God of Destruction

Chapter 4083: People's hearts are changeable

The fourth thousand and ninety-two chapters are changing

Everything has a ray of life, and the emperor is no exception. Even if he is burdened with more cause and effect, no matter how much karma, he has a ray of life. It only depends on whether he can grasp it, and that ray of life. Only for a moment, the ancestors of the imperial family, without external threats, came up with the idea of ​​the emperor. At this time, the emperor also felt the coming of the crisis and the weakness of the empire. This is irreversible. No matter how hard he struggles, he can’t change the general trend of the world, unless he has the power to reverse everything, and the emperor does not have this power!

"Haha! Paid such a high price, endured such a large amount of karma, but still failed to change the general trend. The empire is inevitable to collapse. Who would have thought that the collapse of the empire would begin in the north, and the first to break with the empire? It will be Moreau, the king of the north, the king I personally sealed, this is a big joke!"

Feeling the disappearance of the luck in the north, the emperor couldn’t help but laughed bitterly. Although he was dissatisfied with this situation, the emperor now has no anger. Being able to become the emperor naturally has the ability to make himself crazy there. After waking up from the killings, under this situation, the emperor naturally knew Moreau’s distress and could not get the support of the empire, and he wanted to share his luck with the empire. Is there a way to survive in the north? In order to protect himself, Moro also had no choice!

"Moreau, I hope you can achieve what you want, can withstand the impact from the demons, and can exchange enough time for me, so that I can completely master the entire imperial capital, and be able to completely refine the imperial capital into the city of the origin. !" In contrast, Human Sovereign is still willing to believe in Moro, unwilling to believe in his own tribe, and believe in those royal ancestors.

Destiny is in his own hands. From this moment on, the emperor no longer compromises with anyone, and the empire’s luck is divided up by others, but the resources of the empire cannot be borne by those families and sects, nor can it be Swallowed by the royal ancestors, this is his own, belongs to his own line. Anyone who has an idea of ​​it must bear his own anger!

Selfishness! From this moment on, the emperor no longer took care of it, and completely revealed the selfishness in his heart. He would no longer care about the life and death of the empire. He had no need for an empire that was bound to be destroyed. It’s not worth paying too much, it’s not worth it. There must be a trade-off in everything. Since the empire can’t keep it, you must do your best to protect yourself and the blood heritage of your own bloodline. You can’t let your bloodline become the royal family. Bear all the causal karma!

People’s hearts are changeable. Today’s human emperor is like this. When the empire can’t see hope, he will naturally give up all righteousness, turn righteousness into selfishness, and try to protect himself. At this time, human emperor will no longer have any. Taking into account that anyone who dares to stop him will become his enemy and will bear his anger, even the many ancestors of the royal family must be afraid of three points!

A human emperor who hasn’t taken care of it, a crazy human emperor, even if he has only a nearly collapsed empire in his hands, he can pull people to death, and can also give a fatal blow to the enemy. Such a human emperor is the most terrifying. That is the most terrifying thing, any force, any strong person must be afraid of him, and must evade him!

The human emperor is changing, and the entire human race is also changing. After the human emperor has no righteous heart and no respect for the empire, the fortune of the empire dissipates faster, and those noble family members, those sect elders The ancestors have also felt the changes in the empire. Under this situation, the entire human race will become more chaotic. As long as a little ambitious family is madly accumulating power, they are ready to change heaven and earth, and prepare to seize the human emperor. Bit, reshape the country!

The emperor’s temptation to "confuse" is something that aristocratic families cannot refuse. At this time, the sects of the Human race naturally support one family after another, and it can be said that almost every family that jumps out can Seeing the shadow of the sect behind them, they are all supporting these aristocratic families and disintegrating the foundation of the empire.

No one cares about the destruction of the empire. Although the royal family still has great power, anyone who is interested can perceive that the current empire has come to an end and is not far from collapse. There is not much time left for many careerists. Now, they need to speed up, get ahead of those alien races, and be able to regroup human luck and humane great luck.

The hearts of the people were scattered. It was only a short time. The hearts of the entire empire were scattered. When they knew that the empire was going to be destroyed, all the officials of the empire had different intentions, and they were all trying to accumulate strength. To take a little bit of initiative in this great change, fight for a little bit of profit, and strengthen yourself and the family behind you!

When the human mind changed, the luck of the whole human race was also weakened a lot, and the weakening of the human luck would naturally be noticed by the aliens, especially those aliens connected with the human race, which gave them endless ambitions in their hearts. Let them be ambitious one by one, want to launch an attack on the human race, want to seize the luck of the human race.

"The luck of the human race is weakened. It seems that the human race is really'chaos'. All of those sects can't help but jump out and change the world, wanting to seize the throne of the human race and reshape the humane luck. This is not an easy task. You underestimated the alien race. It's time for you to pay the price!" In an instant, the ancestors of those alien races all sneered, one by one, they started to make calculations and start to figure out what to do. Can precede the human race and win the humanitarian luck!

It can be said that since this moment, all alien races have been tempted by it and have thoughts of impacting the human race. Of course, there are exceptions. That is the barbarians. When they feel the same talk, the ancestors of the many barbarians are one All of them have a gloomy face. Others can fight for the luck of the human race and plunder the great luck of the human race, but they can’t do it, because they have to take care of the **** demons. The demons are there to block the barbarians and The access of the human race has broken their chance!

auzw.com "Damn demons, why do you have to appear at this time? Why do you have to appear in our barbarians' territory so that we can't seize this opportunity?" For the barbarians For the ancestors, everyone hates the death **** and demon in their hearts, and put all the responsibility on the death **** and devil. In their view, the luck from home is destroyed by the death **** and devil! 000 Literature br>Resentment, just for a moment, endless resentment appeared in the entire barbarian, resentment against the demon race, and the death **** and demon as the master of the demon way immediately felt the resentment from the barbarian, feeling When the barbarians dissatisfied and hated their own family, they felt that the luck of the demons was being impacted by the barbarians.

"Hmph, the ignorant ants, who were "distracted" by a little bit of temptation, "lost" their hearts and "nature". They are really a group of ants who do not live or die. If it weren't for the deity's fear of the will of the world, he would have washed you all away. , I will let you die long ago!" At this point, a terrible killing intent was "shot" in the eyes of the death **** and demon, which was a murderous intent on the barbarians.

For a moment, the death **** demon sighed again and muttered to himself: "This **** human race, how can such a change occur at this time? Is this the ignorance of the human race's sect forces or is there a world behind all this? The black hand of the will "fuck" in order to lead me into the game and let me have a life and death duel with the human race. Under this situation, what the lunatic Xingtian is doing, he really has ignored the change of human luck and ignored Is this world disaster?"

For the death **** and demon, the biggest concern in his heart is the will of the world, and the second biggest concern is Xing Tian. In his opinion, Xing Tian is much more powerful than matching the major sects of the human race. After all, Xing Tian has his own body. Invisible power.

What is Xing Tian doing now, the changes in the human race, the changes in the human heart, Xing Tian has no idea at all, just no action, he can really sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, quietly hiding in the dark watching the life and death of all forces Duel?

No, Xing Tian is not inactive, but the current Xing Tian is unwilling to charge at the forefront, unwilling to make wedding dresses for others. When people's hearts change and when the empire’s weakening speed increases, Xing Tian naturally understands that the empire is really hopeless. I also understand that there is a black hand "fuck" behind all this. I also understand that I don’t have much time left. I must speed up, complete my plan, complete my goal, and everything else. It doesn't matter to yourself.

What are the death gods calculating? What is the Chaos God and Demon calculating? What is the will of the world calculating? What are the ancestors of Human Race calculating? This is not important, you need to improve yourself, you need to be above everything!

"No matter what they are calculating, it is inevitable that they will fight to the death in the end, and the time left for me is not much. If they are allowed to arrange everything quietly, I will have less time, and perhaps the world should be more Chaotic, only more chaotic, will give me more time to prepare for the worst. Let me turn on the light of stars!"

With Xing Tian’s deep cry, the origin of the Avenue of Stars on the deity’s body exploded, and the power of the stars rushed into the sky. When the power of the stars went to the void, the whole world was trembling, and the entire starry sky was trembling. The origin of the Avenue of Stars drew ancient stars and many origins of stars. The stars seemed to come alive in an instant, emitting a powerful light, catering to the origin of the Avenue of Stars emitted by Xing Tian's deity, and let the power of the stars shine. The entire frontier battlefield world!

"What is Xing Tian going to do to cause the stars to explode at this time? Could it be that he has a deal with Taipingdao? The previous confrontation between him and Taipingdao was just a show?" For a moment, all the forces were shocked, and they didn't understand Xing Tian. Why is it stimulating the power of the ancient stars at this time, and I don't understand why it is necessary to give Peace Road a chance.

Not only those people were shocked, but many ancestors of Taiping Dao were also puzzled and puzzled. They didn’t understand what Xing Tian was going to do. When many stars moved, the origin of that huge star illuminates the realm battlefield world and makes Taiping. Dao’s dilemma was instantly alleviated, and the Star Avenue they needed was alleviated. With such a huge origin of the stars coming, even without Xing Tian’s inheritance of the Star Avenue, they could find themselves with the help of such a huge origin power. Everything you want!

The opportunity appeared, but for the many ancestors of Taipingdao, they were caring about it. Someone worriedly said: "Will this be Xingtian's conspiracy and tricks? Based on our grievances with him, he will not attack us. It's hard to stop us, how can you help us and give us such an opportunity?"

"Yeah, all of this is too weird and too unacceptable. An enemy of life and death actually gave us this great opportunity at this time. If there is no conspiracy, I will not believe it and I cannot understand it. Once we have to be cautious, we can't be calculated by that lunatic, or else the consequences will be unimaginable!"

"Xing Tian’s behavior is indeed very strange, but we can’t clearly see that the opportunity is right in front of us, and do nothing. Let this opportunity flow out of our own eyes. If we can absorb and digest this huge star origin, we can completely make up for our own. Insufficiency, it can even strengthen our original treasure, and can make our detachment more powerful!"

"The opportunity is right in front of us. We really can't miss it in vain. Perhaps this is Xing Tian making peace with us, and he doesn't want to confront us anymore. After all, everyone is detached mainly. If we cannot detach from the world, detach everything, eventually Eliminate the body and soul in this world and become the nourishment of this world, and now he is showing good to me!"

"It's ridiculous, with the madness of that lunatic, he would do such a good thing? He would take the initiative to show us good, I think he is provoking us, deliberately leading us into the game, leading us into his trap, Don’t forget that our star map is in the hands of this bastard. Perhaps the reason why this **** drew the origin of the stars is to perfect the star map in his hands, to seize all the power in the star map, even with the help of Act against us with the star map!"

People's minds are changeable. At this time, such an abnormal change will have a great impact on the people of Taipingdao, and it will also have a huge impact. Some people think this is a good thing, some people think it is a conspiracy, and some people want to seize it. Opportunity, but some people don’t dare to accept it. They all have different ideas and different considerations. The whole peace road has fallen into chaos and quarrels. Under such circumstances, it is difficult for them to make decisions. Decided, after all, this is no small matter!

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