God of Destruction

Chapter 4092: Jiezhen Linghua Hades

Chapter 4100: True Spirit Transforms Hades

"Hahaha! Fellow Daoists are serious. I am not as bad as the Daoists imagined. I will not hide anything from them. I will not make fun of my reputation. I have not said it yet, but the Daoists themselves think about it first. After all this, you can only say that your friend’s wisdom is too high!" The Death God and Demon is smiling, but his heart is extremely solemn. For such a situation, he is very clear about how much Xing Tian has opinions about him, and will let himself How much impact he has received, but he must persist, and cannot compromise, otherwise he will be under greater pressure, even if it is just to maintain face, he must persist!

"Haha! Interesting. Fellow Daoists don’t think this explanation is a bit far-fetched. Even so, I don’t know if you have anything else you can say. Fellow Daoists will never say that this is everything about yourself, this is everything in the world, right?" Xing Tian smiled indifferently in the face of the death **** and demon's cover, his eyes revealed a faint indifference.

"Damn it, what is going on? Could it be that Xingtian **** knows something? Why else would he ask himself again and again? No, it shouldn’t be like this, Xingtian **** can’t know There are more secrets, even if he knows something about the ancients in the secret world, he will certainly not know much. The time gods and demon **** cannot leave important things there. It must be this **** who is deceiving me and wants Get more information from me! Yes, it must be so!"

Faced with Xingtian’s questioning, the death **** demon continued to cheer himself up, and kept telling himself that this was Xingtian’s conspiracy. He could not be deceived or frightened by the other party. Although he had made a mistake before, it was just a In a small accident, Xing Tian cannot know more about himself and the world, and he cannot compromise first, otherwise he will be extremely passive!

"Friend Xingtian is serious, there is nothing else to say there. Fellow Daoists even know my last secret. It can be seen that Fellow Daoists have so much wisdom. With the wisdom of Fellow Daoists, it is natural to understand that the world cannot be that way. There are so many secrets, and even if there are, it is impossible for me to know it alone. Even if I am the oldest creature in this world, I also cannot know all the secrets of this world. That’s all. Now that fellow Taoists know, You should also make a decision!" When he said this, the eyes of the death **** and demon became sharp, staring at Xing Tian firmly, wanting to see Xing Tian's thoughts from Xing Tian's face!

"What a death god, what a sharp mouth, what a deep scheming. It seems that we really have no possibility of cooperation. There is no sincerity in cooperation between you and me. In your eyes and in your heart, there is no way to Xing Tian takes it seriously, as your own companion, you just want to persuade me to let go, you just want to use me!"

When he heard Xing Tian’s words, the expression of the death **** and demon changed drastically, and a bad thought arose in his heart. Just when he wanted to speak and explain to himself, Xing Tianyi He waved his hand to stop him, then smiled calmly and continued: "Death God and Demon, do you think I am a fool? You can really cover the sky with one hand for yourself. This world is not just you, an ancient life. How can the world's will be better than you were born. It's going to be late, but it doesn't know less about the secrets of this world than you know. Is it necessary for you to hide it like this?"

The death **** and demon's "color" condensed, and he said in a deep voice, "What Daoist Xingtian is saying, how come I can't understand why Daoist must always think that I have something to hide? Could it be that Daoist got something from the will of the world? Information, but if this is the case, I advise fellow daoists not to believe in it. After all, the will of the world will always be the mortal enemy of us living beings, and its plan will always put us to death! Believe it, it will only make We die faster and worse!"

"Oh! Then I don’t know why your true spirit is defective. Maybe you still want to say that it was damaged in the ancient battle, but what I understand is not the case. You are actively cutting With your own true spirit, your true spirit is integrated into this world. It is precisely because of that half of the true spirit that your chaotic **** and demon's true body can easily blend into the origin of this world, and The land under your guard is not the brand and the back hand of the chaos gods and demons, but the underworld evolved by your true spirit. The underworld is your greatest method and your most powerful method!"

When Xingtian’s remarks fell, the death **** and demon were like thunder, and the whole person trembled. He never thought that his greatest secret would be known to Xingtian. He couldn’t believe his ears, he didn’t. Knowing what happened will make Xing Tian know so much about his secrets. Is it true that the will of the world is doing the trick?

"Underworld? What underworld? Fellow Daoist thinks too much. No matter how crazy I am, I don’t dare to risk my true spirit. Realize Hades. Fellow Daoist thinks wrong. I don’t have the guts, and this world Mastered by the will of the world, how could it give me such an opportunity? Even the chaotic gods and demons would not give me such an opportunity. Fellow Daoists laughed!"

No matter how horrified the death **** is in his heart, he still persists, still unwilling to admit all this, still making excuses and reasons for himself, but the more he acts like this, the more Xing Tian believes that he is guessing. It’s true. The death gods and demon really have to evolve the underworld crazily based on their true spirit, as he guessed. Is there an inexplicable force in this world that affects them? That is the power of the underworld, that is, the death **** The killer!

Xing Tian smiled indifferently: "Haha! Is that true? If fellow Daoists really didn’t evolve the Hades, and didn’t hold the power of the earth, then dare to let me go under the earth to take a look. I also want to see the chaos suppressed by fellow Daoists. I want to see how powerful the imprints of gods and demons are. I want to see how much impact they have on the creatures of this world. Knowing the enemy and knowing oneself can survive a hundred battles. I don’t think I will refuse this little request. It can make me feel at ease, and it can make Taoists feel at ease!"

auzw.comImmunate the world to watch from the depths of the earth. This is absolutely unworkable. Once Xing Tian penetrates into the earth, he will naturally be able to perceive the underworld where his true spirit has evolved. Now the underworld is At the critical moment of evolution, there cannot be the slightest difference, or else his endless years of efforts will be turned into nothingness, especially now that Xingtian’s malicious face dares to let the death **** and demon let him go, and once something goes wrong, death The gods and demons regret it. In any case, the death gods and demons can't satisfy Xingtian's small requirements, can't let him go deep into the earth, and can't let him get close to his true spirit underworld!

At this time, the expression of the death **** and demon became extremely dignified. Although he guessed that Xing Tian did this only as a temptation to himself, the so-called Hades is also a guess, but if he refuses, it means that everything will be implemented, and Xing Tian must There will be more ideas, but you can let Xing Tian watch everything, and it will also have a great impact on yourself, and even make your plan completely frustrated, because the death **** does not know whether Xing Tian will kill him. , Will you stop yourself!

Hesitating, the death **** and demon fell into a state of hesitation once again, not knowing what he should do for a while, whether it was because he agreed with Xingtian's suggestion, whether he should tell Xingtian his last secret!

Time passed bit by bit. Although the death **** and demon did not answer his suggestion, Xing Tian did not urge him. At this time, Xing Tian had already determined that his guess was true, so there was no need to "force" the death **** and demon. It’s too tight. If you really "force" the Death God and Demon into an outbreak, it’s not necessarily a good thing for yourself. After all, this is the site of the Death God and Demon. The Death God and Demon have an endless layout for this world. No one knows him. How many back-hands did you master!

"Frankly, death gods and demons, there is no need to cover up between you and me. Although you don't want to admit everything, you can't help but not admit it. Your true spirit is evolving into the underworld, and is in charge of the power of the earth and the authority of the world. , I think we should have a good talk, that would be good for you and me. You don’t want your plans to be blocked, and you don’t want your calculations to fail, and our cooperation is the best choice, unless you want to ignore it. The big picture!"

After a while, when Xing Tian felt that the nervousness of the death **** and demon was relieved, he once again spoke to the death **** and demon to persuade him. After all, this world is too dangerous, and Xing Tian did not want to take his own "sexuality". "Fate adventure, and I don't want to completely break with the death gods and demons, I don't want to add a life and death enemy to myself, and let myself fall into a greater crisis!

For Xingtian, the chaos gods and demons are still a big threat, as is the world will, but the death gods and demons are different. Although the death gods and demons have their own calculations and selfishness, the enemy’s enemies are friends, and they can unite. Only the death gods and demons, as for the ancestors of the major forces, they are less reliable than the death gods and demons, and they are even more untrustworthy!

After pondering for a moment, the Death God and Demon nodded and said, "Well, since fellow Daoist has said this, I will shirk my distrust of fellow Daoist. Yes, you are right. I am indeed in charge of the earth. It is indeed evolving the Hades, we should really talk about it, but before going into the details, I want to know how Fellow Xingtian knows all of this, really got my secrets from the will of the world? Do I see a flaw in me?"

For the death **** and demon, it is the most important to understand all of these. If you don’t understand why Xingtian can know so many secrets, the death **** and demon can’t rest assured, after all, if all this is really learned from the will of the world , I’m afraid that my secret has already been leaked out, and I need to change my plan and prepare again, just in case!

Once the will of the world knows its own secrets, it means that the endless years of plans have failed completely. It means that the chaos gods and demons also know all of this, and they have not responded for a long time, just afraid that they are planning a bigger conspiracy and thinking. How can I swallow myself in one bite and take everything I have accumulated over the endless years in one fell swoop.

"Hahaha! Fellow Daoist still admit it. I know what you are worried about. In fact, Daoist doesn’t need to be so nervous. The secret I know is not from the will of the world. I’m just cheating fellow Daoist. As for why I will There is such a guess because I am reincarnated in this world from the supreme chaotic world, and my body is naturally contaminated with the reincarnation aura of this world, and the daoists want to evolve the underworld and control the authority of the earth, so naturally there will be The breath of reincarnation is added to the body, no matter how the daoist conceals it, it can't completely conceal that breath. Ordinary people may not feel it, but I can feel it!"

To Xing Tian’s answer, the death **** and demon screamed, and said in a deep voice: "Oh! Xingtian fellow Taoist can tell me why you can feel this breath of reincarnation, is it because of my own huge flaws? Yes, I also hope that fellow Taoists will enlighten me. This is related to my own safety and my Dao practice!"

Xing Tian gently waved his hand and said, "In fact, this is nothing. Daoists don’t need to worry, don’t need to be afraid. This is not a Daoist’s own defect, but my own problem. I have mastered the Way of Reincarnation, and then reincarnation. I have come into contact with the reincarnation aura of this world, so I can feel the veiled reincarnation aura on fellow Daoists. It’s impossible to change to other people. Unless he also practices the path of reincarnation, otherwise it’s impossible to know Dao friends. This secret!"

"Huh!" After hearing Xing Tian's explanation, the Death God and Demon let out a long sigh of relief. This result is not bad. At least for now, I don't need to worry that my secrets will be known by the second person, and my own danger. It is much smaller, but this secret of oneself falls into the hands of Xingtian, which is also a big trouble for him, and it will also affect his plan!

"It turns out that the practice of fellow Taoists is really surprising. It is not only the Avenue of Stars, but also the Avenue of Devouring, the Avenue of Destruction, the Avenue of Death, and even the Avenue of Reincarnation. I really want to know your origins. If it’s just a disciple of the outer powers of the Supreme Chaos World, I really can’t believe it, because you don’t have so much time and energy to practice so many great avenues. I’m also very curious to speak of it, Fellow Xingtian, what kind of avenue are you practicing? , What avenue do you want to walk? So many avenues are condensed into one body. Even if you cut off the clone, it will still affect your own practice. In today's general environment, Taoists involve so many avenues. , That’s killing yourself. You don’t have so much time to practice. Time will be the biggest threat to you. I advise fellow daoists to think twice before doing it!"

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