God of Destruction

Chapter 4085: Section influence

Chapter 4085 Influence

"Go!" When he was determined, Xing Tian didn't hesitate, and with a thought, the Spear of End instantly retracted, merged with himself, turned into a streamer, and directly tore through the void, before the many ancestors of Taiping Road had not reacted, Go straight away.

Just when Xing Tian’s body disappeared into the void, many Taipingdao ancestors immediately reacted. They wanted to prevent Xing Tian’s departure. Unfortunately, it was too late. Xing Tian had already turned into a streamer and disappeared. All their calculations They were all in vain, and the calculation of the will of the world was also in vain. Xing Tian was not as stupid as they thought. He did not get the trick, did not destroy this land, did not get the endless karma of karma as they wished, and was entangled in cause and effect!

"Damn, how could this **** run away like this? There is no backbone at all!" In an instant, those Taipingdao ancestors yelled at Xingtian, and they were all ready to wait for the lunatic Xingtian to destroy the dragon veins in one fell swoop. Cut off their connection with this world, but at this critical moment, the **** Xing Tian escaped!

"We still underestimate Xing Tian. Being able to have such a strong combat power in such a short time shows that this **** has a deep background. He has seen through our plan and is unwilling to carry that endless karma for us. , Destroying the heaven and blessings of one side, cutting off the cause and effect of our Taipingdao, what a huge karma!"

"Yeah, I was too careless. I thought that Xing Tian had already been in the plan and he had been arrested. But everything changed before an instant. We should really think about our own problems. One and another failure is enough. It shows that we have huge flaws in ourselves. If we continue like this, I am afraid that we will die before we get rid of the world and the shackles of the world, and we will lose our lives because of our own problems!"

Xing Tian left, walking so swiftly and swiftly that everyone in Taipingdao was disappointed. Of course, this was only the strong of Taipingdao. As for ordinary disciples of Taipingdao, they cheered in their hearts, cheering for their victory. When Xing Tian was driven away, they didn't know the calculations behind all this, and didn't know that their ancestors were angry.

The many powerhouses of Taipingdao were dumbfounded, and the many forces watching the battle were also dumbfounded. Xing Tian made such a big disturbance. He originally thought that he would have to fight Taipingdao endlessly and have a real life-and-death battle, but who is it? He did not expect Xing Tian to escape at the critical moment. He didn't have the backbone of a strong man or the self-esteem of a strong man!

"Damn, what the lunatic Xingtian is thinking about? Does he still have the dignity of a strong man in his heart? The decisive battle has just begun. Taipingdao didn't show enough power at all, so he just fled. This **** is really muddy. Not being able to support the wall is a waste of our energy, what a damn!"

For those major forces watching the battle, they are naturally willing to see the life and death confrontation between Xing Tian and Taiping Dao, because this allows them to see the strength of both sides, see their heritage, and be able to make preparations in advance, but now their expectations have failed. However, Xing Tian was fleeing when touched, leaving them helpless and disappointed.

Xing Tian’s escape, although he lost a little bit of face, but compared to his own life, this face is not worth mentioning. Xing Tian didn’t want to waste his time and energy in vain and confronted Taipingdao. The moment he left, Xing Tian's departure made its plan completely shattered, and he wanted to use Xing Tian to cleanse all the creatures in this world. This is a joke. Xing Tian has already seen through all this and will not be as it should be. willing!

At this time, the Death God and Demon in the north also had a gloomy face, and was also greatly dissatisfied with Xing Tian's withdrawal, and also held back the fire. It can be said that the Death God and Demon are also looking forward to the life and death duel between Xing Tian and Taiping Dao. , Was also looking forward to this life-and-death battle, but unfortunately the result made him greatly disappointed. With Xing Tian's departure, his plan was also unable to be implemented.

"What exactly does the lunatic Xing Tian know? How much does he know about this world? How could he just withdraw at this critical moment? What has he discovered? Did he really have mastered the secrets of this world? Knowing the calculations of the Chaos Gods and Demons and the World Will, and seeing through all these general trends? If this is the case, I'm afraid that everything I paid for before will be turned into nothingness, and it will not be able to affect this bastard, and he will not be able to act according to the plan!"

distressed! At this moment, the death **** and demon were also distressed. Xing Tian’s departure also left him endless trouble, and the death **** and demon’s plan was also frustrated. Originally, the death **** and demon also hoped to see Xing Tian destroy the Taoist dojo, and looked forward to it. Xing Tian’s karma was added, and he expected Xing Tian to violently release his own power and expose his own background, but it was a pity that he did not get what he wanted!

Xing Tian left, but the world's Great Tribulation did not dissipate because of Xing Tian's departure. The breath of Great Tribulation was still growing crazily, and the whole world was still heading for destruction. There was no Xing Tian as a chess piece to promote world change and bring heaven and earth from birth. Death, but the will of the world or the chaos gods and demons will not stop because of this. They are still pushing the world to change, and they are still pushing the world to destruction step by step, to the abyss, and let their conspiracy succeed!

When Xing Tian escaped from Taiping Road, the huge boulder in his heart finally fell. After leaving the Taiping Road, Xing Tian could feel his own changes, and he could feel his retreat and escape from the crisis. , In a short period of time, no matter what calculations the world will and the chaos gods and demons have, they can't help themselves, they are temporarily safe!


"Karma, the karma induced by this great catastrophe is really terrible. The calculations of the will of the world and the chaos gods and demons are too vicious. They are using the creatures of the entire world as pawns, and they have not put the life and death of the creatures in this world at all. Regarding it as the same thing, what they see is only benefits. They are afraid that they have also been affected by the tribulation of heaven and earth and are already in the tribulation. They just don’t know if they understand their situation or if they have already done well. A comprehensive preparation!"

When thinking of this, Xing Tian shook his head again, with a dignified look on his face. The more he knew about the world, the more he felt an inexplicable sense of crisis in Xing Tian's heart, and the less he dared to take it lightly, for fear that he would be alone in the next moment. The carelessness will end in the end of life and death, after all, such a catastrophe of heaven and earth changes too quickly, and it is almost too much for Xing Tian to bear!

"Although it did not completely destroy Taipingdao, this battle has also caused a lot of damage to Taipingdao. The evil spirit in my heart is finally out, but this way my situation will be even more dangerous. Taipingdao must be at the moment. I was cruel to my bones, and I couldn't be alive. When I retired, all their calculations fell to nothing, and all the prices they paid before became nothingness. This time, the loss of peace is great, and this is what they owe me. Cause and effect, it’s a pity that we couldn’t rescue the water **** of Tongtian River. I don’t know what Taipingdao they want to do. If they can rescue the water **** of Tongtian River, everything will be clear!”

To save the God of the Tianhe River, Xingtian is only able to talk about this matter. Really let Xingtian do this. Xingtian would not do it. After all, Xingtian is not a fool. It is impossible not to know the importance of the God of the Tianhe River to the Peace Road. If he could rescue the Tongtian River water **** silently, the entire Taiping Road would have disappeared and disappeared between heaven and earth!

Although he disrupted the enemy’s calculations, Xing Tian still couldn’t get happy, because soon Xing Tian felt a little more pressure on himself, and he was watched by the will of the world again. It seemed that the will of the world really had an endless frame. , I was really determined to force myself to desperate, forcing myself to destroy myself, and not giving myself any chance!

"Damn the will of the world, he cast his eyes on me again. If it weren't for my current source of consumption, I would have slashed a bit of your strength with a sword, letting you know that Xingtian is not so easy to calculate. , This time Lao Tzu noted that there will be a day of revenge and hatred in the future. I hope you can live to that day and defeat the chaos gods and demons!"

When he touched the Taiping Road, felt the changes under the Taiping Road, and felt the existence of the demon energy, Xing Tian understood that the death **** and demon had concealed himself, and he was afraid that the death land and the yellow sand suppressed by the death **** and demon. It’s not as simple as what he said. Perhaps the yellow sand is also evolving into an abyss, and it’s also transforming into a demon realm. It’s just covered by the death **** and demon, and this power has not burst out. If all this is as I guessed Same, what does the death **** and devil want to do? What are the calculations of those chaotic gods and demons, they paid such a big price, really just as the death gods and demons said?

No, if you didn’t come into contact with the pure karma and felt the terrible impact of karma, Xing Tian would not doubt the death gods and demons, but now Xing Tian really has to doubt the intentions of the death gods and demons and can obtain all the chaotic gods and demons. The recognition of being able to stay in this world with the remnant soul to complete the plan of the chaos **** and demon, the death **** and demon is really as vulnerable as it was shown before, is there really no reservation? And if the death **** demon has reservations, where is his bottom line?

Headache. The more you think about it, the more headache Xingtian will have, and the more powerless he will feel about this world. Everything is out of his control, everything is out of his control, if the situation continues Going on, what will this world look like, whether the chaos gods or demons, or the will of the world, will it really give everyone a chance?

Gently shook his head, Xing Tian gave up such ridiculous thoughts, whether it was the chaos gods or the world will, they did not want to give all the creatures in this world a chance, they only longed for death, they looked forward to the creatures of the whole world Towards destruction, it's a pity that new problems have appeared in the situation now, and everything is evolving in an unknown direction again!

"Time is really not enough. I hope that Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, will not discover the secrets of this world, or notice the calculations we left behind, or it will be really unthinkable. This lunatic can do everything from Taipingdao retreated all over, and still slapped the opponent in the face. It can be seen that the power of this madman is much stronger than imagined, but what avenue does this madman have cultivated, and what avenue does he want to use as the main road? Is it just a clone?" At this time, the death **** and demon was also suspicious of Xingtian's deity. If there was only one clone, how could Xingtian keep it hidden in the dark, and all dangers, all causes and effects should be borne by itself. Nowhere!

"If the Avenue of Stars is the root of Xingtian, and the Avenue of Ending is only Xingtian’s auxiliary way, if so, it can make all sense, why has it been so crazy since Xingtian, a lunatic, started to fight back? Dare to directly kill the mountain gate of the Taiping Road, directly block the mountain gate of the Taiping Road, because this lunatic doesn't care about death at all, even if it is death, it will only lose a clone, which can make himself disappear from the eyes of all forces. This **** is really sinister. Up!"

For a moment, the death **** and demon seemed to understand Xingtian’s intentions and real intentions, but he was not happy at all at this moment, because this was a dead knot, a dead knot that could not be opened, even if he knew Xingtian’s The true intentions cannot prevent all of this from happening, nor can Xing Tian let go, all he can do is just sit on the sidelines!

"Damn, the power left behind was still too weak. I didn't expect such a situation to happen at all. If you leave a little more power, you won't be so passive. I have been trapped in the north and have no power to stop Xingtian. The madman’s madness is powerless to prevent him from getting rid of the shackles of the world. It really makes this madman detach from the world first. Then all our plans will be exposed to the eyes of the major forces in the supreme chaotic world. At that time, it will be even more difficult to achieve the goal! Why is Xingtian this **** not dying? You are a threat to our Chaos God and Demon!" The death God and Demon is venting the distress in his heart. If he can curse Xingtian and kill Xingtian, even if he pays a high price Will do it, but it is a pity that he is a death **** and demon, not a curse **** and demon, he can't curse Xingtian at all, and he is powerless to change the overall situation!

"I can’t wait any longer. Time cannot be controlled. Now the general situation is not under my control or in the original calculation. If I wait like this, I don’t know what will happen. I should directly trigger the ultimate killer. Let the whole world change and take everything directly in your own hands to prevent the situation from getting worse!"


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