God of Destruction

Chapter 4089: Tentative

The fourth thousand and ninety-seventh chapter temptation

war? Although these ancestors have such thoughts in their hearts, it is really difficult for them to implement them, because they dare not, they are afraid, they are not as crazy as Xingtian, and before they truly understand the reality of the death gods and demons, They will not do anything, and they are also worried that this is the will of the world. They are deliberately letting them fight against the death **** and demon, taking the opportunity to weaken the power of the death **** and demon, and even make them ancestors. Existence and death will die together!

Regarding the will of the world, all the ancestors in this world dare not be careless, no matter how cautious they are, they cannot be overstated. After all, in the eyes of the will of the world, these people are just ants. They are the ants that can be thrown away at will. The life and death of these people is not cared by the will of the world at all, and even for the will of the world, it is hoped that they will die and be reborn early, that body will return to this world sooner!

"Damn, this death **** and demon is so rampant, it doesn't treat us as the same thing. We can't just give up like this, and we can't let this **** be scared, otherwise we really never have a chance to know the fundamental secrets of this world. , And there is no chance to understand the situation of the Chaos Gods and Demons. We must be tough to the end, and we must fight the Death Gods and demons to the end!” At this time, someone was angrily talking about his ideas to other ancestors, and wanted to gather everyone’s strength. The death **** is troubled!

The idea is good, but the reality is cruel. Not everyone can have his ideas, and not everyone will agree with his ideas. More importantly, his ideas are difficult to get everyone’s approval. In my mind, they all thought that this idea was just a conspiracy to provoke everyone to war with the death gods and demons, and the consequences of the war were undesirable to everyone!

"No, we can't do it, and we can't do it. We have a chance to win a war, and even if we really can win, how do we face the will of the world, how do we face the lunatic Xingtian, if we do this, even if we win, In the end, it was also a tragic victory. It was also a wedding dress for others. We cannot make fun of our own "life", and cannot trust our own life and death on the benevolence of others. No matter Xingtian or the will of the world, we would not want to see it. our existence!"

"Yeah! We can't shoot, we can't go to war. After all, we don't have the ability to fight against everyone. The most important thing is that we don't know the true power of the death god. Who can guarantee that we can defeat him? In those endless years, who I don’t know how much the Death God and Demon have prepared for themselves and start a war bravely. In the end, only us will die, not the Death God and Demon, not Xingtian, let alone the will of the world. We gamble with our "life". Can't do it!"

"Damn it, is it possible that we just watched the death **** and devil laugh at us like this, watched the opportunity flow from before our eyes, the opportunity cannot be missed, the loss will never come again, we will not have a second chance like this, this time if We have missed the opportunity, and it will never be possible to understand the fundamental secrets of this world. You have to think clearly, and you can’t give up this only opportunity because of temporary caution. Let us never have the opportunity to know the highest secrets of the world! "

"Enough, don’t talk about it, so what if we know it, is it possible that if we know the secret, we will be able to transcend the world and walk out of our own avenue to the sky, or if we know the secret, we will be able to kill Xingtian, kill the death god, and There is the will of the world, even those chaotic gods and demons hidden in the dark? Don’t be self-righteous, we don’t have that ability, let alone such opportunities. This time it is just our own against the death gods and demons, against Xingtian, and the will of the world. This kind of temptation, don't make things too crazy, it's not a good thing for us, and we can't afford the terrible consequences!"

"Yes, we must make choices in everything, we must be cautious, and we cannot attack on impulse. For us, we don’t have the capital of peace and the ability to break free from the world. All we have to do is Wait, no matter how the world develops, no matter what plots and tricks the death gods and Xingtian have, they will eventually confront the will of the world and the chaos gods and demons. Then they will inevitably have a life and death duel, and this is our chance !"

"Give up, stop doing that ridiculous fantasy. If you really want to fight for the opportunity, then learn Taipingdao, and also sacrifice and refine a treasure of origin, a city of origin, carrying all the power, so that you have the ability to break away from the world Bondage!"

In this controversy, the patriarchs of Taipingdao didn’t say a word. Even when everyone talked about them, these ancestors didn’t react at all, as if everyone said they weren’t peaceful. The more Tao has such a performance, the more difficult it is for everyone to accept it, and the more it makes everyone beware of Taipingdao!

If the heart is not aligned, it is naturally difficult to obtain everything that you want. Whether it is a temptation or an action, it can only be said to be a failure. When seeing that everyone has no hope at all, the Taiping Patriarch sighed and ignored these people. , Turned around and left. There were no extra actions, and no extra words. For him, this was a temptation for everyone. Unfortunately, the performance of everyone this time made him disappointed, and it also made him completely despair of these people. look forward to!

war! For many ancestors, it is a huge threat, even a terrible adventure, but is it not an adventure for the death **** and demon? Is the death **** and devil really scared? No, there are death gods, but these people have no way to unite, unable to work together, so what awaits them is failure, only retreat!

Xing Tian saw the reaction of many ancestors in his eyes. Like the Taiping ancestors, Xing Tian also despised the other party very much. Even if such a group of people has great power, it is impossible to gain anything, because in their hearts Without the thought of seeing death as home, without the determination to give up a fight, in such a catastrophe, without such determination, one would never see hope, because hope has never been given by others, but by oneself. Contending!

auzw.com The departure of the Taiping ancestors directly hit everyone’s beliefs, and directly dissipated the fighting spirit in the hearts of those ancestors. With the departure of the Taiping ancestors, the old people who came from small forces The ancestors naturally followed closely. Their walk changed the tension in an instant, causing other people to sigh secretly, and annoyed the will of the world that has been staring here. With such a great opportunity, these **** just gave up, how can they not make the world will angry!

"Stupid, ignorant! These **** have no belief in a fight to the death. They are really a bunch of **** ants!" The will of the world is swearing, but it can't change the situation, it can't change all of this, and can only watch the situation as it does not want it. Seeing the development in the direction, no one dares to act rashly and dare not start the war lightly!

"Friend Xingtian, let's go, these **** are not a threat at all, they are not determined to have a life and death duel with us!" Seeing the reactions of many ancestors, the death **** and demon spoke to Xing Tian indifferently, in his eyes, I didn't care about the thoughts of many ancestors, and there was no need to give these stupid and ignorant **** a little face!

Hearing this, Xing Tian nodded indifferently and agreed. Although this was not the result Xing Tian wanted to see, it was not bad to have such a result. At least he knew that these ancestors were not as powerful as they had imagined. They were all afraid of death! Fear of death, in Xingtian's eyes, is the biggest weakness of many ancestors. In such a catastrophe, fear of death is the biggest weakness!

"It seems that the situation is much easier than I thought. Daoists can compromise, and these ancestors can also compromise. If the will of the world can also compromise, perhaps we can be more relaxed, or the world will be easier to break away from the original. Destiny!" When he said this, Xing Tian's face "showed" a faint smile, and there was a strange expression in that smile!

Test! Xing Tian is testing, testing the will of the world, wanting to know whether the will of the world will choose to compromise, and will he show up at this time, under such circumstances, and reach an agreement with himself and the **** of death, no more Engage in internal fighting and point the finger at the chaotic **** and demon hidden in the dark, so that the situation becomes more harmonious!

It’s a pity that Xing Tian still thinks a lot. The world will has no idea to compromise. For those ancestors, they are afraid of death, so they can compromise, but the world will will not do so, because in In the mind of the world will, only by killing the death gods and demons can one truly grasp the power of this world and have the opportunity to detach. The death gods and demons are immortal, and they will never be detached. The death gods and demons have seized this place. The authority of the world!

"Hahaha! Fellow Xingtian thinks too much, do you think it is possible to compromise the will of the world? Is it possible to compromise with the existence of us like ants? In its eyes, we are just ants parasitic on its body, high above. How can your world will compromise with us ants? This will never be possible. Give up that ridiculous fantasy. Our hope is never in the world will. Our hope is only in ourselves. Let’s go, ours. Time is running out, and I don’t think fellow daoists are willing to waste their precious time. After all, this is a huge loss for fellow daoists!"

The death **** is right. The world will is like this, and time is so precious to Xing Tian. He does not have so much time to waste on this temptation. Since he knows that the world will cannot be compromised, he no longer holds it. With that ridiculous fantasy, the final battle of life and death will inevitably appear. With that time, I still accumulate a lot of origin, plan for the worst, and make the final battle of life and death so that I can have enough strength to face it. All threats!

I saw, Xing Tian nodded and sighed: "Well, this is the general trend of the world, no matter how hard we work, we cannot reverse everything. In the face of the general trend of the world, we can only passively accept it. Maybe this is us who are practicing. The worst enemy!"

Yes, for practitioners, there is only passive acceptance in the face of the general trend of the world. This is a reality that no one is willing to accept, but this is what everyone has to face. No one can change unless you are against the sky. Unless you can reverse the general trend, will the reversed general trend still be the general trend of the world? Can it still affect the changes in the world?

In a moment, everyone disappeared without a trace. Those ancestors returned to their sects with a strange mood. For them, this temptation was a complete failure, even though they knew the **** of death. The attitude of the devil also understood the choice of the will of the world, but for them this was not the result they wanted to see, but they were not determined to change everything.

At this time, the descendants who were summoned by Xing Tian were also blinded. Originally, all of them had great confidence, thinking that they had finally seen the opportunity to leave the desperate situation of death, but now they found that things had changed again. They were very helpless. What shocked them most was Xing Tian's identity. It was an existence that everyone once despised, but now Xing Tian stood at a height that they could not imagine, which made many people feel more uneasy.

"Damn it, how could this be? How could Xing Tian appear in this world, how could he become the strong man who summoned us, what exactly are Zongmen calculating, and what are we in Zongmen's eyes?" Unwilling, many people Not reconciled, but this is the fact, whether they can accept it or not, this is a fact that cannot be changed!

Leaving, not cooperating with Xingtian? Such thoughts appeared in the minds of many people, but they were unable to make such a choice. They could not bear the terrible consequences. No matter what Xing Tian's status was, no matter how worried everyone was, Xing Tian was their only one. If you give up the opportunity at this time, it is tantamount to giving up all your vitality. With the power of these descendants, they cannot break free from the shackles of the world, and cannot retreat in this terrible catastrophe!

However, because everyone was worried, these descendants had other thoughts. They all chose to contact more descendants after Xing Tian left, whether those people were disciples of their own sect or not, in order to be able to compete for the first line of life, these People are frantically huddling together to keep warm, in order to gain more vitality in this terrible panic, so that they can have the power to protect themselves in this terrible crisis. After all, Xingtian’s departure, they all The descendants are all "exposed" in the sight of the enemy, and no one knows what is waiting for everyone, so they must be cautious!

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