God of Destruction

Chapter 4086: Festival magic stains the world

The fourth thousand and eighty-sixth chapters stained the world

"Wake up, my earth, the magic way is coming!" With the death **** and devil's deep cry, the earth of the whole world was trembling, and a terrible devilish gas poured out from the depths of the core of the earth. Let the whole world tremble for it, and let all the inspirations receive the breath of death, this is the killer of the death **** and demon, this is the power he has always hidden!

Magic way! This is the foundation of the Chaos God and Demon staying in this world. When the whole world has died of countless creatures, when the Great Tribulation of the Sun and Earth arrives, it is the time when the Demon Path comes, and the Death God and Demon controls the origin of the death path, and only he can Only by withstanding the erosion of the origin of the magic way can the entire world be demonized and master everything in the world.

magic! When the Demon Path came, all the creatures felt the existence of the demon. As soon as the origin of the Demon Path came out, the aura of the whole world of the Great Tribulation was exploded, and the Great Tribulation was pushed again, and the world's will was unable to stop all of this, and such a shock appeared. Change, let the world will be shocked, and also let the world will be furious, the world will put its energy on the many creatures in this world, to swallow the origin of these creatures, complete its own transformation, but now Because Xing Tian, ​​the lunatic's shot, changed the whole situation, forcing the death **** and demon to act in advance, and had to induce the origin of the devil to come in advance!

When the magic path came, the whole earth was eroded by the endless magic energy. Under the erosion of the magic energy, the origin of the whole world was weakened, the vitality of the world was weakened, and the magic energy gradually began to overwhelm the spiritual energy. Replacing everything, the magic way will become the foundation of this world. If the death **** and demon are allowed to complete all this, all the creatures in this world will be abandoned by the world and will be destroyed by the magic way, because the death **** and devil will not Allow these creatures to exist, he wants to cleanse the world!

"Hehe! What a death **** and demon, what a demon way has come, is this the killer that your chaos **** and demon left behind? Is this your last support? No wonder you will stick to the yellow sand and dare not let it I went to explore, and paid such a high price for it, because you were afraid to let me know the existence of this magic way, afraid that I would ruin your plan, but unfortunately you still did not wait for the magic way to mature, and you had to take action in advance. It's a huge loss for you!"

When he felt the breath of the Demon Dao, Xing Tian's expression became dignified. When the Demon Dao came, Xing Tian also immediately understood the conspiracy of the Death God and Demon. Whatever lives in peace, what well water does not offend the river, are all fake, Death God and Demon. I have never wanted to let Xingtian go. Under the magic path, all creatures in the world are enemies of the magic path. It can be said that the death gods at this time are no different from the will of the world. They all want to clear the field and want to destroy All creatures in this world, but they are different in that the will of the world is based on the way of heaven, while the way of the death **** and demon comes mainly based on the way, and the human way has now been completely suppressed, and there is no ability to resist this heaven and earth. Great power!

"Take death as the foundation, and condense the origin of the magic way with the endless breath of death. This is the calculation of your death **** and devil. It seems that you are not as simple as a remnant soul, but the root of the death **** and devil!" Under the control of the Death God and Demon, when the entire earth was being corroded by the Demon Path, Xing Tian understood what the Death God and Demon wanted to do. He had to rebuild his true body with the help of this great catastrophe, but this time he did not cultivate on the Path of Death. It's the magic way!

"Insidious, really insidious. These Chaos Gods and Demons are really hard to deal with, even if endless years have passed, but they still have a terrible back hand. Everything before that is just the plan of the Death God and Demons. Once the devil stains the earth, the entire world will be controlled by the death **** and devil, and it is difficult for the world will to compete with the death **** and demon for control of the world!"

In the world, the goal of the Death God and Demon is this world, but it is different from the world will. The Death God and Demon’s methods are crazier and more vicious, and they directly want to stain the world. The world of the Demon Abyss is controlled by the Death God and Demon, and it will even be refined by the Death God and Demon, condensing a world that belongs to the Death God and Demon!

Stop the death god? Don't let the conspiracy of the death gods and demons succeed? No, Xing Tian shook his head lightly. He didn't do this. For Xing Tian, ​​there is no need to fight against the Death God and Demon at this time. The most anxious thing is not himself, but the will of the world. When the Death God and Demon makes a move, immediately It broke the calculation of the will of the world and broke all the original rules of the world.

"Damn, this is the aura of the magic way. The chaos **** and devil has laid such terrible calculations in the core of the world. The death **** and goddess is trying to break my essentials. Once the earth is controlled by the death gods and gods, the magic way Will become the foundation of this world. Once the magical way succeeds, his own world will will inevitably suffer a devastating blow!" The world will mumbled to himself, although he could see through the conspiracy of the death god, but he There is no power to stop all of this, the breath of Demon Dao cannot be shaken by him. The most important thing is that the power of Demon Dao is now beginning to erode the will of the world and begin to seize control of the world!

"Death **** and demon, you are looking for death!" After understanding the death **** and devil's conspiracy, the world will burst out with endless anger. Although it cannot stop the demonization of the earth, the world will will not sit and wait for death. A thunder of punishment from the void And fell, and slashed directly to the yellow sandy land in the north. The powerful power of Heaven's Punishment wanted to destroy the death **** and demon hidden in the depths of the earth through the earth, and wanted to kill the decisive battle in advance. Bastard!

"Hmph, I've been guarding against you a long time ago. This is no longer your world. When the tribulation of heaven and earth comes, everything is no longer in your control. The devil stains the world and transforms it into me!" With a deep cry, the terrifying devilish energy instantly changed. It no longer corroded the earth, but directly eroded the creatures on the earth. Those who were corroded by the evil spirit were shocked, and those who were determined still could Resist the erosion of devil energy, but for those who are not determined, they are directly demonized by devil energy and become a new race of demons. This is the terrible part of death gods and demons, and this is the horror of demons staining the world. !

auzw.com If the conspiracy of the death gods and demons succeeds, the demonic energy erodes the world’s creatures and transforms the world’s creatures into tribes, then demons will replace the human race as the lord of humanity and the lord of the world , And the death **** and demon can naturally replace the will of the world, can swallow the will of the world, master this world, and evolve the entire world into his original world!

When the magic stained the world came out, the world became more chaotic. Originally because of the lord of humanity and the throne of the emperor, the major forces were fighting endlessly, and the human race and the foreign race were also fighting endlessly, but now everything has changed. There is no division of victory or defeat, but the demons will come, and the death gods are crazy enough to stain the world with demons and transform the whole world into demons!

In just an instant, the major forces were in chaos, and countless demon races emerged in each force, and these demon races were extremely violent. Once they were transformed into demon races, they immediately attacked themselves. People around you launch attacks, making the whole world chaotic again and again, letting chaos spread throughout the world, and letting all creatures feel the terror of the magic way!

"What a demon has stained the world, so terrible erosion. It seems that the calculations of the Chaos Gods and Demons are really powerful. They laid such a big net before the endless years. Waiting for the enemy to jump in, one side of the world will be completely demonized. The world is completely refined into the original world. What a big ambition, what a crazy calculation, this is the ultimate goal of the death **** and demon, this is the real calculation of the chaos **** and demon, but you are too happy now, want to swallow the world Will, this is not an easy thing. If it doesn’t have wisdom, it’s still easy, and the world will with wisdom is not so easy to swallow!"

Xing Tian was shocked by the madness of the death **** and demon. He was shocked by such methods and such magical powers. After all, to demonize a world, the karma to be carried is countless, but for the death **** and demon This is nothing, because he is not on the right path at all, and as long as he can complete his plan, can enchant the world, and refine the whole world into his own original world, all the troubles will disappear, perhaps in the death gods. Never thought in his heart that he would fail. After all, the endless years have given the death gods and demons endless background, giving him a terrifying origin!

"Fortunately, my subordinates have not been greatly affected, but the death of the gods and demons themselves has to speed up and have to take back all of their subordinates to avoid heavy losses in this battle, so as to avoid death. The gods and demons know more of my secrets!” When the king of the end of Xingtian divided his mind and body, the deity acted immediately. At this time, Xingtian had no intention of exposing part of his power, without any cover, and took his subordinates. Continuous recovery!

Fortunately, everyone has no time or energy to pay attention to Xingtian at this time, so although Xingtian did not cover up, no one has discovered Xingtian’s secrets. If there is someone, then only the world will and the death gods and demons have their hands. The power of heaven, a power that has mastered the earth, they can all see the madness of Xing Tian's deity, and they are all shocked by Xing Tian's methods, and they are all aware of the power that Xing Tian has in his hands!

"What a Xing Tian, ​​it really has a deep foundation, and there is such a power hidden. If it weren't for this time to be forced to enchant the world, I am afraid that you would still not be aware of this dark force under your hand. You dare to take it back so madly. Your man, it seems that you have already made the City of Chaos. What method did you use to accomplish all this in such a short time?" Seeing Xingtian's actions, the Death God and Demon couldn't help but frowned and muttered. Uttered.

Xingtian is still a hidden danger for the death **** and demon, a huge hidden danger, because from the beginning to the end, the death **** and devil did not see through the reality of Xingtian, and I don’t know how much Xingtian’s background is, especially this power exposed by Xingtian. , Which aroused the vigilance of the death **** and devil, he was worried that Xing Tian would ruin his plan at the critical moment!

Endless years of waiting, for the sake of this day, for gaining is to seize the entire world, reverse its own origin, and evolve the magic way. It can be said that since the establishment of this game in ancient times, the death gods and monsters are calculating everything, all living creatures in the entire world. It is his nourishment, and now there is such an anomaly as Xing Tian, ​​which makes the death **** and devil a headache!

Compared with the mystery of Xing Tian, ​​the world will does not have many secrets to the death gods and demons, because the evolution of the world will in the endless years is under the eyes of the death gods and demons, and even the reason why this world will produces wisdom It is the layout of the Death God and Demon, in order to enable the Death God and Demon to go further, so that when he returns, he can not only restore his original strength, but even go further, standing on the pinnacle of this world!

It’s a pity that everything has changed now. The plan of the Death God and Demon is difficult to succeed. Let alone go further, it is hard to say whether the power of the heyday can be restored, whether it can completely evolve the Demon Realm, and whether it can complete its own transformation !

When the demons in this world were born, a huge amount of luck fell on the death gods and demons. The appearance of the demons made the death gods and demons really start to compete for the origin of this world and the world's aura. Fortune, as long as the demons continue to grow, the power of the death gods and demons will continue to increase. The more demons there are, the faster the death gods and demons will recover!

In contrast, the ancestors of the Human Race and the Alien Race were dumbfounded. None of them expected such a shocking change. No one thought that a chaotic **** and demon would appear in this world, and the demon would stain the world and the world will. The contention, together with such a shocking change, they all received a huge blow and paid a heavy price!

Among all the forces, the worst is the Taiping Dao. The devilish energy under their dojo exploded directly, causing the entire Taiping Dao to suffer a huge impact, causing the original few disciples to sacrifice a large part. Under this situation, Taipingdao’s luck has plummeted, but there are two sides to everything, and the loss of the disciples under the sect is very heavy, but Taipingdao also took this opportunity to complete the cut of the dojo and complete the relationship between itself and the world. Cutting, the entire Taiping Dao's sect slowly rose up when it was suffering a huge blow. The entire dojo was practiced by the Taiping Dao, and the entire Taiping Dao was a giant city! A city of supreme origin and treasure that Taipingdao has been refined for endless years. Although this huge city is far from being compared with the city of thunder and punishment and the city of death, it can carry the whole beings of the Taipingdao!

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