God of Destruction

Chapter 4087: Block

Chapter Four thousand and ninety-fifth chapter block

"Stop, you bastard, stop me!" The impatient death **** demon couldn't bear it anymore, and screamed at Xing Tian frantically, trying to stop Xing Tian. After all, Xing Tian really had to activate his own original power. , And interacting with the Supreme Chaos World, then the whole world will inevitably undergo earth-shattering drastic changes, making everything out of control!

At this time, the death **** and demon did not dare to pause, did not dare to be careless. When he roared, his body tore through the void like lightning, and went directly to the place where Xingtian deity was, for fear of going too late. It will let Xingtian complete his plan, will make Xingtian ruin his great deeds, and will make this world fall into the abyss of death!

"It's a death demon. I didn't expect that he would jump out first. I just don't know what this **** is using to stop me at this time. Could it be that he really is not afraid of the counterattack of the will of the world and wants to fight me first? Said that this **** has reached an agreement with the will of the world, to clear me out first, and want to annihilate my descendants?" When he heard the roar of the death **** and demon, Xing Tian sneered again and again, "shooting" endless killing in his eyes. Meaning, at this moment Xing Naive is right to kill!

Kill the sky, kill the earth, kill the common people! There is nothing to kill in the world! Everyone who dares to obstruct Xingtian’s proving will be killed. This is Xingtian’s determination. Whoever dares to jump out to prevent himself from proving the truth at this time is an enemy, and will trigger the endless killing intent in Xingtian’s heart, and death. The gods and demons are no exception, even if Xingtian knows that the death gods and demons must have assassins, but this does not make Xingtian afraid. For Xingtian, no one can make himself shrink!

"What's the matter? Why did the Death Demon jump out in the first place? Could it be that there are reasons we don't know? It seems that we don't need to ask him for help, the Death Demon will stand up and stop the lunatic Xingtian! "When they saw the sudden change of the death **** and demon, the many ancestors were shocked one by one, but in addition to the shock, they were endless excitement. If they asked for help, they would inevitably owe the death **** and demon a share of heaven. Great cause and effect, but now the death gods and demons jump out by themselves, then they don't need to touch any cause and effect, they can sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight!

"Hahaha! This is air luck, this is the function of heaven and earth air luck. Our human race is the lord of humanity. At this time of crisis, humane air luck will take the initiative to protect us, so that we can resolve our immediate problems without paying a heavy price. Crisis!" Someone laughed pretentiously, thinking that such a change is the blessing of humanity and air luck, but in fact he overestimated himself, the human race, and the humanity. If it weren’t for Xingtian’s actions that would affect the safety of the Death God and Demon, and would destroy the death God and Demon’s plan, how could he take the initiative to fight Xingtian!

In an instant, the death **** and demon appeared in front of Xing Tian, ​​and at this time Xing Tian's body exuded a thick killing intent. Although Xing Tian's deity did not practice the killing avenue, Xing Tian had endless killing intent at this time. His own huge source is also surging frantically, in harmony with his own endless killing intent, motivating the killing avenue of this world!

"Damn, how could this lunatic be so mad, I just shouted, and he gave birth to such a terrible killing intent, what does this madman want to do? Could it be that he really wants to kill the heavens, the land, and the people? Dao, want to use my chaotic **** and demon to sharpen his killing avenue?" When seeing the terrible killing intent on Xing Tian's body, the death **** and demon's heart was chilled, and he couldn't help but become vigilant, for fear that Xing Tian would be the next moment. A madman would take him at the knife.

"Don’t get angry with Daoist Xingtian, I have no ill intentions, I just don’t want to see Daoist go to ruin!" At this time, the death **** demon didn’t dare to hesitate, let alone careless, so he immediately persuaded Xing Tian and declared to Xing Tian that he had no ill will. !

Xing Tian snorted disdainfully, "Huh, you have no malicious intent? You are ashamed to say that. It is not malicious to prevent me from proving the truth, so what is malicious! Preventing people from witnessing the truth is like killing a parent, which is immortality. Do you still dare to say that there is no malice for the endless feud? Do you think of me as a fool? You dare to tease me like this. You really think that you are a chaotic **** and demon and you can do whatever you want. You really think that Xingtian is a bully, you can let you tease. If you don’t give me a satisfactory confession today, don’t blame me for being cruel, and ignoring the original affection and taking you to the knife. I would like to see if you, the chaos **** and demon, can resist my killing!"

"Crazy, this **** is really crazy, so crazy, this time the trouble is big!" After hearing Xing Tian's words, the death **** demon's heart was horrified. He did not expect Xing Tian's reaction would be so intense. So crazy, facing such a crazy Xingtian, the death **** and demon couldn't help but regret it. He shouldn't act so eagerly, that Xingtian would react so fiercely that he would fall into such an embarrassing situation!

The death **** and demon didn’t hesitate, and quickly explained: "Friend Xingtian, you should calm down your anger first. I really have no malice. I don’t want to prevent you from proving. I do this for your own good. This world is not what you think. It's that simple. If you really want to mobilize the power of the supreme chaotic world and break free from the shackles of this world, it will inevitably cause a terrible crisis. Not only you will fall into a crisis of death, but the whole world will fall into a crisis of death. Among them, everyone will face a terrible death shock! I don't think anyone wants to face death, and the same is true of fellow Taoists!"

auzw.com "Hmph, do you really think I am a three-year-old child? Do you think I will believe it when you say this? It’s good for me, not to stop me from preaching, then what are you doing? You are now preventing me from proving, and you are now an enemy of me!" When he said this, Xing Tian sneered in disdain, and his killing intent became even more terrifying. The killing intent was directed at the death **** and beast. If there is a disagreement, you will make a big move. There is no feeling at all, there is no room for words! Romance Novel Network br>"No! No! No! Fellow Daoists misunderstood me, I know that you want to mobilize the power of the source, collude with the highest chaotic world, and use the power of the highest chaotic world to lead those who descended from the world's shackles , But this is not a preaching, this is self-destruction, not to mention whether the will of the world will stop you, even your actions will also alarm the power hidden in this world!"

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Ridiculous, death god, do you think I'm stupid? Do you think I don't know what you are referring to? Don't you just want to say those chaotic gods and gods? You think I will believe your words Do you? I admit that the chaotic gods and demons have left behind in this world, but do you think they have the ability to jump out and stop me at this time? Don’t think I don’t know your conspiracy, you want me to help you Go deal with those chaotic gods and demons?” Xing Tian snorted disdainfully, and looked at the death gods and demons contemptuously, as if he had seen through the death gods and demons, his face was full of disdainful expressions!

"Alas! Fellow Daoists misunderstood me too deeply. I really didn’t have that bad faith, and I didn’t even think about the idea of ​​being a Daoist. Let’s be honest with you. Those Chaos Gods and Demons are not only as simple as Daoists know, they All of them have left behind in this world. It can be said that their power is not only in the secret world, but their power has penetrated into the core of the world. Under normal circumstances, this power is It will not be triggered, and if the Daoist breaks away from the world and mobilizes the source of the highest chaotic world, it will inevitably trigger such a force. The Daoist has been guessing why I can’t let go of the yellow sand land. I don’t know what's under it. I can tell you that their power is sealed underneath, and I have been guarding them most of the time!" When he said this, the death **** demon sighed, with a helpless look on his face, as if it were I have endured great grievances!

"Haha! It's ridiculous, do you think I would believe you? Don't play with cleverness. No matter what you say is "chaotic", I won't believe it, and I won't care. When I make a decision, I won't If you change your plan, no one can stop me. Leave. I don't want to share life and death with you. If you have to stop me, then we have only life and death!"

Seeing Xingtian’s firm expression, the death **** and demon "showed" endless anger. He was also irritated by Xingtian’s persistence at this time, but he took care of it in his heart and did not dare to act rashly, because If he makes a move, things will become even more uncontrollable, and when he makes a move, all cause and effect will fall on him. He will resist disaster for the will of the world, and will directly forge an unending feud with Xing Tian. As long as there is a little sense, the death gods and demons will not take action!

"Friend Xingtian, listen to my explanation. I am really not as sinister as you think. This world is really not as simple as you think. To tell you the truth, there is the power of chaos gods and demons in the origin of this world. All the chaotic gods and demons have left their mark in the origin of this world. If it is normal, it would be fine for someone to fly from this world to a high chaotic world, but in the great catastrophe, if someone forcibly breaks free The shackles of the world will inevitably provoke the brand that we left behind, and that is the brand that ends everything, whether it is you or someone else, as long as you dare to break free, you will inevitably suffer a devastating blow. You will die, do you understand?"

"What? Are you telling the truth? Don't deceive me. That's not a good thing for you and me?" Hearing the explanation of the death **** and devil, Xingtian's expression became serious. If it is so true , Then all this is really troublesome, it is difficult for oneself to directly break free from the shackles of the world and directly return to the highest chaotic world!

At this time, the death **** demon smiled bitterly: "Friend Xingtian, things have reached this point, do you think I need to deceive you? And do I dare to deceive you for such a big thing? Let's not hide it from you, if it's not the brand Existence, do you think I will be so careful that I will fail to complete my plan in these endless years, if it is not for the power of the imprint, do you think I will be suppressed by the will of the world, and there will be no way to use the will of the world? , I am a Chaos God and Demon after all, no matter how weak the Chaos God and Demon are, I will not be suppressed by the will of this world!"

"Death **** and demon, do you know all the will of the world?" Xing Tian looked at death **** and demon with suspicious eyes. At this time, under such circumstances, Xing Tian could not help being careless. After all, this is related to his future. , It is related to one's own practice, and even to one's own survival, so you can't be careless!

The Death Demon shook his head and said: "I don't know! I don't know whether the world will knows all this, maybe he knows, maybe he doesn't know, because the wisdom of the world will has external interference, I don't know this either. Is everything the handwriting of those Chaos Gods and Demons? I'm not afraid of your jokes. I was the weakest among many Chaos Gods and Demons. If it weren't for my body was severely injured and my origin was severely damaged, you think I would abandon my way of death. Dedicated to complete the transformation of the magic way, wasting your time and energy, no matter how good the magic way is, it is not necessarily stronger than my death path!"

When he heard these words, Xing Tian couldn't help but frowned. Could it be that things were as the Death God said? This **** **** is not as sinister and vicious as he thought. He chose the magic way and gave up his own death road. Forced? If this is the case, then all this is really more troublesome, and the world will be even more terrifying!

Seeing the "confusion" look on Xingtian's face, the death **** demon sighed: "I know you are suspicious of me. Actually, I don't need to lie to you. That would be of no benefit to me. If I really have Malicious, if I really have any insidious calculations, I won’t stop Daoists at this time. If Daoists leave with those who have descended, it will be a good thing for me. After all, once the Daoists leave, I don't have a terrible enemy in this world!"

"Death God, what did you do to this world at the beginning? What are your plans? I hope you can tell the truth and don't hide anything!" In the face of such a situation, Xing Tianxin couldn't help but become heavy and things were troublesome. Up!

"What did I do? I don’t know too much at all, because at the beginning my strength was the weakest and I knew the least things. Those **** didn’t treat me as a death **** at all. All I knew was just What you have seen, or you have "groped" out in those endless years, you are also a strong person. You should understand that a person without power cannot be recognized by others. In their eyes, it is just Like an ant, no one will look at you directly, let alone explain to you!"

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