God of Destruction

Chapter 4090: Section responsibility

Remember [..] in one second!

Chapter 49090 Responsibility

When the Devil Kingdom was established, when the luck came, all sentient beings in the whole world were shocked and frightened. At that moment, everyone's heart was firmly pressed by a heavy shackle. From the power of the magic way, the magic way is formally based on this world and is recognized by the great way, and the death **** and demon is completely transformed at this moment, the origin has evolved from death to the magic way, he is the master of the magic way, although he is still very weak. , But he has condensed the luck of the magic way!

"Damn, the Death God and Demon established the Demon Country, and he became the master of the Demon Dao. This is a big trouble!" Those who wanted to stand by and watch how the Human Race and the Barbarians deal with the Demon Race's impact, but now they I’m dumbfounded. This time, it’s not just the human races and barbarians that have been damaged. All races, civilizations, and all forces have suffered considerable losses. The devil’s fortune added to these races is plundered from these forces. In the coming days, the devil's aura will increase, and their destiny will be weakened. All civilizations and all forces in the entire world will oppose the demon's path!

"Can't bear it any longer, and let the death gods and demons continue to go crazy. If the demons continue to grow, when he sweeps the entire barbarian civilization and swallows the entire barbarian's luck, we will face the disaster of destruction, the north Although Moro is there and his army is there, Moro’s power is far from that of the Death God and Demon. We must help him. Moro must not fall under the edge of the Death God and Demon, or else. The north is truly unguarded!"

At this time, the quarrel in the empire finally dissipated. Facing the existence of the demons, they had to put their energy on the invasion of the demons. In contrast, their own contradictions were not worth mentioning, but Now the empire has little spare capacity to help the north, and at this time the lord of the empire has already made the worst plans. If all hopes are placed on the empire, this is obviously impossible. After all, the power of the empire is limited. , The most important thing is that the empire is selfish!

Soon, the Terran League once again appeared in the imperial capital, but this time everyone did not wait for the people to come to the Taipingdao. The Taipingdao officially broke with the Terran and became independent. They have the Taiping City as the foundation, and they can get rid of the world to themselves. They are unwilling to participate in this battle, and they are unwilling to damage their own strength. After all, the previous series of drastic changes have greatly damaged the strength of Taipingdao. At this time, they chose to withdraw as expected!

Having said that, the retreat of the Taipingdao has annoyed many human forces. Without the Taipingdao, the power of the Human race will naturally be weakened. Some people can't help but hate the ruthlessness of the Taipingdao and think that the Taipingdao is the human race. The scum of the human race absorbed the luck of the human race to strengthen itself, broke free from the shackles of the world, but turned away from the human race, and broke away directly from the human race!

Hate to hate, but at this time, no one scolded the other party in such a situation. After all, Taipingdao has broken free from the shackles. Although cursing is cool for a while, it will provoke a great enemy to oneself. In such a big environment No one would do such a stupid thing. Everyone just bore their hatred in their hearts, and couldn't speak them at all!

Of course, Taipingdao's behavior also brought a glimmer of hope to everyone. Taipingdao can condense the power to sacrifice a city of origin. Will these forces not be able to do it? It can be said that almost all the forces and all the sects are thinking about how to sacrifice their own Taoist temple to the city of the source, so that their own can also break free from their own shackles, just like Taipingdao!

If it is said that the most suitable place to worship the city of the origin is the imperial capital, in fact, when the city of Taiping on the Taiping Road appeared, the emperor had this kind of care in his heart. Just wanting to sacrifice the entire imperial capital would inevitably Negotiations with the ancestors of the royal family, after all, it is difficult for the human emperor to complete such a difficult task, and the resources consumed by the entire emperor are also endless. The most important thing is that the emperor is the center of the entire empire. As long as the empire is not destroyed, think If you want to sacrifice to the emperor, you will inevitably be backlashed by the imperial luck!

As for Xing Tian, ​​although many of the ancestors of the Human race are looking forward to his joining, it is a pity that they can't contact Xing Tian at all. Even if such an astonishing change has occurred in the north, Xing Tian remains unmoved, did not go to the north, and did not go to help the north. The King of Moro, it seems that Xingtian doesn't care about the survival of the north at all. This result has made many ancestors lost!

If you can convince Xing Tian and get Xing Tian's help, everyone will feel more at ease in the face of the erosion of the demons. It's a pity that they can only think about all this, it is impossible to achieve it. Xing Tian will not make wedding dresses for them. , Will not prevent them from disasters, the demons descend, and the death gods and demons become the master of the magic way. Although the threat to Xingtian is not small, the greatest enemy of the death gods and demons is not Xingtian, but the will of the world, so Xingtian does not Worrying that the death **** and demon will take action against him, it is precisely because Xing Tian can see through this problem, so now Xing Tian can sit on the mountain and watch tigers fight, watching the confrontation between the will of the world and the death **** and demon!

"Can the demons really gather momentum in the north, can plunder enough luck from the barbarians, and take enough luck from the human race?" Xing Tian shook his head gently. Xing Tian couldn't understand this question. This is not a secret, but the human mind. Fortunately, the human mind is changeable. No one knows what will happen in the next moment. No one knows what changes will happen in the next moment. Xing Tian has never thought about the human mind. Forever!

"Death demon, no, it should be said to be the demon lord. What are you going to do now? Set up the demon country, take the luck, and the demon country will stand. Although you can plunder the world luck and seize many races in the world Civilized air luck, but you will also be bound to the north. For air luck, do you really want to pay such a big price? Or is there something hidden under the yellow sand that makes you have to do this. If so, What kind of treasure is buried under the yellow sand that makes you so at all costs!"

When thinking of this, Xing Tian sighed lightly, without a clue. For the land of yellow sand, Xing Tian’s contact time was too short to find out the secrets in it, but it must be very tempting to make the death **** and devil so tempted. A great treasure, otherwise the death **** will not trap himself in the north, and establish a demon kingdom in the north!


As soon as the devil country is established, although there is luck added to him, the death **** and demon will also be restrained by the devil country and dragged into the devil country. Otherwise, the devil country will be destroyed, and the luck he gathered will also dissipate. It will be backlashed by the luck. If at this time, the luck of the death is going to be awaiting death, it must be annihilation. Whether it is Xingtian or other people, they are unwilling to see the power of the death **** and demon, they will not hesitate. Stop death at all costs!

When Xing Tian was thinking about the Demon Kingdom of the Death Gods and Demons, there was a quarrel in the imperial capital. All the forces were unwilling to take on the responsibility of fighting against the Demon Clan. They all wanted to preserve their strength as much as possible, and were unwilling to consume their own heritage. In addition to the confrontation of the demons, they all want to force the empire to bear the greatest pressure. The reason for these people is simple. The empire is the ruler of the human race and naturally bears responsibility for the overall situation. At this time, if the empire does not contribute, who will contribute. !

Facing a group of already crazy sects, whether the empire or aristocratic family, all felt tremendous pressure, how much power does the empire have to mobilize? How much power can be mobilized? Not much. Today’s empire is already on the verge of collapse. If it weren’t for the emergence of the human emperor, I’m afraid there is no empire now. It is precisely because of the understanding of the real situation of the empire that at this time, the human emperor is good. The ancestors do not even accept the responsibility that may crush people!

"Hehe, this is the human race, this is the sect, even at such a critical moment, these people still don’t forget their internal struggles, they still have selfish intentions, blindly wanting others to pay, but they don’t want to bear any responsibility. , There is such a good thing in this world. It is impossible to force the empire to take on this heavy burden. If they have to do this, the empire will also collapse. I hope they will not regret it at that time!" Under the tremendous pressure, the emperor made a crazy decision in his heart. If he cannot do anything, he will inevitably collapse the empire on his own, in order to save himself!

Human beings are not for themselves and the heavens are destroyed. When faced with such great pressure, the human emperor will naturally have selfish intentions. It is impossible to sacrifice himself for the human race and sacrifice the entire royal family. Such consultation is fruitless, and the major sects do not. Willing to contribute. In this case, the so-called Union is just a joke, a big joke, everyone gathers together to discuss countermeasures, but there is no way, no one is willing to pay the price, everyone is eager to sit back and reap the fishermen Benefit!

How to do? After a long struggle without results, a trace of anger appeared on the faces of many ancestors. They were all irritated by the chaotic situation. More precisely, they were irritated by the imperial family and the emperor. Don't give them face, and are unwilling to take on this huge responsibility, either everyone will take it together, or the empire will collapse on its own. This is the answer the empire gave them!

The empire collapsed? How feasible is this? No matter which power or clan is willing to see such a result, once the empire collapses, the entire important clan will inevitably collapse. The craziness of the previous emperor really scared them and made them worry. In the next moment, Human Sovereign went mad again, and once again played a world apart, so that all of them would have to bear a huge force!

Time waits for no one, these ancestors in the imperial capital are in the mood to quarrel, but Moro in the north is not in this mood. Moreau has also heard about the situation in the imperial capital, but he is unable to change everything. Luo Zhen had a trace of regret. He knew that such a change would occur in the north, and would endure earth-shattering upheavals again and again. At the beginning, he really shouldn't have taken this mess from the empire, and shouldn't be the king of the north. But now it is impossible for Moreau to retreat. As the king of the north, his luck is closely linked to the north!

lay down! Now Moro can’t let go of the heavy burden of the north. No matter what the empire decides, no matter what choices the various forces make, Moro must stick to the north. This is his responsibility, he must bear the responsibility, who will let him be The king of the north, who makes him bear the safety of the northern sentient beings, it can be said that Moreau has no choice!

During the quarrel, there was no result. However, as time went on, everyone gradually discovered that although the demon kingdom in the north was established, although the demonized creatures had all gone to the demon kingdom, the demon kingdom did not mean to expand. The north is still calm as usual, even more peaceful than before, at least the battle between the human race and the barbarians has disappeared!

How is this going? What does the death **** want to do? Could it be said that he really has no ambitions at all? He established the Demon Kingdom just to fight for luck? Many people are wondering in their hearts. They don’t know what the death **** and devil want to do, and what conspiracy and tricks are hidden under the other side’s calmness. Although many people think they can ignore it, more people think they need to improve. Be vigilant, they are afraid that this is the conspiracy of the death gods!

Fight for luck, fight against the human race, fight against the barbarians, plunder the luck of their race? No, the death **** is not that stupid yet, and will not do such stupid things at this time. Although it is said that fighting against the human race, fighting against the barbarians, fighting for territory, robbing living creatures, will strengthen itself, but the consequences of doing so are too serious. But to open, that is to be the enemy of all races, no one race will allow the growth of the demons. Once this is done, the race civilizations of the entire world will inevitably unite and join forces to destroy the Mora and kill them. The **** of death, the master of the magic way, cut off the power of the magic way!

conspiracy? No, the death gods and demons have no conspiracy. At this time, he is walking uprightly. He is refining the authentic origin in his own magic city bit by bit, and is changing the authenticity of the whole world bit by bit. , He must thoroughly grasp the authentic origin of the world, only in this way can the death **** and demon be able to compete with the will of the world.

The establishment of the Demon Kingdom is only a supplement to its own luck, so that the Death God and Demon can have an endless source to deal with possible crises. The Death God and Demon don’t think that this world is really only calculated by themselves, but the Time God and Demon is here. Fang World left behind, and the death **** and demon had to be careful about this, and had to be cautious!

There is only one chance. Once it fails, the result is destruction. Therefore, no matter how amazing the plan is in his mind, the death demon cannot be careless, nor dare to be careless. He cannot gamble his life. The establishment of the devil country has already touched everyone. The bottom line of the civilization of the big race, no matter how big a fight, the consequences will be unimaginable, this is not what the death **** wants!


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