God of Destruction

Chapter 4088: Jie Ming Wu

Chapter Four thousand and Eighty Eight

Time, in fact, not only Xingtian feels that there is not enough time, but for all the strong, it is a headache for time, even if it is the world will and the death gods. The drastic changes in the world have caused accidents in all their plans, making them all I deeply feel the lack of time, and there is not enough time for myself to arrange everything and master the general trend of the world!

In the great calamity of heaven and earth, it is not easy for anyone to grasp the general trend of the world, even the world will. In the face of the general trend of the world, the world will also has to obey, and all people who dare to go against the general trend will be crushed. The shot has shaken the foundation of the will of the world, directly making the whole world more chaotic. The emergence of the demons has caused headaches for all the strong, because there is another race to compete for the world's luck, whether it is a human race. Fortunately, no matter what the alien race, facing the sudden appearance of the demon, all felt the pressure deeply, and all were embarrassed by the appearance of the demon!

The demons are present, the world is in chaos! This is the general trend of the world today. Facing the crazy death gods and demons, facing the demonic energy that constantly erupts from the depths of the earth, the entire world is eroded by the demonic energy. This is not just talking, but the truth. Complete. If the demon energy in the depths of the earth cannot be blocked, it will not take long before the entire world will be enveloped by the rich demon energy, and all living creatures will face the disaster of extinction. As the demon clan grows, the power of the death gods will also Growing!

"The Demon Race has arrived and has been recognized by the Dao Dao. Why hasn't the death **** and demon completed his transformation? Could it be said that he has more powerful means, or he does not want to change at all?" God and demon, Xing Tian can’t help but have a trace of doubt in his heart. You must know that this is a great catastrophe. In the great catastrophe, everything can happen. The death **** and demon still need to condense the origin of the demon path in the last moment. impossible!

Actually, Xing Tian thought too much. The reason why the death **** and demon has not made a move is because the devilish energy between heaven and earth is far from enough to support his transformation, and at this time the death **** and demon has been targeted by the will of the world. Transformation under the circumstances is equivalent to giving the world will a chance to fight back and putting oneself in danger!

The death **** and demon are waiting, waiting for the growth of the demon clan, and waiting for the strength of the demon energy. Only when he has a foolproof situation can he transform, because for the death **** and demon, there is only one chance, and he dare not have the slightest chance. To be careless, let alone put yourself in danger, patience is nothing to death gods and demons, endless years have been waiting, and it is still such a short time, as long as no one stops it, it won’t take long. , The Demon Race will occupy a small part of the world. As long as the Demon Race can stand in the world, the Death God and Demon can be regarded as truly laying the foundation.

Regarding the demons, human races, or foreign races, they all want to join hands to strangle the demons, but each race and every force has its own ambitions and ideas. Under this situation, they want to unite and strangle demons. The clan is just a joke, maybe someone who is not careful will be calculated by his companions. After all, there are countless opportunities in the catastrophe. Under the temptation of interests, even his companions can't believe it, and they are ruthless in front of the opportunity.

"Time is running out, I have to take action, otherwise I will only be surpassed by others. Dao practice is contention. For many people, luck is very important, but it is nothing to me. At least now I am not You don’t need a huge amount of luck, or external force, just yourself! Your own practice is the root of everything, but your own practice is not easy!"

When he thought of this, Xing Tian shook his head gently. No matter how the world changes, the Dao is eternal, and he wants to free himself from all the shackles. He needs power. Although the Dao is powerful, it does not mean that it will be invincible. When it comes, I seem to have become a lot safer, all external forces have people to share the pressure, but the real crisis lies in myself!

There is advancement and no retreat in the great calamity. If you can’t grasp the opportunity and strengthen yourself in the great disaster, it will not take long for you to die. Because the great road is fighting, if you don’t fight, you won’t get everything you need, no matter what Whether it is luck or origin, it all needs to be contended. Without a heart to contend, you will not go far on this road of practice!

Fight! The avatar of the King of End will fight in this catastrophe, and the deity cannot be hidden forever. The current situation is completely different from what he thought before, especially Xing Tian also doesn’t know what killer the death **** has, no Knowing whether the so-called Chaos Gods and Demons plan is true, before the general situation is uncertain, everything must rely on their own strength to compete!

war! In an instant, Xingtian's deity exudes endless fighting intent, and when the deity's fighting intent rises, the avenue of stars changes, and the power of endless stars radiates from the body, and the true body of the **** and demon follows the stars. The change of the origin appeared strange. Each acupuncture orifice was opened, and stars fell into the acupuncture orifices, just between a few breaths, and under the blooming warfare, all the acupuncture orifices around the body were opened. There is a star in the aperture!

Star Dou Great Array? No, this is not the star battle formation, but the evolution of Xingtian’s acupoints. The stars in the acupuncture orifices are all virtual images. They are just the origin of the stars. When all the acupuncture orifices condense a star, a huge Power rushed out of the real body of the gods and demons, blending with Xing Tian's fighting intent, and an inexplicable sentiment came to my heart!

The Avenue of Power! At this moment, Xing Tian perceives the Great Dao of Power, and the Great Dao of Power that Pangu Kaitian has displayed is just now that Xingtian’s Great Dao of Comprehension is different. This is the power of the Dao that truly belongs to Xing Tian’s body. After being affected to a certain extent, he suffered a certain amount of damage, and this time, under the boiling warfare, Xing Tian touched the rules of the Dao of Power. When the Dao of Power and the fighting intent merged, Xing Tian truly understood himself. , Ming Wu has realized his own way!

For a moment, Xing Tian shook his head in distress and said: "Wrong, all wrong, I never thought that the avenue I was pursuing was always by my side, what chaos avenue, what time and space avenue, what avenue of stars, my most fundamental avenue. It is the avenue of power and the avenue of stars evolves into the world. Each acupuncture orifice is a world, and each acupuncture orifice can contain endless origin. When the stellar accumulation of all my acupuncture orifices becomes an entity, it is the rule that I touch the avenue of power. The worlds of acupuncture holes exist, and the avenue of power can be truly invincible, and it can have an endless source of invincible combat power, but this road is not easy to walk, every star of the acupuncture hole will have its own. Attributes, have their own origins!"


Time, I wasted a lot of time. I knew that the avenue was in my own. I knew that this was my fundamental avenue. How much time did I waste? At this moment, Xing Tian couldn’t help but feel a faint remorse, but it’s not too late to realize it. At least he still has time to change. If he waits for the foundation of the deity to be completely transformed into the avenue of stars, then his own Dao is really terrible, what suits you is the best!

What suits you is the best. Every cultivator knows this sentence, but there are a few who can really do it. When faced with the powerful inheritance, how many people can resist the temptation, Xing Tian It’s already very good to be able to understand oneself and the Dao of Enlightenment at this time. If it weren’t for repeated failures and accidents, Xing Tian was so real that he could practice on a regular basis, and he could really understand this great road of power. Is it your own road?

difficult! It's hard! There is not enough tempering, not enough experience, and no state of mind that is compatible with it. It is difficult to understand oneself, and it is even more difficult to understand oneself. After failures and transformations, Xing Tian finally returned to the right path. Above, the strong physical body is the root of everything. The deity does not need to perceive all the great avenues, but only needs to condense the real body, only need to condense the acupuncture points into reality, and evolve into a square world, that is the strength of itself. .

If Xing Tian is so real that he can condense all his acupuncture points into a large world, in the face of absolute power, nothing is worth mentioning, the world will will be bombarded with a punch, because at that time Xing Tian himself is a cosmic world, himself You can evolve countless worlds and master the lives of countless creatures, you are the creator of the world, and the great way!

"Unfortunately, I don't have enough source to support me to condense the acupuncture points into entities. Even a single acupuncture point cannot be solidified. This world restricts our strength. If we can't break free from the **** of the world, we cannot return to the highest chaotic world. My practice will stop. Maybe I should, like the clone, plunder the origin of this world, and use it as a nutrient to condense my own great ways. What causal karma, what general situation of the world, is not as important as my own practice!" In an instant, Xing Tian couldn't help but feel crazy, and he wanted to plunder the world's origins and strengthen himself like the clone.

Compared with other people, Xing Tian has a good understanding of this world, because Xing Tian has been in contact with the heart of the world. It may be difficult to fully grasp the power of the world, but it is not difficult to just plunder the origin. Now the world will is good. , The death gods and demons, they are all plundering the origin of the world, and they are all madly advancing towards their goals. What else can they take into consideration, even if they really destroy this world, what if they carry some causal karma on their backs? How, as long as one's own avenue can go further, everything is worthwhile, there is no gain if you don't pay!

war! With a deep cry, Xing Tian's deity also made up his mind to no longer hide. A terrible fighting intent rose into the sky. This time Xing Tian did not cover up the secret, and was directly exposed to the induction of all the strong. That huge fighting intent made All the strong were horrified, and that huge body of blood also made everyone frightened and uneasy, letting go of all Xing Tian, ​​can truly burst out their own huge power!

"Hey! What a Xing Tian, ​​what a junior, condensed his physical body to such an extent, if it weren't for the shackles of this world, I'm afraid his physical body would go further and truly set foot on the level of the innate chaos **** and demon. It's a pity that this world doesn't have so many sources to support, and the way of your flesh can only be restrained!" Seeing Xing Tian's enormous energy and blood, the death **** and demon couldn't help but shook his head to help Xing Tian's practice. And feel worthless!

In the eyes of the death god, if Xing Tian is not confined in this world, he can use this time of insight to further his strength. It is a pity that the world is bound to exist, and Xing Tian wasted a great good. The opportunity of enlightenment, an opportunity to improve one's own origin and combat power, and the missed opportunity of this opportunity is even more difficult to obtain!

"Ignorance! The junior Xing Tian is still too ignorant. The Chaos Gods and Demons are not so easy to break through. Without enough origin, even if you can understand your own way, without enough nutrients, no matter how good the opportunity, No matter how good the road is, it will be cut off. You made a big mistake in practice this time, but it’s also good. I will have one less opponent in this great catastrophe competition. As long as the will of the world is resolved, there will be no more Humans can compete with me for the power of this world!" When he said this, a faint smile appeared on the face of the death **** and demon, and he was very happy!

Dao practice is a matter of contention. There is nothing better than having one less competitor in your own path of practice. If you have one less opponent, you have one more chance. The origin of this world can be swallowed alone, and you even have a chance. Exterminating Xing Tian, ​​swallowing his origin and luck, if he can even swallow the acquired chaos gods like Xing Tian, ​​his magic way will be even stronger!

The more I think about it, the happier Death God and Demon's eyes are constantly shining, as if everything is in their own control, as if they are in control of everything, but soon the Death God and Demon wakes up, no matter how good the idea is, it is useless. It’s just a waste of time and energy. It’s not an easy task to devour Wuzai. At least Xingtian’s road to the end is enough to threaten the death gods and demons, and to make the death gods and monsters vigilant, regardless of Xingtian’s end roads. No matter how weak it is, it is the power that ends the lives of all things, and it is not something that my own incomplete body can resist!

"Forget it, don't care about the lunatic Xing Tian, ​​but first complete his own transformation, let the magic path descend on this world, complete his own transformation of the demon body, as long as you become the devil ancestor, whether it is the will of the world or the many creatures of this world Forget it, they are just their own nutrients, and they will all become members of the demon world. If the demon world can be condensed based on this world, even if the time gods and demons can help me, I will be ahead of everyone in this era. , Truly detached from everything, detached from the world!"


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