God of Destruction

Chapter 4089: Festival Devil

Chapter 4089

The changes in the situation make the death **** and devil have to compromise, no matter how many calculations he has, no matter how much power he has accumulated in the endless years, but in this changing situation, the so-called preparations and calculations are not necessarily useful. So, after all, the death gods and demon are going against the sky just like Xingtian. When Xingtian’s is against the sky, it is because of the way he practiced, and the death gods and demon want to return against the sky, and they are laid in this world. That insidious calculation, vainly wanted to demonize the creatures of a world, vainly refining the world that must rise into the highest chaotic world into a demon world, and accomplishing his own magic way!

What is Guards! The death **** demon is against the sky. No matter which thought he has, he is walking against the sky, stepping on the lives of endless creatures. In contrast, Xingtian’s road of practice is nothing, after all, Xingtian It's just a person, and the death **** is going to destroy a world and destroy endless creatures. There is a huge gap between the two!

Time waits for no one, there is not much time left for myself! This point is very clear in the heart of the death **** and demon. If you can't complete the plan quickly, you must at least master the earth of the entire world and master the power of the tunnels. Otherwise, once the situation changes again, your chances will be really lost. Too much, I can calculate this world, do other Chaos Gods and Demons really have a little back? They will let their plan succeed, break the so-called agreement at the beginning, let this world lose control, will let themselves condense into the general trend of the devil, transform the origin of the gods and demons, and live again?

For those of their own fellows, the death gods and demons couldn’t be more clear. They are not kind people, and there are no kind people in the spiritual world. It can be said that all chaos gods and demons have no kind people at all, and can be there. Those who survived an era were cruel people, all with their own calculations and plans. Once their own situation was exposed, those so-called colleagues would never sit idly by, and would definitely fall into trouble and give themselves a devastating blow!

It is precisely because the death **** and demon knows what his comrades are, so he never thought of asking for help from those chaotic gods and demon, but he resisted all this alone, fighting with the will of the world, although the death **** and demon The plan has been launched. The devilish energy from the depths of the earth rushes into the world frantically, but if you want to demonize the whole world and all living beings, just this little devilish energy is far from enough. At this rate of explosion, I think It takes at least a hundred years or even longer to demonize the entire world. This is still when the world has no resistance and no one destroys their own plans. If someone hinders, the so-called demonized world, The time for evolving the devil world will be even longer!

Time, the death gods and demons do not have a century of time at all. For example, today’s Great Tribulation has been completed, let alone a hundred years, even if it’s a half-fold, it’s not because this world is changing all the time, and the world will He is also constantly blocking his demonization of the world. The most important thing is that the will of the world holds the initiative, and he falls into the passive!

War is not a trifling matter, but now the death gods have to start wars, even if his army of demons has not been formed yet, and there is not enough power, but the death gods can’t wait. If they can’t occupy a space, they can’t set up a monster. Country, will have a huge influence on one's own magic way. Only when the magic country is established and only when the general trend of the magic way is condensed, can you complete the final transformation, and only when your origin is transformed into the origin of the magic way, then can you be able to Really contend with the will of the world, contend for the authority of this world, contend for all the resources and all the power of the world!

Devil country! To establish the Demon Kingdom not only requires people, but also requires resources and background. The death gods and demon have accumulated endless years. Resources are not difficult for him. Even if the resources in his hands are partly robbed by Xingtian, they are not for death. It’s nothing for the gods and demons, and the background death gods and demons are not lacking. In the endless years, he has already created many inheritances of the magic way, but now the death gods and demons lack only the territory, and the choice of the territory is The most critical thing!

Barbarians' realm! The death **** demon still can't let go of the land of yellow sand that he entrenched, or can't let go of the secrets of the underground of the yellow sand, so he chose the north, the territory of the barbarians, but now the north attracts too many people's attention, and In such a sensitive period, it is not an easy task to establish a demon country and condense the momentum of the demon way. If it is only to deal with barbarians, the death **** and demon have sufficient confidence. After all, endless years are entrenched in the yellow sand. In this land, he is not for nothing. Some of the barbarians have already been affected by the death gods and demons. For the death gods and demons, the most worried thing is the human race, the alien race, and the will of the world. To establish a demon country, it will inevitably be madly hit by these forces, and even barbarians will fight to the death. This is the biggest worry of the death god!

Leaving the land of yellow sand, looking for a remote place, without being noticed by anyone, to build a devil country! This kind of thought also appeared in the mind of the death **** and demon, but in the end he gave up, because time is waiting for people, because he can’t let go of the secrets of the yellow sand underground, he is worried that once he leaves, the secrets here will be lost. The lunatic Xing Tian knows, and once Xing Tian knows the secret here, he is afraid that the situation will change again, and there will be new accidents, which will cause unnecessary changes in this great catastrophe. That is the biggest disadvantage.

"The city of death appears, the demon path descends, and the demon clan returns!" A deep shout sounded over the northern land. The barbarian's domain was shrouded in this voice, and the same was true in the north of the empire. When the voice fell , The demonized creatures were all startled, and then all turned around and headed towards the land of yellow sand where the death gods and demons were.

At this time, in the land of yellow sand, the city of death appeared again, and the city of death that appeared this time was not the city of death that everyone had seen before. Today's city of death has undergone essential changes, with a trace of fear The magic energy of entangled on this city, it is said that it is a city of death, it is better to say that it is a magic city, and the origin of this original treasure is also being transformed.

When the City of Death came, the first person who sensed the change was the King of the North, Morrow. At the moment when the City of Death appeared, Morrow felt the threat of death, and a terrible force was pressing him madly. Coming over, Moro realized that the imperial luck in his body could not stop the erosion of this power. That terrible force was madly impacting him, impacting the border, shaking his own northern trend, and making himself the king of the north. Feel the great threat!

auzw.com "Damn it, how is this possible? How could the city of death reappear here? Isn't the death **** and devil fleeing? What is going on now? Who can tell the death **** and devil this? What is he trying to do, so madly erupting the power of the Primordial Treasure, does he also want to go to war with the empire, and also want to fight the human race?" The gods and demons on Moreau's face became extremely dignified, and the army under him was also fast. Accumulated, the powerful battle formation is blessed above the army.

Worry, endless worry, Moro is afraid that in the next moment, the city of death will directly hit his northern territory with unmatched power, even if he owns the luck of the north, and there is a trace of the luck of the empire. , But against the City of Death, Morrow has no such confidence. After all, Morrow’s time in the north is too short to completely control the entire north in his own hands, no matter if the power of the entire north is truly condensed and death City of Confrontation!

Announce! At the first time, Morrow informed the empire of the situation here, asking for help from the empire. It is important to know that when the City of Death came out, this was not just a matter for Morrow, the king of the north, alone, it was related to the entire empire. Life and death is related to the overall situation of the human race. At this time, someone needs to stand up and stop all of this!

When Moro went into war, the imperial capital was also chaotic. The appearance of the City of Death was too threatening to the entire human race. Even if Moro is in the north, there is an iron-blooded army, but it is against the empire. It is said that for the human race, the city of death cannot be underestimated. Its appearance means that the death **** and devil will once again appear in front of everyone, and it means that the death **** and devil will join this game. How can the major forces of the race not Frightened, how can we not be afraid!

The human race is afraid, and the alien race is the same. Although the so-called alien alliance is just a decoration, but the alien alliance can’t just watch the barbarian’s territory be swallowed by the death gods, but to stop all of this, it takes a price and requires war, and they And he is unwilling to let his army fight for the barbarians, so the contradiction in the alien alliance is even more serious. Everyone is worried that if their own is attacked, the alliance will send troops to help, worry that they will become the next barbarian!

Help! The barbarians asked the alien alliance for help the first time they appeared in the city of death. After all, in the view of the barbarians, this is not a matter for their own family. The appearance of the city of death is related to the life and death of the entire world. The barbarians cannot resist by themselves. As a result, the barbarians were greatly disappointed, and the Alien Alliance did not give them any help.

"Give up! Give up that area, let all the demons in our tribe leave, let them go to the land of yellow sand, let them go to the city of death, since those **** want to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, want to let Our family has come to resist the erosion of the demons and let us barbarians be cannon fodder. What can we do not bear? If the site is gone, we can retake it. If there are no people, then our civilization will be completely shattered. I want to see how the human race and other racial powerhouses face all this!"

Facing the huge threat, the king of the barbarians finally made a choice. They cleanly abandoned the land of yellow sand, even more areas, and directly took back all the army that had opposed the human race. All are heading to the depths of the barbarian territory, and all the tribes where the barbarian and the human race are connected are retreating!

When the barbarians made such a move, once again they shocked all the forces and angered all the strong. They never thought that the barbarians would be so crazy and would abandon that territory so decisively, when they wanted When we contacted the barbarians and asked them to give up this dangerous idea, it was too late. With the help of the barbarians’ many ancestors, the barbarian army quickly withdrew, and that piece of land became in a short time. In no man's land, a group of demons appeared on this land!

"Fleeing without a fight, these **** barbarians are betraying the entire world, and they will be abandoned by the world. Don't these **** know what serious consequences this will cause? Let the demons have a territory, This will be a great threat to the creatures of the entire world, and it will give more help to the death gods and demons. These **** are really damned!"

At this moment, all the strong have put the blame on the barbarians. They have forgotten why all this came from. If they hadn't stood by and watched death, they would have delusioned to let the barbarians be cannon fodder and fight the demons. Looking at the reality of the demons, how could all of this happen, it can be said that the current situation is caused by their selfishness.

The king of the north, Moro, is also waiting for the human race's reply, waiting for the help of the empire, waiting for the help of the major forces of the human race, but Moro, like the barbarians, did not get any help. The empire was trapped by the madness of the human race. During the civil strife, many sects were unwilling to waste their energy in the north. They also wanted to use this shocking change to explore the reality of Xingtian. After all, Moreau and Xingtian are connected. They want to take a look at Xingtian. Will it be a big move because of the changes in the north? If Xing Tian made a move, they would like to see Xing Tian and the Death God and Demon lose.

Unfortunately, these people did not wait until Xing Tian made a big move, but they waited for another crazy voice from the death gods and demons. When millions of demons appeared in the land of yellow sand and poured into the city of death, a terrible The magical aura of the gods rose from the city of death, and the death gods finally couldn't bear it, and finally made the final fight, and finally completed their own comprehensive transformation!

"The Devil Way comes, the Devil Country is established, and the Devil Way Great Fortune!" When the cry of the Death God and Demon fell, a thunder resounded throughout the world, and everyone felt the endless pressure. That was the breath of the Devil Way, the Great Demon Way. It really came, and it came to the city of death. When this power appeared, the origin of the city of death had undergone a qualitative transformation. Today, the city of death has no source of death, and it is directly replaced by the origin of the magic road. The magic city is Its real name, and this magic city is also the center of the magic kingdom!


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