God of Destruction

Chapter 4085: Knot split

Chapter 4094 Split

"Everything is a conspiracy, all the inheritance in the secret realm is just chess pieces. We have been calculated and calculated by those chaotic gods and demons. The inheritance that really suits us is not those from the ancients, but our own creation. Inheritance"

"Yeah! Who would have thought that these **** **** took such a long time to set up such a trap in that ancient time, waiting for us fools to jump in one by one, and now if we don't want to suffer backlash, just To be under their control, now is the time for us to make a choice, whether to continue to be pawns, to be controlled by those **** chaotic gods and demons, to be under their influence and to become their subordinates, or to give up and pass on that heritage Give up the power you gained and return to your own power? This is the choice we have to make!"

Choice. Faced with such a choice, no one can ignore it. For many people, they are already deeply involved in the calculations of the Chaos Gods and Demons, because they are all for the ancient heritage and for the powerful force. Transformed their own practice, for beings like them, to make them give up their own practice, it is tantamount to giving up practice, which is very difficult!

Of course, for those strong people who have never received the ancient inheritance, they don't have to make a choice. Those who have practiced a little ancient inheritance secret skills can also make the choice to give up. After all, their loss is not large. .

"Haha! Who could have imagined that this world is just a trap, a huge trap. Those of us who think we are very clever and great, feel that we are free from the influence of the Supreme Chaos World sect, but we did not expect to jump into it again. In a larger trap, compared with our dead ancestors, we are all fools. Originally, we all laughed at our ancestors secretly, thinking that they were stupid, refusing to give up loyalty to the sect, and felt that they were unreasonable. Now we really understand that it is us who are stupid, not our ancestors, whose souls will return to the highest chaotic world, but we are caught in a real desperation. This is really a great joke, a great shame, we are The most ignorant person!"

Yes! For those who came from the sect of the Supreme Chaos World, and for those who gave up the inheritance and practice of the Supreme Chaos World, they are the truly stupid existences, they are the most ignorant, even though that generation has died here. The world’s supreme chaotic world descendants, all of them are cultivated, and their origins are transformed into the nutrients of this world, and even their souls are swallowed by this world a lot, but their most basic soul light will follow Every time the descendants of the Supreme Chaos World return and return to the embrace of the Supreme Chaos World, their younger generations, these self-righteous younger generations, did not have this opportunity because they gave up the inheritance of the Supreme Chaos World and gave up The loyalty of the sect!

"Hahaha! I don't know how you chose. For me, I decided to give up this cultivation base. I don't want to be the puppet of those chaotic gods and demons. The **** chaotic gods and demons can be deployed in ancient times. Such a trap shows how insidious their calculations are. It is definitely not a good thing to follow such a bastard. I don’t want to be their cannon fodder, and even if I give up this practice, it’s no big deal. Our realm is still there. As long as it takes a little time, you can regain your combat power. It's just a conversion of a kind of cultivation path. It's no big deal!"

A good one is no big deal, is it really so? No, not everyone has such determination, not everyone can make such crazy decisions. After all, losing a cultivation base is an unacceptable result for many strong people. They don’t know that after doing this, Can I return to practice again? After all, it is a catastrophe of heaven and earth, and everyone is facing a terrible life and death crisis. You must know that the chaotic gods and demons and the will of the world are clearing the scene now!

Everyone’s choices are different, and as this happens, the major forces have split. Those who are willing to give up their strength are naturally unwilling to continue to accept those who do not give up, because they cannot believe it. The other party can't believe in that **** chaotic **** and demon, they don't want to put their own life and death in the control of others!

The sect is splitting, the racial civilization is splitting, and even the family is splitting. It is just a short time. The whole world has undergone earth-shattering changes. The whole world has become more chaotic. No power can be intact. After all, no matter which power, sect, or even that family, there will be no strong people who are unwilling to give up their own power. This situation makes the whole world "turbulent" and uneasy, making the whole world even more crazy!

Feeling the changes in the world, feeling the ups and downs of the world’s origin, Xing Tian’s expression has become extremely dignified. For such a situation, Xing Tian did not expect it. Only this change makes Xing Tian feel it again. The fierce malice in this world, I feel the sinister and viciousness of the chaos gods and demons. If I am not cautious, I have not accepted the many inheritances, and have not been seduced by the powerful inheritance, I am afraid I will also step into these people. Following in the footsteps, will also be calculated!

"What a chaotic **** and demon, a sinister and vicious method, but such a method is useful to the aborigines of this world, and not very useful to the descendants, because for the descendants, they even get a chance. , Has obtained the ancient heritage, the time for practice is limited, and the aborigines will have to pay a heavy price, and the power of giving up will become the nourishment of the chaotic gods and demons, and they will be turned into the source of their return to this world. This is Their calculations!"

Speaking of this, Xing Tian couldn't help but shook his head. He felt terrible for these chaotic gods and demons. This also made Xing Tian more vigilant about death gods and demons. One could give up this opportunity and go to the end in this world. At that time, the chaotic gods and demons who can complete their own return in the shortest time, his horror is more terrible than those who left behind!

auzw.com Of course, Xing Tian also knows that in the City of Death, the death gods and demons also have their inheritance, but the death gods and demons have given up their origins of death, converted to the magic way, and became the master of the magic way. The decision, such a crazy choice, shows how terrifying the death **** and devil is. Once such a person succeeds, it will inevitably fly into the sky! Single Pen Quge br>"What a death **** and demon, a decisive belief, other chaotic gods and demon all use inheritance as a means of return, accumulating nutrients for their own return, but you go the opposite way, but take the initiative to give up The original avenue, giving up the original power, this is not something ordinary people can do. If you can really succeed and can evolve this world into a demon world, you really have endless potential!"

Taking a deep breath, Xing Tian calmed down his ups and downs and calmed himself down. The more at this time, the more calm he must be, and the more he must be cautious, not to be careless, because of his chaotic world. There are still many subordinates in the clone, and there may be people in the city of chaos who have practiced the inheritance of chaos gods and demons!

With a thought, Xing Tian was investigating carefully. After a long time, Xing Tian breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, no one under his hand practiced the inheritance left by the Chaos Gods and Demons, even if there were one or two people. Fortunately, they got the inheritance left by the Chaos Gods and Demons, but because of time, because of their own reasons, they did not practice, just as a reference for their own practice, and did not let this change of the sky affect their own practice!

The general trend is coming. When such a panic happens, the world is coming. In an instant, the whole world is unpredictable. The whole world is plunged into turmoil. The secret worlds collapsed one after another. The ancient origins of the world continue to blend into this world, and are constantly eroding the origin of the world, eroding the world will, competing with the world will for the power of this world, and the death gods and demons for the power of this world!

The Death God and Demon was born of Chaos God and Demon. He deeply knew the layout of Chaos God and Demon, and he was already fully prepared. When the first secret world collapsed, Death God and Demon sat in the Demon Capital and suppressed it. The origin of the earth suppresses the demon country, so that the origin of the demon way will not be corroded by the **** ancient origin, and your demon country will not be impacted by external forces!

The death **** and devil had a gloomy face and muttered to himself: "Damn, all this has come too early. I haven't completed my own accumulation yet. This time it is a big trouble. I hope those **** **** can look at them later. Throwing into this world can give me enough time to accumulate my origin! Otherwise, my situation is more dangerous than the will of the world. As soon as those **** discover my betrayal, they will come to end me as soon as possible. Betrayer, don't give me any chance to get out!"

For the betrayers, the end will not be good, especially the Death God and Demon, which is fighting against the entire Chaos God and Demon, because he wants to monopolize this world, but once he does, he can stand higher. The position, you can overlook the original fellow!

Time, death gods and demons need time, a lot of time to accumulate themselves, time to compete with the will of the world for the power of this world, time to clear the back of those chaotic gods and demons, and cleaning these people depends on their own The created demons need their strength to complete their plans, and this requires war!

The war began, and the power of the demons began to act. Those demons who had not yet returned to the demon kingdom began to attack the practitioners who inherited the chaotic gods and demons. Like the death gods and demons, the world will also act, and the goal is also chaos. Practitioners of the gods and demons inheritance, because for the world will, these **** are more threatening than the death gods and demons. Once they awaken the chaotic gods and demons sleeping in the long river of time and space, this world will be truly To destruction!

For the will of the world, once those chaotic gods and demons return, they will inevitably speed up the speed of attracting the world, and they will inevitably pull this world into the highest chaotic world quickly, and when this world enters the highest chaotic world At that time, it will inevitably be impacted by the original will of the supreme chaotic world. That is when the will of the world will be the weakest. At that time, many returning chaotic gods and demons will inevitably strangle everything, destroy the will of the world, and return this world to chaos. !

"The Demon Race has acted. It seems that the Death God and Demon really parted ways with the Chaos God and Demon. They really betrayed the original plan. I just don't know if the Death God and Demon have any other preparations. I don't know if he has a more terrifying assassin. After all, he is different from those chaotic gods and demons. This **** did not sleep in the endless years. He has been watching this world, and even laid a lot of backhands in the endless years. I have to guard against this bastard!" When thinking about this, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed, his expression became extremely dignified. Under such a situation, Xing Tian felt that his pressure was increasing, and the time was dragging on. Longer, the more disadvantaged Xingtian is.

"You can't wait any longer. Even if you pay a hefty price, you still need to connect with the highest chaotic world. You must break free from the shackles of this world and break through the barriers of the world, or you really have to be able to die in this world. Among them, it seems that I have to contact those stupid descendants, have to gather the power of the sect, and have to "expose" my origin, because I don't have so much time to prepare, and there is not so much time. Can be consumed!"

When the situation reached this point, when the external environment changed again and again, Xing Tian had to make the craziest choice, the most dangerous choice, and had to "expose" his origin. But to "expose", I will inevitably endure the suppression of this world, will inevitably be affected by this world, and even be hit by many forces!

The descendants are not liked by the world. If Xing Tian exposes himself and gathers the power of the descendants to strengthen himself, he will inevitably suffer from the impact of the world and the oppression of the world. If Xing Tian cannot bear it, he will inevitably be affected by this. The destruction of the square world has become the nourishment of the square world, and Xing Tian’s move will inevitably reduce the pressure on the death **** and devil, release the power of the death **** and devil, and allow the death **** and devil to have more power. !

Although Xing Tian is unwilling to see the death **** and devil strengthen his own power and weaken the shackles on the death **** and demon, Xing Tian has no choice now, because Xing Tian himself does not have enough time to make comprehensive preparations. To survive, you must gather strength and "expose" yourself.

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