God of Destruction

Chapter 4087: City of Origin

Chapter 487: The Origin City

"You have to pay before you gain. I originally wanted to use Xingtian's hand to cut all cause and effect, but I didn't expect Xingtian didn't enter the game. Instead, the death **** and demon helped us. Although we lost the earth and dragon veins and the heaven and blessings, the entire dojo has been It has become the true foundation of our Taiping Road, a city of Taiping that can truly span the world!” When I saw the city of Taiping rise into the sky, when I felt that the cause and effect of myself and this world had been cut off for the most part, Those peaceful ancestors showed endless joy in their eyes. This is the result they have been looking forward to, and this is the result they desire!

With endless years, endless energy, and endless resources, the city of Taiping created is far less than the original treasure of those chaotic gods and demons, but today the city of Taiping has the ability to cross the world and can break free of it. The shackles of the square world, if it were not for the Taiping Road without the coordinates of the supreme chaotic world, as long as they are willing to pay a huge price, they can directly enter the chaos supreme world with the help of the city of peace, and they can get rid of the catastrophe of this world!

Of course, the preceding question is that they are not bound by the will of the world, and they are not affected by the will of the world. Otherwise, even if there is a city of Taiping, many ancestors of the Taiping Road would not be able to bring all their disciples into the highest chaos world. Now they can only say that they have the background of detachment. What they lack now is time, power, and coordinates. Unfortunately, their star map fell into Xingtian's hands. It is not easy to regain the star map from Xingtian's hands. thing!

"Crazy, really crazy, Taipingdao has condensed a giant city, a city of origin with endless years, they deliberately want to take the city of origin with the entire sect into the highest chaos world, no wonder they didn't care before Xingtian's destruction of the dragon veins of the earth, because they didn't care about the aura of the heavens and the earth from the beginning to the end, they wanted detachment!"

"Damn Taipingdao. They played all of us. They didn't even think about cooperating with us. From the beginning to the end, they were just for their own detachment. What kind of humanity and luck, what kind of person is supreme, are all for them. Not worth mentioning!"

"Dear fellow Taoists, the Taiping Road is now ahead of us. With this city of origin, they have the foundation of invincibility. Even if the whole world collapses, they can still use the city of origin. To survive, even to enter the supreme chaotic world, but we do not have such ability, nor such means, now we should work together, otherwise this world catastrophe is our burial place, it is our death! "

"Actually, things are not as powerful as everyone thinks. Although the original city of Taipingdao is very strong, it is still far from the city of death, and the star map of Taipingdao fell into the hands of Xingtian. There is no star map. As a guide, they cannot determine the coordinates of the Supreme Chaos World. Without accurate coordinates, even if there is a city of origin, the Taiping Road cannot be detached. We still have a chance!"

"Opportunity? No, I understand what you mean, you want to use the general trend to put pressure on Taiping Road, let Taiping Road open the city of origin, so that we can all use the city of origin to enter the highest chaos world! But what I want to say is this Impossible, the lunatics of Taiping Road cannot give us such an opportunity. As for the coordinates, this is not difficult. Don’t forget that there are descendants of the highest chaotic world in this world. If they help It’s not that the **** of Peace Road have no chance to escape, their chances are much greater than ours, and we must now find a way to deal with the current crisis!"

Yes! For these human forces, they must face the immediate crisis. When the death gods and demons are going to confront the world will, they will all face death. They must find ways to protect themselves and not be given by the death gods and the world will. Kill!

"Dear friends, we can unite. Taiping Dao can spend endless years to polish a city of origin. Based on our own dojo and our own caves and blessings, we can actually do it, although it is too late to practice. If we can work together, it is not that the power of everyone has the opportunity to sacrifice and refine a treasure that is stronger than the original city of Taipingdao!"

"No, we don't have time, and we can't work together, because we all have selfishness in our hearts. How many people and how many creatures can a city of origin hold? Which sect is willing to sacrifice its own interests? No one, so We are destined to be impossible to cooperate. Now everyone can only hope that the death **** and the will of the world can both lose and give us the opportunity to improve our own strength, otherwise we will all face the disaster this time!"

Is this really the case? No, things are not as scary as this ancestor said. The main reason why the other party said so was because he was selfish, because the sect behind them also had plans. Although it was not as crazy as Taipingdao, it was able to protect itself. It seems that he doesn't need to be entangled with everyone, so as not to be caught by the will of the world and the death gods!

Demon Race, for the ancestors of Human Race, the biggest problem is how to resist the erosion of demonic energy, prevent their own disciples from being demonized, prevent the power of Demon Race from continuing to grow, and prevent Demon Dao from becoming the protagonist of this world. , And also prevent the death **** and devil from obtaining all the rights of this world, and truly master this world! For the human race, no matter whether it is the will of the world or the death gods and demons, they cannot be allowed to control the world, otherwise they are only waiting for destruction!

Mozu! No one talked about this big issue. Although the sudden outbreak of the Death God and Demon was aimed at the will of the world, the ancestors of all races understood that they should not attract the attention of the Death God and Demon, and should not let the Death God and Demon target the human race. Otherwise, the luck of the human race will be swallowed quickly, and their ancestors will be backlashed by humanity!


Taboo! In just an instant, the death **** and demon became a taboo for the human race, and even for all creatures in the entire world. No one dared to offend the death **** and demon, lest he would be targeted by the other side, and the terrible demonic energy would make his own. All of his subordinates were demonized and plunged into a terrible crisis. The coming of the magic way was a death threat to the creatures of the whole world!

Standing in the city of origin, many Taipingdao ancestors activated their defenses with all their strength to force away the devilish energy in the world, so that the devilish energy would no longer erode the disciples of their sect, although the Taipingdao suddenly lost a large number of disciples. , But when they reacted, they quickly suppressed all resistance and wiped out the demonized disciples!

At this time, under such circumstances, the choice of Taiping Dao is naturally the most direct killing, directly killing those demonized disciples. This is also the fastest solution. After all, no one knows how to make this demonized one. Will life bring a crisis to oneself, and will other disciples of the sect be eroded? Under such circumstances, it is natural to put safety first!

A faint ray of light rose from the origin city, shrouded the entire origin city, and blocked the devilish energy. When the entire Taipingdao stabilized, the disciples under the sect also breathed a sigh of relief, with the original fear and worry in their hearts All disappeared. With this Origin City, their safety has been greatly improved, which made them forget everything before!

Xing Tian just glanced at the origin city of Taiping Dao. Although Taiping Dao spent endless years to sacrifice and paid a huge price and effort, in essence, this original treasure has huge defects because it No matter how much resources Taipingdao has paid, the body of this city of origin is a blessed land that intercepts this world. In essence, it is far from the original treasures of those chaotic gods and demons, and even less than Xingtian hastily sacrificed. The city of chaos, you must know that Xingtian’s city of chaos is based on chaotic spirits and has great potential. However, the potential of the original city of Taiping Dao has been consumed more than half, even if you want to upgrade, there is not much foundation to speak of. For such a city of origin, Xing Tian couldn't help but shook his head, unless Taiping Dao can seize the original treasure of a chaotic **** and demon and integrate it into this city of Taiping, otherwise the dojo of Taiping Dao will also This way, the potential is not much!

For today’s Xingtian, what he values ​​is no longer the human race or the many ancestors, but the will of the world and the death gods and demons. For the death gods and demons, Xingtian’s heart is full of emotion: "No wonder the death gods and demons were So calm, knowing that I am also practicing the Avenue of Death, and mastering the origin of the Avenue of Death. Facing my appearance, I didn’t fight to the death with me. The battle of the Avenue should be endless. Now everything is clear. He has already I made up my mind to switch to the magic path, so I didn't care if I practiced the path of death, mastered the origin of death, the path of death has been abandoned by him!"

Is the Avenue of Death strong? Powerful. Mastering the origin of the Avenue of Death will control the life and death of most living creatures. Once the Avenue of Death is released, it can crush all enemies whose strength is lower than itself. No matter how many enemies there are, they can be deprived of their vitality under the Avenue of Death. Xing Tian is naturally clear, but is Demon Dao powerful?

It depends on the efforts of the Death God and Demon. If the Death God and Demon do not continuously nurture the Demon Race without energy, the power of the Demon Path is very limited for him, but if he can complete the growth of the Demon Race. , Even when he seized the humanity of this world and transformed it into a magical path, his magical path was extremely terrifying, with endless potential. It can be said that the choice of the death **** and demon was not wrong, and the death path has come to an end. The potential has been exhausted, but the newly born Demon Dao has endless potential and endless possibilities. This kind of trade-off is no better for the Death God!

potential! The death **** and demon deliberately transforms this world into its own original world. He wants the devil to enlighten the world and condense the general trend of the devil world. It can be said that the death **** and demon has endless potential and bright future, but he must first To defeat the will of the world, one must completely control the power of the world. If he fails, only death will await him. True death will never turn back. After all, this is his last fight!

What Xing Tian thought was right. The Death God and Demon is not just the remnant soul, it is everything to him. It can be said that before the endless years, the Death God and Demon paid a great price, and he might even betray the Chaos God and Demon. To fulfill the original agreement with the Chaos Gods and Demons, in order to let yourself live again, free yourself from the shackles of the Avenue of Death, truly live again, stand on the pinnacle of the world again, break through the shackles of the highest chaotic world, break the shackles of the avenue, and detach yourself all!

It’s a pity that Xingtian still knows too little about the secrets of the ancients, and he can’t calculate the plans of the death gods and demons and the many chaotic gods and demons, and can’t know what kind of changes the world will happen, the appearance of demonic energy, and the occurrence of demonic contamination of the world. Xing Tian is also a big test. The conflict between the will of the world and the death gods and demons has become direct, causing a huge impact on the entire world, making the three ways of heaven, earth and man more violent, especially humanity. Now it has been suppressed by the heaven and the earth. Weak, if there is no amazing change, I am afraid that the humane power will be wiped out after a short period of time, or even be replaced by the magic way!

As for the way of heaven, Xing Tian doesn’t know what the will of the world thinks. After taking over the authority of the way of heaven, the will of the world has made those preparations. The death **** and demon can erode the tunnel silently, grasp the authority of the tunnel, and do it. Infecting the world, to transform all the creatures of the world into demons, and the world will just a little counterattack means?

Xing Tian thinks this is impossible. Now the world will still has no action. This may prove that the power of the world will is much stronger than that of the death gods and demons, and the world will not care about the death gods and demons, or even care about humanity. Will it be swallowed by the magic way of the death gods and demons, and will the humanity luck be replaced by the magic way?

"What is the killer of the will of the world? It can ignore the existence of the magic way, the erosion of the death **** and the demon of the world's creatures, can it be said that he is not worried that the death **** and the **** will take his power and replace it? Heavenly Dao, truly fully control this world, completely refine this world into its own original world, and evolve this world into a demon world?" Xing Tian's heart is full of doubts regarding Xing Tianlai's calmness of the will of the world. Saying that I don’t want to see the death gods and demons dominate the family, do not want to see the death gods and demons master the power of this world, that will definitely affect Xingtian’s own practice and make Xingtian lose a lot of time. For Xingtian, time This is the most important thing. Without enough time, Xing Tian will not be able to complete his own comprehensive transformation!


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