God of Destruction

Chapter 4091: Festival Secret

The fourth thousand and ninety-ninth chapter secret

The power of cursing may be the ultimate power for others, but it is different for Xing Tian, ​​because Xing Tian has also held the power of cursing, and now Xing Tian's own strength is also extraordinary, whether it is the end of the clone. Well, whether it is the main road of the deity, even the main road of the avatar of Chaos is enough to fight against the power of curse.

Once in charge of the Three Thousand Avenue, and the evolution of the Three Thousand Avenue into a complete World Avenue, all these have left a mark in Xingtian’s soul. It can be said that he wants to use the power of cursing to kill Xingtian from the soul. This is almost It’s impossible, unless the power is beyond Xingtian’s own ability to bear, and the power of the curse dominated by the battlefield world of this realm is afraid it’s difficult to do this, so in Xingtian’s heart, it’s not because of the death gods and demons. Back down!

"The truth? Is truth so important to fellow daoists? Does fellow daoist have to know my secret?" Facing Xingtian's doubts, the death **** demon sighed softly, and his voice was full of helplessness and helplessness. Unwilling, he is unwilling to tell his secrets to others, unwilling to let Xing Tian know his own secrets, which will affect himself!

Xing Tian didn’t hesitate, nodded and said: “Yes, I have to know. If you don’t know the truth of this matter, no matter how much you say, I will not give up my choice. No matter how much you say, your origin determines that I can’t believe you. The identity of the Chaos God and Demon is enough to make me face everything carefully, because it’s not one little thing!"

Silence! For a moment, the scene fell into silence. The Death God and Demon needs time to consider. For Xingtian, this is not a trivial matter. It is also true for Death God and Demon. Death God and Demon do not want to tell others their secrets. Someone is in control of their own life and death, even if they are now seeking Xingtian, after all, this is related to their own survival!

Seeing the death **** and demon who was thinking about it, Xing Tian didn't care. This is a normal reaction. If the death **** and demon directly agreed to his proposal without any hesitation, Xingtian said his secret. Instead, be more cautious, because the other party is likely to tell a lie. After all, no one wants to share their own secrets, especially this secret is also related to your own survival, so you must be more cautious and not be careless!

Time is passing bit by bit, and the expression of the death **** and demon is constantly changing. It can be seen how painful he struggles in his heart. Faced with such a situation, the death **** and demon is also under pressure by many people. unbelievable.

"Well! Since Fellow Daoist Xingtian insists on insisting, I can only agree, but I hope that only Fellow Daoist will know all this, and no second person will know it. After all, this is related to my own safety and also to my own safety. The life and death of the entire world, a little carelessness, will make the situation uncontrollable, and cause the entire world to slide into the abyss of death!" In the end, the death **** demon chose to compromise, because he was always in this matter from beginning to end. Passive state!

Upon hearing this, a faint smile appeared on Xing Tian's face, and he nodded in satisfaction and said, "This is nature. I am not an ignorant person. Naturally, I will keep a secret for fellow daoists, and there is nothing to you and me. Enmity, grievances, and no struggle for interests, I don’t have to provoke myself a life and death enemy, that is not the work of a wise man!"

Taking a deep breath, the expression of the death **** and demon became solemn. Although he was in his own demon country, the death **** and demon still did not dare to be careless, afraid to be careless, his mind instantly enveloped the whole demon. Kingdom, carefully searched for his own Demon Kingdom to prevent any enemies from invading. After confirming that there were no enemies, the Death God and Demon waved his hand again, and the prohibitions poured out frantically. The power of the laws was in the entire Demon Kingdom. In bloom, the entire Demon Kingdom is firmly locked!

Xing Tian couldn't help but secretly shocked when he saw the cautious behavior of the Death God and Demon. Although Xing Tian understood that this was a normal reaction of the other party, Xing Tian did not dare to take it lightly, because Xing Tian was also worried that the Death God and Demon would be right in the next moment. Take action by yourself, and this ban is prepared to seal yourself.

Be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years. In the face of any situation, Xing Tian can't be careless, or he will plunge himself into a death crisis. Although the death gods are quick to make their moves, they are all the same. The prohibition has also fallen into Xing Tian’s sight. Xing Tian has the confidence to face a sudden crisis, even if the death **** and demon violently kill him, Xing Tian is also confident that he can break free from the shackles of this prohibition, from this demon country. Retreat all over.

The death **** demon sighed softly: "Hehe! Let the fellow daoists laugh, I have to do it. Although this is my demon country, I still dare not take it lightly, dare not relax my guard, and know what the whole world has now. The powerhouses are watching every move of you and me, and are eager to know the secret. Under such circumstances, no amount of preparation can be overstated. What's more, we have to guard against not only them, but also The chaos **** and demon that hides deeper!"

Xing Tian nodded and said, "Understand, I can understand the choices of fellow daoists. This is a normal thing. If I stand in the position of fellow daoists, I will make the same choice. Under the environment, no matter how careful you are, you can never think that there is nothing more important than your own life. After all, there is only one life!"

"It's good if you can understand it. When it comes to secrets, I want to ask what do you think of this world and the Great Avenue of the World?" At this point, the Death Demon looked at Xingtian and waited. With Xingtian's answer!


"Oh! What is the purpose of Fellow Daoist saying this? Could it be said that the World Avenue is related to your own secrets, is it related to you preventing me from leaving?" Xing Tian did not answer the question of the death **** and demon, but instead asked the other party.

The death demon nodded solemnly and said: "It's related, it's very relevant, I want to hear the thoughts of fellow daoists!"

"Haha! Interesting, really interesting, I didn’t expect the World Avenue to be related to this secret! Well, since the daoists want to know my opinion, then I will talk about my own views, so as to dispel the consideration of the daoists! Speaking of the world The Dao is actually very simple. The World Dao is the evolution of the world. As for this world, my opinion is simpler. This is a trial field. No matter how big the change is, no matter how big the problem is, it is powerful. Hidden dangers, hidden dangers that cannot be eliminated, because when this world is condensed, it is restricted by the Supreme Chaos World. Although I don’t know whether the sacrifice method of Chaos Gods and Demons can succeed, I believe that even if it succeeds, they It will also pay a heavy price!"

Hearing Xing Tian’s answer, the Death God and Demon took a deep look at Xing Tian and sighed: "It seems that fellow Taoists have a deep understanding of the World Avenue. Perhaps your answer seems to be only a fur from many people, but you only have a real understanding of the world. The Dao’s talents will understand that the simplest is the most important. The World Dao is the evolution of the world! My secret is the World Dao. Although I chose the Demon Dao, the Dao Dao is different from the Death Dao, which is the evolution of the real World Dao. Only the World Avenue can give oneself endless potential and allow one to go further. The World Avenue is the foundation of everything. Taking the World Avenue as the foundation is the most correct path to practice. Without the World Avenue as the foundation, No avenue is real!"

When he said this, the death **** and demon sighed lightly, a faint dignity flashed in his eyes, and for a moment he continued: "I don't know how much Fellow Xingtian felt on the World Avenue, but what I want to say is The evolution of a world is not as simple as imagined. The real world avenue is a complete world, and the reason why I don’t destroy the calculations of the chaos gods and demons is because I want to refine the entire world. Although this world is at the highest Under the chaotic world, it has a complete evolutionary process. If I can refine the whole world directly, then I will get the insight of the whole world, and I will go further on the world avenue. In our time, that Although the chaotic gods and demons have condensed their own inner world, such a world is not perfect, and no matter how much the inner world evolves, it will not be perfect. Only one real world is the most complete. This is my biggest secret. It's my calculations all the time. Once my plan is successful, I can get rid of all constraints!"

"Hey!" Xing Tian gasped involuntarily when he heard the words of the Death God and Demon. He was shocked by the madness of the Death God and Demon, and was also shocked by the death God and Demon's perception on the World Avenue. Shocked at the Secret of the World Avenue!

Seeing the shock that flashed across Xing Tian’s face, the Death Demon said: "Friend Xingtian, although I don’t know your true path of cultivation, I want to advise you, no matter what road you choose, You must have your own world as the foundation, and your best choice is not to condense the inner world and evolve the inner world by yourself, but to directly plunder one world and refine one world directly. Only in this way can your world avenue be consummated and you can have consummation. Foundation!"

"Oh! There is one thing I don't quite understand. What is the foundation of Consummation mentioned by fellow Taoists? Is it the vitality of the world?" Xing Tian vaguely guessed in his heart for the advice of the death **** and demon, but he was not sure whether he was right or wrong. , So ask!

I saw, the death **** and demon nodded and said: "Yes, it is vitality, more accurately it is the evolution of living creatures, because only the real world can breed living creatures, and the inner world cannot, a world that cannot evolve birth spirits. No matter how strong it is, it has its fatal weaknesses. Only the world that can nurture intelligent creatures is a truly perfect world, and such a world cannot be done by condensing the inner world by itself, only plundering from the outside world!"

"That's the case, and the reason why fellow Daoist didn’t calculate this world together with the Chaos Gods and Demons was that when your age was shattered, fellow Daoists realized the true meaning of the world avenue and understood the mystery of it. Daoist will give up his true body of God and Demon. If I am not mistaken, Daoist’s true body of Chaos God and Demon was not destroyed by the enemy. The body did not really dissipate between the heavens and the earth, but merged into this world. I don't know if what I said is right?" At this point, Xing Tian's eyes were fixed on the death **** and demon!

"Awesome! Dao's friendly and powerful vision and such great wisdom can actually figure out my own secrets from my words. Yes, as the Taoist friends said, I did give up the chaos gods and demons by myself. Real body, integrate it into this world, and I am not hit hard by the enemy, everything is my own choice!"

In the face of Xing Tian’s terrifying gaze, the Death God and Demon had nothing to conceal. At this time, if the Death God and Demon still wanted to conceal it, it would only make Xing Tian vigilant, and would only cause Xing Tian’s alert, and no matter what he No matter how concealed it is, Xing Tian's thoughts cannot be changed, because Xing Tian has already seen his own greatest secret!

Yes, the biggest secret of the death **** and demon is not the world avenue, but he himself abandons the chaos **** and demon's true body, and it is he himself who integrates the chaos **** and demon into this world. This is his own greatest secret. Also the most important secret!

"Haha! It's nothing, it's not how smart I am, but that fellow Daoists have been able to live from ancient times to the present, and have kept the flaws left by the remnant soul. Perhaps this flaw is small, and most people will not pay attention to it, but it exists after all. , And I Qia Qia can feel the existence of this flaw, so I know this secret of fellow Daoist!"

When he said this, Xing Tian’s voice paused, took a deep breath, and then continued: "Alas! Fellow Daoist said that he wanted to tell the secret, but you didn’t do it, but did something to me. I don’t know what the Daoist Daoist will do to explain this. If the Daoist treats me with this attitude, the relationship between us will not be too ideal!"

When these words fell, Xing Tian's expression had become extremely dignified, and in that dignity there was also a trace of vigilance and fighting spirit, as if Xing Tian would violently fight against the death gods and demons at any time, and such a change , Makes the situation a little abnormal, and also makes the death **** and devil feel endless pressure and threat! This is not a trivial matter. It is related to the life and death of both parties, and it is also a matter of credibility. If the death demon cannot give Xing Tian an explanation, then the relationship between him and Xing Tian will deteriorate instantly. For a **** who does not speak credibility, Xing Tian Naturally, I dare not trust the other party and dare not have deeper communication with the other party, because this is likely to ruin my life!

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