God of Destruction

Chapter 4086: Festival call

The fourth thousand and ninety-fourth chapter call

At this time, Xing Tian also had a vague enlightenment in his heart, understanding why the **** of the death **** and demon helped him so vigorously in the first place, not only because of his threat to him, but also because the **** saw through the world. Change, understand that one day you will "expose" everything, and your own "exposure" will inevitably reduce the pressure on the death god

Is all of this the end? Is all this the ultimate change in the world? No, Xing Tian would not have such thoughts. Although Xing Tian felt the endless impact from the shocking change this time, Xing Tian believed that this was not the end, whether it was the chaos **** or demon, or the will of the world, and the death **** and demon. There must be assassins, there must be other means that have not been released, but Xing Tian can no longer wait, and can't afford to wait, this is Xing Tian's helplessness!

Yes! I can’t afford to wait. This is Xingtian. For Chaos Gods and Demons, they can wait, but Xingtian doesn’t have so much time to waste, because Xingtian doesn’t have the strength of theirs, and this is not Xingtian’s home ground, so continue to stay. I am afraid that I will continue to consume my luck, and I will be eroded by the power of this world a little bit!

When Xing Tian made a decision, he did not hesitate, and his heart moved, the magical technique that he had received from the sect to summon the same sect surged to his heart, and the power of the original source moved, and a ray of light rose from Xing Tian’s hand. A mysterious power appeared above the void, and at this moment, the origin of the world was trembling, an inexplicable force came out of the void and pressed against Xing Tian, ​​because the origin of this origin shocked the origin of the world. , A shackle should be wrapped around Xingtian's body!

"Huh! Break me! A mere shackle wants to lock me Xingtian, it's really ridiculous!" Faced with this sudden change, Xingtian snorted disdainfully. The appearance of this shackle is not normal. It is the temptation of Xingtian by the will of the world. The will of the world must test the reaction of Xingtian and the intention of Xingtian!

Xing Tian sneered at the temptation of the will of the world. What is his identity, is this world will really not clear at all? No, it is clear, but the will of the world wants to take the opportunity to test Xingtian's fictitiousness and reality, and to clarify Xingtian's intentions, but Xingtian didn't give it this opportunity, and directly broke the power of the shackles!

"Look, that is the summoning order of the sect, that is the ultimate summoning order. It turns out that there are core disciples of the sect in this world. We will respond quickly. This time we finally have the hope of returning!" Dang When they saw Xing Tian's summoning order, the disciples of the same sect became excited one by one. They finally waited for this day, waiting for the hope of returning!

It is not only the disciple of Xing Tian’s sect that saw the summoning order, but also other disciples of the sect. It can be said that all the descendants who still exist in this world have seen the summoning order, and there is a trace of joy in their hearts. They are all excited about it. It is clear to them how powerful a core disciple is. When the core disciple of the sect sends a summoning order, it means that the trial of this world is about to end. After all, the battlefield of this world is coming to an end. The world is too dangerous!

In an instant, a message came to Xing Tian with the help of the sect's magical powers. The disciples of the same sect madly asked Xing Tian for help, all anxious to get out of this world, and they all wanted to get rid of this place quickly. The shackles of the world, quickly return to the highest chaotic world, return to the sect, and not be bothered by this world!

"Huh! A group of ignorant and stupid guys who don't even have this patience. I just issued a summoning order and they can't wait to use my power to return. It seems that these people really wasted the opportunity of this world. , Wasted a great time. Although the battlefield world in this area is very dangerous, there are also great opportunities in the danger. At least after this hardening, their heart sutras should be improved, but from their reaction Judging from it, they didn’t gain anything at all, and even their state of mind had a big problem!” When he felt the messages for help, Xing Tian sneered disdainfully, and despised these fellow disciples very much, if it wasn’t his time. Too much, Xing Tian really wanted to teach them a profound lesson, let them know something powerful, and let them understand what a test is!

Unfortunately, Xing Tian doesn’t have much time wasting on these people. Even with the help of these fellows, even with their power, it’s not easy for Xing Tian to break free from the shackles of this world. , Because the will of the world will not let oneself get out of trouble so easily, the death **** will not want to see him get out so quickly, even the many forces in this world will jump out to stop him, and all of this It is the resistance of Xingtian!

"It's the summoning order of the sect. It seems that there is still a stronger role hidden in our world. Originally I thought we had grasped the true conditions of those who descended, but now it seems that we are still far behind. Very far away, there are still people hiding in the dark, but they don’t know who jumped out this time, what kind of power they have, and dare to summon the same door without any cover!"

"Hmph, no matter who he is, no matter what he has, he is our enemy, at this time, under this situation, we can't let him leave like this, this **** is calling out at this time Ling, obviously wants to break free from the shackles of the world. This is a result that we cannot accept. Let’s do it. We have no choice but to stop him anyway and not let him escape. That would be great for all of us. Disaster!"

"Yeah, no matter what, we can't let his conspiracy succeed, and we can't let him break free from the shackles of the world. Once we let these **** escape, we want to use this opportunity to enter the highest chaos world again. Jokes, there is not much time left for us. We are not peaceful. We don’t have the city of origin. Now I hope that everyone can work together and join the power of everyone to sacrifice a city of origin. Let us borrow This opportunity to transcend the world!"


"Do you want to take the opportunity of the other party to return, you want to take a ride to lock in the group of the highest chaos world, and use the power of the city of origin to directly break through the air and enter the highest chaos world?" Mingwu, is it just such a choice feasible? Once it fails, it will be a disaster for them, which makes many people worry! New Novel City br> "Yes, that’s what I mean. We must know that in today’s environment, we don’t see any vitality. If that’s the case, why not let it go and use this external force to directly break free from the world’s shackles. To detach from this world, no matter how great the price is paid, it is worth it. Even if I fall on the road to break through, I do not regret it. This is the danger we must face and the consequences we must bear. We did not pay. There will be no gain!"

This is right. There will be no gain if you don’t pay. Pay and gain are proportional. If you want to detach from the world, if you want to break free from the world, and enter the highest chaotic world, then you must pay a price, nothing. Things can be obtained for nothing, and nothing can be concealed. At this time, for the major forces in this world, that is a chance!

"Huh, it's easy to say, will the other party give us such a chance? You don't think that the strong man who issued the summoning order will give us this face, and let us use his power to enter the highest chaotic world , This is impossible, nothing does not need to pay a price, we are no exception, we only have one chance, so we must be cautious, there can be no gaps, or else there is only a dead end waiting for us!"

"That's right. There is only one chance. We can't be careless, because we can't bear the consequences of failure. At that time, we will be completely dead in the sand of this world. We must have complete Prepare, there can be no gap, or else there is only a dead end waiting for us!"

"From now on, we will try our best to lock down all the descendants, lock in the position of the order, in any case, we can't let those **** descendants just run away like this, if they escape, we really have no chance of survival, we It really has to become the nourishment of this world, turning all power into the origin of the world!"

In the face of life and death, the strong of many forces quickly reached an agreement and made arrangements to take punishment at all costs, seize the luck of foreign races, and seize everything from them. This is the true thinking of those careerists. !

The opportunity cannot be missed, and the loss will never come again. Xingtian does not have much time wasting on these people. If the time is delayed, the more dangerous it will be for Xingtian, and it will be for all those involved in this catastrophe. There will be a disaster of extinction, this is reality, and reality is so dangerous, not affected by external forces, not affected by others!

"Haha! Wait, let's see how many people can come to me. If they have such strength, I don't mean to give them a ride. Give them this opportunity, until they can grasp it, this Looking at their own!" Xing Tian murmured to himself, in his heart there is a bit of a Moshi enemy for all the creatures here, as if he wants to condense the origin, seize the initiative of this world, and regain his own opportunities. And strength, let the original words be fulfilled!

"The big net of the cloth, lock all the voids, cut all the voids, and in no way let the conspiracy of those damned descendants succeed. If they are allowed to escape at this time, we will really be dead. There is not little vitality, and the consequences of Ning Chan are not what we can afford. We must cooperate and cooperate fully at all costs. If anyone "holds" the center in this battle, it is the soul of the whole world. It’s time to die. I don’t think anyone wants to face death. If there is really no way out, we can contact the death **** and demon and use his power to prevent the other party from leaving!"

"Death demon? You are crazy, can we be in contact with death demon? Are we qualified to cooperate with it? Will he pay attention to us? That **** is not a kind person, and will not be based on previous friendships. Given this opportunity for us, we must go to the death **** and demon for help, I'm afraid we will become his nourishment in the next moment. I don't agree with this plan!"

Disagree, someone soon stood up against it. After all, for these people, the situation was very dangerous this time. They had to prepare for the worst, because many of them couldn't afford to lose, so they didn't want to make it the most dangerous. Appeared one day!

"No, what qualifications do you have to disagree? If you have a better plan than this, then we can accept it, but do you have it? At this time, besides contacting the death god, we can ask for help, and there are other things. Choice? Don’t talk about the will of the world, he will not take us seriously, let alone play with us, because this is its home field, it has been delusional to control everything in the whole world, and will all of us Turn into its nutrients!"

"Yes, we only have this one choice. If we want to stop everything, we can only contact the death **** and demon, and only he has the power to help us complete the thoughts in our hearts. If anyone is unwilling to accept love, then please leave. We don’t want to see someone pulling back at the critical moment, and we don’t want to plunge ourselves into a crisis!"

"Yeah, the trend has already begun. We are not allowed to. At this time, we can only passively accept, unless someone is willing to see those who come out of this world, and see our hopes are shattered, otherwise we only have this One way, let’s act, find those who descended, find the existence of the summoned person, contact the death **** and demon, and ask for his help. I believe that the death **** and demon are not willing to see the secret exposure of this world. In the eyes of the enemy!"

This is indeed the case. When the summoning order came out, the death **** and demon felt extremely deep. The situation in this world changed too quickly. Such an abnormal change would be a great threat to the death **** and demon. Xing Tian broke free from the shackles of the world, got rid of the shackles of the world, and detached from this world, the whole world will inevitably undergo earth-shattering drastic changes, and the chaotic gods and demons will inevitably be aware of the problem here, and then the trouble will be really big. , The whole world is really lifeless, my own opportunities will be completely shattered, and the whole world will go to destruction and collapse! All creatures will be swallowed by the world, and the world will inevitably be destroyed by external forces. All the returning chaos gods and demons don't want someone to break the original plan and make the situation uncontrollable changes!

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