God of Destruction

Chapter 4090: Festival

The fourth thousand and ninety-eighth chapter sacrifice

"Now Fellow Daoists can tell me the truth of the matter, what secrets are hidden in this world that makes you so aggressive and show up at all costs to stop me from leaving?" Xing Tian spoke to him when he came to the kingdom of death gods and demons. Inquired, for Xing Tian, ​​this matter is very important, and should not be taken carelessly. Perhaps this is very likely to be related to his future practice!

Seeing how impatient Xing Tian looked, the death **** demon couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "Friend Xingtian is really impatient, in fact, you don't need to worry, I won't deceive you, let alone conceal something. The situation has developed. At this level, there is no need to conceal everything, at least there is no need to conceal it from fellow daoists, otherwise it will only accelerate the deterioration of the entire world!"

When he said this, the death **** and demon took a deep breath, and then sighed lightly. His expression was constantly changing, showing how much pressure he was feeling inside! And the more the death gods and demons are like this, the more Xing Tian's heart is eager to know this secret, to know what back then those many chaotic gods and demons left behind in this world!

After a while, the death **** and demon sighed: "Friend Xingtian, do you think the chaos **** and demon will only leave behind in this world? Do you think they will only control this world? Many people have their eyes on Above this world, at least the creatures in this world are like this. In fact, this world is only a fulcrum of the chaotic gods and demons of the ancient times. This world is not unique. If you say that the only one is just me. That's it!"

"Oh! Even if this world is not the only back hand of the Chaos Gods and Demons, so what, what does it have to do with me? Why do fellow daoists have to stop me from leaving? Is it possible that my leaving will make them make more A terrible thing?" Xing Tian didn’t care about the words of the death **** and demon. In fact, Xing Tian had thought of it a long time ago. This realm battlefield world is not the only back hand of the chaos **** and demon. I don’t know how many realms there are under the entire supreme chaos world. Domain battlefield world, this world is naturally not the only choice of Chaos Gods and Demons, and as the Chaos Gods and Demons that existed in ancient times, how can they pin all hopes on this world!

Seeing Xing Tian’s reaction, the death **** demon gave a wry smile, and then said: "It seems that fellow Daoists have long been accurate and have already guessed this, but fellow Daoists are wrong. This world is very dangerous for fellow Daoists. , If it is in normal times, even if the Daoist is guided to the origin of the highest chaotic world, it would not be a big deal to break free from the shackles of the world, but it is different now. With the explosion of the secret world, the many chaotic gods and demons All the backhands are activated. As long as fellow Taoists break free, they will inevitably detonate that terrible power and will inevitably bring a devastating blow to themselves!"

"Destructive blow? It seems that the countermeasures left by the Chaos Gods and Demons in this world are quite powerful, but I don't know what it is. With the strength of fellow daoists, they have not been destroyed in the endless years. Clearing it out, it’s a bit weird. Can it be said that in these endless years, Daoists don’t have any countermeasures?" Xing Tian still had a slight doubt on the words of the death **** and devil, after all, the other party also Chaos God and Demon, it is impossible to have no preparation at all!

"Counter? I want to do it too, but I can't do it, let’s not hide it from my fellow daoists. All I can do is suppress. In these endless years, the only thing I can do is suppress that force and let It does not erode this world, otherwise the entire world has already fallen into the grasp of the Chaos Gods and Demons, and the will of the world is just an ant!" When he said this, the Death Gods and Demon snorted disdainfully, to this The will of the world does not pay much attention to it, there is only contempt!

"It’s too ridiculous that fellow daoists can’t do it. After all, fellow daoists are also chaotic gods and demons, and when you worked together to calculate everything, it was impossible for fellow daoists not to participate. In the case of knowing the enemy, fellow daoists also said I can’t stop it. This is a little bit unreasonable, and it’s also incredible the sincerity of fellow daoists. To be honest, I really cannot accept this statement!"

"Haha! I can understand Xingtian's thoughts. In fact, let alone Taoists don't understand, even other people won't believe it, but you can understand the secret if I tell you!" There is no accident in the death **** and demon. Xingtian's suspicion is normal. If Xingtian does not express any doubt, then it is too abnormal. The death **** and demon must think about how to face Xingtian's attack, because that means the beginning of the war!

The Death God and Demon sighed lightly, and then lightly sighed: "Oh! I did participate in the calculation of this world, but my status is not as high as the daoists thought. I was seriously injured back then. , A person’s strength is not one in a hundred. In this case, all I can do is to leave a mark of myself in the calculation, so that I can monitor the changes in the world, monitor the changes in that brand, and let myself Can feel the development of everything!"

When talking about this, the Death God and Demon spoke with a bitter smile: "Does Fellow Xingtian think it is incredible, in fact, this is normal. When the Great Chaos arrived, all of us Chaos God and Demon have endured a tremendous impact. People are seriously injured, I am one of them. Of course, there are many who have not received too much impact. For example, the gods and demons at that time, he is like this, and these **** have mastered the original initiative, which caused us to be seriously injured. People have no room to resist, they can only follow orders. In the minds of fellow daoists, I feel that the plan of the year was made by all the chaotic gods and demons, but in fact it is not the case, but the lightly injured **** headed by the time gods and demons. Master, they control everything, other chaotic gods and demons are just chess pieces in their hands, at their mercy, they are their tools, everything is beyond their control!"

When he heard this, Xing Tian frowned and said in a deep voice, "Isn't there no Chaos God and Demon standing up to resist? Even if you were seriously injured back then, you are not alive, but you are not resisting at all. You don’t have any power, you can’t just be willing to be controlled by each other like this?"


The death **** and demon smiled bitterly: "Resist! Of course we want to resist, but we can't do it, because we have lost our chaotic **** and demon body, and the time **** and demon have not lost their chaos **** and demon body!"

"What? How is this possible? Could it be that the Chaos Great Tribulation Time Gods and Demons did not die?" Xing Tian was shocked by the situation. Although Xing Tian had some guesses in his heart, he did not expect it to be like this, Time The gods and demons did not lose the real body of the chaos gods and demons. This result greatly exceeded Xing Tian's imagination!

"Yes, they did not lose the real body of the Chaos Gods and Demons. They did not die, but feigned death. They hid in the Chaos Sea and kept avoiding the destruction of the world with feign death. They died only as their own clones. The chaotic gods and demons who are above all have their own chaotic clones or they did not participate in the war. They abandoned part of their power, blinded the world, and let themselves escape the catastrophe of death, and what they left in this realm battlefield world The back hand is even more terrifying! In the minds of fellow daoists, what do you think is the will of the world, did the time gods and demons create it just to master the world?"

Without waiting for Xingtian’s answer, the death **** and demon shook his head and said, “No, the world’s will is not created to master the world, nor to draw the stars, but to sacrifice. What I told fellow daoists before was the truth. This world is being led to the highest chaos world, so that the time gods and demons can have a foothold in the highest chaos world, but there is one thing I did not say, that is, this world is reaching the highest chaos world At this time, it will inevitably be impacted by the Supreme Chaos World, and will inevitably receive a terrible blow. The World Will is to resist all this. Only when the sacrifice of the World Will can be recognized by the Supreme Chaos World, and the sacrifice of the World Will must be Sacrifice all the creatures of the entire world!"

"Hi!" When Xing Tian heard this, he couldn't help but gasped, crazy and terrible! This is Xing Tian's first feeling. The chaotic gods and demons are too crazy and terrible. They have to sacrifice all the creatures in the entire world and use all the creatures to complete their plans. Such crazy plans are really horrible!

"Does Fellow Daoist Xingtian think that this has something to do with my showing up to prevent you from leaving? This is a big deal. In order to prevent someone from leaving the world, and to prevent the plan from leaking, they placed a ban in this world. After the secret world explodes, the entire world will enter a sealed state. At this time, no creatures can leave, and they will become sacrifices to this world! And their prohibition is not other power, but the power of curse, which is the chaos of the year. The cursing power of the many chaotic gods and demons who died in the tribulation, no one can resist the cursing power!"

"Death god, I still don’t understand. Now that you know all this, why do you have to make the same choice as you are now? Why do you want to abandon your death road and choose this magic road as your own transformational power? Wouldn't you be killing yourself by doing this? If you haven't given up your death road, I think you should be more relaxed!"

"Haha! Do you think I want to do this? Do you think I really want to give up my death avenue? Because I have no choice, my death avenue is incomplete, and my death avenue is divided by the **** of the time **** Part of it, even if there are endless years of warmth, it cannot be restored. The lack of innate origin directly limits my potential. Such a return, even if I can return to the highest chaotic world, it will only be cannon fodder in the opponent's hands. And I don’t want to be such an existence, do you understand, I don’t want to be controlled by those bastards, I want to resist!"

Rebel! The death **** and demon wanted to resist, so he gave up his death road and chose the magic road! Only by recasting its own avenue can the death **** and demon be able to get rid of the shackles of the year, can truly gain a new life, and be able to fight the time **** and demon!

"But, since you know the secrets of this world and the calculations of the Chaos Gods and Demons, in the endless years, you should not just suppress that power, you should have enough time to decompose it, but you obviously did not do so. , I don’t believe you will choose a dead end. Let’s talk, what are your plans? I don’t think you are just passively resisting!" Xing Tian was not moved by the words of the death **** and demon, he still suspects that the death **** and devil still has Back hand!

"Yes, I do have my own plans. In the endless years, I do have the ability to break down the power of those **** **** of time gods and demons, but I didn't do this. I just suppressed their power because I want to replace it. I want to swallow their power, I want to turn their power into the nourishment of his own avenue!" At this time, the death **** has to tell his secret, because he understands that if he continues to hide it, it will only attract Xingtian's dissatisfaction and counterattack!

"That's right, there is not enough interest to entice "confuse", I don't believe you will do nothing to fight back, endless years, even an ant can gain powerful power, but since there is such a fellow Taoist Why didn’t you implement the idea of ​​??, if the Great Tribulation has fully erupted today, isn’t this the best time for the Daoists to counterattack?"

The death demon shook his head and said, "No, Daoist Xingtian is wrong. This is not the best time to resist. The power of the curse is not as simple as you think, and the will of the world is not as simple as the Daoist thought. The counterattack will only alarm those **** bastards, and will only cause them to be vigilant and cause terrible changes in the situation, because they also control other worlds, and they still have a back hand in other worlds. This is a serial game. Unsolvable serial game!"

Xing Tian smiled indifferently and said, "Oh! Since the time gods and demon, these chaotic gods and demons, can leave behind in other worlds, and fellow daoists should also have such methods, why should fellow daoists stay in this world? Medium! If fellow daoists say that they don’t have this ability, I won’t believe it. Although I haven’t really seen the power of the Chaos Gods and Demons in your era, I believe that even if you are injured no matter how badly you are Strength, with such means, I want to know the truth of the matter, I want to know everything in the past, only in this way can I believe in fellow Daoists, and be able to face this great catastrophe with fellow Daoists, or else it’s a Dao. Friends say that the smallpox is "chaotic", and I will not give up my plan, nor will I give up breaking away from the shackles of this world. Although the power of the curse is terrible, it is not fatal to me!"

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