God of Destruction

Chapter 4091: Knot break

The fourth thousand and ninety-first chapter break

The Demon Kingdom is in the north. The demonized creatures of the entire world and the newly born Demon Race are also moving north. But the death **** and demon at this time, the Lord of the Demon Dao did not respond at all. The hearts of some powerhouses in the fight to the death can't be shaken. If the demons expand their power frantically, they will fight back with all their strength, even if it is to unite all race civilizations, but now the death gods There is no meaning of expansion at all, which makes some people inevitably have a retreat, especially those strong people who are not connected with the demon country. After all, they are not directly impacted by the demon country, and the pressure is naturally very small. This Under such circumstances, they are naturally unwilling to pay a heavy price!

It is because of the selfishness of the human heart and the ignorance of these people that they directly give up the idea of ​​uniting all forces to fight the demons with all their strength. There are even some people who have darker ideas and want to watch the humans and the savages. Fight against the demons, let them all lose and lose, let them fight to the death and the life, and finally stand up to take care of the situation, seize the luck of humanity, seize the lord of humanity, seize the honor of the emperor, holding this idea, the so-called All at once disappeared.

Under the catastrophe of heaven and earth, in such a situation, the selfishness of the human heart is fully manifested, and the intrigue methods and psychology of the major ethnic civilizations are also fully revealed. At this time, the king of the north is naturally the most stressed. Moro and the savages, especially Moro, are irreversible, and the savages are a little better than Moro. After all, they gave up an area. In this case, the pressure and impact they endure are A lot smaller, on the contrary, Moro is under great pressure, because he has to face the impact of the City of Death and the increasing pressure of the demons!

Without the full support of the human race, he has to withstand such a huge impact. Moreau has endless anger in his heart, but he has no choice. Who makes his heart so selfish, who makes himself the king of the north, To take on this huge responsibility, at this time the North is no longer the hotspot of those sect forces. Those disciples of the various sects who originally reinforced the north have all escaped. When it is beneficial to them, they are for the human race. Heroes of war, when there is no benefit and only danger, they are as timid as a mouse and fleeing in fear of war.

"Relying on the mountains and mountains, relying on everyone to walk, no matter when, our own strength is the root of everything, those sect forces, empires are not reliable, we can only rely on ourselves, and now those sect disciples are all Fleeing, disappearing without a trace, the so-called human righteousness has become bullshit, so is the empire, knowing that the pressure we are facing is so terrible, but it is inexhaustible, and there is no reinforcement at all. They can't count on it. We are now We can only rely on ourselves, and only when we become stronger can we protect our own safety!"

Facing the soldiers at hand, Moreau, the king of the north, said with emotion. In these words, although he has disdain for the sect and anger towards the empire, he also has endless will to fight. No matter how dangerous the situation is, Moro is still not intimidated. He has never thought of fleeing without a fight. Even if he is dead, he must fight his life with the enemy!

When the fighting spirit rose from Moreau's body, when his words fell, a puff of air fell from the void, that is humane air, that is kingly air, from this moment on, Mo Luo truly condensed his own kingly aura. Although Moro was originally to be the king of the north, his luck was still connected to the empire, but after this moment, his own luck was completely separated from the empire. There is no contact, he only represents himself, only the north!

"War! Fight from death to war, never back down!" In an instant, all the generals in the north roared in their hearts. They were not reconciled to the current situation. They were angry at the human sect and the empire's actions. After all, there was no one. If you are willing to see yourself as an abandoned child, as cannon fodder, especially at this critical juncture, it will even arouse their disgust!

When the roars of all the generals sounded, a powerful fighting spirit enveloped the entire northern soldiers. The iron and blood aura on them increased a bit, and the momentum of the entire northern region also changed, whether it was the northern sect. , Still a family, they are firmly united by the king of the north Moruo at this moment, they also have no retreat!

It can be said that when Morrow faced the impact of the demons alone, when he could not get help from the human race, whether it was the empire or the human race, the luck was damaged, and the human luck began to appear from this moment. After the division, it is impossible to use the great righteousness of the human race as a banner. The sect and the empire gave up support for the north, and also gave up the maintenance of the human luck!

Together with the split of the human fortune, the major sects and empires affected by the human fortune all felt this change. Although they all knew that doing so would cause the division of the human race, they did not expect this day to come so soon. , So fast that they hadn't reacted, so fast that the entire north was directly separated from the general trend of the human race and became a single faction.

"Damn it, how could this happen? How could the luck of the north suddenly increase, how could it break directly with the human race, what did Morro's **** do?" When his luck was damaged, when he felt that the luck of the north was separated At that time, the ancestors of the human race were all angry at it, and they all had endless killing intent on Moro!


For these ancestors of the sect, Moreau is the ant, and the ant should obey their command. Even if it is let to die, they can’t resist. It’s a pity that they have forgotten that this is a catastrophe. Without their control, it would be too self-righteous to let Morrosh block the impact of the demons and sacrifice for them. Morrosh is the king of the north, not under their men, and would not listen to their orders. When you give up, you should understand what impact this will have on the human race. These sects have been blessed by the human luck in the endless years, and they have obtained huge benefits. They face this terrible thing in the human race. At the time of the impact, but not willing to pay the price, how could this be possible!

In contrast, the lord of the empire, the human emperor, did not care at all, because he knew that when the empire was unable to extend a helping hand to the north, he would make the entire north angry, and the entire north would part ways with the empire, and this It’s just the beginning. With the rupture of the king of the north, Moro, it will not be long before the frontier generals of the empire will make the same choice, because the empire has no power to assist them, and they can only face the next crisis alone. The pressure on that alien!

"Chaos! This world is finally in chaos, and the empire has begun to collapse. This is the result that those sects and anti-thief have always wanted. Now they are happy. The collapse of the human race is also beginning. They never Unable to enjoy the extra human luck, the ancestors of the empire finally received the backlash from the luck. As much as the luck blessing at the beginning, how much backlash will I have to bear now, I also have to plan for the worst. dìdū must be under my control. This is my final bottom line, the bottom line that cannot be challenged!" When he said this, the emperor's body exudes endless killing intent, there is a kind of person blocking killing, Buddha Blocking the crazy aura of killing Buddha, the weight of that murderous aura made the entire palace become gloomy and cold!

"What a strong killing intent. It seems that the break in the north made our Emperor finally angry, but I don't know what power he is using to stop all of this. If he knew today, why should he be in the first place, if he didn't have Moro in the first place. As the king of the north, he was willing to obey our advice at the beginning, how could the situation happen today!" When feeling the terrible killing intent of the human emperor, the ancestor of the royal family in the empire sneered disdainfully and said to The Emperor didn't have the respect he deserved.

"Enough, don’t talk cold words, you have all seen the current situation, the empire is going to collapse, and we have all endured the backlash of the imperial luck, the backlash of the human luck, and our human emperor has also endured. No longer, his murderous intent is not only aimed at Morrow in the north, but also our ancestors who have always controlled the empire. Now he has the heart to break with us. If we continue to provoke Going down, waiting for everyone is bound to be a **** storm!"

"Joke, just because he is a junior dare to challenge our ancestors, does he want to live, does he have that strength?" Someone sneered disapprovingly. In the eyes of the royal family, the emperor was just a joke .

Yes, the power of the royal family is almost united under the banner of their ancestors. The human emperor really cannot mobilize much of the royal family's power, nor has it mastered much of the royal family's power, but the human emperor is not an idiot. Their own power, and they have forgotten one of the most important issues. As the human emperor, they have naturally mastered the guardian array of dìdū and the world of the empire. If the human emperor really has to fight back, no matter how strong the power of the royal family is, those old No matter how powerful the ancestor's power is, they cannot withstand the human emperor's counterattack. After all, they are in the dìdū, and they will also be affected by the dìdū great formation!

"Huh! Don't be too self-righteous, don't underestimate our human emperor, you didn't see his madness at the beginning, he can abandon even the emperor of humanity, even the lord of humanity can give up, what do you think he has Don’t dare to do it, and don’t forget that, as the lord of the empire, the human emperor naturally controls the guardian formation of dìdū. Although we also have the power to master the great battle array of dìdū, this is when the human emperor does not counterattack. Once he made the choice to completely break with us, do you think that the Emperor really has no resistance at all? Don’t try to provoke him anymore. We can’t afford more losses now. I know that many people are right in their hearts. The Emperor of Humanity disagrees, thinking that he is a traitor to the royal family, but now is not a time of civil strife, we must focus on the overall situation, not at this time to ruin major events, ruin our chances!"

"Yes, everything must focus on the overall situation. At this time, we must not have internal strife. Everything must be detached. As long as the empire does not collapse in a day, we will not be affected too much. After all, there is an emperor in the front. He was in a hurry and caused the entire empire to collapse in an instant. None of us can bear the backlash or the karma!"

Under such a big environment, whoever is the most terrifying person is naturally a lunatic, and in the eyes of some royal ancestors, the human emperor is already very crazy now, and already has a little bit of madness, at this time he really has to force the other party Anxiously, the consequences would be unimaginable. After all, they were not fully prepared and could not withstand the full backlash from the Empire and Human Race. You must know that in the endless years, they swallowed too much of the luck of the Empire. , The luck of the human race, and this all requires a price. If they are not fully prepared, they will inevitably suffer a devastating blow!

"Take your time, don't make things too extreme, don't make the situation too rigid, and you can't do that crazy confrontation with someone who is already crazy. We can't afford to gamble, and we can't afford to lose. Let's relax with others. In the emperor’s situation, first give up some power and stabilize the human emperor. Before we can fully recover our injuries and resolve our own backlash, we cannot be backlashed by a little bit of luck, otherwise it will inevitably shake our foundation. It is to detach everything, not to be angry with the emperor!"

Everything is based on interests. This is the choice of the ancestors of the royal family. In the face of interests, they will only compromise because they are too selfish, because they cannot afford to lose. Unlike the human emperor, the human emperor has been completely crazy, in order to protect himself The inheritance and bloodline of the same line, he dares to do everything, dare to bear all the cause and effect, all the responsibilities, even if the soul is scattered, this is the gap between them, and this is the biggest difference between the two sides.

Of course, Human Sovereign will not make such a choice if it is not a last resort. After all, no one wants to make a joke about his own life. As long as there is a ray of life, he will fight with all his strength, and for Human Sovereign there is no last resort. To the point, he still has a ray of vitality, and this ray of vitality is dìdū, which is the capital of the imperial capital. In the endless years, this dìdū has endured too many imperial auras and carried countless human auras. , Carrying the endless expectations of people, if this dìdū can be refined into a city of origin, the emperor will still have a ray of life, and he will be able to blaze his own blood in the crisis of death. This is the last chance for the Emperor!

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