utter loss, "I'm afraid that everything will be late at that time. Xing Tian is not a fool. It is impossible not to know his own situation. At this time, he worked so hard. , Already thought of this question, otherwise how could he detonate everything so crazy!"

"Whether it is or not is not important to us. Even if we lose a little bit of strength and a little bit of origin, we must have reservations, and we must have the foundation when facing other forces, otherwise we can easily pass this time. , But next time we will only be waiting for death, because the enemy has already figured out everything about us!"

"But we can't make such a big sacrifice. It's not even a sacrifice, but destruction!" The head of Taiping Road still cannot accept it. For him, the price is too great, so big that it is impossible for him to do so. bear!

"Well, don’t resist anymore, think about the cause and effect in us, think about the cause and effect that our Taipingdao has forged with the world in these endless years. If we don’t use the hands of Xingtian, a lunatic, we Can you retreat with your whole body? Although the dojo is important, inheritance is more important in comparison. Only when you live, you have everything, and when you die, there is nothing!"

Under the loss of the head of Taipingdao, Taipingdao made a choice and did not continue to mobilize other treasures of origin, but used a picture of the treasure of origin on the Taipingdao to oppose Xingtian, as if they had really gotten the limit of the mountains and rivers. It is the entire Taipingdao that really has no other power to use. The sect will be killed by Xingtian, but in fact they have even crazier plans!

"What does Taipingdao want to do, how can it still preserve its strength under this situation? Isn't there a third source of treasure for Taipingdao? They have so many ancestors, how can no one continue to fight? , What do these **** want to do, they really have to give up their own human luck and break with all our forces?"

At this moment, many ancestors of the human race who watched the battle were angry about it. Although everyone does not know how strong the foundation of the Taipingdao is, the strength that is exposed in front of them is definitely not the full power of the Taipingdao, and even less than half of the power, but on the contrary Taipingdao did no other actions, which made the hearts of many human race ancestors dissatisfied and made them more alert to Taipingdao!


"All this is only the result that Taipingdao wants. They want to use Xingtian's hand to eliminate their own cause and effect, and to break free from the shackles of the world. They see the problem with this battle. They want to retreat. Enter, give up the entire dojo!"

"Hey! This is too crazy, give up the dojo, this will cause a huge impact on the disciples, will affect the confidence of the disciples, can it be said that Taipingdao is sure to protect the disciples from this battle?"

"Huh! Are you sure that for those lunatics on Taiping Road, they don't care about the knowledge of their disciples. Perhaps in their eyes, this is a test for disciples. Those who can pass will naturally be cultivated by the sect. In the eyes of Taipingdao, there is no difference between the disciple and the'ant'!"

Although these words are vicious, they are true to the truth. Many ancestors of Taiping Road had such plans and are doing this. To them, the disciples of the sect are not worth mentioning, as long as their plans can succeed. Just fine, everything else is acceptable, even if it is worth the heavy price, nothing is more important than detachment!

"Nowadays, the human luck can’t count on the peaceful path. It’s good if they don’t hold us back. It’s impossible to expect them to stand up and stabilize the human luck. This time they want to borrow Xingtian’s hand to cut off The cause and effect of the world, because they have long discovered that there is a force behind this battle. If you don’t do this at this time, you will be wasting your opportunity. If you change to us, I’m afraid you will make the same decision. After all, the dojo is better. No detachment is important, maybe this is what they planned in the beginning!"

"It makes sense. If Taipingdao had such an idea from the very beginning, it would just explain all the operations of the Taipingdao before and understand why they were so vulnerable, because this is their plan and this is theirs. conspiracy!"

Was it a conspiracy? It was not the ancestors of these human races, but the Taipingdao himself. At the beginning, the Taipingdao did not have such a bad plan, but the situation has changed repeatedly, and Xingtian’s strength has repeatedly exceeded their imagination and forced it. Many ancestors of Taipingdao had to make such a decision and had to plunge themselves into such a crisis!

Xing Tian didn’t care what Taiping Dao thought, and didn’t want to know. When the two primordial treasures were fighting, Xing Tian could clearly feel the impact from the Taiping Dao map. The strength of Taiping Dao was much more terrifying than he thought. Only this treasure of origin makes it difficult for Xing Tian to fight for a long time. After all, Taiping Dao is a human being, and Xing Tian has only one person. No matter how powerful Xing Tian’s background is, he is only alone, full of iron and power. Hit a few nails!

Attacking a sect’s dojo, this is the mistake of a lunatic, this is seeking death on his own, and now Xing Tian can still hold on, because Taiping Dao also takes care of it, dare not do his best, dare not expose his own background. So there is all this in front of me, the moment when Xing Tian and Taiping Dao are facing each other, and Xing Tian also understands what the other party is thinking, and understands how dangerous this situation is for him. As long as he makes a slight mistake, he must be waiting for him. death!

"Can’t go on anymore. The world will use me as a substitute for the dead, and Taipingdao is not a good bird. They also have to use their own hands to get rid of their own crisis, but the methods of Taipingdao are more insidious, and they don’t want to fall into In the endless karma, I don’t want to add to my karma, and I don’t want to be locked in by thunder!” When he thought of this, Xing Tian couldn’t help but shook his head. The situation was so dangerous that he was used as a pawn. For Xing Tian The pressure is huge.

"The power of ending is not enough to destroy everything in Taipingdao. If you continue to fight, it will be really difficult to get out. It's time to give up. You can't plunge yourself into the desperate situation of death because of a momentary impulse. Once the other forces of Taipingdao return. , My retreat was completely cut off, no one in this world will come to save me, I can only rely on myself!"

Xing Tian also understood his situation and could see through the true intentions of Taiping Dao at the moment, but he really had to give up. It was still a great embarrassment for Xing Tian. After all, he paid too much effort in this battle, so he received and left. Xing Tian was also a little bit reluctant, and some were not reconciled, but the reality was so cruel that Xing Tian could not let go!

When the crisis comes, no matter how much you pay, as long as you can protect yourself, that is the best result. In the great disaster of heaven and earth, living is the root of everything. Only living has everything. When you die, everything will be empty. But it’s such a simple and clear question, but not everyone can see it. Not everyone can make the most correct choice. For various reasons, more people will gradually lose their minds, lose themselves, and ultimately destroy themselves. Only a small part of the people who survived the tribulation of the world and the earth were able to seize that ray of life for themselves.

This is a catastrophe of destruction of heaven and earth, a catastrophe of confrontation between the will of the world and the chaos gods and demons. They are all clearing the field, and all the creatures in the world are the objects of being cleansed, but no one wants to carry that terrible karma. Everyone is calculating everything, trying to achieve their goals with the least cost, and accomplish their wishes with the least effort. Naturally, killing someone with a knife is the best choice, and Xing Tian is naturally the best thug in their eyes and the most suitable. Fighter!


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