God of Destruction

Chapter 4093: Section clash

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Chapter 4101 Confrontation

Faced with the advice of the death **** and demon, Xing Tian sneered again and again. It seemed that these words were an advice to himself, a good intention, but Xing Tian knew in his heart that the other party was warning him not to interfere too much in the underworld. Don’t break the opponent’s calculations, or else you will be hit by the death gods and demons, and your path of preaching will also be affected!

Xing Tian smiled indifferently and said: "Hehe! Time is no big deal to me. As for the integration of many avenues, although it seems that it will drag down one's own practice, the integration of the avenues will also bring great benefits to oneself. Dadao is like this, and other avenues can also do it. I don’t think there is anything wrong with this. On the contrary, Daoists are in a very dangerous situation now. No matter how concealed Daoists are, they will feel vaguely as the will of the world. It won’t take long for it to determine everything. At that time, the real threat of fellow Daoists will appear, and fellow Daoists will face terrible shocks. A life-and-death duel may happen to fellow Daoists. How much is the chance of winning fellow Daoists? It's hard to say, after all, you and the will of the world have their own cards!"

Yes! Until now, Xing Tian did not believe that all the secrets of the death gods and demons were exposed to his eyes, nor did he think that the underworld was the last secret of this bastard. For a chaos **** and demon, especially a chaos **** and demon that survived the ancients, It is difficult for anyone to understand how many back players he has. After all, the other party has made too many preparations during those endless years. Xing Tian himself understands the situation of the death gods and monsters. After all, Xing Tian has developed step by step from the wild world to the present, so Xing Tian's perception of the great road and the grasp of human nature are far beyond what ordinary people can know.

The death **** and demon sighed and said, "Nevertheless, Daoist Xingtian is still more careful. After all, this is a catastrophe of heaven and earth, and everything is possible. Under such a big environment, no amount of preparation can be overstated. , Maybe just a negligence, it will bring disaster to the daoists. Now the world has undergone a qualitative change. The will of the world seems to have done nothing, but it is already changing the world, changing everything, facing this No matter how important it is, it’s right!"

In the confrontation, in this invisible contest, the death **** and demon did not want to give up, and in his opinion, he could not give up. If he compromised at this time and gave up, he would only make Xing Tian gain an inch and make his situation worse. It's dangerous. The death **** does not think that Xingtian will accept it if he meets well. In his opinion, Xingtian is an extremely greedy bastard. It is impossible to let this **** accept it when he sees it. The other party will squeeze the greatest benefit from himself. !

"Thank you fellow daoists for your guidance. I have my own plan. Fellow daoists don’t think about yourself first, and don’t forget how great the danger you face is. But if fellow daoists are willing to let me see your evolution Hades, let me also understand the operation of the world. After all, to cooperate, I also need to understand the situation of fellow Daoists. It is not only the fellow Daoists who understand my situation while I don’t know anything about them. , How can we cooperate as much as we like!"

When it comes to this, Xing Tian’s eyes reveal a faint desire, his eyes are firmly locked on the death **** and demon, looking at each other with expectant eyes, this can be a great opportunity, if he can observe closely The death gods and spirits evolve into the underworld, and observing the evolution of the underworld is of great benefit to one's own world road and one's own practice.

"Damn Xingtian, how could he hold on to the underworld? What exactly does he want to do, so persistently wanting to observe the evolution of the underworld, could it be said that this **** has ambitions that I shouldn't have?" Facing Xing Tian once again mentioning the underworld, the death **** and demon's mood was extremely solemn, and he became more wary of Xing Tian.

"Friend Xingtian, you are also a cultivator, and you also understand the importance of the Hades to me. Under this critical situation, let go of everything and let fellow Daoists observe the Hades closely. This is too dangerous. Dao Friends are a bit difficult for others!"

"Hahaha! The death demon is worried that I will take action against you? Worried that I will ruin your evolution to the underworld? You worry too much, and you too underestimate my Xingtian. I am not that stupid and would not do this. Stupid thing, you have to know that this is your place. No matter how big the environment changes, this place is under your control. At this time, under this situation, I will take action against you. Isn’t that my own demise? Is it so stupid, or that I am such a person in your heart!"

When he said this, Xing Tian's voice paused, then his expression changed, and he said in a deep voice: "Death **** and devil, I dare to believe you, dare to come to your demon kingdom alone, but you just shied away and covered up. Don’t you think this approach is a bit excessive, you ask me to let go of my mind, but you yourself have repeatedly prevented me from understanding everything, do you think it is necessary to carry on this kind of cooperation? Can not all the benefits fall on you Body, and I have to give everything!"

Xing Tian’s remarks are a bit heavy, but they are also true. If the death gods and demons persist in this way, then the cooperation between the two parties is just a joke, and there will be no results at all. No one is willing to accept such cooperation, no one wants to have only Pay by yourself, but the partner who cooperates does not pay any price, this is not the sincerity of cooperation at all!

Seeing the death **** and demon still struggling and hesitating, Xing Tian said in a deep voice, "If fellow Taoists insist on doing this, then we don’t need to cooperate anymore. I am not asking you death god. The devil, it’s you who jumped out to stop me from leaving. You intend to cooperate, but now I don’t see any sincerity in you! Since fellow daoists have no sincerity, we should go our separate ways. Everyone will go our own way. , Don’t entangle each other!"

Parting ways! When I heard Xing Tian’s words, the expression of the death **** demon shuddered. I did think that I was too self-righteous and took it for granted. All this is not Xing Tian begging for himself, but he took the initiative to ask Xing Tian. Tuangan sees through his own secrets, and there is still talk about everything, but now he pushes it off like this, the sincerity of this cooperation is too little, it doesn't look like cooperation at all, in this state, everyone can only part ways!


Xingtian doesn’t care about cooperation, but the death gods and demons can’t do it. Xingtian doesn’t have much pressure on him, even if there is a curse, even the existence of the will of the world, even the threat of chaos gods and demons, but Xingtian is not prepared. No, it is not impossible to retreat from this world, but the death **** and demon dare not let Xingtian do this. It can be said that he has not taken the initiative from beginning to end, he has always been very passive and has the real initiative. Always in the hands of Xingtian!

When thinking of this, the Death God and Demon took a deep breath, his face turned and said in a deep voice, "Well, since Fellow Xingtian insists on insisting, then I have nothing to say. If I refuse, it will not look like cooperation. There is no sincerity to cooperate, please, fellow daoists, I will let you see the evolution of the underworld and the original changes of this world!"

When I said this, the death **** demon waved his big hand, a magic light flickered, and the earth changed. A dark and faint door opened, and the demon energy gushed out of the door. When he came into contact with this demon energy, Xing Tian couldn’t help. The ground drew a breath of cold air. The devil qi gushing out of this gate is more pure and powerful than the devil qi that diffuses in the world. It seems that the death **** and devil have walked far more on the magic path than he thought. Far away, the opponent's magic way is not as simple as it appears!

"What a pure demon energy and a powerful source of the demon path. It seems that fellow Daoists have gone far along this path. With such a great path, the plans of fellow Daoists will be easier to succeed. It really will be a big gain!" Feeling the pure and powerful source of the magic way, Xing Tian couldn't help but sigh, and he couldn't help but become more vigilant towards the death gods and demons in his heart!

"Friend Xingtian joked. No matter how strong my demon way is, I will be bound by the will of the world and also affected by external forces. Fellow Daoist’s Avenue of Stars is different, and the Way of Ending is different, and neither is affected by this world. As long as you give the Daoist enough time, Daoist will go farther than me and gain more on the road of cultivation!” For Xingtian’s admiration, the death **** and demon did not get stunned and understood naturally. In your own situation, I don't want to be fascinated by the words of punishment!

The world will is the greatest enemy of the death **** and demon, at least above the magic way. As long as the world will exists, the death **** and demon's magic way will be suppressed and restricted. The death **** and demon knows this very well and will not forget this big The existence of threats will not relax one's vigilance and plunge oneself into the desperate situation of death!

While talking, Xing Tian and the Death God and Demon walked into the depths of the earth. The more they walked into the depths of the earth, the more Xing Tian could feel the power of the demon way, the purity and horror of the demon energy, in the endless years, The death **** and devil did too much preparation, and this pure and terrifying devilish energy was enough to explain everything.

Step by step! Soon Xing Tian became vigilant, and was shocked in his heart. Yes, Xing Tian’s mind was affected by devil qi before, and he only watched the power of devil qi, and ignored the biggest problem. When he entered the depths of the earth, Xingtian and the death gods and demons step by step, and it can be said that in the depths of this earth there are more terrifying restrictions than Xingtian imagined!

"Hey! What a sinister death god, such a vicious prohibition, one step at a time, if an enemy invades, just this prohibition is enough to kill all invading enemies, if it's not for my strong mind, if it's not for me in the world There are also sentiments on the above, I’m afraid I can’t see through this step of prohibition day by day!” For an instant, Xing Tian was more vigilant against the death gods and demons. You must know that this **** has never said this. If you don’t know anything, If you bump into it, it's easy to be tricked by this bastard!

"Dao-friendly means, such a powerful ban. Step by day, such a strong defense ban is sufficient to strangle all invading enemies. With such a strong defense, there is nothing for the daoists to worry about. There is no need for the daoists to sit here. Yes, fellow Daoist is still too cautious!" Feeling the power of restriction, Xing Tian smiled lightly and opened the secret here!

"Friend Xingtian joked. No matter how strong the ban is, it is just a ban. There are still weaknesses. In the face of such a big environment, no matter how careful you are, I don’t think it is too much. I don’t want to wait for endless years to turn into nothingness, let alone this ban. Even fellow daoists can’t hide it, how could it be possible to hide the will of the world, and there must be an enemy invasion, this prohibition may not be able to stop it!" Although the prohibition was seen through by Xing Tian, ​​the death **** and demon did not feel that there was any accident. If Xing Tianlian This point of prohibition is not clear, the death **** and demon will doubt the other party's intentions, and will doubt Xingtian's intentions. Now Xingtian directly points out the existence of the prohibition, which makes the death **** and demon breathe a sigh of relief and let He has a little peace of mind!

Xing Tian shook his head and said: "Fellow Daoists look at me high. Faced with such a restriction, who dares to have full confidence to pass through, at least I don't have, and I dare not have such arrogant thoughts. Step by step, this is nothing. The prohibition of the evolution of the World Avenue, once the World Avenue comes out, it is the blessing of the origin of one world, and I don’t have the strength to fight against it!"

Regarding Xingtian’s words, the death gods and demons did not take it seriously, nor dare to take it seriously. If they were taken seriously, it would be too stupid. Although he had a lot of trump cards and made a lot of preparations in the endless years, Xingtian was a lunatic. Isn't there a bit of a killer? If you still look at Xingtian with old eyes, I'm afraid it will only be yourself who will suffer in the end!

"Small means can't make it to the big stage. This prohibition is okay to stop ordinary people. It is easy to break for the real strong, and once someone invades, it will inevitably alarm the will of the world. Under the will of the world, fellow daoists feel that I am There is still some power in the restraint. No matter how well prepared I am, the will of the world has taken the initiative. Unless my underworld evolves to a complete success, I truly control the power of the earth and control the tunnels, or else the will of the world will always take the initiative and dominate! When talking about this, the Death God and Demon sighed deeply, and then sighed somewhat innocently: "If it's just the will of the world, it's okay to say, but the Chaos God and Demon hidden in the dark is the most terrifying. No one knows when they will make a big move!"

Chaos gods and demon, this is indeed a big trouble, a big trouble that will explode at any time. The longer the time is, the more terrifying and terrifying this big trouble will be. It is not unreasonable for the death **** and devil to worry so much. After all, this world is too much. Crazy, can't be careless!


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