God of Destruction

Chapter 4096: Chaos Core

Chapter 4104 Chaos Star Core

After a while, the Death God and Demon sighed and said, "Friend Xingtian, you should talk about your own requirements. I really don’t know what can move your heart. I have given you huge resources before. I think you don’t lack resources at all, and inheritance is worthless to you. So what do you want me to impress you?"

Although he is unwilling to bow his head, but now the death **** has to bow his head. Whoever allows him to ask Xingtian, who allows Xingtian to take the initiative, if he still doesn't know how to advance or retreat under such circumstances, he would be too arrogant and also Too ignorant!

Faced with the enquiry of the death **** and demon, Xing Tian smiled indifferently and said: "Friends, this is not because I am embarrassing you, but I don’t know how to speak, and I don’t know what you can do to help me, but I can’t do nothing for nothing. I work for you, so how do you tell me to speak, I can’t ask you for some materials that are of no use to me, otherwise, how about you open the treasure house and let me choose something useful to me? In this way, I can also be satisfied, and you can achieve what you want, so that we can be regarded as a win-win situation, and each other can get what we want!"

"Damn! I know this **** can't believe it, I know this madman has been hitting my ideas, and now he finally "shows" his original appearance, wanting to hit my treasure house, the endless years of mine There are many treasures in the treasure house. Once this madman is allowed to enter, I am afraid that my treasures will be swallowed by this madman!"

For a moment, the death **** and demon was furious, and cursed that Xingtian was not a'thing', too insidious and too vicious, but if the death **** and demon were to refuse, he could not do it, because now he is stronger than others, and Xingtian occupies Take the initiative and take advantage. If the death gods and demons do not agree, they will not be helped by Xingtian, and they will face the crisis of death. In the face of life and death, some treasures are nothing, and if they can use one A little bit of treasure in exchange for Xingtian's help is also a good thing for the death **** and devil, but the price cannot be paid too much.

"Friend Xingtian, you really embarrass me. Although I am a chaotic **** and demon, although I have hidden endless years in this world, I really don’t have too many treasures in my hands, and I also gave you huge supplies before. , And I myself consume huge resources. Under this circumstance, what do you think I have left!"

Xing Tian didn’t care about the poverty of the death gods and demons. He smiled calmly and said: “The Daoist’s words are heavy, the endless years, and the gains from the ancient times. I think the Daoist’s hands are not worthy of gains. Give me It’s nothing, not to mention that I won’t take all the Taoist friends’ collections. I just need a little treasure that is useful for my practice. I think this requirement should not be excessive, at least for the Taoists. It's not too much to say!"

"Asshole, you can't call it too much, then what is too much, a little treasure, you have to give me a quantity, otherwise you see all the treasures in my treasure house say that it is good for your own practice, then I can still What is left?" Although there is such anger and dissatisfaction in my heart, but after such words can not be uttered, once I say it, there is no way back!

I saw that the death **** and demon took a deep breath and said, "Friend Xingtian, we shouldn’t test each other like this anymore. It will only waste everyone’s time. For you and me, there is no time to waste, you Tell me an accurate number and want to take a few treasures from my treasure house, so that I can also have a psychological preparation!"

Xing Tian shook his head and said, "A few pieces? Oh! No! No! No! Daoist is too stingy. It is impossible to exchange a few pieces for my full help. I am not stupid enough to spend such a small price. I have sold it to the extent that, for a chaotic **** and demon with such a great cause, you can’t be stingy. Not to mention 10,000 pieces. Give me 1,000 pieces. With the endless years of collection of Daoism, There are tens of thousands of gains, and I shouldn’t be too much to do this a little bit!"

"What? One thousand, Fellow Xingtian, you are too greedy. I don't have so many treasures for you. If you really have to choose a thousand from the treasure house, then my treasure house will be empty." "That's impossible, I will give you ten at most!"

Xing Tianchang sighed: "Ten pieces, death gods and demons, you are too stingy, ten pieces you just want to send me, this is impossible, you are too dark, I can not agree, and the price is not yours. Black, I want a thousand pieces, and you only give ten pieces, so whoever can agree to negotiate, you can’t be so stingy, you have to show a little bit of sincerity, such sincerity is really hard to get me to agree, and you want me to say myself Now I said it, but you gave this answer. If you stand in my position, will you agree? We have to compare our hearts, and you have to think about me!"

The death **** and demon sighed: "Then I should talk about it according to the wishes of fellow daoists. You are too big to speak, and you want a thousand pieces at once. Isn't this trying to wipe out my treasure house? I have no sincerity, then you It should be a little sincere. If you speak like a lion, what can I do? I can't give me all the belongings!"

Facing the poverty of the Death God and Demon, Tian sneered disapprovingly: "Death God and Demon, if you really have only a thousand treasures in the treasury, then as long as I have said nothing, as long as you swear to the development, I can Working for you for nothing, don’t want anything, but do you dare to do this, in the endless years, who would believe that there are only a thousand treasures in the treasure house of chaos gods and demons like you? You will get rewards if you pay. I don’t want to give it, how can you let me help you!"

The death **** and demon sighed: "Friend Xingtian, we want to be reasonable. You want a thousand treasures. How can you allow me to agree? Your requirements are too high, so high that I cannot accept them. Under the circumstances, I can only refuse. It is not that I have no sincerity, and the daoists are too crazy, so that I cannot bear the huge pressure, the daoists will consider again!"


Xing Tian took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Well, since fellow daoists have said that, if I insist on asking for a thousand treasures, it would be a bit too greedy. It's just ten of what fellow daoists said. It’s impossible, so I fold it in half, five hundred treasures, and I only choose five hundred treasures from the treasure house of fellow daoists, so that fellow daoists should always believe in my sincerity, and fellow daoists should be satisfied. Satisfied, then I really have no choice, after all, I have made huge concessions!"

Upon hearing these words, the death **** and demon was defeated by Xingtian’s shamelessness, and he secretly cursed in his heart: "Asshole, you are also called a huge concession. You are still talking about the lion, why don't you grab it? Five hundred treasures, you have no sincerity at all, how can I be satisfied, you want to eat my meat and drink my blood!"

Is anger useful? It's no use. At this time, the death **** and demon are in a passive state. No matter how angry it is, it will not help. Moreover, turning his face with Xingtian at this time will only make him suffer a greater crisis and greater pressure. He must persuade Xingtian , It's just that he couldn't pay the terrible request Xingtian wanted, five hundred treasures, which the death gods and demons could not agree to!

Seeing the hesitant and angry look of the Death God and Demon, Xing Tian smiled indifferently and said: "Death God and Demon, there is no cause and effect between us, you should think carefully, no matter how good the treasure is, your "life" is important. Well, if your life is gone, what use is it for you to leave such treasures, it will only cost others in vain, so it is better to give me this ally, so that I can increase my strength, or have a bigger daoist friend Help, so your plan can be successful, and I can go further!"

consider? No matter how you think about it, this is simply impossible! The death **** demon shook his head and sighed: "Friend Xingtian, let’s change the method. You have to sacrifice the city of Chaos and build the Avenue of the Planets. Why don’t I give you another batch of Chaos materials so that your practice can be used. And I can also be less stressed, so we can all have an acceptable result!"

Xing Tian shook his head lightly and said: "Friends of Taoism are embarrassing me. I can't use so many chaotic materials. How much materials are used in a city of chaos, and how much can I cultivate from this point of cultivation? In the City of Chaos, Fellow Daoists are clearly difficult for others, and clearly do not want to increase my practice. I cannot accept such a request!"

"No, fellow Daoists should not rush to refuse. Since I dare to say that, I naturally have confessions that satisfy fellow Daoists. What I have given is not ordinary chaotic materials, but chaotic star nuclei. Daoists build the avenue of planets and stars. With the star map of the Taiping Dao in hand, if you can have a batch of chaotic star cores, whether it is used to enhance the origin of your own star avenue, or to sacrifice the star map again, it is a good choice, and it can also enhance the strength of the Dao friends. Since then, fellow Taoists don’t need to choose treasures!"

Good guys! The death gods and demons hide so deeply, they even gave Xing Tian such a choice, the chaos star core, that is the treasure of the destruction of stars bred by the highest chaos world, even if Xing Tian is the descendant of the highest chaos world, he does not have it in his hands. If such a treasure really has a batch of chaotic star nuclei, and it still comes from the star nucleus of the ancient times, it would be of immeasurable benefits to Xing Tian, ​​and it would also make Xing Tian unable to refuse. Such a suggestion would really make Xing Tian move his heart. !

His heart moved back to his heart, but Xing Tian did not rush to agree, but said in a deep voice: "Death God and Demon, you have to make it clear that this is really a chaotic star core, and it comes from the chaotic star core of your time, without any It’s not a time to lie about the consumed chaotic star core. If you can’t do it, then we’d better not talk about it, or it’s not good for you or me!"

The death **** and demon said in a deep voice: "Of course, since I dare to speak, I can naturally ensure that what I have said is true, but fellow daoists can no longer speak loudly. After all, I don’t have many chaotic star cores in my hands during the endless years. Only one thousand daoists can be given to fellow daoists. Before the daoists wanted a thousand treasures, I replaced them with these thousand chaotic star cores, so that the daoists should also be consummated. This is my sincerity. I want to see the sincerity of fellow Taoists!"

Xing Tian shook his head and said, "No, this is not sincere. Fellow Daoists are secretly exchanging ideas. One thousand treasures are replaced by a thousand chaotic star cores. This is too greedy. How could chaotic star cores be Compared with treasures, let alone treasures in the treasure house of fellow Taoists, I cannot agree to such a request. It is not that I am greedy, but that fellow Taoists are not sincere. A thousand chaotic star nuclei can do nothing for me. How powerful, it is clear in my heart that a thousand star cores cannot complete the transformation!"

"Damn it, Xingtian, this **** bastard, is so greedy, not satisfied with a thousand star cores, really greedy, if it weren't for such a tense situation, how could I discuss with you, I would have killed you **** long ago!"

hate! Nowadays, the death demon hates Xing Tian and bites his teeth, but he cannot refuse Xing Tian, ​​he cannot push Xing Tian to the side of the will of the world, and he cannot make Xing Tianmin his enemy. At this time, it is no small thing, not a friend, then It must be the enemy, and he cannot win over Xing Tian, ​​so in the end he must face the threat of Xing Tian.

After taking another deep breath, the death **** demon forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, and said: "According to Xingtian Taoist friend, how much Chaos Star Core I should pay to you can be satisfied. Although Chaos Star Core is not comparable to the treasure house. , But it's not readily available. In today's world, there are very few chaotic star cores. Don't be greedy anymore!"

"Hahaha! The Death God and Demon look down upon me. I am not as greedy as a fellow daoist. Actually, my requirements are not high. Three thousand are enough. As long as there are three thousand chaotic star cores, I can sacrifice the star again. Picture, I can perfect this treasure of origin and make my own avenue of stars go further. Daoists should not rush to refuse. With these three thousand star cores, my strength will be further improved, and Daoists will be able to reduce even more. A lot of pressure, the number of three thousand is my last rule. If fellow daoists can’t agree, then we should go our separate ways so as not to be embarrassed with each other!” At this time, Xing Tian didn’t want to waste time any more, and directly addressed the death god. After the final notice, the number of three thousand cannot be reduced. This is Xingtian's final bottom line.

The number of three thousand is also a huge pressure for the death **** and devil, but from Xingtian’s expression, the death **** and devil’s mood is extremely heavy. He can feel that this is Xingtian’s final bottom line, and if he refuses, there is really no peace between the two parties. It is possible that the number of three thousand is exactly the number of the week and the sky, and the star map in Xingtian's hands!

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