God of Destruction

Chapter 4094: Knots

Chapter 4102

Although the expression of the death **** and demon was helpless, he did not believe it to Xing Tian. For a chaotic **** and demon who repeatedly concealed his secrets and repeatedly wanted to calculate his own, Xing Tian did not believe his words. To the death **** and demon, Xing Tian I don’t believe it ignorantly, it will only plunge me into a crisis of death. Don’t look at the other party who seems to cooperate with me now, but what is in the other party’s heart, Xing Tian is completely confused and has to be cautious!

While talking, Xing Tian and the death gods and demons finally stepped into the underworld, the underworld, the core of the earth’s authority, the world’s authentic authority. When he stepped into the underworld, Xing Tian deeply felt the existence of the road of reincarnation. Feeling that the whole world is being pushed by the cycle of reincarnation, the strong atmosphere of the road of reincarnation shocked Xing Tian.

The road of reincarnation, an indispensable existence in the world, is only the induction of divine consciousness, and Xing Tian understands that the death gods and demons have gone far on the road of reincarnation, far beyond his imagination, compared with the road of reincarnation that he once mastered , There is a world of difference, endless years of waiting did not waste the time of death gods and demons, but gave him endless benefits and endless heritage!

I saw, Xing Tian took a deep breath and said: "What a powerful Taoist Dao, Daoist is really amazing. It is unexpectedly condensing the origin of such a powerful Samsara Dao under the eyes of the will of the world, if the Daoist is willing , Just this road of reincarnation is enough to match the will of the world. It seems that what the daoists are aiming at is not the will of the world, but someone else. What is the ultimate method of the Chaos God and Demon? Fellow Daoists are so cautious?"

"Caution? No, this is not because I am too cautious, but I have to do it. The chaos gods and demons are more terrifying than fellow daoists thought, and their pursuit is even more terrifying than fellow daoists thought, although I don’t know you. I don’t know where you came from, but you can enter this world. It can be seen that fellow Taoists are on the edge of the chaotic world, and for all chaotic gods and demons, it’s just a desert that is not worth mentioning. Whether it’s me or other chaotic gods or demons, I’ve never thought of passing through the edge of the highest chaotic world, or even channeling the many sects behind you into the highest chaotic world. For us, that world’s passage It's just a channel for us to absorb the origin of the highest chaotic world!"

When the Death God and Demon once again emphasized his pursuit with the Chaos God and Demon, Xing Tian couldn’t help being solemn in his heart. At this time, under such circumstances, the Death God and Demon would not lie. The sects behind them are regarded as one thing, and they really didn’t regard the many descendants of the supreme chaotic world as one thing. For the death gods and demons, to the many chaotic gods and demons, they didn’t care about the life and death of those who descended. The power of the sect behind!

Xing Tian smiled indifferently: "The Way of Reincarnation? The Way of Demon? I don't know which way the friend walked. Whether it is the Way of Reincarnation or the Way of Demon, fellow Daoists have gone very far, and they have already stepped out of vitality. One step, does it mean that you have the same idea as me on this Dao practice, and you have to take the road of integration with Dao?"

The death demon shook his head and said, "The road to integration? No, the only road, and the road to specialize. I don’t have the ambitions of a fellow Daoist. Just as I told my friends before, don’t waste your energy and time. Humans can have so much energy and time to build all kinds of avenues. I have only one path, and that is the magic way. Although the avenue of reincarnation is strong, it is only the way I use to master this world, as long as I master the whole The world, the power of the magic way will completely erode this world, this world will completely become a magic country, it will evolve into a complete magic way world, the so-called road of reincarnation will be absorbed by the magic way, and will no longer affect my own practice the road!"

"Absorb? Swallow? Fellow Daoists want to use Samsara Dao as a nutrient for their own magic path. It is such a big hand and a firm determination to be able to face such a huge temptation without changing their original intention. This is what most people think. What can’t be done, it’s really admirable to be able to stick to the principle in the face of such great temptations!” When he said this, Xing Tian couldn’t help but sighed, his eyes flashed with a gleam of light on the death god. It is more vigilant!

For a moment, Xing Tian's face turned straight, and his voice turned and he said in a deep voice: "Friends, I don't know if I should say something?"

The death **** demon smiled indifferently and said: "Oh, Daoist Xingtian has anything you want to say. There is no need to be so cautious between us. If you want to ask, just say hello, no matter what!"

"Well, since fellow Daoists are so happy, then I'll just say it! Based on my understanding of the Great Dao of the World, a complete world has three ways of heaven, earth and man, and these three ways of origin constitute the main body of the world, and these three ways are also the world. The core of, the balance of the three paths can make the world perfect. Daoists have been evolving in the underworld. They have always been in control of the power of the earth and the power of the tunnels. Why has the world not wavered, and the Daoists treat humanity with the magical way, and whether they will Shake the foundation of the world?"

Hearing Xing Tian’s words, the "face" of the death **** and demon also condensed, and he took a deep breath and said: "It seems that Daoist Xingtian also has an extraordinary understanding of the World Dao. Yes, the world Dao is basically the world. The Three Ways, the tunnels of this world have been eroded by my true spirit, and have been evolving into a complete Hades, but this will not affect the balance of the world, because this world is extraordinary, with many things that the world does not have. The power of the origin, and I will replace the humanity with the magical way, and there will be no accidents, and will not shake the foundation of the world, because all this is progressing slowly and will not cause a huge impact on the world!"

auzw.com"Oh! In this way, the Daoists have already calculated. Before the endless years, before the Chaos Gods and Demons retreat, the Daoists have made all-round preparations. Subtly affecting the development of this world, and in the endless years, no one or any creature has noticed the changes in the world. Does this mean that you have already mastered the initiative in this way?"

The Death Demon shook his head gently and sighed: "Things are so simple. Although I had calculated and planned long before the endless years, it was not at all that I could influence this world at that time. The chaos gods and demons were not given for nothing. With them, I didn't dare to act rashly at all. All of this was after the chaos gods and demons left, I slowly accumulated bit by bit, using the endless years. Completed this earth-shattering transformation!"

Grinding with time, this is the method of the death **** and demon, transforming the world little by little with endless years, and promoting the change of the world little by little. I have to say that the death **** and demon are really patient and firm. If Xingtian is allowed to stand in the position of the death **** and demon, can he do the same, and have such unwavering patience?

No, Xing Tian sighed inwardly. He couldn't do it. Although his will was very firm, he let himself spend endless years to turn the tide of the world bit by bit. Xing Tian did not have such a good patience, maybe a thousand In two thousand years, I was able to calm down and promote changes in the world, but in tens of millions of years, this was impossible for me.

"The Daoist Xingtian asked if he wanted to condense the World Dao, but Dao Dao really had to take this way to plunder the origin of the world. It’s best not to act in a hurry, and don’t directly refine this whole world like me. , Because you don’t have so much time to consume, it’s best to start from a planet, accumulate the origin little by little, and then replace the origin of your inner world little by little to reach the level of evolving a complete world. , This will not have much impact on oneself, will not bring great hidden danger to oneself, and will not cause accidents in one's own Dao practice!"

Kind? Is the death **** and devil really so kind to remind Xing Tian? Let Xingtian not detour? Is Xing Tian able to go further on the World Avenue? Xingtian deeply doubts that the death **** will not have such kindness. If he is so generous, he will not have so many hidden dangers to himself, and will not repeatedly guide himself against the will of the world and chaos. Gods and demons are enemies, the reason why this **** said this, the reason why he told himself the road of practice on this world road, I am afraid that there are more terrible calculations!

It’s a pity that Xing Tian still doesn’t know what the death gods and demons intend to do. He is calculating what he is doing, so he can only smile and say: “Friends of Daoist are laughing. I have such abilities and time. It’s really good for me. Facing this terrible catastrophe, I would have broken free from the shackles of this world and returned to the highest chaotic world if it weren’t for a fellow daoist to show up to stop it. Although the Great Avenue of the World is good, it’s true to me. It is difficult to practice. After all, my current Dao practice can no longer be integrated into the World Dao. The power of ending the Dao has a great influence on the World Dao!"

The Great Way of Ending, this is the power of the Great Way of Destroying all living beings. With the Great Way of Ending, if you want to practice the Great Way of the World, this will inevitably lead to a great conflict. When he heard Xing Tian’s words, the Death God and Demon also nodded. , I also believe that today's Xing is too naive to make progress on the World Avenue, and it is impossible to condense the perfect World Avenue as its foundation!

"It’s my carelessness. I forgot that fellow daoists also practiced the Ending Avenue and merged the three types of avenues into the Ending Avenue. The origin of the Ending Avenue would indeed pose a threat to the World Avenue and would conflict with the World Avenue. It’s just that the End Avenue is extremely powerful. , But its existence is a threat to any world. Even the highest chaos world cannot accommodate the Daoist’s End Road. Now the Daoist’s End Road is still very weak and will not pose a threat to the highest chaotic world, so Daoists still have the opportunity to give up and re-choose their own avenues. If Daoists go further on the end of the avenue, there is no room for turning back!"

"Let yourself give up on the Ending Avenue? What does the Death Demon want to do? Could it be that the existence of the Ending Avenue makes him feel uneasy?" When he heard the death demon's persuasion, Xing Tian's first reaction was that there was a conspiracy. This is calculating yourself! The accumulation of a lot of time has condensed the origin of the avenue of the end, sacrificing the treasure of the origin of the avenue of the end, it is too weird to let oneself give up now, will the power of the end of the avenue really lead to the suppression of the supreme chaos world?

Although there were doubts and doubts in his heart, but Xing Tian didn't react at all on his face, and said with a light smile: "Give up? I'm afraid I can't give up at all now. If I give up the road to the end at this time, I will lose it. The ability of self-protection, do fellow daoists think that the will of the world will let me go? Do you think those **** ancestors of the major forces will abandon me? No, they will not let me go, once I lose the road to the end Their power will be swallowed by them. After all, I am the Descendant. They all desperately want to swallow everything, and they want to know the secrets of the Supreme Chaos World from me!"

In fact, there is one sentence that Xingtian did not say, that is, the death gods and demons have this idea. Without the threat of ending the road, all the creatures in this world want to devour the origin of Xingtian, swallow everything in Xingtian, and The accumulation of Xing Tian's body turned into his own nourishment, strengthened his own way, and made his own path of practice go further!

"Haha! I just reminded fellow daoists that how to choose is a matter for fellow daoists. Everyone has his own way. Perhaps this end avenue is the most suitable for fellow daoists. If there is end avenue in hand, perhaps fellow daoists You can really walk out of a road against the sky, you can walk out of a road of destruction with an endless world as the foundation!"

Way of Destruction? Is this something Xing Tian can practice? Although Xing Tian had thoughts like this in the past, and he had acted, but now Xing Tian really hasn’t thought of evolving his Way of Ending into the Way of World Destruction, an enemy of the whole world, and a deadly enemy of all living beings. It is just the path of the clone, and his own deity does not involve the Dao of Ending. It is based on the Dao of Ending, which Xingtian had never thought about.

It seems that Xing Tian and the death gods and demons are talking in plain, but there is a silent confrontation behind this plain. If you are not careful, you will fall into the other party’s calculations and damage your own road. , It will damage one's daoists and let his own path of practice be determined. It can be said that this is a terrible battle. Although there is no such earth-shaking battle, it is a terrible impact on the soul. Fortunately, Xing Tian persisted. He was not affected by the death gods and demons, was not led by the death gods and demons, and was not influenced by the death gods and demons, causing an accident in his practice!

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